If you asked me how many sales you could expect to get on your first book, I’d probably say something like, “Well, if you want to make money, it’s more important to think about a career and to plan to write a lot of books… It takes time to build up an audience and start selling well.” Probably not bad advice per se, but every now and then an author starts rocking it right out of the starting blocks.
Leeland Artra published his first book, Thread Slivers, in January, and, it’s spending a lot of time on various Top 100 fantasy lists on Amazon. I’m not sure how many books he’s sold, but I know from his sales ranking that it’s in the thousands, maybe even ten thousand already. I hunted him down (not hard since we chat on Twitter from time to time) and pumped him for answers to questions I’m sure you’re all wondering about.
Hi, Leeland! Do you want to tell us a bit about your book and what made you decide to self-publish?
First, I just need to side step a bit and get a picture, smile! Seriously, I’m getting interviewed by Lindsay Buroker! How cool is that? I am so totally a fan boy. Thank you for inviting me to do this.
To answer your question impatience and dreams are what made me an indie author. I put in the time to learn about the industry. I read how-to books, I read blogs, and I read trade magazine articles. Most importantly I sought out successful authors and analyzed what they were doing.
I was not happy with traditional author stories of sending manuscripts to black hole submission addresses, waiting six months for any reply; and doing it again and again. When they were accepted the best a debut author could expect was next to nothing. The idea of spending years trying to find a publisher who would do something a little different was too much. But, I also found you (Lindsay Buroker), Elle Casey, Melissa Foster, and Michael Hicks. I had no idea what an indie author was, I knew what a vanity published book was; but, here were examples of successful authors who were doing it all without a traditional publisher. I read the articles and dug into the process and decided this was really the only option for me to start.
Yes, I said only option. Dreams, that was the second motivator. My books were not going to be traditional books. I like complex stories and not knowing everything. I’m a Firefly and Babylon 5 fan. I don’t care if the story isn’t completed at the end of the episode or season or book. All I care about is there are clues, some things come out, the world moves, the universe follows solid rules, and the good guys don’t always live just because they are popular. My world is the same. Anyone could tell you my books would never get accepted by a mainstream publisher until I had a solid fan base.
A key item that makes my books different is they are all POV. This means if the current POV character wouldn’t notice or know something you’re not going to get that information. For example Ticca barely cares about what people look like, she sees people based on her assessment of their abilities. When I write a chapter from Ticca’s POV there are very little descriptions of other people and what she notices of the surroundings is more tactical than tactile. Lebuin on the other hand notices clothes first, and can tell you the precise details of every outfit he saw and who wore it. Lebuin starts as very ignorant, that gives an excellent way to explain things to him and the reader as the story moves. The basic rule is no long winded explanations unless directly applicable to the current situation.
A reviewer mentioned that it wasn’t until second half of the book before you actually met the protagonist. This is all on purpose because at the beginning of this series none of the main characters had any clue what was really happening.
The clincher was I had an unnatural desire to have sketches in my book of the events. Not just any sketches, I wanted them to be good but not over the top good, making them look like something Ticca or Lebuin might have drawn into their journals. It has been a long time since I have seen a paperback book with illustrations. As a debut indie author I could do this. The results are the first book, even as an eBook has sixteen custom art sketches, two fabulous maps, and feels very different than other books. The first book ended up being far beyond my expectations. The second book is shaping up to be just as good if not better.
And now for the good stuff… it’s been less than three months since you published Thread Slivers, your first book, and its sales are rocking at Amazon. As I write this, it has a #2700 sales ranking, 30 positive reviews, and appears in numerous fantasy charts. What’s your secret?
Yes, the sales since the second week after Thread Slivers came out have been steady at an overall ranking between 1100 and 2800 on all of paid Amazon, as well as hanging out at around #11 in urban fantasies, and #25-50 for contemporary and epic fantasies. I am just as shocked at the results as everyone else is. I really wasn’t expecting to have even the possibility of this type of sales until the third book (Thread Skein) was published.
