
You clicked the “about” page? Really?

I wasn’t sure anyone would actually do that. Hm. I better write something so you don’t feel you wasted your time.

Official-sounding bio stuff:

I’ve been a lifeguard, a fast-food-flinger, a network administrator, and a soldier in the U.S. Army. From 2004 to 2011, I made a living as a blogger and affiliate marketer. I worked from home and made my own hours, so in many ways it was a dream job, but I’d always wanted to tell stories (instructing people on how to select a home security system or which gym equipment to buy wasn’t quite as fun as you’d think). Back in 2009 or so, I decided to “get serious” about finishing up some novels. I had a number of half-written manuscripts I could have focused on, but the characters I’d known longest were the Emperor’s Edge crew, and I also enjoyed spending time with them (seriously, who wouldn’t want to spend time with Maldynado? :D).

I finished Emperor’s Edge…and then let it sit on my hard drive for a year. I wasn’t sure it was good enough to send off to an agent (nor was I excited by the idea of querying ten bazillion agents). And there wasn’t much point in starting EE2 if I hadn’t sold EE1. So, I went on to write Encrypted, thinking that would be easier to sell because it was a stand-alone story and I had more experience as a writer by then. But… what started out as high-fantasy in a steam-age world ended up having this strange science-fiction bent in the end, and I wasn’t sure how to “sell” it to agents. Cross-genre? Steampunk? High fantasy? It wasn’t really any of the above, and, either way, I didn’t see many agents looking for those things (in fact, I saw more of them saying, “under no circumstances send us that secondary-world-fantasy crapola” — it’s possible I’m paraphrasing).

About that time (fall of 2010), I got my first Kindle and stumbled across JA Konrath’s blog on self-publishing. Within weeks, I’d decided I wanted to go that route. Since I had a background in blogging, search engine optimization, internet marketing, etc., I wasn’t intimidated by the idea of online book promotion (though, as it turns out, my background helped less than you’d think, and I had a lot to learn!).

In late 2011, I e-published my fourth novel, and, thanks to your support, I’ve been able to leave the old day job and make this author thing a full-time gig. I’m not making what I used to make, but it’s my dream job, and that’s what matters most to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Amaranthe and Sicarius ever hook up?

Oh, yeah, like I’d answer that here and spoil things. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Will you ever publish traditionally?

Maybe someday. There are times when doing everything gets a little overwhelming, but nobody’s made me an offer I couldn’t refuse yet. (I’ve been approached by a couple of small presses and even one of the new Amazon Publishing Imprints.)

I’ll definitely finish the Emperor’s Edge series on my own. After that, we’ll see. I’m not a huge seller by the standards of some indie authors, but I’m doing fine on my own, and I’m delighted by how many readers visit the blog, Facebook page, Twitter stream, etc. on a regular basis. We’re well over 1,000 newsletter subscribers too! A part of me likes the idea of seeing how far I can go on my own.

Can you review my book?

Sorry, no, I don’t have the time. I’m trying to write two novels and some shorter ebooks every year so that I can keep my name out there (and keep those readers satisfied!). I also maintain this blog as a resource for others thinking of self-publishing, usually posting 2-3 (long!) posts a week. When I do get time to read, I choose to catch up with my favorite authors. That said, I wish you the best of luck with your new release!

Guest Posting Policy

I’m not looking for guest posts at this time. I’ve hosted them in the past, and might again one day, but I have too much going on to worry about scheduling posts to fit into people’s blog tours and such. I don’t even schedule my own posts. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks for reading!


167 Responses to About

  1. Monica Quates says:

    I loved the Republic and can’t wait for more books to follow. It was as good a read as the Emperors Edge Series. I think they would make an awesome Scifi Movie because it has so much going on in the story you are never bored and can’t stop reading it. I hope the Republic Series has as many books as the Emperors Edge and that the 2nd book comes out soon. Keep up the good work.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you, Monica. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the books!

    • Roy Taylor says:

      I fully agree with Monica Quates ( 2014 comment) Republic was my favourite. I read a lot of top selling SF books, and I find your style of writing unique in it’s ability to entertain. Publish these books– you must get an offer you can’t refuse!

  2. Nonso says:

    Yep, thoroughly enjoyed Republic. I couldn’t put EE 1-7 down but found myself able to take breaks from Republic, though. Looking forward to the next one and hoping it’s as engaging as the earlier books. Thanks Lindsay, I am a self certified fan.

  3. Dara says:

    About 3 weeks ago I was searching for some new reads with a steampunk setting. And so I came across your EE books. They are great! I have read them all and in search for more I looked up your website today.


  4. Bailey Percival says:

    Where are you from? I’m from Prescott and loved how I could visualize every place you mentioned. I love the Raven. So I was just curious about your knowledge of the town.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Bailey! I think I was still living in Phoenix when I wrote this, but I’ve been up in Prescott for the last year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Robert Benson says:


    I found you on Smashwords, and read EE1. I will probably read more of the EE series, although I am a bit put off by the large number of volumes in the series.

    Too often I think authors just crank out more volumes in the same setting because it’s easier, even though the story starts getting too contrived to be good … take Anne McCaffrey for example.

    In contrast, take someone like Jules Romain, who wrote something like 22 novels in “Les Hommes de bonne volontรฉ” (The Men of Good Will series). I think I read just about all of them. Here he’s woven from the very beginning the stories of about 8 characters through the history of France in the early 20th century. This concept unified the themes of the novels all together in a way that typical serial novels don’t.

    I also wanted to see what else you could do, and so read R&R2 which I enjoyed immensely. Yes, the tone is very light, but it was a very pleasurable, fun read. So, I think I will continue with that for now.

    As a life-long SF&F reader, I think I can say it’s hard to find writers who have such a deft tone with style and humor as you. In fact, I am most reminded of Linnea Sinclair (who unfortunately these days hasn’t been turning out anything, although she’d lately been cranking out books in the same setting!). In contrast with you, however, she also imbues her work with some darker and more passionate themes, which adds another dimension to the read.

    Bottom line, I think that your work is very promising, and I hope it continues to work out well for you … meaning of course that I hope I get to read more of your good books!


    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for checking out the books, Robert. If you haven’t tried Bujold yet, definitely give her a spin too. She has awesome characters, humor, and some darker elements too.

    • David says:

      As someone who has read all 9 of the EE books, I would recommend them all, they are all enjoyable.
      I couldn’t see after the first one how she could do many more but they are really good.
      I hope there is a number 10.

    • Angela Somerville says:

      I tend to agree about sagas. I started the Wheel of Time series and found it really got bogged down; same as Game of Thrones. However, I can assure you that none of the EE books get bogged down. Every single one is so exciting!

  6. Ollie says:

    I never thought steampunk & fantasy could blend so well till I read the EE series. I couldn’t put then down till I was done, & I recommend it to EVERYONE I know that isn’t daunted by a 7 book long series. It’s totally worth it. The characters are wonderfully realistic & the plot is great!! Ever considered a movie or tv series? I think it would be a hit!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for the kind words, Ollie, and for recommending the books to others. I’m glad you enjoyed the series! I’m sure Maldynado would love to star in his own movie or tv series, but we’re still waiting for Hollywood to call. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Dana says:

    I absolutely love your Emporer’s Edge series. I accidentally stumbled upon your first (free) book and it looked totally different from what I would normally gravitate toward. Maybe this new age of marketing – that I have resisted so wholeheartedly – has some advantages. Amazon led me to you, one way or another, and I haven’t been able to stop reading since.

