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Sinister Magic
Balanced on the Blade's Edge
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Category Archives: Guest Posts
Is a Kickstarter Campaign a Consideration for You?
I’ve been meaning to write up a post on my experience with using Kickstarter to fund publishing projects (in my case, an audiobook project), but I’m still busy getting together all the reward goodies for those who pledged, so I … Continue reading
How to Streamline Daily Tasks to Make More Time for Writing by ReGi McClain
I’m busy putting the last touches on Conspiracy before sending it off to my editor, but we have a guest poster here today to give you something to read. Alaska native and professional organizer ReGi mcClain and has some tips … Continue reading
Choosing a Genre for Your Self-Published Book with M.H. Mead
For some authors, genre is obvious. Their book is a cozy mystery, or a historical romance, or a space opera. Not everyone writes in tidy categories, though, which brings in the problem of selecting a spot for it in the … Continue reading
Posted in Guest Posts
Tagged cross-genre, genres, guest posts, publishing, self-publishing
Indie Writing and Traditional Storytelling with Alan Dean
We have a Friday morning guest post for you today, one where indie author Alan Dean discusses the rise of self-publishing. Thank you for reading! Indie Writing and Traditional Storytelling When writers think about the book they’ve just finished their … Continue reading
Posted in Guest Posts
Tagged E-publishing, guest posts, indie authors, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing
Self-Publishing Tips: It’s OK to Re-Issue Your First Book (by Sheryl Steines)
What do you do when the first book you self-publish isn’t a hit? Give it a new face and try again! (Long-time readers might remember that I’ve had a couple of versions of cover art for Emperor’s Edge and Encrypted … Continue reading
Writing Tips: It’s All in the Details with Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali
I’ve been buried in editing this week, finishing up the third Flash Gold novella (it’s off to the editor now, so almost done!), and I’ve been neglecting the blog. Fortunately, I have a couple of guest posts in the queue, … Continue reading
A Checklist for Self-Publishing by Rose Andrade
Most of us who decide to self-publish have to handle the ebook creation, book blog tours, social media marketing, and just about everything else ourselves. Sometimes, though, you get lucky and you have a husband, wife, or significant other to … Continue reading
Finding Success with Serialized Ebooks (by Gregory J. Downs)
In the world of e-publishing, you don’t have to worry about the economics of print where a book needs to be between such-and-such number of pages to keep publishing expenses down. It’s not surprising that we’re seeing more short stories … Continue reading