The biggest driving item is I believe Thread Slivers is the very best I can make it. I decided if I was going to do this I was going to do it right. It has been professionally edited (4 full passes with rewrites.) It has a top artist (Steve Doty of Streetlight Graphics) doing all the sketches (we went round and round on these, most of the 16 sketches went through three revisions before being called done.) It has a cover design that is every bit as good as one by the very best publisher house done by another industry professional (Glendon Haddix of Streetlight Graphics, there were 11 revisions.) I hired a second editor outside of the fantasy genre to give it a final pass (Kitten Jackson.) I also had a top notch promotional video made with professional sound mixing and voice acting (Slow Cooked Pixel.) This is as good as it can get. Every book I put out will have the same level of care behind it.
Another item was I practiced selling the book by first selling its Facebook page. So the last half of 2012 I advertised, tweeted and tried to get some preliminary interest in the book and build up followers on Facebook. For the book’s release I wanted to do something huge, so I did a massive giveaway (which by the way I made a number of mistakes on like not realizing how much real money I was handing out, but it was fun and a learning experience).
Once the book was published I have kept a steady low key advertising campaign running. I am not dumping very much into advertising. Mostly I am using some twitter groups, a few Facebook ads and the occasional book list sale. So far I haven’t found what I could do to get it much better. I keep experimenting. It has only been cooking for a couple of months. I don’t plan on stopping anything I am doing. I will just keep experimenting with other channels. So far no magic bullet has been found.
I love the reviews because most are from people I didn’t ask. I laugh at that, because the articles I read said you’d be lucky if you got one review for every twenty you asked for. That was right on the nose. I sent out a little over 50 “reviewer” free copies of the book and got only a couple of reviews in exchange. However, I have gotten a lot of spontaneous reviews which is wonderful. I’m also very happy that all of the reviews are that the book is good to great. The overall star ratings are more a personal call than anything else even so I have gotten mostly 5-stars, a few 4-stars and only a couple 3-stars.
You chose a $5.99 price tag instead of the $2.99 or even $0.99 that many indies start out with. Why the higher price and do you think it’s had an impact on sales?
It was a hard choice to set the price. I talked to a lot of people about this. I got the gambit of opinions all strongly argued from give it away free to charge at least $8. I decided on this price for a few reasons.
First this book is different, it isn’t just a reasonable indie book it is a high quality book with qualified professional editors, artists, cover designer, and formatters. Further it has lots of bonus materials like the 16 custom high resolution sketches, maps, and glossary. On the Kindle Fire you get full color maps plus you can expand the pictures.
Second I don’t agree that the 99-cent or free first book is the best way to get an audience. It is unquestionably a great way to get a lot of downloads. But, the goal isn’t to have the most downloads. The goal is to have happy fans that read the books and buy the new books allowing me to be a full time author. Further, it has been demonstrated most of the books downloaded for free are not likely to be read. I know I have added dozens of free books to my kindle which I never had time to get around to reading. But, every book I paid more than a dollar for I have read. The last bit here is that Amazon lets people return the book for a full refund, so try before you buy is supported.
All the above meant my price was already going to be at least 2.99. I chose to go for the 5.99 price because that still left the book in the impulse purchase range, but it also represented a significant investment as well. Hence I believe almost every copy I have sold has been read, or is being read. This could explain the spontaneous reviews a little too.
I have done a couple one day sales at 99-cents or $2.99 due to advertising with mailing lists like BookBub.com. But, that has pushed the rank up a little higher for a day. But, the rank pops right back to its normal band the next day. Still I’ll continue to do this because it does get the book seen by a wide audience.
You’ve got a cool cover that says “epic fantasy” nicely. How much impact do you think covers and blurbs have in getting people to try a book by an unknown author?
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” That is not true. Everyone I know is attracted or repulsed by the book cover. Even more so my cover had to work well the smaller sizes for Facebook ads, and Amazon also bought lists. I knew I needed this to be extremely good, eye catching, and compelling.
How did I solve this? I asked YOU (Lindsay) and Elle Casey for advice, at the time you two had already been chatting with other would-be-indie authors such as me. We had already chatted on other writing topics at the time because I had spent the prior six months reading all the writer blogs I could find and asking questions.
Both of you said to not skimp, and both of you gave me some references. I didn’t just blindly follow your advice (and I highly recommend any soon-to-be-indie author reading this to do your homework too.) I looked on my own for other cover art designers, I checked out dozens of example works (and how well they were selling) and in the end I just loved some of the work done by Streetlight Graphics. They had made a number of covers that resonated with me so I chatted with them and finally hired them. It has been a wild and fun ride ever since.
