Before I released Book 4, I talked Sicarius into doing an interview (which wasn’t easy, believe me!). Since it was so well received, I thought I’d see if someone else on the team would be up for something similar. Before I even finished making the request, Maldynado shoved everyone else out of the way, puffed his chest out, and said he was the logical choice, on account of the next book being all about him (I keep telling him it’s only half about him, but he doesn’t seem to hear that part). Thus I headed over to Facebook and the EE forum and solicited questions. (Please stroke his ego a bit by leaving a comment below… to let him know you were interested… somewhat.)
Maldynado Interview
Maldynado, thank you for agreeing to answer a few questions for your fans. I’m certain they’ll appreciate your time, especially given how busy you’ve been crashing things of late.
Crashing? You mean that dirigible? That wasn’t my fault. You sent that monstrous flying aircraft after us, something so technologically advanced that it was like a steamroller bearing down on a farm cart with stone wheels.
What about the garbage lorry?
What? That was the boss’s fault! And so was the wagon in Larocka Myll’s basement. Why does nobody ever blame the woman? When it’s clear she was giving directions?
But enough of that. Did you say fans? My fans? I am ready and available for them. Er, they are female, right?
Judging by the names on the interview questions, yes.
Oh, good. Not that I mind male adoration, but woman are more… desirable.
Uhm, yes. Let’s get started, shall we? Alita asks: “I know you like having your ‘snake greased’ by random women but do you think you’ll ever settle down and start a family?”
*blink, blink* The first question is about…? Er, I’m certain I don’t know what you mean in regards to… snakes… but as to the rest, I must say that I hadn’t considered it, no. I’m still a virile young man. It seems early to consider draping more than shopping bags on my arms. Babies spit up on one’s fine garments, and toddlers are always unpleasantly sticky and grimy. They’ll put anything in their mouths, you know. Some of my brothers have kids, and the little brats warrior-caste scions haven’t exactly endeared me to the idea of children.
Perhaps you simply need to marry a woman with the ability to suitably discipline your children so they’d be well-behaved.
Well, that’s… a thought, but, no, no, it’s too soon to think of such things.
All right, moving on. Ndngirl asks: “Have you ever gotten Sicarius to the Pirates Plunder?”
Dear ancestors, no! Who would invite him?
Er, I suppose once or twice, when I’d had a few deep quenching swigs sips of applejack, I might have tossed an invitation his way, fully expecting that he’d ignore it. And that’s what he did, unless you count the glares. I don’t. Glares are a part of his normative state. That being a truth, you’ve got to pity the woman who– Ahem, I’m sure if Sicarius has, ah, needs, that he takes care of them in private.
Kendra asks: “Which do you think is more important for a man of taste to have: the perfect hat or a finely-balanced rapier?”
I must confess that I was expecting questions of a little more… substance. Don’t my female fans know that there’s more to me than a love for fashion and sword innuendos? I have hidden depths, remember?
It’s possible you’ve hidden them too well.
*sigh* Very well. A hat is a wonderful way to express one’s personality (and exquisite taste), but a functional and aesthetically pleasing blade is a must. One never knows when one will have to stab highwaymen, Nurian spies, or meddlesome businesswomen bent on taking over the world.
Stab…? Never mind. Let’s move on. EEfangirl asks: “We know about Ravido. Tell us about your other brothers. What was it like growing up with six older brothers?”
Dreadful, really. My Marblecrest ancestors may have been generous in handing out looks and sublime physical attributes, but senses of humor are scarce in the bloodline. It’s amazing how such a large family can have only one member who isn’t uptight, stiff, and humorlessness. That’s me, by the way. My wit was terribly unappreciated.
I could have handled that — after all, you see that I can even get along with Sicarius — but my kin have petty and cruel streaks as well. They take insufferable amounts of pleasure in the misfortune of others, and they’re not above causing that misfortune, on the sly of course, if it’ll provide entertainment value. Ravido’s actually one of my more decent brothers, relatively speaking, probably because he grew up first and got out of the house as soon as he was old enough.
Before me move on, let met get something straight… You “get along” with Sicarius?
When we’re not training, planning a mission, or trying to have a good time. And when he’s not standing behind my shoulder, giving orders or glaring.
So, basically when he’s not in the room.
Yes, exactly.
Elizabeth asks: “What is your biggest regret in regards to your family?”
That I lost Tia. The story’s in my book if you want the details. I don’t care to repeat them.
Your book?
Yes, Blood and Betrayal. My story, my book. I can’t believe how long it’s taken my biographer to get around to writing it, hmmph.
