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Category Archives: Tips and Tricks
How to Get Your Book into More Categories on Amazon with Keywords
If you’ve published any ebooks through Amazon’s KDP dashboard, you know they allow you to select two categories (i.e. Fantasy/Epic or Science Fiction/Steampunk) for your work, and then they have a box where you can type in seven keywords, though … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged amazon categories, amazon kdp, amazon keywords, ebook categories, ebook keywords
How Can You Sell More Books Through Your Blog?
A lot of authors start blogs because of a vague notion that they should, that it’s part of “building a platform” and that it can help sell more books. Is it? Can it? Sure, though, for fiction authors in particular, … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged blog, blogging, book promotion, sell books, selling books
As an Author, Is It Worth Being in the Amazon Associates Program?
For those who don’t know, the Amazon Associates (or Affiliate) Program is sort of like working on commission for the big seller. You sign up, put links to any of the product pages on your site or in newsletters to … Continue reading
Writers, Are You Wasting Your Time Submitting to Agents?
If you’ve read my blog or my books, it’s no secret that I skipped straight to self-publishing in December of 2010 without seriously gearing up for an agent hunt. I put my first two novels out as ebooks and eventually … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged agents, book deals, self-publishing, slush piles, traditional publishing
How Do You Improve Sales at Amazon UK, Apple Overseas Stores, and Other International eBook Sites?
When I first got started e-publishing (two-year anniversary coming up), I was mostly worried about selling books at Amazon. Everybody said they were the big kahuna (and they are). I did upload my ebooks to Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and, … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
How to Sell Advanced Reader Copies as a Self-Published Author
As my three regular readers know, I released the fifth book in my Emperor’s Edge series last week. A couple of weeks before that, I offered an eARC (electronic advanced reader copy) for sale on my site. This was the … Continue reading
Posted in E-publishing, Tips and Tricks
Tagged advanced reader copies, ARCs, E-publishing, eARCS, ebooks, self-publishing