I see you tweeting book quotations and other such teasers often on Twitter. Can you talk about how social media has played a role in your sales success?
I believe social media has been a primary factor in my book’s jump in sales. Before I decided to become an author I had decided I didn’t like Twitter and only played with Facebook to keep up with a few friends. However, the moment I decided to be an author I knew I needed to be “socially visible.” Again I read articles, I looked at other authors (indie and traditional) and I lurked on their Facebook and Twitter feeds carefully monitoring what they did. Over six months I came to some conclusions on how to use these well without being annoying. First and foremost I always want to be able to connect with any fans directly. Naturally I wanted to advertise too.
I followed the advice of some savvy social media folks and have been slowly building a following ever since. One of the things I try to do is to promote other authors’ works. Especially authors I admire and think others should know about. Many people I speak with think this is crazy because they think I am just handing sales to some other author. But I don’t think I am in a competition. I think there will always be thousands of new fantasy readers who would love to know about other authors. There is no reason to hide the fact that I admire one author. In fact there is every reason to broadcast it. This means my readers will find authors I like, and I hope those authors will also point their readers at me. It takes a few months to produce a great fantasy, but only a few hours to read one. Thousands of like-minded authors could easily share fans without any loss of sales.
What are you planning next, and where can people find out more?
Right now I am working hard to make the deadlines to get the entire Golden Threads Trilogy out without slipping dates. Thread Slivers (book one) is of course out now. Thread Strands (book two) is just about complete and scheduled to head out to the editors in a couple of weeks. Thread Skein (book three) is already half done and pretty solidly figured out.
After getting Golden Threads Trilogy out I am not sure. I have gotten a number of requests for prequels. The Golden Threads Trilogy is based in a universe that spans over 15,000 years of known history as the blended world as well as 5,000 years of sci-fi level times within our current universe. There are hundreds of characters that would be fun to write about. But, I haven’t got anything firmly in mind yet.
The best place to find me is the standard three Twitter (https://twitter.com/LArtra), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/LArtraAuthor), and Goodreads (http://www.goodreads.com/LArtra).
I have an author blog at (http://lartra.com)
Of course you can find Thread Slivers at Amazon.com. It will be available on Apple, Kobo and B&N in May 2013.
Congratulations, Leeland. It’s good to know it’s still possible to do well from the get go. Everyone keeps talking about how saturated the ebook market is getting so it’s a little discouraging for those of us just starting out.
Thank you very much!
I think the main take-way is “don’t be afraid to ask questions.” Find authors who are actually doing what you want and get to know them. There are plenty of great examples out there to learn from.
+ Leeland
I just bought your book on Amazon. Thanks for your sale price. Not only am I intrigued with your book’s premise, I bought because we are similar in core values for the indie author – don’t skimp, exceed expectations, go all in. Love the sketch idea. Still a ways off from my debut novel, but like Lindsay you’ve set a great bar height to match. (btw, loved Firefly series too)
Thanks for buying the book. The Bookbub sale price is just about to end, so good timing! :^)
I didn’t intend to set a bar. In fact I was banking on what Lindsay said at the top “plan on long term.” So the incredible success is a real surprise.
I hope you enjoy the book. Do let me know when your book is about to come out. What genre is it?
+ Leeland
Still fine tuning the descriptor…A Fantasy Romance set in a re-imagined Regency England, where a dark force is behind Napoleon’s victories. The series has Epic Fantasy traits in that it will take 5 books to defeat the magic and allow England to win the war by std means, but each book will center around a different couple finding their mate in the midst of chaos. What can I say, I’m a sucker for romance It will differ from some fantasy romances in that it won’t be “bodice ripper” style but more emphasis on authentic soul-mates. Thanks for asking!!
That sounds pretty interesting. Make sure to ping me when you have it published.
+ Leeland
It’s so wonderful to hear of your success, Leeland! What an inspiring story! Can’t wait to check out your book!
Thank YOU for the kind words.
I can’t wait to hear back what you think of it.
+ Leeland
Congratulations Leeland.
A shame I won’t be able to read your book, I’d gladly have bought it were it not an Amazon exclusivity.
The book is available in print. After April 30th it will be available almost everywhere. I went with the Amazon KDP program up front to try that out. It has been nice, but I don’t see why they demand I give them exclusive rights to participate. I am not renewing, so soon for Nook, Kobo, iPad, etc.