    The way you kept the story alive wih the characters, and the switch to another historical timeline, have kept me from being bored. I must have read at least seven books by now, and am ready to buy another. I understand Robert Benson’s concerns, and must say that I have had no periods of boredom, whatsoever. Just when I started worrying that I might, you switched gears.

    That you for deciding on the free book. I doubt that I would have ever read your books without that option. In fact, it sat on my iPad for a while before I started reading, as I didn’t have time for reading after shopping for a new book. I downloaded several free books at the time, and once I (later) got to yours, I readily knew I would be buying more.

    One other quality I love in your books is the fact that you introduce me to new words and new meanings of words I thought I already knew. You don’t detract from the story (as I have a general idea of what the word means), but if I feel that I can’t completely describe the meaning, I look it up with the iPad dictionary. For two or three, I have had to go to the Internet to define. The first time my dictionary came up blank, I thought you were using amade-up word for the story! Ha! I underestimated your linguistic skills! (Sorry!)

    I plan to write some reviews for Amazon when I have more time. Sorry about the delay, but I will get to it. Your books are sooooooo worth reading. Keep up the great work! If news spreads about your work, I think your sales will skyrocket.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for giving that first book a try, Dana. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my site, and reviews are always welcome too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Linda says:

    Wow it seems most comments are about the EE series. I can’t wait to get to that one.

    I am reading the Dragon Blood series right now. I found it on Bookbub. I get the email of their daily specials. As I am on disability and can’t get around much I find myself short on money and long on time ๐Ÿ™‚ I love finding the specials so I can sample authors for free or low cost. There was a time when I would make myself finish a book even if I wasn’t loving it, but now my motto is so many books so little time. So I give it a fair chance but move on if it doesn’t catch my interest by page 10 (just kidding more like chapter 10) I have found a few new authors that I LOVE and probably never would have found otherwise and you are now on my list of approved investments LOL I am on book 3 have already bought book 4 and the first in the EE series. I love the humor and the action, the characters are so real and believable. I will now be devouring your books.

    I am also a huge fan of your vocabulary. I love finding new words and having the ability to look them up easily on my e-reader makes it even more fun.

    So keep up the good work I’m telling all of my friends about you. We like to share good authors.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Linda!

      Thank you for checking out the books! I’m glad you’re enjoying the adventures so far, and I hope you have with the EE series too. Take care, and happy reading!

  9. Helen says:

    I’ve just finished Thorn Fall (Rust & Relics 2) and I had a great time reading the first 2 books in the series. They’re vastly entertaining, the characters are loveable and the dynamic between them is great. Loved the humour! I’m really looking forward to the third instalment. Any idea when it will be ?

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad you’re enjoying Delia, Simon, and the gang, Helen! I’ve got a couple of other projects in the lineup first (trying to finish a couple of my open series), but I’ll be working on Rust & Relics 3 this summer. Thanks for reading!

  10. Sorina says:

    I picked up EE1 (which I had downloaded for free from Kobo a while ago) during Christmas when I ran out of my normal reads and have not been able to put your books down since. I’ve finished the EE series, including Republic and all the short stories, all the Dragon Blood books and Flash Gold 1-3.

    Like Dana this would not be my normal read, but am always up for trying something for free.

    I’m about to start the 4th Flash Gold book and cannot wait for the next in the Dragon Blood series to be published.

    Your work keeps me riveted and I’ve been recommending it to likeminded souls. Keep up the good work.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for checking out the books, Sorina. I’m glad you’ve been having fun with them! Hope the new ones will continue to entertain. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Grace Harding says:

    I absolutely love the EE series! I am currently reading Republic and am wondering if it is its own series or book 8 of EE. If it is the first book of a new series, are there going to be many more that follow???

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Grace! I’m glad you’re enjoying the books. Republic is kind of a transition book, setting things up for possible new series. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve got the rough draft of a Basilard-focused book done now, so look for that later this summer!

  12. Elizabeth says:

    I am enthralled with your Dragon Blood series. I am eagerly awaiting The Blade’s Memory release on June 14th. Jaxi makes me laugh out loud(soul snozzle..LOL).Ridge and Sardelle along with Tolemek and Cas have me wanting more of their story. I truly enjoy the time I can spend reading about them and the adventure they are on.I am a huge Robert Jordan(may he rest in peace)fan and his series had me in knots,laughter,crying and yearning for more. I had a hard time finding an author I could connect with. My time now is not available as before(small children than teenagers now with all kinds of school crap) so huge drawn out novels are not my forte as much. Your writing has me wanting to find that quiet space in my house to sit and read again. Though your style of writing is completely different it keeps me wanting for the next book.Keep going the way you are,write from the heart and soul. I am starting Emperor’s Edge as I await the release of The Blade’s Memory. I am more than sure I will enjoy every page.

    • Lindsay says:

      Heya, Elizabeth! Thanks for checking out the Dragon Blood books. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series so far!

      Yup, I definitely write a touch shorter than Robert Jordan. David Eddings was more my guy when I was Hoovering down tons of fantasy in my youth. His books weren’t exactly short, but they weren’t quite so capable of holding open doors. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Julie says:

    A couple months ago I was skimming IBooks for something to keep me company. I was stuck in a hotel room in Portsmouth, VA, and it’s only redeeming quality was a quaint view of a frozen, muddy creek full of litter and multiple smokestacks. I just finished the EE series, and that’s all I could think about when I was reading the final bits of action in the last book. Anyway, I digress. I picked EE because it seemed a bit obscure. The synopsis sucked me in. I read the first three books that week in the hotel, and went on to purchase the rest of the series for myself and my husband. We adore the characters and the banter between them. I look forward to reading the rest of your work in the future, and have already suggested this series to several friends and family members who I think will also fall in love. :)))

  14. Tammy says:

    I just binge-read the first three stories in The Emperor’s Edge series. Time to get back to real life now! Incredible world, love the subtle references to steampunk.

    I am also a writer masquerading as other things. How do you keep your focus? If it’s not the day job, the spouse, kid or environment ( I live in the Bahamas, so aquatic distractions abound) finding the sacred time to write is tough. Any advice? T

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for checking out the books, Tammy! I’d have a hard time, too, if the beaches were calling me. ๐Ÿ˜€ Most writers I know who manage to be prolific while raising kids and working full time get up super early so they can write for an hour or two before the rest of the household is up. A couple of others are night owls. Sacrificing sleep seems to the be secret!

  15. Shannon says:

    I came across the Emperor’s Edge series on Kindle. They were recommended due to other books I had read and I am so happy they were recommended. I LOVE the characters and have already boasted about them on FB. Most of my friends are already reading as I type. We have a hard time finding “good reads”. Thanks for developing such a great series! I didn’t know there were so many until Friday night. I bought it as a set of 3 so I thought I was reading a trilogy. Imagine may (happy) surprise when I found out there were 5 more. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the books, Shannon, and thanks for recommending them to your friends! I love it, too, when I stumble across a new author, and there’s a whole series to read. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. peter cook says:

    I have just finished the 1st three in the Soulblade series and thoroughly enjoyed them I have just started Emperors Edge and a big thumbs up so far for it.It is good to hear that you are keeping on with your writing I am an avid reader and have added you to my favourite authors list cheers

  17. Deborah McWhae says:

    Hi Lindsay,
    I’ve just finished Dragon Blood 1-3. I absolutely loved them and found it hard to put down. I’m a 58yo female in Australia. I love all fantasy and especially anything with dragons. Love real life dragons also, Water Dragons, Central Bearded Dragons etc. About to read book 4 and will eventually work my way through all your books. Happy I have discovered you. Mind if I ask how old you are, you look very young….keep up the great writing.
    Cheers from Australia…Deb

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Deborah! Thanks for checking out the books and for popping in. I’m glad you’re enjoying the Dragon Blood books. The one I’m working on now (6) will have some serious dragon action. We have some lizards in AZ that are almost as fierce as dragons, but I’m sure we can’t compete with the Aussie critters.

