Emperor’s Edge “What Next?” Poll

For those who have read all of the Emperor’s Edge books, would you like to see more adventures with any of the characters? If so, who? Amaranthe and Sicarius? Maldynado? Tikaya and Starcrest? Their kids? Please vote below (open until December 31st, 2013) and feel free to comment as well. Thanks!

Which characters would you like to see more of?

  • The further adventures of Amaranthe and Sicarius (39%, 785 Votes)
  • Bring back the whole gang! (34%, 685 Votes)
  • Basilard, when is that dude gonna find some happiness? (7%, 135 Votes)
  • Spinoff novel with the Starcrest kids (6%, 113 Votes)
  • Akstyr totally needs his own book. No, really! (5%, 96 Votes)
  • Sespian and Trog (4%, 90 Votes)
  • Tikaya and Rias (4%, 74 Votes)
  • Maldynado must get his statue! (3%, 60 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,311

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197 Responses to Emperor’s Edge “What Next?” Poll

  1. Katy Holder says:

    It would only let me pick two choices, my third is all of them-the gang and the Starcrests!

    • Julie Schwedock says:

      I agree we should have more choices! Or be allowed to number. I have Basilard as my third choice. I would like to see him find some peace. But actually, I’d be happy with any continuations.

  2. LRV says:

    It’s not presented as a standalone option, but I would enjoy more Sicarius-Sespian interactions. Once Starcrest designs a two-bedroom submarine, Sespian should be able to go on an underwater adventure with Sicarius and Amaranthe. Also Sespian should get his own point of view (as long as its not whiny and teenaged, but for the most part he doesn’t seem the type). No reason the Starcrests and their kids can’t form part of this story as well . . . .

    • Kate S. says:

      I like this. This is a good idea.

    • Jess says:

      Yes yes yes. Obviously there was lead-in for Sespian and Mahlika. But then, there was lead-in for everything on this poll. Give us all of it!

    • Erin says:

      I agree! Sespian and Mahlika are quite entertaining and the Sespian Secarius angle is always rewarding. The Starcrest clan mixing with Yanko and Dak has been very appealing in Warrior Mage and the potential is most definitely there for further spin offs! An Akstyr at the polytechnic adventure? Endless possibilities, all of them appealing!

  3. Patricia Hill says:

    I voted to bring the whole gang back, but I wish I could have weighted my options. I think there is a nice teaser for more from the Starcrest children in the book. Definitely with interaction from Sespian for the oldest daughter and Astyr and the youngest one. Sicarius and Amaranthe top my list of course. Basilard of course needs some loving and a happy ending. Sespian alone has his entire future open for further adventures. He’s just too young at 19 to be finished off. Astyr of course, has his entire future now due to Book’s sacrifice and I would love to see what he does with it.

  4. Raychell says:

    I would really enjoy a spin off with the Starcrest Children plus Sespian. Though I would really get behind some shorts from Sicarius and Amaranthe – Seeing Sicarius with a new baby would be.. interesting to say the least.

  5. Sharon Harrill says:

    I would love to read about the whole gang together, with short stories for the individual characters with their significant other, or family issues. I have not read the last book yet and would just like to point out to those who post comments, either state spoiler alert or do not mention important specifics! This series has become my new favorite.

  6. Kyrce says:

    My third was Sespian and Trog.

    Since Encrypted still squeaks ahead as my favorite, I went all Starcrests.

  7. greg says:

    I’d love to see some bonding between Sicarius and Sespian and then two lines of plot.

    Amaranthe and Sicarius living a peaceful life with their new child, until something bad happens and (you take it from here).

    And Sespian is following his own course and adventures or maybe can go on a two party adventure with his father alone understanding and accepting him along the way.

    Or Sespian and Basilard could go in Basilard’s country intending to meet his family and win (if possible) a place back with his people.

    Akstyr would make a great character for a wizard type series where he would attend an academy, show us how talented he is and mature while he rashes through adventures of his own (or not) making.

    But enough.. dreaming, let the professional handle this (yes Lindsay I mean you), after all she has proved to us all that whatever she choses to write about will be..


  8. Jessee says:

    I voted to bring the whole gang back… I was crying at the end of the book, but this made me want to cry more because it hurt my brain to make such a tough decision. 🙂 I would like to read about stories about each of them.

    • Jessee says:

      Actually, can I change my answer to a book about Lonaeo? I loved him in Decrypted and it was nice to see him back in this book. 🙂

  9. Maple says:

    I think you have positioned yourself well to follow the Terry Pratchett model. You could create a new story arc for characters who were not the main ones in either Encrypted or EE (Akstyr, Basillard, kids) or create entirely new character in the same world, but still have cameos from our old favorites so we get updates on their lives.

    As much as I love Am and Sic, they’ve had 7 books to tell their story. I would certainly love to learn more about their future life together, but I think there are other characters (ones we already know and ones you could invent) who might have more potential for personal growth and character development.

    • j says:

      Agreed. They’ve had their time in the spotlight.

    • Virginia says:

      I like that idea – to still have cameos from our old favorites but with a whole new series/new characters… I so loved the interactions between Sicarius, Amaranthe and Rias, and would love to see a bit more of them. But it’s true that you don’t want to keep dragging out the characters/story line (like some authors do) until they become tiresome and played out. Then it kind of just ruins the whole thing. I thought that this was a PERFECT series – the best I ever read – I’m just finishing reading it for a second time and I NEVER do that unless many years have passed. I really loved the way the Starcrests came into play in the last book of this series – so cool!

