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Category Archives: Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Dragon Blood Bonus Scene #1: Fowl Advice
If you’ve finished Soulblade, and you’re looking for an extra Dragon Blood fix, I hope you’ll have fun with this short scene. There are a couple of spoilers for Book 7, so you might want to wait until you’ve read … Continue reading
Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Tagged bonus scenes, dragon blood, dragon blood 7, ridge
Character Interviews: Sespian (on fathers, cats, and man-to-man advice)
As many of you know, Amaranthe, Sicarius, Sespian, Maldynado, Tikaya, and several others have been dealing with a few… troubles of late. After the events of the Forged in Blood books, everyone expected a long vacation, but transitioning from an … Continue reading
Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Tagged character interviews, emperor's edge, republic, sespian
Republic Teaser: Chapter 1, Part 1
For those who have wondering about the progress of Republic (the next novel with Amaranthe, Sicarius, and the rest of the Emperor’s Edge gang), I’m doing my final edits now and hope to send it off to my editor at … Continue reading
Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Tagged amaranthe, emperor's edge, republic, sicarius
Cut Amaranthe/Sicarius Dialogue from EE5 Blood and Betrayal
It’s been a couple of months since the final novel in the Emperor’s Edge series came out, and I’ve mentioned that it’ll be a while (2014) before I jump back into that world, but I was hunting for something today … Continue reading
Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Tagged amaranthe and sicarius, blood and betrayal, cut scenes, ee5, emperor's edge
Contest Winner: From the Mouths of Maldynados (and Akstyrs)
A few weeks ago (eep, sorry it’s taken me so long to pick a winner!), I posted a contest asking folks to come up with some quirky lines for Maldynado and Akstyr. I’m finally announcing winners! I’d originally meant to … Continue reading
Forged in Blood I, Chapter 1 (Emperor’s Edge 6 Preview)
Forged in Blood I: Chapter 1 Wind gusted across the abandoned stadium, rattling chains on flagpoles and stirring the fresh snow coating the rows of stone benches. In the chilly, predawn air, Amaranthe Lokdon stood atop the highest wall, the … Continue reading
Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras
Tagged ee6, ee6 preview, emperor's edge, excerpts, forged in blood