      I’m not that young! I never had kids and cultivate my immature side to keep people fooled. ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Nad says:

    My normal genre of books tend to be fantasy or historical fiction and stumbled across Amaranth and co in between books. I’m so glad I did.
    Wonderful characters, great fight scenes, and brilliant humour.
    Enjoyed every book in the Emperor series. Can’t wait for more!
    Brilliant stuff!

  19. Debbie says:

    Just thought I would give you some feedback on the EE series. I stumbled across this series when I was looking for something to read. I bought the first book knowing it was a series and then couldn’t put down my kindle until I had finished the entire series including the spin-off novels like Encrypted. I enjoy a good fantasy series but this one captured my imagination to the point that I was sorry it had to end. Loved the whole series. I am now reading Dragon blood series and can’t put it down either.
    Thank you for the wonderful experience that reading your novels has given me.

  20. Kelly says:

    I cant believe you ended Dragon Blood 6 on a cliffhanger!!!! How could you??? I have to wait till the end of December??? What??? OK I am being dramatic.I am over it. Mostly.

    I have read almost everything you have put out, including the more passionate options from your alter ego. I have enjoyed every one. I started with EE and after the first book I was hooked. I have not been disappointed since. Your characters are so fun and the dialog is fantastic. I can’t wait for the next adventure.

    I do really appreciate how quickly you are able to get new works out. It is so frustrating to get into a story and have to wait a year/s for the next book to come out. You manage to churn them out at what I find a rapid rate without detracting from the quality of writing. So Thanks.

  21. Mike says:

    I’m a huge fan of your Dragon Blood novels. Thank you for sharing Sardelle, Ridge, Jaxi and the rest of the gang. Their challenges, triumphs, and even losses show people at their best (yes, including Jaxi!). As a former naval flight officer I think you’ve well captured the camaraderie of a good squadron. But even better is how Sardelle and her beau overcome everything with the help of a respectful, humble sword.

    • Lindsay says:

      Aw, thanks, Mike! But did you just call Jaxi humble? *gasp* ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Helen says:

        Lindsay, I have just bull dozed my way through this series and am about to do a web post on the whole 9 books. (I just love it when I don’t have to wait for the next in a series.) I am here to catch up on who you are and I saw this comment on Jaxi. I was going to do a !!! comment then saw yours. Wow Jaxi is a arrogant, assertive and confident (so she thinks) character nowhere near humble.

        • Lindsay says:

          Thanks for checking out the series, Helen! Jaxi definitely needs to work on her humbleness. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Tom Maddox says:

            I’ve rad the first 5 books and am now reading the short story 5.5 Under the Ice Blades, Jaxi has her moments of being humble and showing humility when its needed. She definitely has heart, for awhile there in book five when she was going toe to toe with the other sword and still helping out her people while suffering in silence to what she was dealing with battling the other sword while her people were trying to find and neutralize the Dragon Blood sphere keeping the Cohfa battle bastion airborne is one such instance. I see a lot of Jaxi in characters like Ahn the “Raptor” and Captain Kaika, the are two human representatives of Jaxi’s overall personality in my opinion. I say this least Jaxi think about having me urinate on myself or fry my balls off, YES she has said she could or would or has done that lol. Yup not pissing of the Soulsword even if it is a bit reliquary for our time and its lack of belief in the magical. Great series and am looking forward to reading the others.

  22. Eugenia says:

    Hello Lindsay,

    After buying the first four books of The Emperor’s Edge, I got hooked so I have bought the rest of the series although I haven’t finished all of them yet. I am a 67- year-old grandmother of four grandchildren. My husband keeps telling me that I should come down from the clouds but I like it up there.

    By the way I am a retired Greek teacher of English, and what I loved about your books is that they are grammatically correct, they have a rich vocabulary and they show that you are a well-read and insightful person.Your choice of names for your heroes is also very imaginative. Sicarius is a meaningful choice of a name and Amaranthe is well created too. Do you have a Greek background or you just happen to be well read in the classics? I am intrigued. I envy your imagination and I hope you will go on writing more about the fascinating world you have created.

    My only claim to fame is the translation of most of J.R.R.Tolkien’s books into Greek.

    I hope you will find the time to send me an e-mail at my e-address.

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and productive New Year


  23. Dee says:

    Oh my DAYS! (As my students would have it)
    I’ve just discovered your Emperor Edges.
    Absolutely spellbound.
    The first EE was via a circuitous Bookbub route but just bought and consumed 2 and 3.
    Looking to pick up 4 now…



    Q:im so invested in the diversity of ur characters , if u r going for human image front cover changes, is it possible that +_bronze shades can be reflected in some series?
    Context: Black Briton of African ethnicity so it’s not that I’m bronze myself, (more bronze+++ haha ). it’s just coming across such entertaining art and wanting every aspect writing (check) plus visuals to feel inclusive.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Dee! I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories. I’ll see what I can do with the cover redesigns! I don’t think it will be too hard to find an Amaranthe with some color. Sicarius might be tougher. Maybe we can photoshop his hair blond. ;D

  24. Courtney says:

    I love your EE books. I’ve been off work for weeks with an injury (sustained on exercise with the army) and your books have kept me sane. They are brilliant, you should be proud of your great works. I’ve read all of them in three weeks!

    Moving on to your other books now, but cannot wait for the next EE instalment please!

    Thank you!

  25. Kristina says:

    I just discovered your Dragon Blood series and am on book 4. I love the action, romance and adventure in the stories – love the writing and particularly the jokes. I am so glad I have found your books – like finding a wee bit of gold at the end of the rainbow!!

  26. Harry says:

    Just finished listening to Torrent: Rust & Relics, Book 1. I loved it! I hope you are working on book 2. I’m addicted to audio books and hope you make the next book available as audio. I enjoyed Nola Zandry’s reading, please have her read the next book also. Impatiently waiting.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for listening, Harry! There’s a Rust & Relics novella out on audiobook now, and I am planning to have her do Book 2 this spring too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Sarah says:

    Do you have a list of all the podcasts you participate in Lindsay? I’ve really enjoyed listening to the SFFMarketing podcasts and in a few of them you make references to other podcasts you participate in but I haven’t been able to find them listed anywhere (I admit I didn’t look super hard, so hoping I didn’t miss something obvious)

  28. Joss Lambert says:

    Just stumbled across your books on kindle as part of a if you like this check out this type thing brought the first sardelle and ridge book and been completely pulled in love them. you made the right call becoming an author, keep them coming. Best wishes

  29. Grace Delan Manzano says:

    Hi, Lindsay. I came to stopped by here in your website to let you know that you are a wonderful and amazing writer. (I hope I don’t come off as much a flatterer though, hope you don’t mind because I really love your EE series ?) I just had finished reading your book Republic and it was fantastic, I’ve been reading it non-stopped. I’ve had all the feels in the world reading your works. Though I’m yet to read your other works, I’m hoping there’s still much after Republic (Would you mind putting some more of Amaranthe and Sicarius story? ?) Anyways, more power to your work and all the best for you ?.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Grace! I’m glad you’ve had fun with the books! There’s a little more of Amaranthe and Sicarius in the Basilard novel, Diplomats & Fugitives (they come in for the second half), and I’ll write at least one more novel after that eventually. Thanks for reading!

