It may seem odd that you need cover art for an electronic book, but all the online retailers display images in their stores, just as they do with the paper varieties. Professional cover art can do a lot to sell your book, but, alas, most of us self-published types can’t afford artists who design covers for their day jobs. Many of us can’t even afford those who moonlight as designers!
From what I’ve found, the average price for ebook cover art runs $300-$400, but that’s a lot to cough up, especially if you’re not making money from sales yet. Fortunately, there are some up-and-coming artists out there willing to work with indie authors on a tight budget. Today I want to let you know about two great guys doing cover designs for less than $100.
I found Glendon through the KindleBoards, and he just finished a cover for a novella I’m e-publishing in the next couple weeks. The story is part steampunk, part Western, and I think he did a nice job with it. He went back and forth with me several times, and gave me lots of options to pick from.

Update: August, 2015
Several people complained that they paid and did not receive their work from one of the designers listed here, so I’ve removed his name and link from the page.
Glendon is still in the biz as Streetlight Graphics, but just to warn you, his business has grown and his prices have gone up over the years. You’ll have to check his site for current rates.
You may also want to check out Deranged Doctor Design. I found them through a contest on 99 Designs last year, and they’ve done all of the covers on my Dragon Blood series, as well as a few side projects. As I write this in 2015, they’re still in the $100 range for a cover.
Looks like they do quality work. However, paying any price is still too high for me right now. At least until I actually start making a profit. So I’m sticking with self-design. Fortunately, I have a little experience in that area.
I am currently offering book covers at $ 50.00. If that is not possible, and you have a blog or website that I could advertise on… we could do a barter for services. Money exchange is not always necessary. Just offering some options:) I have included a link to my on-line portfolio for you to check out.
I want a book cover designed that I can send to my printer. I am small time and like to help others out if I can. $50.00 is more than reasonable and I will more for quality work.
I have in mind a cover, I just don’t have the skill to do it.
Hi James Huber
I’ve stumbled upon this post while searching for something else and found your comment. Are you still looking for book cover creation? I can help.
Why am I fit for this?
I’ve self publishing my novel last year successfully. I’ve published it as an ebook as well as in print format too. It’s performing well and I’m currently working on my second novel.
I’m also creating ‘Your Guide To Self-Publishing’, a book that helps anyone who is willing to publish on their own. It has information about everything, from creating covers to marketing your books, everything. So, yes, I’ve been through the process and so, I’m fit.
How can you get in touch?
Simple. Go here: and check out my services. I’m not a full-time freelancer or anything. I work in Digital Marketing field in a leading company. But I’m very passionate about self publishing and I like to help others who are going down that route. Let me know if I can help.
Have a nice day.
are you still designing e book covers? I am looking for a cover for my first book
Ronnell Porter is mentioned here, but a quick Google search and reading threads on the Kindle Boards will show that he has a history of ripping off indie authors by taking their money and not completing the work. If you decide to use him because you are dazzled by an impressive website and a reasonable price point, you may want to reconsider that.
Thanks for the info – designing the cover is always one of the toughest parts for me!
Why hire a professional to do your eBook cover when you can do it yourself, for free, with online software that uses templates? Do you want your eBook to have the same cover as someone else? I’m guessing you don’t. That’s where I come in. I have written and illustrated more than 80 eBooks for myself and I really enjoy doing the covers.
As a freelance artist and illustrator, with over 30 years experience, I offer my services as an eBook cover artist with two options available. Option #1 – $50 – I will design your cover using appropriate, hand selected, clip art from my library of more than 125,000 images based on your suggestions regarding images, colors, etc.. Option #2 – $150 – I will design your cover using a custom illustration that I create via digital/traditional artwork based on your specs and after reading excerpts from your eBook manuscript and reading your suggestions regarding images, colors, etc. Both options include 3 minor revisions, if possible and necessary. Additional work will be billed at $15 per hour in half hour increments.
I require a 50% non-refundable deposit with the balance due upon acceptance. I accept payment via PayPal or money order. Your satisfaction is always my greatest concern and I will work with you to give your cover the quality it deserves. You work hard to get your manuscript to be the best you are capable of. I will work just as hard to give it the cover it deserves. I look forward to hearing from you. You can email me at View samples of my work at See my eBooks by doing an author search (Tanya Provines) at and at Thank you for your time and consideration.
