Book Promotion Basics — Useful Articles for New Authors

I promised myself I’d spend most of my computer time editing today, so I’m doing a “best of” type post for authors who haven’t been hanging around my blog, reading every single word for long (it’s okay…you didn’t know any better…:D).

The following are some core articles on book promotion:

And a few bonus extras:

If you have any questions or topics you’d like to see covered in future posts, let me know in the comments. Thanks, and happy book promoting!


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8 Responses to Book Promotion Basics — Useful Articles for New Authors

  1. I still regard this site as one of the most useful in a frothing sea of forums dedicated to the same subject. There’s no wasted words in here, no grandiosity or blowhardedness. It’s a real word. You could look it up. But don’t.
    Always great stuff, Lindsay.

  2. I agree with Mark LaFlamme–your site is a treasure trove of helpful information, and a great gateway to your fiction. Thank you!

  3. Pingback: Weekly Blog Roundup - Femmedia

  4. Khaalidah says:

    Hi there Lindsay.
    I totally agree with Mark. You are not just a talented writer, but you are a wealth of info. In a word, you’re “generous” with what you’ve learned and that alone is enough to keep me a loyal always fan of yours.
    Thanks lady!
    BTW, because of your article, I just finished creating my own Facebook fan page…and I’d long ago said that I never would do Facebook. The fan page (although I haven’t any yet) is a great compromise and I think will be useful to helping me promote my work.

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