  10. AlicePage says:

    I’d love to see more of Am/Sic! But it’d be great to have them join up with one/several of the old team in different situations, they don’t have to all be in every book, but they shouldn’t drop off the planet either.

    My pet potential story… Amaranthe and Sicarius, and baby makes three! 😀 Seeing Sic cope with a toddler while following Am through her crazy schemes would be interesting.

    Also books about the Starcrest kids would be awesome (Which in turn, could have appearances from the EE gang, too)

    Another good idea (If the plot muses smile upon you) Is to give each character/couple their own book(s).

  11. Diane L says:

    More about Sespian as main character with guest appearances by Sic & Am. Anything with the Starcrest clan would be great too.

    Throw us a novella or two in between working on your next big project! Hey, I’m sure I speak for most of your readers when I say I’ll read anything you write with great enthusiasm. 🙂

  12. Emily says:

    How about all of the above? 😉

    I love this world and these characters so much, I would be thrilled to read further adventures of any of them.

    That said, I think an Akstyr book could actually be a lot of fun. Possibly featuring the Starcrest kids.

  13. Kitty says:

    I needs them all! ALL OF THEM I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. LRV says:

    I second everyone who proposed Sicarius with infant or toddler (or both) in tow. Never too young to start training!

  15. =A says:

    Kind of hard to see the EE team staying together, and I’d love to see more of the Starcrests, so:

    Sespian, Mahliki, Lonaeo and Basilard on a diplomatic mission to Mangdoria. – FIB2 said Basilard would be going, but not when. Sespian and Mahliki are ideal to work on recording Basilard’s lexicon, Mahliki and Lonaeo would have interest in studying the wildlife (and Basilard is great at finding things for them), and Sespian needs a job and would be a shoo-in as an ambassador, which is needed due to the simmering unrest. I could also see Basilard returning to Stumps as an ambassador, or maybe his daughter is the ambassador and Basilard starts that restaurant….

    Also –

    Akstyr in the Kyatt Islands. I’d like to see his continued growth and get to know the twins. I have no doubt the three of them would find adventures in plenty. Also, I’m not ready to see Amaranthe and Sicarius disappear off the page, and while Amaranthe might go anywhere in the world on a diplomatic mission, she’s not going anywhere without Sicarius and Kyatt is the only place he hasn’t killed anyone. Besides, there’s the small matter of his mother’s family….

  16. =A says:

    I’d love to see a short about how Sespian came to acquire Trog – especially if it happened while Raumseys was still alive 🙂

  17. MEL says:

    I devoured all the books in a short period of time and they quickly became some of my favorites. I would love to have more stories involving any and/or all of the characters. Picking just two….how could you even pick.

  18. Tempest says:

    Where was the “all of the above” option? 🙂

    They don’t all have to be novels . . . novellas and short stories work, too. (I feel that if I’m going to be greedy in terms of content, I should make a concession in terms of form.)

  19. Victoria says:

    I’m sorry, but wouldn’t everyone love to see Sicarius as an overprotective father again (albeit with less assassinations…). If he had a daughter, I pity whatever brave teenage boy would dare to ask her to a school dance. 🙂

  20. PH says:

    I agree with someone on twitter who talked about Sicarius and Starcrest – that would make a pretty formidable team. Let Starcrest summon Sic back this time 🙂

    But actually I think the character I’d be most interested to see ‘what happens to him next’ would probably be Sespian, tho’ I didn’t vote for him (I think I was thrown off by the Trog factor!)

    I wouldn’t mind also seeing Maldynado get some issues resolved (eg with his family, if not with his statue). He would’ve been #3. Not interested in the Starcrest kids, TBH.

  21. Dedra says:

    I can already envision an adventure for Sic and Am while they’re on vacation. I think that would make a great novella or short story. But I would also love another full-length novel about them. I can’t imagine them just living out a quiet, peaceful life from here on out. And of course these adventures would include some, or all, of the old gang.

    I would also love to read a few select scenes from past books from Sicarius’ point of view. Especially from the first novel when he first met Amaranthe.

    But like many others have said, I will read anything you decide to write about. Thank you so much for this crazy, fun adventure you have taken us on. I love each one of these characters, and books, and I look forward to rereading them over and over.

    • Kokoryta says:

      “I would also love to read a few select scenes from past books from Sicarius’ point of view. Especially from the first novel when he first met Amaranthe.”

      OH GOD YES

  22. Exstock says:

    My third vote would be Tikaya & Rias, although by that I mean shortly-after-Decrypted Tikaya & Rias, rather than First Lady and President Tikaya & Rias! I’d love to see them having adventures with children underfoot. I’m also on board the “all of the above” bandwagon. I wonder if the “bring back the whole gang” option is meant to be the “all of the above” option?

    If given the option, though, I think that what I’d like most of all is a series of mix & match stories, rather than focusing on any one character or couple: a story about Bas & Sespian & Bas’s daughter, or Akstyr & the Starcrest twins & Lonaeo, or Am & Sic & Tikaya’s mom, and so on. Jump around a bit with each novel/novelette, and since so many of the characters are acquainted, even a story that doesn’t really feature a certain character could still be used as a where-are-they-now update.