Thanks for this post! I know I need affordable help in this area. Do they also do print book covers?
Thanks for reading, guys!
Cathy, Glendon does print covers as well (his rates for everything on on the page I linked to). I’m not sure about Ronnell, but he’s got a quick form you can fill out to ask questions.
I’m an artist who used to do fantasy and science fiction illustration. $300 to $400 is about what an artist would get for a mid-list cover painting. Since ebook links are often viewed as tiny stamp sized images, you want something with a large title and striking, simple image with a bit of mystery to it. After all, the purpose of the cover is to get someone interested in reading the book.
I’d be interested, since I haven’t done ebooks before, to work with a writer to do a cover for perhaps a $50 deposit, with the rest ($50) due on completion. Does that sound like a fair price to you writers? I work in acrylic, oils and scratchboard, and what you would get would be a scanned image of the art work with or without title/author.
Please contact me through email Thank you
Hello Darla:
That does sound like a fair price. I’m a writer and I’ve just written three Science Fiction novels. One is finished, edits and all, the only thing I need now is a book cover so I can upload it.
I’ve been having trouble tracking down an artist to draw for my book, and I’m really anxious to get this uploaded right away. I would like to see some of your work, and hopefully talk to you about getting a cover done.
Thank you,
I am a Cover Designer seeking work. If you are currently looking for or will be needing graphic art services, please keep my info handy. I am available whenever you are. Check out my portfolio at : Then, just contact me and we can get started making your cover come to life!
Do you have sample of ebook covers you have done? I have a specific image in mind.
I am a Cover Designer seeking work. If you are currently looking for or will be needing graphic art services, please keep my info handy. I am available whenever you are. Check out my portfolio at : Then, just contact me and we can get started making your cover come to life!
Can you direct me to a website so I can see some covers you have done? Thanks, Rod Blackburn
Please check out my cover gallery at the link here.
Still trying to see your work, the address you gave doesn’t work (sorry for the delay)
Darla, Interested in your book design work. Do you have a website? Thanks, Roderic
Hi Darla: I saw your post through an old website (2011), but I was intrigued by it. I am currently working with a literary agent, but the books she can’t sell have reverted back to me and I would like to put them up as ebooks. Of course, the most important thing is to have a striking cover. The two I have right now are young adult books both with traces of science fiction/fantasy. Can you link me to a website of your work; that is if you are still in the field. Also, pricing would be nice. Many thanks! glen
Sounds cool, Darla. How can people contact you if they’re interested? Do you have any artwork online?
Lindsey — I’m ashamed to say I don’t have a web site yet — that’s one of the things I keep meaning to do, but everyday things get in the way. This in spite of having designed and maintained the web site for our local art group for the past 3 years. (
I have a painting online on Robert Genn’s “Painters Keys” clickback, “art pricing mystery”.
If anyone would like to email me, I will send them some sample images, no obligation. I did interiors on a regular basis for Tomorrow Speculative Fiction while it was still a printed magazine, maps and interiors for Carole Douglas’ “Irene Adler” mystery series, covers for several zines, portraits, and a lot of paintings sold at SF conventions.
DarlaT AT
I am an established graphic designer who has done book and cover design for non-fiction trade books (Clean Run productions, who produce dog agility training books).
I’m really interested in breaking into ebook cover (and interior) design, and would be willing to work with a couple of authors for a very reasonable price as a start for a portfolio. My covers would include art and typography for a front cover (do you need a spine and back cover for an ebook? I have yet to see one…) I work in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator and could provide pdf files.
I’m also learning how to properly format for ebook layout, which will be pretty easy for me since I already have a lot of html experience. But I’d love to plunge into that arena as well.
Anyway, if anyone has some suggestions on how to get into this market or would like to see a portfolio of my work, I can be reached through my website at
I work with an excellent designer, Peter Ratcliffe. His work can be seen here: He is also an art director who has worked with several international ad agencies, so he knows what sells. He is very fast and his prices are affordable, ranging from $200 to $350. Prices are negotiable and there is a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Covers are delivered between 2-5 days. Please check out the website and shoot us an email. Mention this blog for a discount. Thank you!