      • Grace Delan Manzano says:

        *Oh my god, I squealed, literally.* Thank you for responding. I actually had the mistake mentioning Republic, though I’m actually referring to Diplomats and Fugitives. My fault. I’m actually in the verge of finishing the side stories of EE. Anyway, I’m glad that you’re planning to add another one and I hope to wait for it patiently. I miss everything about the series already but I’m gonna start reading your other works too. Hope you have all the best in your life and in your works. Thank you.

  30. Carmen says:

    Hi Lindsay!

    Thank you for writing such passioning books! I love all of them, but especially the Emperor’s Edge series and I hope there more books to come with Amaranthe and Sicarius.
    I am an MD working in Humanitarian and Relief work and having your books with me on my Kindle during some of the most arrowing missions I have had in the last 12 months, was wonderful! They helped me to increase my stress resilience and provided a wonderful escape from some very harsh realities. Looking forward to read more from you :-)!

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad the books helped out, Carmen! Gosh, I feel I should put “can increase your stress resilience” on a cover blurb for one of them. ๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks for sharing!

  31. Sam says:

    Happy Easter, Lady!

    I have to agree whole-heartedly with Eugenia’s comments, it is wonderful to have access to such wordsmithery (if that isn’t a word, it ought to be). I, too, grew up devouring Eddings, along with Anne McCaffrey. I always appreciated their genius in characterisation (McCaffrey in particular); you, too, have that skill, of which I am in awe. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    I am lucky enough to have a job I love. However, you managed to make me resent it so far as to begin seriously considering what excuses I could invent for being absent. How? I went through both the Dragonsblood and EE series without a break. I wanted nothing more than to read, and often did until 4am, when I had to be up at 7 for work. Not that I was much use to anyone; when I wasn’t immersed in a book, I was thinking about it, replaying scenes, conversations…Lindsay, I lost weeks to those rascals! It’s been a long time since that happened (although C. Gockel also managed to entrap me the same way), so thank you, and please keep writing amazing stories, and incredibly alluring characters.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Sam! Hope you had a nice Easter. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the books! Hah, a friend recommended an old sci-fi romance by McCaffrey that I’m reading right now. Glad you liked Carolynn’s books too — we’ve had her on our SF&F podcast a couple of times, and she seems like a cool lady!

  32. Terri Bruneau says:

    Hi, I just had to drop a note and congratulate you on your great books. I have enjoyed them all, but most of all I really enjoyed the Rust & Relics series. First off I have to be honest and say that I have lived in and around the Sedona area for over forty years and have heard ever story of Vortex’s and Bell Rock since their conception. I laughed so hard at how you used these “legends” in your stories. Thank you again for great entertainment. Keep on writing, it has been a long time since I have enjoyed an author this much.

  33. Christine says:

    Hi Lindsay, as an avid reader of Louise Penny, David Weber (Honor Harrington & Safehold) & Matthew Riley’s earlier books, I am now placing you in that esteemed group. It is rare to find a laugh out loud novel, that you feel compelled to share with friends and family. To so totally warm to fictional characters that you feel like you have known them for ages or wish that you did. I feel really comfortable recommending your books to everyone. Keep up the witty banter and the unusual characters. I am absolutely thrilled about your next venture into Sci-Fi as an avid FireFly and Joss Whedon fan, yes I have signed up for those newsletters, I know you won’t disappoint.

  34. Knut Myhrvold says:

    Hi. Love your books. Been through most of them now, but lucky for me, you seem to write faster than I can read. But I have to ask you about your name. Buroker sounds Norwegan. Was your grandparents imigrants from Scandinavia?

    • Lindsay says:

      Hey, Knut! I’m glad you’re enjoying the books! It’s actually German (though it got mangled over the generations and doesn’t mean anything anymore), but I do have some Norwegian blood on my mom’s side of the family. I love lefsa. ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. Susie says:

    Lindsay, I just finished all three of the Fallen Empire books this week. I’m an avid military sci-if fan, read extremely quickly, and I absolutely love your books. The characters, humor, and hint of romance send your books (figuratively) out of this world. Please, please, please keep writing in this genre; we need more quality authors. I also love it that although you are self-published, I don’t feel as if I need to take out my red pen (on an e-book!). Thanks so much for an enjoyable start to my summer break, and I look forward to reading more in this series.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for the kind words, Susie! I’m glad you’re enjoying the new series! Haha, using a red pen on an e-reader sounds messy. Glad you haven’t needed yours. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Bjork says:

    I stumbled up on your blog and even though I’m a true crime book reviewer I found all of your writing highly fascinating

    Thanks for the good ideas and inspiration

  37. Alison says:

    I am so happy that I came across Emperors Edge on my Kindle – I haven’t been able to put the series down (7 books in under 2 weeks – and that’s with a 4 Yr old and a full time job!)
    It has been a while since I’ve loved a series as much.
    It’s great that your self published and thank you for a witty, characterful story

  38. Tony says:

    I’ve never heard of you before. I was looking for steampunk stories and I tried reading your books. I was surprised to find that I can’t put them down. Your writing is spectacular. The narrative is smooth and easy to follow and your character description are wonderful. You have the fabulous ability to tell lots of important information without it looking like exposition which has to be put somewhere. I wish I could write as beautifully as you write. These are wonderful stories! BUT Why haven’t I ever heard of you!?

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for picking up the books, Tony! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying them. I’m not traditionally published, so not in the regular bookstores. Just online for the most part!

  39. Tony says:

    Would I be correct if I guessed that you are “self publishing” your own stories in Amazon. If so, congratulations! That’s an up and coming way to publish books and I commend you on doing it so successfully.

  40. Natalie R. says:


    I am a avid reader of the EE series. I absolutely love the whole gang and it was so heartening to see Basilard’s story finally take place! My one question though, is will we get to see more Amaranthe and Sicarius (and maybe even children- AHHH!)! That would be amazing! Anyways, I’m sure you’ve gotten this often but thank you for writing such amazing characters that really come to life from each page. I also love your vocabulary- I’ve probably had to learn hundreds of new words since book 1. Thank you for your work, keep on carrying on!!
    Natalie R.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Natalie! I don’t have plans for doing another series centered around Am & Sic at this point, but I haven’t ruled it out. We’ll see after I get my other open series wrapped up. ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. El of LA says:

    I haven’t read such totally engrossing books since I read Patricia McKillip or Anne McCaffrey (my two most favorite authors, outside of Jane Austen)! I have “name dropped” just to tell you how totally awesome I think your talent is and that I rate you right up there with those classic authors. I have bought all your books from Barnes and Noble’s offerings and I hope this gives you a little royalty money. You deserve fame and fortune for your talent!

    Thank you for your stories … the characters and the development of the stories are so intense that I read them every chance I have to get a moment, and resent taking time out to sleep at night. I’m just devastated that soon I will run out of the stories you have written to date, and will have to wait breathlessly for new ones to appear.