    I also like the idea of the Pratchett approach. 🙂

  23. ang says:

    I’d read anything about any of the characters but Amaranthe and Sicarius are my favorites.

  24. T Garfield says:

    I love the idea of mix & match adventures but please make the first about Bas! Everyone else got some bit of HEA- even Books got his constitution adopted- but Bas’s hearts desire is still waiting.

  25. Jade says:

    I have enjoyed this entire series and have so much affection for every single character that I could not choose just one or two to focus on.

    But of course Sic and Am are the most intriguing. I love how we saw Rias and Tikaya come back into the story after many happy years together and would love to see that for Sicarius and Amaranthe. The characters have battled for so long that I would love to see who they became after everything. Especially if they had children.

  26. Patrice says:

    I voted for more amaranthe and sicarius…maybe she can convince him to wear colors… But I would love to see how their relationship developed.

  27. asha says:

    Tikaya and Riaz, please. I can’t get enough of them. There must be more of them than an adventure in some far-off island fighting a tribe of brain-eating cannibals after they got married :DDD

  28. Posh says:

    I haven’t read the Encrypted series, but if it hasn’t really been approached, I would love an origins story concerning the ancient advanced race…and if they’re still around.

    I’d love to learn more about Basilard and see more of the Mangdorians. I’d like to learn more about his daughter, too! And I agree with those who think Sespian should join him as an ambassador, though, truth be told, I kinda like the idea of Akstyr joining them as well…maybe as a part of his schooling?

    I love the idea of Amaranthe and Sicarius and the whole family thing going on…but I’m just not as interested in it being the focus. I want adventure! Same goes for Maldynado and Yara, though if they were to all come back and undertake an odyssey….

    Idk. I love the characters and universe. And, long story short, I’d like an adventure/journey type story, no matter the characters, because they’re all great!

    P.S. Did the romance alluded to at the end of EE7 have to be so…convenient? I wasn’t crazy about them taking sudden interest. That said, the idea of having more ladies in a story is kinda cool! But…do they all have to be love interests?

  29. Kimm says:

    I need more Amaranthe and Sicarius in my life. He is my most favorite fictional character to date and I am not ready to say goodbye.

  30. Christine says:

    Surely the Crest class isn’t going to allow a republic to flourish without at least one attempt to reassert their born right to rule! And wouldn’t it make sense to try to have the empire’s most successful and nefarious assassin working for them? How to make that happen? Perhaps kidnapping his little girl might make him amenable? What an opportunity to get the gang back together!

    Whatever the storyline I can’t wait! The most important thing is that there are more stories to come!

    • Jean says:

      Great idea! Maldynado did mention a Father that’s not above using violence, and a Mother that could be vindictive. Maybe they can “punish” Mal by taking Yara away.

  31. Jenn says:

    I’d love yo read more from Amaranths and Sicarius. I know they just had 7 and 2 books, but I do love the characters. Now that they’re together what happens next? More teasing disloyal please!

    I Aldo love Rias and Tikaya.

    Ok, I’m a romantic at heart, but with characters this fun and interesting can you blame me?

  32. Lois G Mick says:

    There is so much more regarding these character that this series could go on for a long long time. So sorry that Books has passed to the great beyond. He lent so much to not only his character but to the Team.

  33. Megan says:

    I loved the books so much, which is why I need more Amaranthe and Sicarius! I want to see my two favorite characters off having some vacation adventures. 🙂

    Other than them, I think Basilard and Akstyr are the two with the most story potential… I could easily see a book with Akstyr learning magic, becoming a better person, and maybe getting together with the youngest Starcrest.

    More books please! I can’t get enough!

  34. Faith says:

    I bought this book as soon as I saw it online. As happy as I was to continue the adventure, as I raced through the book, I kept thinking how sad I was that I’d have to say goodbye when I reached the end. So I am delighted to think that a return to Turgonia is possible! I’ll read the next installment, Lindsay, no matter who you decide to feature!

  35. Misty says:

    I have to say that Sicarius is not normally a character I would like. AT ALL. Worse is the “romance with a tall dark dangerous stranger” plot. It’s reaches “gag me with a spoon” territory for me in any other novel. But somehow Amaranth and Sicarius hooked me.

    Amaranth is charming and a strong character in her own right, I think, but it’s Sicarius that really makes the difference. He is written so well that you just know there’s more going on under there… And I just had to keep reading to find out /what/.

    And then you finally get to see from his perspective, and find out that yes, he’s ruthless and cunning, but on the inside, he’s also rather charming, intelligent, and even funny. You finally get to see what Amaranth sees in him, and it really delivers.

    Of course, me being me, my favorite was finding out that some of the awkward things he says really are just him trying to crack a joke and failing miserably. 🙂

    Anyhow, just thought I’d throw that out there. (Though I’m also a fan of Basilard, for the record…)

  36. Julia says:

    I feel kinda greedy, but I want them all! I am just not ready to say good bye to any of the gang. I would love some short stories about the topics that don’t get picked!

  37. Abse says:

    It won’t be a popular opinion. But although Sicarius is my favorite I want him and Amaranthe to retire. 7 books and several short stories in which they dominate are sufficient. They will become tiresome and played out.