I’m a self-taught graphic artist and I am hoping to expand my portfolio. I’m a self published author as well. My ebook and print book designs are professional and very affordable. I’m interested in creating unique covers for books of all genres. Check out my portfolio at
I wanted to give a quick followup on my post above. I just completed my first commercial cover thanks directly to this blog. I’ve actually gotten a couple of other contacts from here as well. I completed a cover for a selection of short stories for Todd Thorne. To see it, you can go to my website at So thank you so much Lindsay!
I was searching for a place or a way to sell ebook covers.
Found your blog on ecover design very informative. We are just in the process of publishing our new books and have found the design process to be a minefield. Peter Ratcliffe is extremely professional in his approach, but only on a cost basis we opted for Ronnell D Porter and he has more than delivered. We have a great cover for our new book and are negotiating further commissions.!
I have two excellent ebook cover artists for you.
Amy Sterling Casil–author and artist. Most recently she has been producing covers for several of the authors over at bookview cafe. Some of her covers can be seen here.
Vera Nazarian–artist, author, and publisher. She has been producing covers for the books she publishes for several years now. Samples of her work can be seen at
Vera is offering to do covers for $100.
Responses to several comments: Ebook cover art is worth the cost even if you are not making money yet. It’s a business expense-advertising and it pays.
Cover art is compelling illustration plus good marketing, so your designer must have proven graphic design experience and understanding of marketing.
Developing a relationship with a designer, consider they are your business partner. Your success means you return to them for additional business, so they will want to be affordable, professional and easy to work with.
I could continue, but won’t but welcome comments on the subject! Cindy Martin Design
Hey Shelley, thank you! I just want to give a couple of tips that eBook covers are different from print covers (which I have also done – over 200). They need to be legible at the extremely small size they are displayed in different eBookstores and they need to look good and be optimized for all the mobile devices and readers. I have eBooks with covers from major publishers that looked beautiful in stores, and terrible as eBook covers in the reader.
I’m looking for design for a children’s book. Is someone who designs adult artwork I like the look of necesarrily able to create something for children?
Are there special considerations for good chidlren’s ebooks.? I’d be interested to hear opinions and recommendations.
Tanya, there are several considerations with children’s art for books depending on the target age. For younger children, adults are primary purchasers, so covers must have elements that appeal to them as well as the child. Older children often look for consistency, so sticking within the genre for design helps them visually identify the book as one of the category that will appeal to them.
Hi All,
I am an eBook cover designer. I have created several “Templates” for covers at a price of $75. Is this a price that is reasonable for ebooks? Please take a look and let me know your thoughts. I just started this business after being laid off and would appreciate your feedback.
The link is .
Richard that is MORE than reasonable for a book cover; consider as a graphic designer the average hourly rate is about $70 and a cover should take about four to six hours minimum to design…of course these are generic but still….you should license rather than sell them allowing you to recoup by recoloring and reorienting them and relicensing them. My two cents!!
Your description sounded desireable. This is my email. I am looking for an ebook cover as well as a hardbook cover designer.
I design ebook and print/ebook covers for $200-$300. My portfolio is at my website: I’m also an author with a deep and abiding love of good design and making authors happy.
I do ebook cover art, and my portfolio can be seen here:
The cost of an ebook cover is generally quite low, in comparison with traditionally-printed books. I’ve been doing e-covers in the $75-$150 range, and even though I work very fast I would hate to think what my hourly wage is. 🙂
Advice for authors? Be very specific, and provide as much information as you can. I have had covers where the author seemed very reluctant to actually provide any information, and I ended up doing several cover designs – not a good experience for either of us. At the very least, give good thumbnail descriptions of any characters to be depicted (age, race, clothing, hair, personality, what they are doing if there is action); if there are weapons, what kind (if it is a sci fi book I might assume blasters, while you have them using pistols); what text needs to go on the cover; if there are any covers that you particularly admire, tell me what they are – not to copy, obviously, but it does help to determine look and feel.
I just wanted to weigh in with a testimonial for Glendon Haddix mentioned in the original post. He designed my book cover for FATE’S MIRROR (by M.H. Mead) and did a wonderful job.
He was easy to work with and I will be hiring him again for the cover of my next book.
Calista Taylor just did one for me and let me tell ya we had a good laugh together throughout the whole process. I had tried a trad artist but we couldn’t agree on layout so I hooked up with CT through a mutual friend and it was super easy and cheap. She will work with you through your every need! Highly recommended.