Stay Sharp!
+ Leeland
I don’t read much on paper anymore, and the overseas shipping charges are uually too steep for my tastes, so I’ll wait for the end of the exclusivity.
Do you have any mailin list ?
Of course I have a mailing list. You can join it here http://eepurl.com/woxIX
Thanks for asking!
+ Leeland
Thank you for sharing your practical, helpful tips, and congratulations on your success! I’m looking forward to reading your book and checking out the cool illustrations.
Hello Kristen,
Thank you very much. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the book.
+ Leeland
“Second I don’t agree that the 99-cent or free first book is the best way to get an audience. It is unquestionably a great way to get a lot of downloads. But, the goal isn’t to have the most downloads. The goal is to have happy fans that read the books and buy the new books allowing me to be a full time author.”
Sorry but I thought this was snide. He later admitted he’s dropped his prices to 99 cents for Bookbub and other ads, and I think I saw this one free via KDP Select for a while. He is, IMO, seriously underestimating the impact selling a bunch of books, or getting a lot of downloads, in a short time has on the Amazon algorithms. It’s what’s making his book so visible and propelling his other sales, the ones he gets after he jacks the price up again.
I also don’t think his book sounds unique at all. It’s the very lack of uniqueness that’s helping it sell. Look at David Dalglish and Daniel Arenson for examples of other indie fantasy authors who are making a killing by writing the same D&D and Tolkien-inspired tropes that so many fantasy fans grew up reading. There’s nothing wrong with that and there’s clearly still a big audience for this type of story, but don’t pretend another book about warriors and wizards is something it’s not.
Basically if you write a popular type of book and do a good job with the cover, blurb, and the story itself is decent, and you’re willing to throw money into advertising and giveaways, you can sell a lot of books on Amazon, at least for a while.
He’s using the same tools that are available to all of us — I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. And if you enjoy writing a popular kind of story, all the power to ya.
One of the great things about being an indie right now is that you can find an audience, no matter what type of story you like to write, so long as you do it well. You might not hit the bestsellers’ list, but you can sell well enough to make a living if you work on publishing regularly and cultivating a fan base.
Hello Jason,
Some facts.
The book has always been $5.99 retail. I have had a total of five (5) sales in twelve (12) weeks. Each sale has been one (1) day only. Three (3) of the sales were for $2.99, and the remaining two (2) sales were 99-cent.
I have never done a KDP-free day. Nor will I.
As I do not use the KDP-free day the only other item KDP provides is letting people with Amazon Prime barrow it (for which I get paid about $2, which is how much I make if someone buys it, so works the same as a sale.) The book has been borrowed 150 times in the same twelve (12) weeks.
I do not plan to put my future books on KDP-Select because I do not plan on doing a free giveaway. The borrowing does not compensate for the exclusive rights Amazon demands for that program. I want sell via B&N, Kobo, Apple, etc.
This is my debut novel and I needed to experiment with the various marketing channels to find what works for my books. Every author as to do the same. There is no one recipe that works for all.
Having a sale promotion at 99-cents is not the same as pricing the book full time at 99-cents. I have found promotions only provide a temporary boost in sales. So while the rank went up by a few points for the sale the book dropped back and has been pretty steady in ranking for the majority of those 12 weeks.
As an indie-author there are very few affordable marketing and advertising channels available. Further most of those marketing channels require the book have a significantly reduced price (less than 50% retail or more.) Hence the $2.99 and 99-cent prices. Even more the price paid for those advertisements goes up as the sale price of the book goes up. I have used the highest “sale price” I could afford for each channel.
The biggest booster to the book has been the large giveaway contest as that generated a lot of buzz.
Not having read the book your claim it is not unique or is a warriors and wizards novel has no basis. It does have wizards, it does have warriors, it is not a D&D campaign by any stretch of the imagination.
Your final comment about throwing money into advertising and giveaways is likely a common impression. However, to provide some clarity on my approach I will say I have spent less than $400 in total for advertising. I put almost every dime I had in savings to producing the book, which was more than 12x what I have spent on advertising. I think that makes for a good ratio: for every $4 spent on quality, $1 was put advertising. I think that ratio is the inverse of most products today including, sadly, many indie books.