Next, Lysana asks: “Any true loves in your past, or did they all end when the sun came up? (Or when the allotted hour was over?)”
Hour? I assure you my nocturnal endeavors are always longer than that. Goodness, didn’t you know that Turgonian men have stamina? And that my ancestors granted me far more than the average–
Ouch, why’d you kick me under the table, Lady Author?
Let’s stay on topic, Maldynado. Any true loves in your past?
I’m certain I was on topic, but if you insist on discussing the intangibles… there may have been women for whom I had feelings when I was a young and naive pup. But women always want you to settle down and start a family and take on responsibilities. *shudder* No, thank you.
Adamai asks: “In the group, who do you feel closest to? After Amaranthe of course.”
I know I can count on Basilard to have my back in a fight. And I like playing Tiles with him, even though he totally cheats. He’s a fine chef too. I never would have expected to find decent cuisine out in the wilds — though I do have to look away when he’s foraging. He plucks ingredients from the most unappealing spots.
Books would be all right if he wasn’t so insufferably full of himself. And boring. And if he trusted me to have his back. I’ve hauled his hairy cheeks out of the fire heaps of times, and he still thinks… well, if you’ve read the book, you know how quick to mistrust he was on this latest adventure. After all we’ve been through, I thought we were closer than that, but whatever. He’s the one who needs friends. Not me. People love handsome, affable fellows such as myself.
Maria asks: “So far your only (blood) relative we’ve seen (Ravido at Ft Urgot) didn’t seem to have your fashion sense. Do any of the men in your family consider their appearance nearly as important as yours, or is Ravido a good representation of them?”
Well, Ravido was in uniform when you saw him, wasn’t he? Military clothing is terribly drab and unimaginative. I’ll allow that the dress uniforms can give a man a dashing appearance, but they him a touch stiff too. Which means they suit Ravido just fine.
The rest of my family, enh, they know how to dress. They lack my flair, naturally, but it’s not like they wander around with mismatching socks.
Moldynotgo asks: “You’re the romance expert. You must think love is for everyone. But what about… Sicarius? Could you imagine him as a romantic hero?”
*sticks his finger in his ear, checks for wax, and leans closer* I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you correctly. Can you repeat the question?
Is there any scenario in which you can see Sicarius as a romantic hero?
You don’t believe everyone can find love?
Love is a feeling. If Sicarius ever had feelings, he buried them at the bottom of a rock quarry and smothered them with a landslide. No, forget that. He blew up the entire mountain on them so they’d never escape. I’ll bet you a million ranmyas that he’d deny ever feeling love if you asked him about. He’d probably call it some kind of weakness an enemy can exploit.
Mana asks: Besides your family and the occasional failed pick up line, what embarrasses you the most?
Being seen in public with comrades who insist on wearing blood-spattered military fatigues and other garish mercenary accoutrements. *long-suffering sigh*
Tara32 asks: “how big are your……feet?”
*lazy smile* Ample. Why don’t you bring your… shoes over here, and we’ll see if they… fit?
Sylvia asks: “Maldynado, you seem to give everyone on the team a hard time, with the exception of Sicarius, but you seem to pester Books the most. Is there a particular reason, besides fashion? It seems like there is genuine brotherly affection there. Also, my mother wants to know, despite your obvious attempts to prove yourself disreputable, how do you really feel about honor and a warrior’s responsibility to their nation. And one last one from both of us, if you could give Sicarius a make-over, without being murdered that is, what would you change?”
Some people just ask to be picked on, due to their self-importance and pomposity, but I hold no ill will toward Books. And I assume he knows my ribbing is without malice. Someone has to keep the tone light around here. Given all those wizards and monsters we encounter, it could get unbearably dark and grim if someone didn’t inspire a chuckle here and there.
Wait, who thinks I’m disreputable? You haven’t been talking to my sisters-in-law, have you? I try to be an honorable fellow, so long as it doesn’t involve too much personal hardship. This last year has been tough due to all this early rising and assiduous training. *shudder*
Sicarius? Dear ancestors, his name is coming up an awful lot in my interview. He has his own interview, you know. As for the question, if I thought I could have gotten away with it, I’d have cut his hair in his sleep. The man is desperately in need of a barber. As for the rest of his ensemble, it’s bland and a tad metal-heavy, but it’s not entirely hideous.
All right, thank you for your time, Maldynado.
That’s it? I can talk about this subject all night.
The subject being… you?
Isn’t that Yara over there waiting for you?
Ah, perhaps so. Yes. Goodnight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.
That doesn’t narrow down the allowable activities very much.
