For those who have read all of the Emperor’s Edge books, would you like to see more adventures with any of the characters? If so, who? Amaranthe and Sicarius? Maldynado? Tikaya and Starcrest? Their kids? Please vote below (open until December 31st, 2013) and feel free to comment as well. Thanks!
Which characters would you like to see more of?
- The further adventures of Amaranthe and Sicarius (39%, 785 Votes)
- Bring back the whole gang! (34%, 685 Votes)
- Basilard, when is that dude gonna find some happiness? (7%, 135 Votes)
- Spinoff novel with the Starcrest kids (6%, 113 Votes)
- Akstyr totally needs his own book. No, really! (5%, 96 Votes)
- Sespian and Trog (4%, 90 Votes)
- Tikaya and Rias (4%, 74 Votes)
- Maldynado must get his statue! (3%, 60 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,311

Recently discovered your books and I simply can’t put them down. Love the EE series the most and would love to see more from that world / list of characters.
As intelligence officers now, there are many options for new adventures and storylines for the characters. And how is Akstyr doing in his mental science training? And of course, Ashara needs to get her children….with a little help from her new companions.
All your fans see it so clearly. We just need you to fill in all the details and let us know how it all comes about. You write it and we will read it!! =D
I found your books about a month ago. I love them all. We definitely need more in the EE series!! Also would enjoy more from the Dragon Blood series too!
Thank you!
I wish there were more in the EE universe but the author is on a sci-fi writing binge. The books are okay but I didn’t care for them as much as the fantasy work she did.
Sadly, I concur
As a retired Marine Corps F-18 pilot, I find your characters in “Wolf Squadron” just like my old squadron mates…an odd breed!
Thank you.
When I start reading ANY of your books, I just can’t put them down.
Semper Fi,
Glad to hear they’re quirky enough to be real pilots, Coyote! Thanks for reading!
First off – please excuse my writing. I’m german and legasthenic, so sometimes just imagine my sentences do actually make sense… *cough* ^^
Well I just got late 5 odd years or so to jump into the voting^^
I got my hands recently on your “Beginnings” Bundle. It was a while that I read The Emperors Edge and I was puzzling the whole time about who this protagonists where. I thought serveral times, that the setting reminded me of a novel I once read about the personal assassin of some Emperor or other 😉
I simply read to much! And when it finally hit me and I thought: Are you kidding me?! Those two are actually cool? XD
(And btw. the moment I was set off, was when that Captain answered to a “either/or” question with a “yes”. Only you do that! *giggle*)
Well yeah, I’d love to read about Tikaya and Rias, AND about Amarante and Sicarious. (Isn’t it strange, that in real live, you would be carefull around a guy like Sicarious and think him extremely odd, and in a novel you just think he’s cool and kind of hot? Weird…)
Please keep up the fantastic work with your books.
Happy writing =)
I absolutely love you books and could not put them down. I think I spent multiple nights up to 4-5 in the morning. I would love to see more books about Amaranthe and Sicarius.
Lindsay, I binged your books hard! I started reading in early January and have now finished the series and the side stories. The character interactions were truly heartwarming and I found myself literally laughing out loud at their dialogue.
Like everyone else, you managed to build up the romance of Sicarius and Amaranthe in a lovely way. Although really all the pairings are lovely, which makes me think I’ll read the Tikaya and Rias books. Thank you for the delightful ride! Hopefully one day we can see the joyous occasion of Sicarius worrying over a pregnant Amaranthe and the family unit ever growing.
Thanks for stopping by, Alex. I’m glad you enjoyed the EE adventures! Encrypted was the second book I published, and Tikaya and Rias have a fond place in my heart. I hope you enjoy their novels if you check them out!
Am rereading the Emperor’s Edge books and am starting on Republic. No matter how many times I read this series, I still giggle and laugh out loud.
I adore all of your series, but this one is close to my heart.
Are u planning on writing more? Not trying to be demanding lol, just love ur writing!
There will eventually be a sequel to Diplomats & Fugitives. Beyond that, I’m not sure. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the series though! Thanks, Joy!
Lindsay, I just read the Heritage of Power series; couldn’t put the books down they were so good. You have to expand on them even more. The future of Trip and Rysha for one, and of course, the dragon babies! Even so, I love the sci-fi books just as much so please. Keep writing!
Thanks for reading, Angela. I’ve got a new Dragon Blood book coming soon, and I may return to that world post Heritage of Power eventually too. More SF planned for later this summer too!
I had the Emperor’s Edge 1-3 for a long time and finally started reading them. I got so addicted to the story and characters I purchased all the ebooks. I will miss reading about the characters. After book 7 I learned there was another book you added and purchased it! I just started “Republic “. I love your writing and plan to read more from you.
Thank you for your work.
Thanks for checking out the EE series, Sheri. I’m glad you enjoyed the adventures!