    The younger characters whose futures are more uncertain may bear revisiting. What a now homeless former Emperor finds to do is actually something unusual. And, of course, cameos are almost inevitable if you continue to write in this world and time period.

    But… Please don’t write any “precocious adventuring mystery-solving kiddies” crap about the Starcrest children. Please. I beg of you.

    And, oh yeah, that short you just published with the Amaranthe-esque gay protagonist? I thought it was promising and I’d like to see more.

    However, I think your characters and plots would benefit if you treated their life-or-death concerns with more gravity and made their moral quandaries a bit less saccharine. I recognize your style relies on breezy banter, but serious things characters repeatedly dwell should be *occasionally* given serious emotional weight–otherwise it’s just fat to trim because it adds nothing of import. Not so much that you lose your voice…just perhaps tweak the settings a little.

  38. L.M. Sherwin says:


  39. PWF says:

    I wish it could be about Books. He was my favorite! But more Starcrest stories would be fabulous and I agree, Sic and Am with a kid or kid on the way would be great. I would love for the whole gang to get together though, kids, wonky relationships and all!! 🙂

  40. Amy says:

    I would love to find out what happens with Sespian and Mahliki and their looks from a cross the room.
    Akstyre and his adventures at school with the Starcrest Twins.
    Basilard and what happens in his search for his daughter.
    Loved Forged II!

  41. Constance says:

    I think Basilard should find his daughter, bring her back to the stumps, introduce her to the gang, and have Sespian, her and tikaya’s daughter have a love triangle 😀

  42. Miriam says:

    I kept waiting for Rias to claim Sicarius as his son… That the private who was noted as Sicarius’ father was in actuality Rias….in disguise( or something like that)
    Loved the series… It’s the first I’ve read of your books. I’m moving on to the next….

  43. Maggie says:

    Like Amaranthe, we all wonder whether she can actually have children, and what it would be like with Sicarius as a father, with her stepping out of her role as soldier girl, and her transition into the diplomat. I would love to see a full length novel including these things as well as delving deeper into the Sespian/Starcrest connection. On the other hand, given that they just got over averting a massive crisis, there would have to a breather in there, right? If everyone added some years, and Amaranthe is about to give up hope of ever getting pregnant, it could be pretty satisfying. Love your work, hope for more. And THANK YOU for spending the effort to edit your work well. I have to say it is one of my pet peeves to read kindle books that are full of grammatical and spelling errors. 🙂

  44. Lauren says:

    Just finnished all of the books and loved every word of them! Thank You. . . looks like you have lots of writing to do!!! In the mean time I’ll explore your other works 🙂

  45. Sarretta says:

    I loved all the books and stories. I very much enjoy the strong female characters as well as the strong men they “conquer.” While someone commented that they wouldn’t enjoy seeing the twins as “precocious adventuring mystery-solving kiddies,” that is not how I imagine their stories. I’d love to see 5 years or so into the future, where Akstyr and the twins are growing up and facing their own challenges. Bas definitely needs more completion to his tale. Truthfully, I just want more about everyone!
    Thank you for writing such an interesting and riveting universe and wonderful characters!

  46. Stephanie says:

    One of the best series have ever read! I’m not one to leave comments but since the author is considering more books to the series I had to say something….please keep writing!! I hate that this series is over an it would be awesome to keep reading 🙂

  47. Megan says:

    I just finished reading this series (I read the last 4 back to back!) and I’m so ready for more!

    I voted for more Amaranthe and Sicarius. I don’t know why, I could just read more of them! A vacation is not just a vacation with someone like Amaranthe.

    And I voted for another group adventure because I love the family they formed.

    If I could have had a third vote, it’d have been for Basilard, he was my favorite POV after Amaranthe and Sicarius. I want to see some happiness for him so badly!

    I just really loved this series though and would love whatever can come next. 🙂

  48. Savannah says:

    I just finished the last book, and I have to say thank you Lindsey for writing. I’m so glad you asked us to vote. So I just hope you write more books for the series. Its sad to see it over, and it’d be nice for more stories. So please keep writin!

  49. JWK says:

    I have read all of the novels and novellas LB has written and have enjoyed the adventures and intrigue in each one. I would like to suggest a different approach in a novel or even a novella on how Starcrest, along with Sespian, is able to take Turgonia through the transition from an empire to a republic.

    Also, I would like to see if Bas is able to reconcile with his daughter.

  50. SabrielN7 says:

    I want a story about the struggles of implementing this new Republic. Perhaps a story about the first real election? It sounds like Starcrest is going to be the first president, but what about when he steps down?

    It’s almost a given that somebody will try to sabotage the voting or assassinate the candidates or instigate some other form of mayhem…

    If we see more of the younger generation, I would like to age them at least 4-6 years first. I prefer to read about adults. I would like a book about Akstyr, but not until after he’s had a few years on Kyatt to get an education. I can see short stories about his college escapades, but not a series.

    I would love a novella about Am/Sic on vacation. Of course, that is an evil request for me to make, because a novella requires strife and I’m sure they’d rather be left in peace.

    It’s funny, I usually don’t care to see a romance couple saddled with kids, especially if the couple is as hard-edged as Am/Sic. It usually seems like pandering to a readership that values parenthood far more than the characters actually do.