    By the way… did you ever write articles for the website Stratics? Your game “Strat Tiles” and some of your writing and the timing of it made me wonder!

    All the best to you. You have an ardent fan in me.
    — Elizabeth Butler

    • Lindsay says:

      Aw, I’m glad you’ve been enjoying them, El. Never been to the Stratics site, but I’m not surprised that someone else has that name!

  42. Tony says:

    I have become a loyal reader.
    I have been downloading (Kindle) and reading every one of your books.
    I think you are the best author I have ever read.
    I am surprised you’re not famous.
    Your writing is masterful and I hope you continue writing great books.

  43. Psm says:

    Stumbled across Star Nomad through Bookbub. Binge read first 2 of the series. Have loaded 3 and 4 because I can’t wait. Love the humor, characters and just, well, all of it!!!!

  44. Jal says:

    Hi Lindsay,
    I came across your Dragon Blood Omnibus through Audible just last week, and I’m HOOKED!! I am now scouring Audible and wish-listing the rest of your books. You are my new favourite author!
    I have just recently competed some creative writing short courses and I hope to one day complete my own first book. I’m really inspired by your stories to keep going with my own work.
    I’m looking forward listening to your other stories!

  45. Bob says:

    Hey Lindsay,
    I read the bit you wrote about audiobooks but I was still hoping you would do books 6 and 7 of the Dragon blood series with the same narrator. If you could let us all know, I have to assume I’m not the only one wondering. I’ve bought all the previous productions and loved them.
    Thanks, Bob

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Bob! Podium Publishing is continuing on with the series, yes. The 5.5 novella should be out in December, and Book 6 early in 2017. Thanks for listening!

  46. Ginny Williams says:

    I found the Emperor’s Edge series through a BookBub email. I’ve now read all of the books and short stories this past week I’m obsessed. Please please please write more!

  47. Landon says:

    Greetings. I haven’t read any of your books yet, but I’ve seen most of your interviews (podcasts) and am impressed with your discipline and productivity. You remind me of Anthony Trollope, 19th century English novelist, who wrote 40 or so best selling books, who famously said that discipline was most important. “It’s the water drop that hollows the stone. ”

    You probably have a more fertile imagination than he did in as much as he wrote social, romantic themes and you write “fantasy.”

  48. Robin Wiseman says:

    Hi Lindsay

    I’m one of those strange male Robins we have here in England, but I felt compelled to tell you how much I am enjoying EE. I found Book 1 looking on Kindle for something free, enjoyed it so much I bought 2 and 3, and am about to move on to 4.

    Your writing, by the way, is excellent (so far ahead of JK Rowling, for instance) and I find the characters very attractive. I’m also a sucker for stories of unfulfilled romance.

    My one quibble is pedantic but valid, I feel: your books are not fantasy but science fiction. Say, for the sake of argument, a spaceship pilot crashlanded on a planet and your world is what he found. Everyone would call it science fiction.

    There’s no fantasy; you describe and account for every artifact you introduce, the world is self sustaining, the magic is not far beyond modern advanced science and perfectly conceivable. There are no gods, spirits or other fantasy type devices to move the plot on – your characters have to work for it within the boundaries and the physics/chemistry you have set for your location. (Alright, I haven’t read all the books!). However, I imagine there’s a much bigger market (particularly among women) for a book labelled fantasy, so I know I’m swimming against the tide.

    Anyway, I’m a sucker for steampunk which is why I picked EE originally.

    To conclude, thanks for a great read!


    PS Are you still looking for a mapmaker because there’s one who works 200 yards away from my house?

  49. Sue Brettell says:

    Hey Lindsay

    I’ve just finished The Emperor’s Edge and can’t wait to dive into the series and then, when I’m mourning the last one, I’ll turn to your other books.

    Categorising schmizing! Terry Pratchett’s work defies categorisation, so does Pullman’s Golden Compass series. I know publishers want to know which section in the book shop to put you, but who likes being pigeon-holed?

    The Emperor’s Edge would make a great film. Wouldn’t casting it be fun? I’d love to know who you have in mind …but don’t answer that! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for picking up the EE books, Sue. I’m glad you’re enjoying the adventure so far! People have speculated on actors before on my Facebook face, and it’s fun to see their choices. I don’t watch that much TV or that many movies, so I’m not up on who’s hot and mercenary-like these days. ๐Ÿ˜€

  50. Jess says:

    Hi Lindsay!

    I’ve been a silent fan for quite a while now, been meaning to review all your books but I get distracted and end up re-reading them instead. ๐Ÿ˜› I love that you write so much, that I can get busy for a few months and you’ll most likely have a new book out for me to devour! Even though you put out books more frequently than a lot of other authors, I still find myself telling you to hurry up under my breath so I can read more.

    The characters you write are amazing, and it’s great having female characters that aren’t reliant on a male to move their story forward. (While still having some romance!) Just finished reading Angle of Truth, looking forward to reading any future work you share with us. ๐Ÿ˜€

  51. Brian says:

    I have read (and bought :))) a lot of your books, most of them perhaps. The dragon blood series, the emporers edge (I sort of fell in love with Amaranthe :)), fallen empire and and flash gold, including the novellas and spin offs. I read the first 3 books (in two weeks) following Jelenas adventures. I want to see more of this story. I’m also hoping her wholefamily might get together one last time to do what they do best.

    • Lindsay says:

      Wow, thanks for following along with all the books, Brian! I’m glad you’re enjoying the adventures. I am planning to write a couple more in the Sky Full of Stars series. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Jan says:

        Hello Lyndsay! I am so happy I discovered you in October of 2023. I am always looking for new authors and you are one of the best writers I have come across in my 66 years. I stumbled across you on Amazon Prime reads with Star Nomad then because I am on a fixed income and can’t afford to purchase books right now as my significant other passed in April leaving me without his income to help cover normal living expenses, I checked my library account and found that I can get many of your books there. I am so thrilled I did a happy dance. So I am just starting book 3 on the Fallen Empire series. I always have to find the back stories on characters when I fall in love with them and their adventures. You are truly a life saver especially during this time of stress in my life. Since I read an average of 3 to 5 books a week just reading a couple of hours before bedtime each night I expect to have most if not all your books I can get a hold of by Christmas this year. Luckily I found another new to me author, Kay Hooper, and am switching back and forth between the 2 of you right now. I anticipate many hours of enjoyment. Thank you for your wonderful stories and enchanting characters. If I am ever in a place again where I can purchase books, yours will be some of the first ones to go onto my bookshelves. Many heartfelt blessings to you and your writing career. Jan

  52. Jesse says:

    Hi Lindsay,

    I discovered your work in the Demon Hunters Sacrifice book, then read The Emporer’s Edge and was blown away. I fell in love with the characters, especially Amaranthe and Sicarius. I hope they end up together. ๐Ÿ™‚

    As I am writing this, I am almost finished with Dark Currents and can’t wait to read more of the series.

  53. Amelia says:

    I love EE series and i really want you to write about more adventures with the rest of the gang!!!!!!!!! I’m in the middle of a total book hangover right now;(………..

    (btw i totally want to marry Sicarius)

  54. aking says:

    I have read the soul blade series, the dragon blood series, and am stuck in the fallen empire series. You are an amazing author. Thank you so much for creating characters that I want to get to know better. Like others have said, you are quickly becoming my “new” favorite author. Keep up the good work!

