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Sinister Magic
Balanced on the Blade's Edge
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Category Archives: Writing
New Authors, Should You Self Publish or Seek a Traditional Publishing Deal?
Since I’ve been self-publishing for three and a half years now, and it’s all I ever did, it’s hard for me to imagine what things would have been like if I’d been dead-set on finding an agent and publishing traditionally. … Continue reading
Creating Engaging Characters That Turn Readers into Fans
I have ideas for a number of blog posts I need to sit down and write, but I’ve been busy writing the fiction (look for the next Flash Gold novella soon and Deathmaker, a follow-up to Balanced on the Blade’s … Continue reading
Posted in Walks with Lindsay, Writing
Tagged creating characters, marketing, podcasts, publishing, writing
Writing Faster: Breaking the 10,000-Word-Day Barrier and Composing a Rough Draft in 2 Weeks
About a year ago, I read Rachel Aaron’s 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love. It was basically what I already knew (it’s worth the read, but the gist is to plan out … Continue reading
Posted in Writing
Tagged book a month, how to write a book in a month, writing faster, writing more
3 Amazon Tips for New Authors (and maybe old ones too)
A Twitter conversation prompted me to share a few basic Amazon tips for those who e-publish directly through their KDP dashboard and may not have realized there’s such a thing as “Author Central.” 1. Use Author Central to improve blurb … Continue reading
Posted in Writing
Swords & Salt Novellas Available Everywhere Now
For those who enjoy adventure fantasy with a splash of humor, I have three new novellas out. They’re set in my Emperor’s Edge world but feature (mostly) new characters and take place across the ocean, over in Nuria. They stand … Continue reading
How to Be a Happy Indie Prawn with Patty Jansen
We’ve got a guest entry today from one of my old critique buddies from the SFF Online Writing Workshop, Patty Jansen. She first posted a version of this encouraging article at the Kboards, and I asked if she would be … Continue reading
Posted in Writing
Tagged fantasy, indie authors, kindleboards, oww, science fiction, self-publishing
NaNoWriMo Prep: How Do You Write More in Less Time?
I’ve done NaNoWriMo several times, but this’ll be the first year in a while that I have a full-length novel project that’s ready to get rolling on Day 1 (I’ve done novellas the last couple of years, but I’m ready … Continue reading
Posted in NaNoWriMo, Writing
Tagged how to write faster, how to write more, nanowrimo, writing tips
New Author Series: Novellas vs. Novels, How to Finish Your First Novel, and Pricing
I’ve had a handful of emails related to writing in this last week or two, and I thought I’d answer a couple of them here as well as in email for others who might be interested. I figure if one … Continue reading