    That said, babies actually make sense for Am/Sic and I would be happy to see it! You’ve been paving the groundwork for it over several books. Sicarius has always had paternal instincts as one of his core motivations, and Amaranthe is so extroverted, you know she’ll be lonely without a full household. If they don’t have kids, she’ll start dragging youths in off the street, and I’m sure Sicarius would rather circumvent that.

    Anyways… whatever you feel like writing, I will gladly read! Thank you for writing the Emperor’s Edge. It is a fantastic series.

  51. Julia Phillips says:

    I would love to see stories about any children that Amaranthe and Sicarius have, especially if Sespian is involved as a doting older brother. Twins would be very cool, one boy one girl.

    As another commentator wrote though, any new stories involving the characters would be great. Just… Amaranthe and Sicarius, what wonderful children they would have!

    • Kate S. says:

      I want to see Sicarius learning to deal with children. I think that would be adorable.

      • Masquerade says:

        I re-read the first book recently. At one point Sicarius and Amaranthe are infiltrating a school pretending to be parents and end up bickering over the name for their fictional child. It would be awesome if one of their real kids had that name… just saying. 🙂

        And Sicarius as the over-protective father of a teenaged girl would be hilarious. Her first date… poor thing.

  52. Dorrie says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes. LOL i took my time reading FIBII because I didn’t want it to end. Please do explore story lines you have opened for many of the secondary characters, as they have not had near as much exposure, but most definitely snippets into Amaranthe and Sicarius’ life would be a must! ;o)


  54. shadowrider says:

    I would love to see another story of the EE gang and Co. of what they further get up to after the end of EE7. Since while it ended at a point and still left room for more, it felt like there would/could be further adventures for them. Perhaps a sidestory, shortstory or novelle that covers where Am, Sicarius, and the rest of the group ended up with doing afterwards.

  55. Leah says:

    I’m so sad that this could be the last book! Please continue writing about these characters, or at least this universe. How about continuing everybody’s stories like you did in previous books, with the point of view changing between a couple of characters, accept this time their stories might be more seperated…with hundreds of miles between them…*cries*

  56. Bob says:

    All good to me. But what about Flash Gold? Is it dead and gone?

  57. Adrianne says:

    Here’s my thoughts …

    — let’s see everyone some years in the future (10-20yrs later?);
    — let’s see a retrospective (i.e., 100yrs later) on how these people were responsible for shaping the new path for Turgonia;
    — love to see an AU where Sicarius *did* take Sespian away from the Barracks at a young age (… and possibly ended up on Starcrest’s doorstep?), maybe after his mother died? (and was that death natural or not?)

  58. March says:

    – Starcrest’s term ends (maybe he dies or something?), new president is not Sespian
    – goverment is corrupted
    – Basilard has met his daughter, Akstyr is a more competent practitioner
    – the gang finds out that Books was murdered
    – EE gets back together to fight some nefarious group

    • Annie says:

      I like the sound of that. I’ve just finished reading EE series and I’m not ready to say goodbye to the characters. I’ve been looking and I’m unsure if any new books or series has come out where some of the characters are involved (considering it’s now 2015, I am a bit behind the times)

      • Lindsay says:

        I’m glad you enjoyed the series, Annie. Republic picks up after Forged in Blood 2, and I’ve got a Basilard-centric novel that will come out later this summer. Also, Warrior Mage, is set in the same world (and has an Akstyr cameo). Ditto for Encrypted and Decrypted if you haven’t read those, the adventures with Tikaya and Rias.

  59. Libs says:

    Amaranthe and Sicarius!!! They only (finally! ) get together at the end, I’d love to see their future adventures! Also how much she gets him to finally loosen up and how much they grow in their relationship!

  60. Kerri says:

    Honestly, I would read anything you wrote. I’m just not ready to say goodbye to this world yet! Akstyr’s not getting a lot of love in the poll, but I would love to see him come into his own. And if the story was far enough down the line…maybe we would see something of the Starcrest family too?

  61. Valine says:

    More sweet moments between Amaranthe and Sicarius! No more torture or mind control please! Although the moment after the mind control gem was ripped out of Sicarius’s head was sweet

  62. Autumn says:

    I would love to see the whole gang back together,with some Amaranthe and Sicarius moments. Maybe something sinister going on with Akstyr at school and they all come back and leads them to where ever next. Or anything as long as their all back together! I think that their personalities go great together as a team, friends and lovers. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the EE books, I was sad to see Books go and did wipe away tears. Keep up the awesome writing!

  63. Jim says:

    I’ve enjoyed ALL of your work. I’m excited to hear about the new Flash Gold book. But I can’t deny that I’ve really come to love the EE world. Yes I’d be glad to see the gang back together. To see if Akstyr becomes a proficient mage, Perhaps the gang could join forces with the Starcrests. I look forward to what ever you come up with. I’m sure it will be great.

  64. Rebecca says:

    I absolutely love the EE series! At the end, I didn’t know whether to cry that it was all over or finally get some sleep. In fact, I fully intend to read them all again. I don’t think there was anything about them I didn’t like. Well, other than the fact that I want more! Amazing adventures and awesome characters. I am completely in love with Sicarius.

  65. Rebecca says:

    Oh, and bring them all back! Please!

  66. Sally says:

    Poor Maldynado, no one wants to give him a statue.