So full of awesome! Thanks Maldy.
Can’t wait until tomorrow!! Thanks for the interview–my favorite character!
Mal! Mal! Wait, will you sign my *censored*?!
Someone had to, right? >:D
I didn’t know he was giving away autographs! *stands in line* I’m next!
Lindsay, you’ve definitely lived up to your writing reputation in this one
Mal, darling, sometimes a sword is merely…a sword. But you’re so pretty, we won’t quibble.
Between you and me, I think he was a tad snippy because so many questions involved Sicarius…
Poor Mal, here’s a serious question just for him then. What did he feel when Amaranthe had gotten gravely hurt in Book 2 and now that at the end of Book 4, what does he feel in regards to his responsibility to her and his team mates?
On another note, what did he first feel when he met Amaranthe and what kept him sticking around after Book 1?
Hm, he seems to have disappeared with Yara, so I’ll take a stab at answering these.
I think he’d admit to caring about Amaranthe (more details on that in his new book) and that he was very distressed when she was so gravely wounded in Book 2. He would assure you that he’s very loyal to his teammates, even that crusty old Books. And Sicarius… well, it wouldn’t cross his mind to betray Sicarius. That wouldn’t be wise.
In Book 1, he was largely amused by Amaranthe’s appearance. In the beginning, he stuck around because adventures with her were proving much more interesting than the one’s he’d been having in the escort business of late.
Thank you Lindsay that helps me to understand the careful innerworkings of our favorite Mal. As for you Mal, everyone loves you so keep on at it being the oldest bachelor around, lolz…;)
Thanks, Mal! You are the most amusing character!
Just tell Yara I said you’re a great guy!
Well done! Love ya’ Mal!
Yay! That was great! Mal, I have to say I totally agree with you about Books, I think he’s jealous
Wow, just wow! That was a lot more entertaining than most interviews ive seen/read!
Clearly, HE hasn’t read book 5 yet! Thanks Lindsay!
Selective memory.
Mal! Don’t go just yet! We need to know other…things!
Lindsay (and Mal of course), you always make me laugh so bloody hard xD
Great interview!
Just wondering, with the forum – how long does it usually take for the admin to check a join request? I’m hoping it’s not hotmail causing problems..
Thanks, Ransom! I think Mana is on there every day so it shouldn’t be too long. She went to manually approving things after a bunch of spam-bots joined.
If you haven’t heard from me yet, check your spam folder. I may have needed some sort of “proof”.
Thanks you for replying.
I checked through the spam folder, but sadly nothing – unless you count some.. ahem.. sword enlargement mails. Can you try again, or should I try a different email?
Email me at emperorsedge at yahoo dot com
August 19th I sent you a please confirm type canned letter, your “To chat with other fans.” was too spammer and didn’t match any scenes from the book. I have approved your account.
It’s an exclusive club, but once you’re in, you get to interact with the Naughty Brigade!
Thanks Mana! I’m sorry for troubling you.
“Is there any scenario in which you can see Sicarius as a romantic hero?”
I laughed so *hard*. Mal is awesome, and I found myself wishing the interview went for a teensy bit longer too! Thank you for your hard work as Mal’s biographer Lindsay; though of course being so is reward enough, right?
Oh, yes, it’s an honor for me to have the opportunity to interview him…
Great interview! Thanks so much for answering our questions. I particularly liked the one about the size of your…er…feet.
Very enjoyable!!! Now to go buy the book. Toodles!!
Hey, when will EE5 be available at Amazon?
I uploaded it a couple of hours ago, Sara, so maybe tonight.
That was awesome! It had me cracking up, and it was so much more entertaining than most interviews! I definitely have a new-found love for Mal.
Thanks for answering my question, Mal! I meant no insult – I was merely referring to the job you were doing when Amaranthe recruited you.
Enjoyed the opportunity to learn a bit more about you, and I, like many others I’m sure, am sorry it had to be so short! Thank you, Lindsay, for giving us the chance to learn more about everyone’s favorite disinherited nobleman!
I thought we saw another one of Mal’s brothers in a previous book? Didn’t one of them try to set a trap for Amaranthe with Deret Mancrest?
Maybe it was the same brother and I’m misremembering. Time to re-read 1-4 I guess…
That was Deret’s older brother.
Great interview, Mal!
If you’re still answering questions, I believe that the Naughty Brigade would like to know your views on cougars.
Wow, I was expecting more questions about Yara and less about Sicarius. Though I’m not sure he would have liked that alternative, either, though perhaps for different reasons…? *amuuused*
That was awesome! Maldy’s personality cracks me up every time!