+ Leeland
What a timely post! All this week I’ve been playing around on the formatting of my fantasy novels. I had some maps made, and I’ve been trying to get them in there just right.
Of course while doing that I was also out scouring through the Kindle fantasy books, trying to find which had maps. Surprisingly few, I quickly realized. One that I did come across was Thread Silvers.
This is definitely a book to look up to if you want to have lasting success in this genre, I think. It’s obvious that readers like sketches and maps, and I think that’s contributed to the sales. Having an editor, or four, certainly won’t hurt. And, oh yeah, don’t forget about the writing! Some people like that, too.
Hello Greg,
Thank you for the compliments.
I agree, the sketches and the maps really punch the quality of the book up a notch. But, the writing and editing needs to match. Hiring great artists and putting an expensive cover on a poorly written or uninteresting story will not generate a lot of fans.
You sound like your preparing to come out with a new fantasy novel. Details?
+ Leeland
Hello Leeland,
All of my novels have been languishing away for the past 3 months or so.
I knew the writing was good, but my promotional abilities? Not so much.
Were my covers holding me back? My lack of reviews? Or just that people didn’t know about me?
So I’ve decided the answer to my woes will be a KDP promotion over the coming weekend. Is it the right choice? Some think so, others don’t.
In my case, I don’t think it will hurt my already nearly non-existent sales. And it might just spark some interest in the other books I’ve got out there.
Either way, it should make for an interesting weekend spent watching the KDP reports.
Oh boy! I’m getting excited just thinking about it!
Hey Greg,
You likely know this already, but, just in case (and for any soon-to-be-indie) just taking one of the five (5) free promotion days does not advertise your book. If all you do is say “make it free” via the KDP-free day, the book will shift over to the Kindle Free side.
Amazon will list your book in the “free today” list but that list is generally pretty large.
Hence, if you are going to do a KDP-Free giveaway promote the living daylight out of it. Run some parallel buzz campaigns, get it listed on FreeBooksy and Bookbub.
Also, I do not know this for sure, but, a number of savvy book promoters in the author groups I hang out in (WLC and Goodreads) have said that Amazon changed their book ranking algorithms in January so that a free promotion does not affect the book’s standing in the “Paid Kindle Store” rankings. Meaning that you might hit a high ranking in the “Free Kindle Store” but that will vanish when you shift back to “Paid Kindle.”
Again I have not done (nor do I plan to do) any free giveaway days. So I have no personal tracking data to confirm or deny the above. I suggest you record everything you can very carefully before you start, during the campaign, and then the following days to see what happens overall.
I wish you all the luck in the world with your promotion. Do me a favor and tweet me (@LArtra) or send me a Facebook message on my author page http://on.fb.me/VNjyZx and let me know the results. I am very curious and want to make sure I can let others who ask the most current tracked results.
+ Leeland
Leeland – Congrats on your success! It’s always nice to hear of an indie author who is doing well from the start no matter what genre you write in. I wish you continued success!
Very kind. Thank you very much.
+ Leeland
This is a great post, Leeland, thanks so much for sharing about your journey and some of your process. I love reading about what other successful authors are doing. What you said about there being a difference between “downloads” vs. “happy customers” is so true. Thanks, Lindsay, for offering this guest post to your readers–you rock!
I agree Lindsay ROCKS! I love her books and she has been in inspiration to me from the beginning.
Thank you for taking the time to read this interview, and even more so for commenting. The best thing you can do for any author after buying their books, is to provide feedback or a review on their writing.
+ Leeland
Hi Lindsay and Leeland,
Just stopped in and saw this post–you two rock! Thanks for sharing such valuable insights on your journey. Very inspirational. Best wishes to both of you!
Hello Jan,
Thank you very much. I hope something from this helps.
+ Leeland
My book The Jongurian Mission started its 15 minutes of fame starting today. Just over 100 free downloads at this point.
Right now Leeland we’re side-by-side on the Epic Fantasy charts. You’re #31 in the paid category, and I’m #30 in the free. I don’t suppose you’d like to trade spots? No, I didn’t think so.
Got up to #1 in Arthurian, no tough feat considering there’s only 4 books in the free category there. Still, that shows you what keywords can do. I saw that small category there a few weeks ago and thought it would be a good idea to include that as one of my 7 Kindle keywords.