  67. Kokoryta says:

    I got the first three novels through Storybundle; Took a little while to get around to reading them, and the first book was good… but by the second book I’d gone out to find the rest of the books and read the whole series in a week. And now I’m just buying the rest of your books and I don’t tend to like buying ebooks- if it was something I liked, I’d rather have a paperback copy.

    That being said, it was truly fabulous and I have to say that I loved all the characters and even the side characters (can we have a short story about the two guards that they picked up from the Gazette, they seem like they might be interesting). While I would love to see more about Am and Sic and any potential kids they might have, I just want to see more from all the characters.

    I’d love the idea of each character having a book or a story about them and their own adventures with potential old friends popping up. But I think I’d also be happy if you kept writing about this world, it’s safe to say you’ve become one of my favourite authors, I love your writing, and I just want more of anything from you. 🙂

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for the kind words, Kokoryta. I’m glad you enjoyed the stories! 🙂 I’m going to bring back most of the characters for a new novel here pretty soon (I’m breaking ground on November 1st for National Novel Writing Month), so look for that in early 2014. I’m not sure if those guards will be back, but that would be an interesting spin-off. Like Jay and Silent Bob from Clerks, lol.

  68. Kindlerox says:

    Thanks for the wonderful series. I am definitely in the bring them all back camp although it is obvious that there are some separate adventures on the horizon for them all. Sicarius as the father of a baby girl would have to bring overprotective to a whole new level!

  69. Jennifer says:

    I’ve got my husband reading EE1, and I can occasionally hear him chuckling from the other room. Excellent.

    I’m on board with whatever you decide to write!

  70. Cheryl says:

    I love these books!! Finished all three, well, listened to all 3 of the Emperors Edge series. I’m waiting for “Conspiracy” to be an audiobook. I listen to them at work, makes the day go faster and I thoroughly enjoy them. You rock Lindsay!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you, Cheryl. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. Starla (the narrator of 1-3) got busy, so I had to find someone else to continue on with the audiobooks. She’s recording the fourth one now. 🙂

      • Knitfomainiac says:

        I’m glad to hear that Starla is going to continue being your Reader I love the voice and inflection she gives to Amaranth. I look forward to Conspiracy being available in an audio format.

  71. Panda says:

    The Emperor’s Edge is one of my favourite series ever and I was sad to think that I’d reached the end, so I’m tickled to hear that there’s a possibility of future adventures! And my family and friends will be over the moon as well, since they have fallen one by one to the charms of Amaranthe, Sicarius and the rest of the crew. 😀

    Personally, I would love to see more of Amaranthe and Sicarius’ adventures – even better if some of the gang drop in for an appearance or go along for the ride. I can totally see them travelling to far-flung lands, getting into trouble and saving the day! There’s so much to explore and fun to be had; I just can’t get enough of their wonderful dynamic (romantic or otherwise, though romantic is always, always good).

    Whatever you have in store, though, you can count on my full support! I love your writing and your stories are gifts that never fail to brighten up my day.

  72. sineli says:

    I normaly dont write comments. But I normaly dont read books in such a short time as I did the EE, I just could not stop. For me Amaranthe is the leading figure and the heroine and her gang is just doing well too. Please write books because short storys are to soon finished 😉 Anyhow I trust you know best how to continue. Sorry if my spelling is not that good its because my native tongue is German. Thanks for a great reed.

  73. Donna C says:

    Loved EE. I’d like the new empire’s development w Sespian and Starcest’s oldest daughter developing relationship being included. Of course the whole gang’s future is there, with Sicarius and Admaranthe’s life together and as parents and grandparents to Sespian’s children.
    Lindsay, you know you want to let us know what happens to our friends. Congratulations on your success. Keep on writing.
    Blessings to you.

  74. Michelle says:

    I’d really love to see how the younger generation–Akstyr, Sespian, and the Starcrest children–are doing! Especially since Akstyr now has a direction in his life while Sespian was left directionless. A check up on Basilard would be great too, considering how his story isn’t completed either. I’m so excited for this world!

  75. Lauren says:

    So I recently (as in November 28, 2013) found the first eBook and as of today (December 17, 2013) I have finished the series because each book was that good!

    I’ll echo the previous requests for more of the Amaranthe/Sicarius relationship (kids!), but the more I read (and the more Amaranthe “humanized” Sicarius), I began to wonder if he would ever come to grips with the sheer number of people he killed before meeting her or if that realization would be too much for him to handle.

    Also, (because Sicarius was my favorite character), I think it would be fun to see (maybe in a short) Sespian teaching (or trying to teach) his father something he loves (drawing, a sport of some kind, etc.) that is completely out of character for Sicarius.

    Lindsay, thank you so much for the series and your willingness to continue.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for following along with the series, Lauren. I’m glad you enjoyed them! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to post here also!

  76. Emiryn Gunther says:

    I loved the Emperor’s Edge series! I read more with these books than I ever have with anything else and I am really looking forward to more books. I would love to read about where Amaranthe and Sicarius go from here. Hopefully they will come out soon! Just to let you know I read the series twice. Also, the gang getting back together would be cool…after a book about Amaranthe and Sicarius.

