Rust & Relics

Rust and Relics Book 1 CoverRust & Relics is a contemporary fantasy series set in Arizona with occasional jogs to nearby states. The heroine always imagined herself as the Indiana Jones of the Southwest, but a more appropriate tagline for the books might be, “What happens when geeks hunt monsters…”

Click on the titles to read the blurbs, opening chapters, or get links to buy the books:


Book 1: Torrent

Destiny Unchosen — R&R 1.5 (novella)

Book 2: Thorn Fall

87 Responses to Rust & Relics

  1. Sylvia Russell says:

    I have really enjoyed reading your books. I hope to buy a new one soon.

  2. Enjoyed reading your book very much. I liked the pitter patter between your main characters. They are fun and smart and interesting. Looking forward to book 2.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you for checking it out, Kathryn! I’m glad the gang kept you entertained. πŸ™‚

      • Susie says:

        I absolutely love everything of yours that I’ve read! You are an excellent author and i always look forward to one of your books becoming available for purchase. And after reading the comments im sure youre tired of hearing it, but I really do hope you manage to squeeze in time to finish rust and relics as ill be one of the first to puchase it. Thank you for your hard work!

  3. Susan Valpey says:

    Not often I read a book that I want to stay up all night till its finished! Look forward to more nocturnal adventures.

  4. tracy says:

    I really enjoyed rhea first book can’t wait for the second I had trouble putting it down, it is rare when a book grabs your attention like this one did in the first chapter.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for checking it out, Tracy! Book 2 is actually out already–I forgot about this page. I’ll update it now. πŸ™‚

  5. Tiffany says:

    I just finished reading Torrent. Got it as part of Nine by Night. It was great! Looking forward to the next one! I’ll put up reviews where I can. Usually Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads.

    Thanks for the great read!

  6. suzanne says:

    a huge fan of all your writings Lindsay, really enjoyed R &Rs SPOILER ALERT: look forward to hearing more about Alek
    Continued success with your writing and eagerly awaiting your nxt writings

    • Lindsay says:

      Thank you, Suzanne. I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories so far. I’m looking forward to Alek learning a little more English so the guys can more easily talk to him, heh heh. πŸ™‚

  7. Melissa says:

    I’ve enjoyed these 3 books and can’t wait for the next. Any idea when book 3 will be out and do you have a certain number of books planned?

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed them, Melissa! I have a couple more projects hogging my time, but I’m planning to work on the third novel this summer. πŸ™‚ Thanks for reading!

  8. Sandy says:

    Really enjoying your books – started with the steampunk stories and just finished book 2 of Rust & Relics – very much looking forward to Book 3! Thank you and don’t stop!

  9. Alex says:

    Started with the first Emperor’s Edge book and have now worked my way through almost everything you’ve written – have not been disappointed once! Looking forward to seeing more in this series as well. πŸ™‚

  10. Rebecca says:

    Lindsay I love the “Rust & Relics” series they are great!!! Please I must have more!!! I hope you are working on more. I just finished the second one and now I can’t wait to get more, more, more!!! πŸ™‚

  11. Michelle says:

    I have been gobbling up everything you have written and am all out of series and stories. Very much looking forward to any and all of your next books. I love the banter between characters and the way you make them “real”. The addictive nature of the stories is crazy! Great work and keep ’em coming for us voracious readers waiting for more.

    Huge new fan!

  12. Lana says:

    I read and LOVE all of your books! I NEED MORE!

  13. Tammy Davis says:

    I love, love your books. Rust and Relics were amazing can’t wait for more.

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad to hear it, Tammy. I’m planning on writing a third in the series later in the year. Thanks for reading!

  14. Taiya S. says:

    I waited to read R&R until I’d read every other series of yours…I’m not sure why though because these books are amazing! I love Delia and her band of crazies, and I have to say, Alek has completely made me fall in love with him. Female Indiana/Lara Croft/Uncharted/Star Trek is the best mesh!