I’ve still got two days, and I’m sure hoping some of those free downloads translate into some sales on my other titles. And I think it really only helps to offer one free if you’ve got two or more in the series. I’ll probably put a post up on my website when the promo ends on Sunday.
Hey Greg,
That is TOTALLY AWESOME. Congratulations! As it is free I am grabbing it… ;^) No guarantee I’ll read it. but, hey its free.
I Tweeted “I just bought: ‘The Jongurian Mission (The Jongurian Trilogy, Book One)’ by Greg Strandberg its free today!”
If your on Facebook or Twitter drop on by.
+ Leeland
Thanks Leeland! Would love to talk on Twitter and Facebook, but alas, they’re not allowed in China, and I don’t have a VPN.
I’ve really got to get myself social networked when I get back to the US for good here in 2 months.
Funny thing is, I’ve actually seen my book on writing do better than my fantasy book on this free promo. Write Now! shot up from general obscurity to #40 in Reference for a time.
I wonder if that was in any way related to my free promo, perhaps by people searching my name for other titles. Hard to say.
I’ll tell ya, I really wish I would have had a better marketing push on The Jongurian Mission. I should have started earlier, sought out more options, and developed a larger overall strategy. Maybe I’ll get more long-term value from that learning experience than I will from any of these ‘sales.’
Hello Greg,
Its never too late. One of the truly awesome things about being an indie author is that your books will remain in print for as long as you want removing the ‘no longer available’ aspect to sales.
I was never going for this skyrocket ride I am on right now. It was, and still is, my plan to do a slow burn to a solid fan base. I want to be doing this in fifteen years. Every single happy fan to me is worth a dozen more fans. My goals are consistently good reviews and reasonable sales. With those two repeated over and over for each book I release, can become a full time author.
If you believe in the book then keep trying different marketing methods until you find the ones that work for your book.
Stay in touch.
Stay Sharp,
+ Leeland
Hi Lindsay and Leland;
What a great interview! Meaty is the thought that comes to mind. I don’t read Fantasy (unless you consider Koontz and King in that category), but write what I read, like most of us.
Lindsay, you ask some terrific questions and picked a most compelling guest. Leland, kudos to you for giving forthright answers with the data to back them up.
Based on your earned success, I will tweak the marketing of my newest, “The Tipping Point” which just went on Amazon’s KDP Select program. I hope that you both will stop by and take a look.
Hello Walter,
I hope some of this helps your sales!
The nice thing about knowledge is you can share it and still have it. I am a firm believer in pass it on.
Good luck with your book.
Stay Sharp,
+ Leeland
Thanks for the article and congratulations on your success! This is very inspiring and a good read for new and experienced authors.
Thank you Tony,
Appreciate the kind words.
Stay Sharp,
+ Leeland
Hey, Leeland, just wanted to say I’m a fan especially since you are putting out another book fairly soon :). I’m a big time epic fantasy reader and to be honest I’ve read literally thousands of books in the genre,(i can usually read a book a day) some good some bad, but this one was really good and i’m looking forward to the next book. (spoiler)
I really like Duke and the daggers, my dad was a marine, and hey every world needs marines. Keep up the good work ill see if i can get a couple of my avid reader friends to spread the word.
Hello Austin,
Wow that is a nice message to wake up to. Thank you.
Yes, every world needs its Marines.
Thank you for telling your friends about it. That is very much appreciated. If you haven’t joined the mailing list now is a good time. I’ll be sending out one of the rare messages in the next week.
Oh and if you like Duke, you’ll love this. Duke agreed to sit down and be interviewed. His interview will go live Sunday April 28, 2013 at 1 AM EST @ http://bit.ly/11Fi5DU
+ Leeland
Tell us about how you found the transition from Amazon exclusivity to being available through most e-providers. Have you been pleased with the sales results?
Hello NK,
Well it has only been 1 day so far. I’ll won’t know how that runs for a few months. I can say that sales on Amazon dropped dramatically right as the KDP Select status expired. But, right now that could just be a coincidence.
+ Leeland
I’ll be showing your book to my son since he loves the series Firefly. It’s good to see you doing so well.
Hello Pat,
Thanks! If he is old enough have him stop by on Facebook or twitter and say hi. :^)
I started ripping through sci-fi / fantasy books like air when I was ten. I read everything the school library had and then moved on to the public library. I just couldn’t get enough.
+ Leeland