  77. Claudia says:

    I selected more Amaranthe and Sicarius and clicked “Vote” before realizing I had 2 options, gah. I would’ve also voted to bring the whole gang back, at least those headed in a new direction, such as Akstyr, Basilard, Sespian, and Starcrest. I would love to see Amaranthe and Sicarius get married and perhaps have a child, Akystyr become an awesome “practioner” Starcrest taking over as Turonia’s new leader and implementing Books’ new paradigm, and Basilard, as a minor character, reuniting with his daughter. We could follow their separate paths until they are all reunited again (with no bounties on their heads) as elite enforcers for Starcrest, maybe also sent on occasional global “black op” missions. That’d be cool.

  78. Claudia says:

    P.S. Since the term “black op” mission might be interpreted as “assassiny” (as Aramanthe would put it), I should clarify that I meant clandestine missions where they rescue a kidnapping victim or sabotage some evil plot. 🙂

  79. Monica says:

    Just finished ALL 7 books in a week! Wew! And I want more… Some requests:

    – Akstyr and the younger Starcrest girl become classmates in Kyatt and of course the personalities of these two definitely makes them rivals for the top student and sparks fly… haha

    – a Sespian and Maliki adventure! But Maliki will be the stronger fighter since she did grow up with a legendary Admiral for a father… I can just imagine Sespian trying hard to catch up, and who better to train him than… Sicarius! Awkward father-and-son moments are sure to follow…. (maybe you can throw in Maldynado giving “wooing” advices much to Sicarius’ annoyance haha)

    – or a short story (or two) of Akstyr practicing his Science on the gang… lol

    – and my favorite when it comes to group adventures is when they switch roles! That would be hilarious! Sicarius forced to say Malydado-esque lines? haha!

    But really, anything with the whole gang is sure to be a great read!

  80. Janet Berntsen says:

    Sadly, I have just finished book 7 of the Emperor’s Edge series. I would LOVE to see more adventures that Amaranthe and Sicarius encounter during their “vacation”, but I’d also like to see how Sespian and the others fare (especially, Basilard and Akstyr). It would be nice to see them all back together again at some future time.

  81. Joy says:

    They must all reunite for more adventures and introduce children

  82. Jhiehan says:

    AMARANTHE AND SICARIUS and the gang!

  83. Andrea says:

    There defiantly needs to be more adventures with all the gang and the starcrests would be good to see what happens with sespian and of course sicarius and amaranthe will they eventually bring children into the story and will Maldonado get his statue. More books defiantly needed x

  84. Peyton says:

    I vote for Amaranthe and Sicarius and the rest as well.
    Can’t wait to find out what happens next- babies?

    Must say I enjoyed reading the first book- got hooked and just had to buy the rest to read.

    Fab series- funny and fast paced!

  85. Knitfomainiac says:

    I love the whole gang together, but I realize that the cast list may be becoming too unwieldy.
    For what it’s worth there are a couple story threads I’d like to put out there.
    1. A reappearance of Akstyr’s treacherous mother could lend to describing more of a Sicarius, tortured training.
    2. Sespian trying to suss out his linage via Sicarius both maternal and paternal and for the sake of his future children and the learning experience of his ward.
    3. Dax has a lot of potential for a continuing story or a great backstory.
    4. I don’t know how Nuria or Stargrind would be incorporated, but I truly enjoyed the characters Yanko and Lakeo in the Sword and Salt series and would like to hear more of them as well.

  86. KSENiA says:

    I would love to read more of Tikaya and Rias’s adventures before EE.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you, KSENiA! Those guys remain some of my favorite characters, but the books don’t sell that well, so I don’t know if I’ll do any more with them. You never know, though. A trilogy might be cool… 🙂

  87. Sarah says:

    I just discovered your books and I love them! I am reading through the Emperor’s Edge series for a second time, and have read all the short stories that go with it. I’ve also read a lot of your other books and liked them too. So far the Emperor’s Edge series is my favorite 🙂 I hope you choose to continue Amaranthe and Sicarius’s story and maybe follow some of the others as well. I’ll gladly buy any more books you put out on them. Thank you for writing such great stories!

  88. Annie says:

    Hi Lindsay,

    I have fallen in love with this series and would happily read more of them. I’ve also just finished the Encryped series so would love to see more adventures involving the Starcrests. Thanks for writing such a superb and engaging series!

  89. Kathleen says:

    While I love all of Emperor’s Edge I am particularly interested in the Starcrests, past & present & future adventures. It goes without saying that Amaranth & Sicarius should be there too! Thank you for this series!

  90. Susie says:

    More Amaranthe and Sicarius please! I would love to see thier relationship grow deeper.. and see them have a baby together. It would also be nice to watch the development of Sicarius’s relationship with his son Sespian. Maldynado was a favorite too… Awesome books, thank you.. keep them coming!

  91. John Crager says:

    I never understand why bad boys always gets the good girls, being a guy that led a good clean life, studied and finished college, started my own successful business had girls that I liked turn me down for guys that were bad boys (now I am happily married to a wonderful lady and luckily my daughter also married well and has 3 great children). Guess that is the way of the world and from the female replies on who to bring back it makes my point. Good guys finish last but I will buy any new novels with the same characters. I would love to see the whole group back and have a story or two on how Sicarius can live with himself and how Amaranthe can forgive is past after killing children, innocent mothers and children cannot be overcome with a hard body and lust–can it?

    • Syn says:

      Killing children and mothers was wrong but it’s kind of the point. He was raised, tortured and other cruel things to be an uncaring, unfeeling Assassin whose goal was to please his Emperor.