  55. Mark Bohrer says:

    I’ve read every book in your Fallen Empire, Sky Full of Stars, Dragon Blood, and Heritage of Power series. Aside from the compelling ‘what if’ premises, your characters have an engaging humor and sense of responsibility to themselves and others I find very hopeful. I found myself laughing out loud as I read Gold Dragon, especially over the roller skating and twirling. Some writers’ stilted dialog and one-dimensional characters make me leave stories after a few pages. Yours never do.

    The military humor reminds me of a college Navy buddy and my Air Force veteran brother. And I love the idea of WW I-style VTOL aircraft. And that Tolemek Targoson moonlights in skin creams while developing deadly weapons for the Iskandian military.

    The Dragon Blood / Heritage of Power universe for me is like Chee and Leaphorn’s Navajo country. It’s a place I want more of. Will there be more stories in the Heritage of Power series? I’d really like to see what happens to Trip’s military role with his shape shifting, and Rysha’s inner conflicts as a member of the nobility in the military. Will they become Angulus’ senior advisors in sorcery and military science? Will Shulina Arya get Rysha into more trouble? Will Pimples marry his Cofahre princess? Will Cofahre and Iskandia sign a peace treaty? Or will there be more North-South Korean-style skirmishes first? Will Tolemek and Trip develop a friendship based on a common feeling of outsiderness? Will Colonel Grady start a new hand-to-hand dragon-fighting special ops team? Or will Colonel Therik feel that honor belongs to him? And will Grady write a song about their conflict?

    And what about Drysaleskar? Will he be a hermit in the arid Tlongan Steppes? Will he need to fight off other marauding dragons? Will he deign to accept Iskandian help? Will he grow too fat to fly eating tarts and lobster?

    I appreciate the speed with which your books appear, an advantage over most traditional publishing. Former programmer Andy Weir was a recent self-publishing pathfinder with The Martian, but he’s certainly been less prolific. I’ve experienced the total absorption of a hi-tech career, so it’s understandable. I think self-publishing gives readers access to writing styles and subjects traditional publishers would never allow to see the light of day. Until they figure out those alternatives actually sell well.

    Thank you for some very enjoyable writing.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Mark!

      Thank you for coming by and sharing your thoughts. Lots of potential ideas to explore! A dragon fat from tarts could be alarming to see. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m glad you enjoyed HoP and Dragon Blood. Thanks for reading!

  56. Angela Somerville says:

    I am in the middle of your Rust & Relics books. In fact, reading Thorn Fall, but I don’t know if you have the time to end their story just with one book (even though I have only just started it). There must be so much you can do with these characters and I hope that Thorn Fall is not the last we will hear of Delia, Temm and Simon, as well as Jakatra and Eleriss (hope I spelt that right!). These books are every bit as good as your others and simply fascinating. Well done.

  57. Anthony says:

    Hi Lindsay,
    Just finished book 1 of your Fallen Empire series. Itโ€™s been a long time since I enjoyed an authors work so much. Thank you!

  58. Mark says:

    It was very difficult to stop reading any of the fallen empire series books. I got hooked on the first book from Amazon and went through the whole series. I hope you will spin off more novels from Cyborg Legacy characters. I am now starting to dive into the Rogue Prince and enjoying it very much. I have read a lot of Weber,Drake, and Ringo previously and enjoyed it, but your blend of characters and adventures is rapidly becoming my favorite.
    Thanks and keep writing.

  59. Anton Compton says:

    Hi Lindsay, Iโ€™m not sure how I stumbled into your novels and Iโ€™m ambivalent about it for the following reasons
    1: Iโ€™m enjoying the Fallen Empire series very much
    2: Iโ€™m now buying the rest of the series
    3: Although they are very reasonably priced the aged pension requires careful accounting
    The good news for you however is that I recently went to visit my best mate ( of 50 yrs this week) in Queensland to help him fit out a bus as an RV. and by then I was on book 4 (audio) and I was enjoying so much that I put it on intending to turn it off when the noisy bits happened. You will be pleased to hear that we dispensed with the noisy bits and sat around listening instead anyway the RV is behind schedule and Iโ€™m 5 minutes away form downloading books 7&8. You now have two new coverts as Steve has decided on checking out more of your work too. Just goes to show good stories appeal to all ages We are both in our 70โ€™s so itโ€™s been a bit like the blind leading the blind when it comes to computers anyway we both look forward to more of your work. Cheers Anton

  60. Holly Lykins says:

    Hi, Lindsay. I am on book 8 of the Fallen Empire series. I wonder what you look like and how old you are. I can just imagine you constantly wisecracking like Capt. Alisa! I’m enjoying your books.

  61. Sprocket says:

    Have been a fan since stumbling across the Emperorโ€™s Edge on Amazon (bless their cross referencing little hearts). Edgy ?, fresh, enthralling characters with quirky humour and eminently likeable traits.

    Since then, have loved the prolific output of varied stories and worlds. Bravo! One of my favourite authors, along with Jodi Taylor and Tolkien. You rock!

  62. Dean Kutzler says:

    Wow! You were in the army for seven years? My hat is off to you! Thank you for your service!

  63. Pingback: Author Website Design Inspiration: 5 Ideas to Build the Perfect Website

  64. Tami Chase says:

    I started the Fallen Empire Book 1 recently and absolutely love it! I can’t wait to continue the series and start others. I really enjoy your writing style! It feels very natural and I enjoy your “voice”. You have fantastic characterization and your action sequences are well written and exciting! I can’t wait to continue reading all you share.
    Thanks so much!

  65. Lori Ravit says:

    Will you publish another book in the Dragon Blood series ( after Oaths)? Just finished the series and of course want more

  66. Jim Booth says:

    I ‘discovered’ Science Fiction as a 12 year old in 1956. I’ve read Asimov to Zelany. I would guess well over 5000 books by now.
    I ‘discovered’ your Dragon blood collection on May 9, 2019. Since then, as of today (6/11/2019) I’ve read 28 of your books.
    I’d put you on a par with Andre Norton.
    I’ll be scouring through the rest of your works for something to read over the hot summer months.
    Looking forward to book 4 of Star Kingdom.

  67. Crystal says:

    Hi LB,
    I suffered a brain injury in 2013 that made it extremely difficult to read. I didn’t do any significant reading for nearly 4 years, which was unusual for me because I’ve been an avid reader my whole life.
    Your books are so intriguing that I used them to re-teach myself how to read. It has been a long process for me to re-learn, but your books made it easier because the characters seem so realistic that it’s like I am there with them and it makes me want to keep reading. So far, I’ve bee focusing on reading your SciFI books, but I am definately curious about your fantasy books as well. I think my favorite character is probably McCall, I love that she is autistic.

  68. Jim Gillogly says:

    Is it too early to look for my size large Robot Remstar coffee mug? Maybe Amazon will have one in a thousand years or so.

  69. Dee says:

    “Your eyebrows. They’re moving up and down a lot. Eyebrow lifts. Twenty reps, go.”
    You are my favorite self published autor from the day I’ve seen this in Arkadian Skies. Love all Fallen Empire books. So skillfully made. Thank you for creating them.

  70. MaryElna Vrtis says:

    Love everything you write. I have only read 3 of your series. I have been searching for a list in chronological order for each series. I have been trying to make my own, by scouring Amazon, but not sure I am reading them in order. In fact, I know I am not. If you have such a list or someplace I can find it. I would really, like to find it. I love authors, who write series. So far, I have read the Cyborg series and one of the Dragon series, but not in chronological order. Thank you.