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the first couple of books, Taiya! I definitely need to get back to this series and write a couple more. πŸ™‚

  15. Karon says:

    Every series, every character, your sense of humor, the way you endear the characters to the readers, just wow….now I just have one question..can’t you cut out the mundane such as eating and sleeping? that would give you more time to write
    lol….no really, more in this series…more in any series…I love them all

  16. Deb says:

    I love your books, and am eagerly awaiting more! Please don’t leave us hanging with the Rust and Relics series. In my opinion, your real gift is creating characters-people – that we care about

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks, Deb! I will write at least a couple more in that series. πŸ™‚ I love creating quirky character and writing their dialogue!

  17. Mary says:

    When will R and R Book 3 be published? Just finished reading 1 and 2. Great!

    • Alinia says:

      This, this, this!?!? Since Dragon Blood is done, and while I appreciate the SF series, I am desparately looking forward to the next installment of this series!

  18. Brynnan says:

    I love your rust and relics series, When is the third book coming out! Cant wait!!!

  19. Lorraine says:

    Just loved Rust and Relics and look forward to the next one.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for picking them up, Lorraine! I’ve been in scifi mode lately, but I do plan to write a couple more in that series. πŸ™‚

  20. Tina says:

    HI! I started with Emperor’s Edge, which I adored! and have purchased all I can get my hands on! I just finished all three of the R&R books, and I am looking forward to the next installment!!!

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Tina. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the books! I still need to get that pesky Rust & Relics series finished. πŸ™‚

  21. Barbara Solga says:

    Just finished Torrent and have ordered the other books in the series. As I’m coming late to the table here I’ve ordered a couple of your boxed sets. Hopefully the characters are as fun as they are in Rust and Relics. And I too am hoping you’ll write more in that series sooner rather than later.

  22. Tiffany says:

    I just completed Thornfall, and I am dying to know when book #3 is going to come out??? PLEASE write more of this series!! I love Delia, Alek, Temi, & Simon. You’ve left us hanging with tons of unanswered questions and I need to know more!
    P.S. It would be awesome if Delia and Alek end up together…. πŸ˜€

  23. Chris says:

    I loved the 3 books of rust and relics. I am really loking forward for the next books. I can’t wait to know the story… when will it be released?
    Just so that you know i have read sevrral of your seriies now and i am a big fan. I recommand them to all my friends.

  24. Rob says:

    I think I enjoy your characters most. Rust & Relics is probably the first batch of books outside of sci-fi that I’ve read in 20 years. I hope to see more coming from this world.


  25. I think these are one of my favorite stories you’ve written though I love all of your books. I’m disappointed that a 3 or 4 book haven’t been added yet. I hope you continue with this series. I would love to know if you are planning on it. Keep up the great stories thanks

  26. Kim says:

    Are you still planning more of these? They’re awesome.
    Also the creator of the jibtab is still out there!!

  27. Anna says:

    I read pretty much all you’ve produced. My favorite duo of all times is Amaranthe-Sicarius πŸ™‚
    Thanks for giving me many fun hours buried in your imaginative worlds πŸ™‚

    Really enjoyed these Rust&Relics books and their characters! I’m hoping for more of this series, lots of potential for these kick ass leading females characters and their “dark&mysterious” male counterparts.
    Any updates you can give us on next releases?

  28. Julie says:

    After the Emperor’s Edge series, this is my favorite. I hope we will be seeing more of these odd characters. I have been very patiently waiting! (OK, not so patiently.)

    Also waiting for more of the Warrior Mage series. I think that is my third favorite! (If I’m having to rank things, that is.)

  29. Christina says:

    Love your Rust and Relics series!! Hoping there will be more to come!

  30. Gina says:

    Love love your Rust and Relics series! The characters were just coming into their own in regard to skills and gelling as a group, and Delia & Alec where just starting to connect on a real personal level when book 2 ended. There is so much left to reveal & discover (talk about a cliff hanger between Delia & Alec)!! Although years have passed since book 2 was published, I hold out hope that one day you may revisit this earnest group of misfit heroes.