      Amarathe saw something more in him than he saw in himself. Sespian was the spark that started it. Sespian made him care for someone other than the emperor. Amarathe taught him how to care and to try to do good to win his son. She was grateful to him for saving her life hundreds of time, but she also knew he could be more than a mindless killer. She believed in him, gave him a chance and in the long run it paid off.

      He did kill those children but he was a brain washed child himself. The fault is with the Emperor and Hollocrest, Pike and everyone else that shaped him.

  92. John Crager says:

    Sorry I should have prof read more, I had some bad errors in the end I said forgive is past should have been his not is and the comma after children should have been a period and innocent should have been capitalized. Sorry about that.

  93. Morgs says:

    When is the new books coming i need more emperors edge

  94. MelJ says:

    I have read and thoroughly enjoyed all the series; EE, Dragon Blood/Chains of Honor/Swords & Salt, Flash Gold, Rust & Relics, and most recently Fallen Empire. I so enjoy the humour and the characterisation is compelling. Amaranth and Sicarius had me hooked but all the others are engaging too. I agree with others that your attention to proofreading and editing your books is much appreciated by your readers (I want to act as teacher with many Kindle authors and red line grammar, spelling, word misuse!). I also want to say I greatly admire that you do not include graphic sex scenes which seem to proliferate in Kindle Fantasy/Paranormal – you have lovely and funny innuendos without coming across as smutty or moralistic and uptight. Thank you!

  95. neoc says:

    Have recently found and read the entire Emperors Edge series. Loved it! Want more!! Please!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for reading, Neoc. I’m glad you enjoyed them! 🙂

    • Emily says:

      Completely agreed! I’ve read everything I can find that’s related to this world and would love to see more of it, you have so many stories you could write in this world.

  96. RonD says:

    Thank you so much for the Emperors Edge series, I just loved the comic interactions between the characters.

    It has been 5 years now and the presidents seat is up for grabs and I’m sure Sespian would now be ready to take on the mantle? We should also have the next generation skipping through the corridors and as infants would they show tendencies for the artistic or physical paths? Maybe the enforcers now have their first female colonel and a would be mage has now graduated and returned to Stumps?

    I hope I have painted a picture of how things would have played out so Please, Please continue and develop the empire/republic further.

    A fan that is reading all your other stories whilst he waits for the next release to the edge 🙂

  97. Monika says:

    I only discovered your books recently as until recently (high) fantasy was not a fare I usually would have read (being more of a UF and PNR fan). Also, I try to avoid Steampunk (except for Meljean Brooks’ Iron Duke series, but I do like police procedurals, so I was intrigued, especially as no one less than Ilona Andrews recommended ‘The Emperor’s Edge’ on her blog, and since for unfathomable reasons your are giving away the book for free, I decided to give it a try. I got sidetracked by ‘Balanced on the Blade’s Edge’ which led me to read the Dragon Blood series in about a week. Found the idea of a soulblade very original, and loved all the characters, but especially Bhrava Saruth: he is just so adorable! Hope for more of him in the near future! After I finished I went on to EE and I think I loved it even more: Amaranthe is just so easy to relate too and Sicarius has to be one of my all-time favorite (anti-)heroes. Loved the slowly developing relationship between these two and the Star Wars reference (“I love you” – “I know”. Great secondary characters, breathtaking pacing and nail-biting suspense. I hope there are many more installments to come.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi, Monika!

      Thanks for jumping over to my genre to check out my books. I am planning to write at least one more Dragon Blood book with the whole gang (Bhrava Saruth may insist on being in any spinoffs, hah). I’m glad you’ve been enjoying EE too. Thanks for reading!

  98. Teresa says:

    Love ALL the books… I hope Dak in the Chains of Honor series finds some happiness in life. I’m anxiously awaiting the third installment. I certainly appreciate that you’re able to write so much so quickly because I am”voracious” when reading your books! More EE, and more Dragon Blood books will find delighted audiences, I’m sure! Do not neglect Rias and Tikaya, either, they are wonderful characters and MUST be allowed to participate in any new adventures! I, too, am anxious to see Sicarius learning to handle a precocious toddler while still being the baddest dude around!

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the books, Teresa. Thanks for reading! I’m working on a Bhrava Saruth novella now and will jump into Chains of Honor 3 soon. 🙂

  99. Miro says:

    I read – devoured – your EE series and I can’t wait to find out how Basilard and Ashara fare in Kendor. I hope for new stories soon, as it has been quiet around the EE series for quite some time. I will jump to the Warrior Mage next as your novels made me curious what the world of EE would look like from a fully fledged mage’s view. Thank you for creating such a wonderful series and your continuous work!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for reading, Miro! I’ve definitely had an itch for science fiction lately, but I plan to return to fantasy with Chains of Honor 3 and Rust & Relics 3. I do need to wrap up Basilard’s story too. 🙂

  100. Zack says:

    Avid EE fan have read the series several times and am now listening to them on Audible. I have reached the end of the recorded books and was wondering if there are plans to do Forged in Blood 1&2 as audio books?

    Till then I will try some of the other titles in audio.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for listening, Zack! Maybe eventually, after I get the EE series finished, but it’s about $5,000 per book to produce, so I’m doing it very gradually on the books that I’m doing myself.

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