  71. Jan says:

    I have just spent my two week semester break tripping about Victoria and South Australia and settling into strange beds every night to read – the whole Fallen Empire series as well as the Sky Full of Stars books. Iโ€™m addicted to these characters and their adventures. You must be doing something extraordinary as I donโ€™t buy ebooks, but I have bought yours because I just had to know how the saga ended. Iโ€™ve always been a bit of a sci-fi nerd, so just wanted to say keep on churning out your wonderful adventures so I have something to look forward to of an evening! Going back to your website now to plan my next trip into the universe. Many Thanks.

  72. Pingback: SPA Girls Podcast โ€“ EP214 โ€“ Interview with Lindsay Buroker – Book Review Universe

  73. Ionut says:

    Hey Lindsay,

    A few of months back I discovered the Dragon Blood series by accident. Got me completely hooked after the first couple of chapters. Now I’m up to
    Under the Ice Blades and I just can’t put it down. I love the way you build your characters and the action around them. Always good suspense combined with great timing humor.
    Just wish this series would never end LOL, but after I’m done I’m looking forward to the Heritage of Power series as well as the Emperor’s Edge series and those connected to it.

    So in the end I wanted to say thanks for these awesome books, they make give me a great mood after a long day of work. Greeting from Romania :). Wish you all the best and many more books to come.

  74. Stan Dubin says:

    Yes, I came to your About page! One of the better ones anywhere.

    I’ve had 73 Vulcan Mind Extraction Treatments, but the Grammar Nazi inside of me was not removed! It’s better, of course, as nobody in their right mind spends that kind of money… so, please add one more “m” to “Hm” in paragraph 2.

  75. Cameron Macdonald says:

    Hi Lindsay,
    I found you though Amazon several months ago via the customer also read recommendations when I was looking for a new book to read on my iPad based Kindle app. It happened to be book 1 of the Dragon Blood series. Since then, I have not only read the series but have also read most of your other works. I have thoroughly enjoyed your writing style, character development and quirky humour, and have placed you up there with my other favourite sci-fi/fantasy/romance writers. Keep up the good work!

  76. Jennifer says:

    Amazon wouldn’t allow me to leave a review since my purchases were made with a gift card, so I hope you allow me to do it here.
    The first series I ever read was The Belgariad series by David Eddings, back when I was a teenager in the 80’s. I had been my favorite series ever since.
    I just finished The Emperor’s Edge series, and it easily replaced Belgariad as my favorite.
    Initially I downloaded the box set of books 1 through 3 because it was free, I was hook after barely even starting book 1. After reading the 3rd one, I asked my kids for a gift card for Christmas so I could get the rest of the series.
    you are an amazing author, I loved the storie, I loved the way all of the characters interacted with one another, I especially loved the bits of humor that were thrown in.
    I just finished Diplomats & Fugitives, I some how missed The Assasin’s Curse and Ice Cracker, so I will be reading them next, after which, I’m looking forward to reading your other series.

  77. Yalexis Garcia says:

    Im doing a power point about you for school and i cant find any information about you only the amazing books you write. Where were you born? what date? Any hobbies besides writing books?? How many siblings do you have if you don’t mind me asking. and last but not least what motivated you to write a books??

    • Lindsay says:

      1977, Seattle, no siblings, tennis and hiking and dogs, and I grew up as a huge reader and always loved telling stories. It took a while for me to get serious about writing and finish some stories, but now I’ve written more than 70 novels. Thanks for reading!

  78. Steve says:

    Hi Miss Buroker,

    My name is Steve and Iโ€™m a truck driver who as you would think gets bored driving long miles ever week and not the person who would normally pick up a book, but recently I discovered audible. You are my top author and Iโ€™ve bought all the books to every one of series I just by reading the comments learned of the EE series Iโ€™ll have to check that out. What I didnโ€™t like is from the fallen empire series to the sky full of stars series the difference in narrators and leonidusโ€™s voice changed. Through the series I started to learn who was talking as the narrator used the same voice for all the characters and was able to tell who was talking without being told and then when they changed narrators it was truly different. All in all I loved the series and am looking around for more series of yours to listen to as I find myself devoting every waking moment to the stories. Thank you for deciding to pursue this career despite as youโ€™ve mentioned it was a pay cut and given the world of readers and listeners such wonderful entertainment and something to look forward to as a new series comes along. I buy 3 books every Friday and as of late theyโ€™ve all been your books. Thank you again and I hope this letter finds you well.

  79. Pingback: There Are Many Paths to Tread (Part 2): 6 Different Publishing Paths for Indie Fantasy Authors – Stephen Taylor

  80. Christopher Vastag says:

    Dear miss Linday,
    My name is Christopher Vastag, a fantasy fiction author from Sheffield United Kingdom. After the sadly lukewarm reception of my first novel “Children of Maya” I made the decision to follow more conventional fiction writing. I had in my collection an expansive collection of Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle and decided to read them. Hence I found inspiration to creat a short novel with a theme of satire, period drama and humour set in Germany during World War 1 where the two female protagonists are attempting to end the conflict and remove the tyranny. Having read your biography, I believe and seen some of the books you have created I believe this would be a worthy project for you to be involved in as I understand you offer ghostwriting services on Fiver. Are you available in the near future for a new project?
    Best wishes, Christopher.

  81. Prisca says:

    I’m a HUGE fan of your work. I came across your books last year and I want to say it’s being a joyful ride since then, they’re absolutely fantastic ๐Ÿ˜, I can’t get enough of it. I can’t help but recommend your books to my friends either. The humor, the plot, the unique characters… I love it all. Thank you for helping me beat boredom. You’re awesome ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

  82. Tommy says:


    I find myself listening to your Star kingdom series via audible. I have read, hundreds if not over a thousand books in my reading life. I love audio books for my travel where traditional reading is not optimal. I found this series of books wonderful. I am just finishing book 4 and starting on book 5, and wanted to reach out and tell you that your writing is brilliant. The combination of humor and endearing characters is masterful and I just wanted to let you know, that you make my day better when I take even just 30 minutes to dive deeper into the delightful stories you have created. I cannot tell you how much I wish the story would never end so I can embrace the lives of the characters. Please keep up what you are doing, it makes the world a better place. Keep up the art of story telling, you are a master.

  83. Pingback: There Are Many Paths to Tread (Part II): 6 Different Publishing Paths for Indie Fantasy Authors – Stephen Taylor

  84. Monika Alshurman says:

    Please sign me on for your newsletters (both! sci-fi and fantasy)
    I love your stories

    Best wishes

  85. Mary says:

    Lindsay, you’re absolutely my biggest inspiration, especially as a veteran! Although I went Navy, but I have heaps of respect for the Army. My hope is to someday be right where you are. With a generally positive fan base(feels positive but maybe cause I’m a positive fan), writing books, and just living life. I love your books, you’re my favorite author, and I hope someday I might earn your comment on a novel I write. I’ve got a very, very long day before I think I could get there, I know you’re so, so busy. But it’s still something I aspire to. <3 Your ability seems to know no bounds and I wish you continued success!

  86. andrew m burd says:

    Lindsay, I was First Infantry Division (Big Red One) in the late ’70’s. (if you’re wondering how old that is you’ll have to saw me in half and count the rings). I was a small arms repairman and it tickles me that in your universe handguns have “hilts”. It gives me visuals of pistols firing knife blades.
    I enjoy stories with strong female characters, like David Weber’s Honor Harrington. The
    characters that you have created have given me a great many hours of entertainment, as well as fed my imagination to complete contentment. As long as you keep writing them, I’ll keep buying them!