  31. Donell Walker says:

    Recently finished Rust & Relic Book 2 and couldn’t wait until Book 3 was published…then to my horror, I realized that Book 2 was published in 2014!! Please consider finishing this series.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks for reading, Donell! I am making plans to return to R&R and write a couple more to complete the series. That one wasn’t a favorite with fans, but I am hoping I can do a bit of a re-launch and give it more life. πŸ™‚

      • Tiffany says:

        YES! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!! I don’t know how R&R wasn’t a favorite of fans, because I loved it. Of course, I have loved pretty much everything you’ve written. πŸ™‚

      • Mq, cb says:

        Just bought and read them all in an evening. Now I want to know what happens next. Please do continue them. I only have 3 of your series left to go, so I shall start another one but I’ll hope for another Rust & Relics book sometime soon.

  32. Graciela Chanfrau says:

    I just found this series on your Amazon page and read all three books. Please, please keep them going.

  33. Mist says:

    I loved Rust and Relics and have been checking up on your books over the last 6 years in the hope that another book in the series was out. I especially liked that it was a bit more unusual than many of the urban fantasy books. Just reading the the current Sci Fi series – looking forward to the next book.

  34. Nichole Strange says:

    I love your writing- the characters, the plot with your use of humor and action. You create wonderful worlds and people. I previously read your Fallen Empire series and just finished your Rust and Relics series. Admittedly, I do not know when they were published but I would love to read more!! I love their dynamic and need to know what happens. πŸ™‚ Are there anymore of the series beyond book 2?

  35. Courtney says:

    Are you not putting out anymore rust and relic books??

  36. Incey Wincey says:

    Gutted that this series just ended and a few years ago too. Would love to find out what happened, who was after them, was Jek friend or foe, did Alek get back and so many more things…redemption for Simon and Temi for example…Please can someone let me know if another series continues the story and ive missed it, Googles been no help lol x

    • Lindsay says:

      I’m actually hoping to finally finish it off with two more books later this year. πŸ™‚

      • AnetteG says:

        Hi Lindsay, I love the way you write your books, creating your stories, universes and heroines and heroes…. I can’t believe that I have finished the 2nd book of Rust&Relics and there’s no book 3,4…. shocked! Enjoyed this series even more than the others because it’s scifi, fantasy, archeology and hopefully a lovestory between Delia and Alek, a Spartan ending up in modern times. Brilliant! Hope to follow their story soon!
        P.S.Can’t believe this wasn’t so popular…
        P.P.S. I agree, German words tend to be superlong too, just like Eleriss and Jakatra’s language 😁

  37. Micheline Brodeur says:

    Please, please, please finish this series. I’ve read every single thing you’ve written, and need to know how this one ends!

  38. Melanie says:

    No book 3!? NOOOO I was so enjoying this! Hope you are now writing book 3 πŸ˜€ ARE YOU??? Pleeeaseeee…

  39. Rose says:

    I love all your books and have been patiently waiting for more on the Rust and Relics series. I know you are very busy and while I enjoy all of the other series, I need closure!!. I have re read the 3 books of this series so much because I crave knowing more. Did I say I am anxiously awaiting more of the rust and relics series?

  40. Marilyn M says:

    Its now mid-2022 and I dont see R&R 3 or 4 πŸ™πŸ™ Very disappointed. While I know it is now post-Covid, I hope you didnt suffer alot during that time. Are you sstill planning on continuing the series? I have enjoyed three other series by you. Good luck.

  41. Shannon Johnson says:

    Please finish this series. I know you said it wasn’t a favorite with fans but those of us who have read or listened to these books are fans and I personally think this smart and entertaining series deserves a conclusion.