Just discovered your Emperor’s Edge series. I love it! Binge read through book 7 and now onto the next. Can’t wait to try more of your work and other series. We were flooded with Harvey so escaping with the action and humor in this series has been more helpful than you can know. Here you wrote this series many years ago and I discovered it right when I most needed it.
I would love more from this universe if you were ever so inspired. I’d love to read a book a bit into the future where we could check in with all of these beloved characters to see what they’re up to many years into the future. However, I know an author must be inspired to write anything so I’ll be content to read other books you’ve written. Glad I found you and can’t wait to push your books onto all my loved ones now!
Having read all the Dragon Blood, then Heritage of Power books now half way through Emperor’s Edge books ,, all I can say is keep them coming
You’re a fantastic storyteller
Having read all the Dragon Blood, then Heritage of Power books now half way through Emperor’s Edge books ,, all I can say is keep them coming
You’re a fantastic storyteller
Thanks, John!
Thank you for creating and writing so many amazing stories! My coworker introduced me to EE in 2015 and I devoured them all so quickly. I just finished re-reading the series and am still so in love. You’ve written all the characters so well and I feel like I know them. Obviously the best part is Amaranthe and Sicarius 🙂 What an amazing pairing and subtle romance, you did a beautiful job! Selfishly I hope you feel compelled to revisit their universe again in the future as I am so sad for the series come to an end. Maybe a glimpse into their future selves? I’m sure they could come up with shenanigans at any age 🙂 Thanks again!!
Thanks, Abby! I’m glad you enjoyed Amaranthe and Sicarius and their friends. I’m working on other projects now but won’t say never about returning to that world. 🙂
I just binge read the whole EE series 1-9. What a wonderful set of stories, back stories, old and new characters! And can I just say as a spelling and grammar Nazi myself it was an absolute pleasure to read through each book without the fear of coming across a spelling mistake or a grammatical error that would reduce or even destroy the purest enjoyment! I got lost in each book and time disappeared. I felt like I was IN the stories with the characters. As an author myself, I recognise mastery! If book 9 was the last though, there are some unanswered questions and loose ends…like what happens with Basilard’s little daughter? does Amarante resolve her ability to have children? Do Sespian & Mahliki stay together? And how or when does Ashara get her kids back? Do Basilard & Ashara get together? Your avid fans need to know! :). Thank you for an amazing read and many hours of reading pleasure.
Really looking forward to the rest of the EE series making it to audio book format! Are they going to make it there anytime soon?
I would love a book with Sicarius and Sespian on adventure and building that relationship.
I’m a huge fan of yours and hope you’ll get traduction in french for all your novel.
In the last 3 month i read all dragon blood and emperor edge series avalaible and now starting an other one…
Hope you will continue the emperor edge series because its remind me of Nora robert with “eve dallas” and their 46 books even if its not the same kind, its still remind me of 🙂
So i’d loved to get news on Basillard and Ashara in a new adventur to tame the Kendorian’s! Also don’t forget Asktyr and his discovery of Nuria maybe 🙂 Like the others before, i wish amaranthe and sicarius gets more adventure and will not be forgot in your next book in that series!
Hope will see new adventur in 2020 😉
I’m sure you probably get far too many comments on here saying how much people have enjoyed the EE series, but I wanted to make my voice heard somewhere other than goodreads so here I am. I feel as though I’m rather late to the party as I didn’t discover you until about 8 months ago (covid reading spree and all that), but I seriously haven’t been able to get enough of your books. I especially love the steampunk genre represented in the EE and DB series, though I’ve also read the “Agents of the Crown”, “Heritage of Power”, and “Mandrake Company” series, and enjoyed them thoroughly. I’m currently part of the way through the “Fallen Empire” series (trying to get more into the sci fi stuff as you have so many books in the genre!) and getting some big EE vibes from it. No huge redemption stories about how your books helped me through hard times or anything (though one could argue parts of covid warrant such tales); I just wanted to say I’ve really enjoyed reading your stuff, especially the EE series, and thought this was a good way to show my appreciation. 🙂
When will # 8 and 9 of Emperor’s Edge come out on audible? I can’t read much anymore but I thoroughly enjoy the audio books. But i hate it when audible doesn’t do the complete series!
Will the rest of the series be released on audiobook?
Love the were wolf books and enjoyed these books it’s hard these days to have a good story with a tiny bit of sex so I appreciate it a lot . If you want to read pornography buy pornography books . As for me I enjoy a good story which you write thank you
Please please can we get more books in this world! Is Sicarius a dad yet, how has Akstyr got on in Kyatt, how is Sespian…….so many stories yet to be told!!!
We need more in this universe! Is Sicarius a dad, how is Akstyr getting on, what is Sespian up to? I love this series so much, please revisit it and let us know how the team is!!
I found this to be a great read and am very happy to have found a new author
Would it be possible to see everything through Sicarius’s point of view? I am curious about what would have been going through his head.