  87. Lisa Snyder says:

    Do you have plans to have the newest book Trolled and Tested to come out on Audible?

  88. Yolanda Washington says:

    I immensely enjoyed your Dragon Blood series and decided to give EE a chance. I’m glad I did. You have a knack for creating memorable characters. I love how you utilize each book in a series to allow the reader to get to know each character more intimately. I’m diving into Conspiracy EE4 right now.

  89. Clifford Walter Bachison says:

    I have been listening to your audiobooks on Audible for 6 months now. I don’t know how many I have listened to, but a lot. Your works have gotten me through a lot of days and nights. Thank You so much. I hope your amazing imagination and your excellent writing style will keep me going for years to come. I was glad to know that you are a veteran. Thank You for your service.

  90. A. Nuran says:

    I just got your book Hammered. A dwarvish blacksmith who lives in the PNW? Elf defamation? Did one of my friends put you up to writing this?

  91. mike buhler says:

    Hey there! I’m in the middle of Oaths, #8 of the Dragon Blood series. I laughed my ass off when Ridge got a cheese of the month subscription for a wedding gift. I laugh because I am a member of a cheese of the month club where I live in Newfoundland. I joined at offering 6 or 7 and now we’re over 200. I don’t miss very many and I write the beer pairings for the offerings.

    Funny, I’ve started conversations with AC Cobble and Andy Peloquin discussing things Ive noticed in in their books too plus I now support their Kickstarter campaigns.

    I quite enjoy chatting with authors of books I enjoy and these days the amount of good fantasy out there is amazing.

    Thank you for your writing.


  92. Liz says:

    Hi I’ve just finished binge reading the Star Kingdom series and am feeling bereft! I lived the whole story from the first page of Shockwave to the last page of Asylum. I shall miss the people (rather than “characters”, which seems rather impersonal) who have become friends. I can only hope their continuing stories will inspire you to write more about them. For the time being I shall consume other series, I look forward to making a choice and am sure they will be as engrossing.
    In anticipation

  93. Amanda Leal says:

    Hi Lindsay, I’m a huge fan! I’ve honestly read most of your books already, and I was wondering if you have any plans to continue the Sky Full of Stars series? I know you’ve said in the past that you intended to continue with the story, but I’m not sure if you’ve changed your mind or not?
    Thank you for all the company you’ve been keeping me through your great stories!

  94. Mattia Lorenzo Zonno says:

    Dear Lindsay,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    My name is Mattia, 28, and I am an Italian indie author currently navigating the challenging world of writing and promoting.

    I am reaching out to you because I greatly admire your work and the success you have achieved in this world.

    I recently published the first book of an upcoming trilogy, “Kindred Warriors”, in English, a project inspired by my personal experiences with bullying and the challenges posed by crime and corruption in my hometown, Naples.

    “Kindred Warriors” is an urban fantasy/crime/action and adventure novel with elements of romance, featuring three love stories. The narrative weaves together themes of love and loss, bullying, brotherhood, and the delicate boundary between justice and revenge.

    This tale is particularly meaningful as it incorporates my closest ones as characters alongside me.

    My dedication to not letting down my girlfriend and friends is paramount, motivating me to craft a narrative that mirrors our shared experiences in a fictional town plagued by modern slavery.
    At its core, the novel delves into the deep connections with them, each assuming significant roles in the storyline.

    The bond we share served as my primary wellspring of inspiration.
    The encouraging 130 reviews on Goodreads I’ve received so far have fueled my determination to make a positive impact through my writing.

    Despite the initial “success”, I find myself facing uncertainties in terms of promoting my work effectively. I recently had a disheartening experience with a fake profile posing as Sarah Dessen, leading me to a dubious promotion service. This incident has left me feeling lost in the complex landscape of book promotion, and I am in search of guidance.

    I am dedicated to making my writing journey a success not only for personal fulfillment but also for a larger mission, to shed light on the challenges we face in Italy, where exploitation is prevalent.

    I am committed to using my upcoming trilogy of books as a means to bring attention to these issues and, hopefully, make a positive impact.

    In my recent efforts, I conducted a free book promotion on Amazon, resulting in around 550 copies sold in three days. I am optimistic about garnering reviews from this initiative, but I recognize the need for strategic and sustainable promotion methods.

    I am reaching out to you with a humble request for any insights or advice you might be willing to share regarding promoting the book.

    If you could spare some time for a conversation, whether through email or another preferred method, I would be incredibly grateful.

    Thank you for considering my message, and I look forward to any guidance or advice you may be able to provide.

    Warm regards,
    Mattia Lorenzo Zonno

  95. Perry Gretton says:

    Hi, Lindsay. I wonder, as you’re such a prolific author, how much revision you do, or do you rely on an editor (human) to keep an eye on your work?

  96. Rachelle says:

    Do you do Author signing events?

  97. Angela Murphy says:

    Will there ever be another book in the Sky Full of Stars series? I didnโ€™t want it to end with Book 3.

  98. Tom Anders says:

    Good day Lindsay. I run an online retail / wholesale store and it means long 80 to 100 hours weeks. Some of the work while very necessary definitely could use some distraction to pass the time (like punch retail hole punches and stapling shut 1000 bag of dice).

    I finished the entire Death before Dragons series on Audible listening while I worked. The series and the characters were very throughly enjoyable. Thank you for a great listen while I have been working the last 2 months.

    So I write … because first I wanted to thank you for a great book series and 2nd because my son says I owe you an apology.

    I enjoyed the 9 books of Death before Dragons so much that I invested in all 5 of the Tracking Trouble books on Audible to listen to those as my next series. Since the Audible description did not mention it was set in the same world … I assumed it was a different world. So in the first chapter when the dog comes into the scene and she calls him Rocket, I thought “ah come on Lindsay … could you not think of a different name of the dog for this book series???” And then my private chagrin when I realize as the book progresses that this is the same Rocket.

    I’m actually pleased to find out you have 3 novel series in the same universe and assuming you will still have me hard core hooked after I finish Tracking Trouble … definitely will be picking up the 8 books in Legacy of Magic next.

    Vivienne Leheny is a great narrator for the Audible series … great find to have her on all your books set in this universe.

    I signed up to follow you Facebook to see what comes next and I wish you much success going forward as an author!

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad the audiobooks helped you get through some long work days, Tom! Thank you for listening and for taking the time to visit and post your kind words. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Javier Garcia says:

        Hi, Lindsay. I wanted to ask, will you continue the Sky Full of Stars series? I’m asking this because I’m not sure if it ends with book 3 or if it will continue in some form.

        • Lindsay says:

          One day! That one didn’t sell very well, so I had to set it aside for a while to work on something that would pay the bills. I do want to return to write a couple more and wrap it up though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  99. Louise Waugh says:

    Hi Lindsay, I just wanted to say thank you for the many hours of absolute unadulterated distraction & pleasure your various series have brought me. I discovered the Fallen Empire series during lock down & have been an avid enthusiast ever since. The biggest dilemma is always, do I save the series & compulsively binge read the books on holiday, or do I tear through them at lunchtime, between work calls & instead of making a proper dinner? I love the sparring dialogue between the protagonists & the seemingly insurmountable obstacles they face. Can’t wait see if Duncan will ever free himself of the mind control & come back to Luna, roll on book 4. Thank you!

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