  42. Jason Dardenne says:

    Having found you during quarantine in 2020, I have just just finished your entire catalog. Such great story telling and memorable characters. Rust and Relics was the last series to complete and came here searching for why there wasn’t a book 3. Just wanted you to know I appreciated the Drizzit reference. I have been an RA Salvatore fan for 25+ years, and I find your stories just as entertaining. You definitely have another fan for life. Looking forward to whatever comes next.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks, Jason. I’m glad you enjoyed the books! I do plan to finish R&R with a couple more books eventually. They didn’t sell well and weren’t that well-received by my (mostly high fantasy) fans at the time, so that’s why I set them aside. Drizzt rocks. πŸ™‚

  43. Catherine says:

    Dear Lindsay,

    hopefully this finds you well.
    Actually, you must be, at least in your mind, which keeps spilling creativity in a way I can hardly imagine and find most admirable.
    Thank you for creating words, worlds and charakters I lost myself in many times.
    I feel that although you work soooo hard you enjoy doing what you do, most times at least πŸ˜‰, and that’s what makes your work positive and outstanding. Thank you for that as well.
    The 2.5 Rust & Relics books were spared long years… as a kind of desperately needed back-up treat. Until yesterday. Now it’s gone, my long horded treasure. It was worth the wait. And there could be so much more to tell.
    So, now I will keep reading everything you write as soon as it is published like I do for so many years now. Without the back-up.😊
    If you ever want support with ideas, proofreading in English or German, finding dragons or any other way I can give back some of what you have given me, please do not hesitate.
    Have a good Mon(ster)day and sunny greetings,

  44. Brenda Honeycutt says:

    Yup, it’s me. I’m finally getting around to reading the Rust and Relics series. I’ve been too distracted by your other series. This is a good series. More of a modern day urban fantasy. Very interesting. I’m listening to Thornfall, now. One of the key reasons I like your stories so much is the unpredictability of them. I enjoy not knowing what to expect and relish the way events unravel and characters interact. I’m a sucker for happy endings, too. You always manage to accomplish a reasonable happy ending that’s not too fairy tale. I better get back to it. Can’t wait to discover what’s next!

  45. Marilyn McGrath says:

    Hello Lindsay
    I am am keeping the hounding going on continuing the R&R series. Anyone who has read your books over the years (since 2014 when the first ones were out), wants to read all of them! I hope you will find the time at some point, as I am waiting to hear which of the leather clad aliens is the bad guy and who is creating the monsters.

    Thank you for the entertainment you have given me through your books.

  46. Jasmin says:

    I really love your books and have just finished the Rust and Relics series. I was so disappointed to see there were no more books on this series. I purposely looked up your website to see if I was mistaken and saw you intend to write more on Delia and the gang. Please continue their stories if you can. I can’t wait to see what happens with every one of your characters in this series. Thank you for all the gems you have given us. Your books are fantastic! Looking forward to more

  47. Donna says:

    I’m with the crowd. I just finished Rust & Relics and LOVED it. I really want to know how Alek is and Delia and Simon. Does Temi go back to tennis or stay? So many questions.

  48. Miriam says:

    Now that there is a new Indiana Jones movie it feels like we need more Rust and Relic books more than ever! These were so good – I love your other books too but really really want to read more of this series

  49. Chris Withey says:

    Hey…! Been reading the heck out of all of your books. I’m reading Rust and Relics but don’t see a book 3..?!? Say it isn’t so.!!

  50. Claire says:

    I love reading, however, because of some health issues I do it far too little. However, I ravished the Emperor’s edge series. Feeling over the moon, I ventured into the Death Before Dragons series to find it was not my cup of tea. Rust and relics brought back my love for the sarcastic remarks of your vivacious characters. Yet I’m stranded now on the unfinished story of Delia and her band of unlikely heroes. So Secretly, not so secretly hoping, you revisit their adventures.

  51. Susie says:

    I absolutely love everything of yours that I’ve read! You are an excellent author and i always look forward to one of your books becoming available for purchase. And after reading the comments im sure youre tired of hearing it, but I really do hope you manage to squeeze in time to finish rust and relics as ill be one of the first to puchase it. Thank you for your hard work!

  52. Carl says:

    I’ve read every one of your books. I’ll put in another vote to urge you to finish the R&R series. Thanks for the hours of enjoyment and relaxation reading your books.

  53. Alicia says:

    Have read this series twice. Please finish it? πŸ™

  54. Olga Lucia Uribe says:

    Please please write more of the rust and relics series.

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