Her link here:!__book-covers
New web site for covers
I am a graphic designer and offer original ebook covers, web images and traditional print. I have a new ecover on my Facebook page @ Cindy Martin Graphic Design. Samples of graphic design, illustration etc. on my website at (there’s a contact form on my site) I am happy to work with any writer for illustrations as well as covers. admire all the writers out there, it’s not my forte’!
I’ve used Chris Michaels for some of my designs (Kindle covers and 3D ebook covers). He’s a talented designer and has some of the lowest fees I’ve ever seen. He also works fast.
I highly recommend the guy. I’ve worked with some pretty expensive designers in the past, but they’d only take my cash and would deliver average results…
Check out Michael’s portfolio at:
I am getting into photography and I also know several other very talented photographers.
As I am just getting into the design business I would offer the first deign cover picture for you at no charge. All I ask is that my name be mentioned somewhere in the book/ebook.
I have many nature photos as well as ones with children, families, models.. and can cater to your needs.
If interested in learning more.. please email me
Just getting into the design business? What university are you studying at for your degree? I teach and when I see that amateur photogs and others are claiming to be designers it’s not fair to the consumer who buys from someone who has not learned typography, principals of design, theory of color etc. I suggest ALL e-publishers engage a professional designer who in the long run will be less expensive because they know what they are doing and do it right the first time.
Hi, I just wanted to throw my hat in the ring here. I have a unique combined skill set that may be of interest to visitors to this blog and page: I am an ebook cover designer and a copywriter. I can not only design your cover and site, but I can also write your sales letter and email series and press release. Bundled service discounts are available.
Do you need an e-book cover designer? I would love to work with you! I am seeking people in need of graphic artist skills. I have worked in website design for 10 years but my heart is in book cover design. I love the design process and will work hard to produce a great cover for you. You can see the 1st place banner I designed in early 2012 for a romance author in my portfolio link. My prices are very competitive at $ 50.00 for ebook cover with 5 changes. If you have any other ideas just contact me and we can work something out.
Hi all,
I just uploaded my new website at . Stop by and let me know what you think….
Kudoos to you! Awesome stuff.
I didn’t see any prices for book trailers…but that’s down the road from the cover. Just want to factor it into the costs.
You definitely create high quality, eye catching covers. I look forward to working with you for something I believe your talents can flesh out.
I am VERY thankful for this thread. I have looked at designers for MONTHS, hired several and been disappointed by most. I have found TWO in this thread who make covers VISUAL PLATINUM. It rare to find a designer who designs for IMPACT, understands marketing and the NEEDS of the Kindle format.
I am truly blessed to have found this thread today.
Be well.
Thank you very much cj. If I can help in any way just drop me an email. I would love to create a cover for you.
Thanks Again,
You do EXCELLENT work. I will definitely be using your services soon and let my clients know about you.
Be well,
– cj
Oh yeah…I forgot…
Are you still doing book trailers, Richard?
Hi CJ, sorry, I must have missed your post. Yes, I am doing trailers. I haven’t pushed that side of the business to hard yet. In the 80’s and 90’s I was a music video editor in Nashville when we still used film and video tape 🙂 I have just gotten up to speed on the new fangled Adobe After Effects so I am now ready to start advertising the trailers…
Would love to see some of your material as I prepare to do an ebook as well as a hardcover on my book.
Ronnell Porter currently charges $150 for a cover image.
$$$$$ Keep being the main topic here. Dollar cost for an ecover, who charges the least, who charges too much, you love your designer because you got it cheap. Now stop and think.
The cover of your ebook can be the difference between a consumer stopping to look, read and buy or pass on for something that looks more interesting.
It’s worth it to pay for your original design, not a template. A legit designer will talk to you, understand your book and create a cover for YOUR book, not a generic redo.
I design covers, I am a degreed, experienced designer and I am affordable and I understand the work you put into your book. After investing your time, imagination, originality and skill into your work, how does it make any sense at all to say I want a cheap cover to represent my work?
I am interested in thoughts. I take pride in my covers and hope that every single author is wildly successful in small part due to my engaging and original and affordable work.
Yes, $$$ is a huge consideration for independent authors. You can charge whatever you need to charge to make a living. That’s your right, but realize that targeting independent authors may not be that good of an idea if making a lot of money is your priority.
Maybe some writers are doctors and lawyers for their day jobs, but you’ll find a lot more who are scraping by and publishing their first books on a shoestring budget.
The best thing artists can do here is to say what they do, link to their galleries, put their rates on their sites, and let authors decide for themselves. If an author finds someone whose work she loves, maybe she’ll be able to find a way to purchase the service. Maybe not. Being insulting or condescending because people can’t spend a lot on cover design isn’t going to win any clients.
For the record, I’ve seen hobby designers do awesome ebook covers for $50 and I’ve been unimpressed by $500+ ones from pros. To say that an inexpensive cover will necessarily look cheap is a fallacy.
Price is not everything, that’s the point!
If an author makes price the primary consideration, then he/she does a disservice to the work. Not that the design has to cost a fortune, I have done design covers from $75 to $400 depending on the scope and skill required, number of images (front, back, flaps, spine and interior design for chapters and/or illustrations.
I just hope to remind authors that it’s wise to use original art because it BELONGS to you forever, it’s yours. Templates are generic plug-in’s and if that suits, use it, but most authors I know want art as original as their book and they want to own the copyright to the design. Good original art has cache’ and stands out.
It is difficult to give rates when the designer does not know the scope of the job. I quote when I have talked to my author, have a clear idea of what is needed, then the quote. That way it’s accurate and fair.
Aaron, you sound defensive. If you keep price as your primary consideration, that’s fine. Like anything for sale, it’s the visual impression that makes the consumer take the second step to read, then buy.
Here’s the thing…
IF the independent publisher is creating something of value…not just an exercise in self-aggrandizement, he or she will understand an INVESTMENT in the best face forward – you BOOK’s face — that is if you want it to SELL!
We are not talking $650, $800 or even $3750 that some PRINT cover designers charge…we are talking for most of these better designers between $150 and $300 for a large format, STUNNING, Kindle cover…WITH a rapid turn-around time.
Now here’s the question…IF that stunning cover makes your potential buyer more COMFORTABLE with you to click on your image, then you’ve gotten them one step closer to the purchase. If your Kindle sample sucks, well then you lose the potential sale or sample download.
If you are doing your job by creating compelling content, the proper bait is an AWESOME cover. I for one want that to FRAME my work…and draw attention to it. And I am willing to pay the rate that these two EXCELLENT designers charged, as I intend to make that back in sales the very first WEEK my book launches…and at the latest, my first month of launch.
Since a good cover to my great content allows my book to sell WAY better – that much is KNOWN – I plan to pony up for it, even if it means selling stuff on Ebay to pay them.
Just my three cents!
I totally agree with you Aaron. I am a professional artist, have been for more than 30 years. My fees for eBook covers are $50-$150 and I have never had a dissatisfied client.
Allow our award-winning designers and formatting experts the privilege to help bring your vision to reality – with an awesome book cover design by Damonza!
I know what Cindy is trying to say. Authors, you do yourself and your book a disservice by cheapskating your cover. Your cover can and will make or break your book. Yes, you can get a good cover really cheap in some cases. More often, you will get a substandard cover that will not serve you well.
But I know it’s really hard for authors, especially authors without artistic or graphic design training. You have to trust that the person you are hiring knows what they are doing, and often without the knowledge or training to be able to tell what is good and what is not. It’s exacerbated by the fact that some people who actually make a living doing covers are also not trained; so you can spend good money and still not end up with a great cover.
To hedge your bets, you want to pick a cover designer who is a professional, who asks you to sign a contract, and who does not undervalue their work. Going with the cheapest is a false economy.
Well said, Robin.
What Robin Nuttall said is great, I totally agree. But my perspective on this is a little different. I am a young independent artist, mainly just trying to build up my portfolio. I have a lot of time on my hands to devote to art, so I can get jobs done in a timely manner. I want to create custom covers, with original art. I don’t want generic stock photos in my art all the time. I am not exactly doing this for a living (full-ride scholarship pays for room and board and stuff), I’m doing it for the experience, so I expect my price for cover art to be around 50 dollars. I will work until you are happy, because that is what is going to make me happy. If your interested, email me at
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Very interesting thread here. I can’t speak for others, but my perspective on cover design is that it is a business. As a business, I must look at it in terms of generating revenue and providing a quality product for my clients. A good business person will look at the market and ask “what is the need here”.
After looking at hundreds of ebooks and gagging when I saw a large majority of these where obviously made with Microsoft word, I saw a need for generic “templates”. Granted, most authors would like a custom cover to portray their work, however the reality is that a great deal of authors cannot, or will not spend that amount of money for a custom design.
I would love nothing more than to just create custom covers full-time. However, at $250-$400 for a custom cover that takes me about 3 to 4 days to create, I would just be creating a low paying job, not building a business. My business model is to have a few hundred of these templates within the next few months that are generic enough to give an author an alternative to a self made cover. As with any business venture, this may or may not pan out. But, as you author’s know, you must put pen to paper and start.
I have written/illustrtrated more than 80 of my own eBooks and also do eBook covers for other authors. Visit my blog at I have two fee plans to choose from, $50 and $150. Click on the link in the upper right corner for eBook cover design for more information. I would love to hear from you!
I illustrated for a few roleplaying games and for the comic industry (indies) back in the late 90s. I do logos and illustration and design. Check my website for samples and contact me through my website if anyone out there can use my services. Thanks.
As a self-published author, I am very satisfied with the eBook cover artist that did my 1st cover. It was affordable and starting out, that is one of the things I am looking for. Covers that stand out and will not be resold to another author is important. I want my cover to be different, not look at Amazon and see the same stock art reused on 10 different covers. Thanks for this list and I hope I come away with someone I may be able to do business with. As far as higher priced covers, of the sites I’ve viewed, I was not impressed. Maybe it’s my genre(s), I don’t know. Everyone’s time is valuable and I understand it’s a business as well, but keeping in contact or responding in a timely fashion is another thing that is important. Again, thanks for this thread, the links and I’m off to visit a few of these sites…after all that is how I found this blog…in search of ebook cover artists. 🙂
Amber, you will be successful with that attitude! I have designed custom covers for writers, each hand drawn and unique. My authors appreciate that they are uniquely theirs, never reused and as original as their book!
I have been part of an AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts my professional organization) discussion on this very topic. Serious writers want serious art. Best of luck~
Thank you Lindsay for this wonderful website. I posted my services as an eBook cover artist here just a couple weeks ago and already I’m working on a cover for an author who found me here. Anyone else interested in my services can visit my blog at Click on the “eBook cover artist for hire” page listed in the upper right corner. Again, thank you Lindsay, for helping to bring authors and artists together for the benefit of all.
Hi There!
I do stylish and affordable covers especially for Indie authors, made according to latest size requirements of ebook sites, for all genres.
Please visit:
Thank you!
Melody Simmons
Since I first posted here, I’ve gotten several nice ebook cover commissions, and I have some new portfolio examples here:
I also started a blog to help authors with some basics of cover design. Unfortunately I have been very short on time and not able to post as much as I’d like, but I think some of the articles and links will be useful to help authors sort the wheat from the chaff when trying to decide what makes a good cover and who to hire.
Does anyone know who can print books for cheap?
I need more copies of my book made. I’ve heard of people charging as little as $4 per book. Of course, I can’t find info on them.
If anyone has any info or a website, please let me know.
I use CreateSpace (print on demand). Author copies for my books are $5.50 (6×9 350+ pages). I imagine for a smaller book, they’d be less.
I am offering quality cover art at very affordable prices.. from 35-60 dollars.. if you are interested, email me and I will be happy to send you samples of my art work.
sorry, my email is
I was excited that Lindsay chose me for her cover for her short story Shadows Over Innocence; check it out here:
Authors invest time, energy, heart and soul into their creative work. The book cover, like a company’s logo represents the book. A well designed, original cover is also an investment, one that represents the book and validates the author’s hard work. For well designed covers that best reflect the work, visit our website and make an inquiry!
I am an illustrator/cover artist and offer a very competitive price for my art work. Usually around 50.00 . Samples of my art can be seen on my webpage and I can be contacted at:
A slight correction to my prior posts, the prices quoted are introductory as a way to let publishers get to see and know my work. They may go up slightly after I establish myself in this community.
If you are looking for a good cover artist, please take a moment to view my samples on my website. I am new to cover creation, but have been creating 3d and graphic art for many years. I have been asked how I produce my art so inexpensively. I am disabled and have lots of time to fill, and since I love doing my artwork, I can do it relatively cheap. But, my work isn’t cheap looking, it is professional and beautiful.
contact me at :
or visit my small website for some samples:
If you are looking for a cover for your new book give my portfolio a look. Just click on my name in this post. If you like what you see contact me and we can get started today!
Hello Everyone:) Are you looking for cover art for your book? People really do judge a book by its cover. Take a look at my work at the link here. I am currently available for new projects. Let’s get started!
My books are finally live! After so many hoops, I finally jumped through all of em and now their ready.
Check out the commercials for my following novels on YOUTUBE, type these titles in:
Both books are available at CREATESPACE.COM
call 1-866-356-2154
On a personal note, I would just like to thank Glendon Haddix for the dopest job ever!
He did the work for my latest novel:
Glendon Haddix is THE best cover designer I’ve ever worked with. He took all the ideas I had in my head and brought them to life on cover.
I recommend him to anyone, Haddix is professional, great, and second to none when it comes to graphics/design. 5 stars
Affordable covers for e-books in 2-D and 3-D
Can we self-recommend? I’m trying to break into cover art, having sold many portraits, etc. I’d be very affordable and you can contact me for a portfolio.
Send me some examples of your work i need a designer.
Hi Glo:)
Please visit my online portfolio at the link here. Check out my work and let’s get started:)
I’m looking for an affordiable cover art. Contact me with your website or send some pics from portfolio. Looking for quick turn around.
You can check out my portfolio at I have done a couple of covers for Lindsay as well.
My portfolio and prices are on my website.
How much are you charging for an e-book cover?
I also want to recommend Glendon Haddix at Streetlight Graphics. He created the cover for my first eBook, THE KEY
and has just completed the cover for my second book, THEY SOW THE WIND.
I highly recommend Glendon for any design need you have. He and Tabitha are very pleasant to work with, accomodating and good at their trade. I have also contracted with them to do the formatting for my eBooks. Excellent work. Good customer service.
5+ stars.
Pingback: Self-Publishing, Part 2: Readers Do Judge A Book By Its Cover | Lorijo Metz, ScifiWriterMom
I’m a college professor who is coming out with a new Kindle e book and I need someone to do the cover art, formtting and uploading at a reasonable price?
Can you do this?
If not, can you give me a good list of someone who can?
I’m trying to find a cover for my poetry ebook, it has to be 1600 x 2400 and in jpg format. I just want the title of my book and my full name on it …but I’m on SSI disability. I’m already paying the style/formatter $100, where can I find someone who do one for maybe $50 and less. I’m really stretching, I help my mother with her bills on top of mine but I just want to complete my dream of getting my ebook published. Thanks
Just you know, based on this site I selected Ronnell Porter for my last cover design. Like many, many authors…I got burned. He took my money and disappeared. If you simply Google his name and look at the Kindle Boards and Amazon forums, you will see his taking money spans from 2009 up until now. It’s terribly sad because most indie authors cannot afford the hit. You should honestly remove him from this post as it is where I initially found him.
For those still interested, I offer cover design for the very reasonable rate of $99.
Hi Lindsay, I’ve been a fan of your site and covers for years. I’ve mostly quit cover design work to write fiction full time (so exciting!) but I’ve built up some DIY book design templates instead and tutorials so authors can make better covers.
I also made a free cover design tool a couple years ago, it needs updating but a lot of people tell me they’ve used it to make covers. I’m hoping to develop a super high quality one with built in templates.
If you think this are useful, it would be awesome if you could add them into your article above. If it makes more sense to link to a free video course on cover design or something instead (all content, no optin), I have one on my YouTube channel with over 600k views.
I think there’s a huge demand for cheap premade book covers so I might focus on that for awhile, instead of custom work, and add those to the DIYcovers site as another option. The goal was to teach authors how to make their own covers, but sometimes their results aren’t great; I might be serving them better if I offered nice but cheap premades they can use.
I’m pretty sure DDD designs charges more than $100 now – most designers get swamped until they’re charging $300 or up.
Pingback: Self-Publishing, Part 2: Readers Do Judge A Book By Its Cover
Great information Thank you!