Price Pulsing, Advertising, and Increasing Visibility on Amazon

As authors, we’re always looking for ways to sell more books. We’re sure everyone (or at least %0.01384 of the population) would adore our stories… if only they knew about them. Obscurity is the enemy, so it’s no wonder that most of us spend hours browsing online forums, blogs, and the pages of Amazon itself in an attempt to figure out the magical formula for getting our books in front of more potential buyers. In the fast-changing digital marketplace (*cough* especially Amazon), fame (AKA visibility) is fleeting and it’s entirely possible to go from being solidly mid-list to having only handfuls of sales from one year to the next (or one month to the next).

I’ve had a good year, so I can’t complain, and May (the release of my sixth Emperor’s Edge novel), June, and July (release of EE7) were particularly fine, but the overall trend this year has been of fewer copies of each title in my series being sold each month. This is, I believe, largely due to the fact that free books aren’t getting quite the visibility at Amazon that they once did. Outside of promotions, I get far fewer downloads of EE1 than I was getting a year ago. In addition to the free lists no longer being displayed side-by-side with the paid lists, my book has dropped so it’s not anywhere near the top of the Top 100 Free for Epic Fantasy any more. That’s natural: there are always new authors coming along and running promos, using KDP Select free days, experimenting with perma-free through price-matching, etc. I just took a look at the Top 20 free in epic fantasy and most of the books were new to me (with the exception of Joseph Lallo’s Book of Deacon which never seems to fall out of the Top 20 — I’d glare and give him the squinty eye, except he’s a really nice guy).

I’ll pop back up there when I pay for an ad on one of the sites that can make a lot of people aware of your books (I have a Bookbub ad lined up for next week), but I don’t expect EE1 to linger in the Top 10 for long. Also, there’s a limit to how many times you can advertise the same book with the same two or three sites that actually deliver a lot of targeted readers.

Of course, everything that happens in the free lists is true for the paid listings too. Sure, some authors are still knocking it out of the park, but others are finding that it’s harder and harder to keep selling well over time, even if you have a great launch. I used to say that if you could work your butt off and hand-sell those first 1,000 ebooks or so, Amazon’s algorithms would kick in and help you continue to sell. I think that’s still true, but if you slack off altogether on your own marketing efforts, you might drop to a much lower level of sales than you might prefer. It seems inevitable, too, that books and series will naturally have their peaks, and then sell less well down the road, no matter what we do (on the positive side, there’s nothing to keep us from writing new books and new series, and it’s unlikely that the sales of the old will dwindle to nothing).

But for those who want to keep tinkering and getting the most visibility and the most sales, what are some tactics we can try?

Price Pulsing + Advertising

Something I’ve done before but didn’t have a name for is what David Gaughran calls “price pulsing” in his Let’s Get Visible: How To Get Noticed And Sell More Books. As we’ve talked about before, selling well on Amazon causes Amazon to promote you so you continue to sell well (or even better), at least for a while.

It’s no surprise that it’s often easier to sell well with a less expensive book. Sure, there are exceptions, but for a lot of readers, they’ll try a 99-cent ebook without the hemming and hawing that might go on for an unknown author listed at a higher price point. Of course, the 99-cent price isn’t attractive to authors because you only make about 30 cents per sale since the 70% royalty doesn’t kick in until you list at $2.99 and up (up to $9.99 that is).

With price pulsing, you try to get the best of both worlds. You might set your regular price at $2.99 or higher, but then run 99-cent or even free sales to increase the sheer number of books delivered to people’s e-readers. This gives your Amazon ranking a boost and can increase your visibility in Top 100 lists and other books’ also-boughts, thus resulting in more readers simply stumbling across your books. When you end the sale, you may enjoy that amplified visibility for a while, ultimately selling more copies at your desired price point than you were before. Eventually, the sales may drop off again, but by then you’ve gotten more people to try your series, made some extra money, and perhaps earned a few more reviews. In a couple of months (perhaps to help kick off your next release), you might give this a try again.

It should be noted that just dropping your book to 99 cents may not result in increased sales. I’ve tinkered with this myself with Encrypted (which has never been free), and I rarely saw a bump when I dropped it from $4 to 99 cents if I didn’t do any extra promoting. Bookbub is the best at delivering a lot of targeted readers right now, but they’re also getting harder and harder to get into (not to mention they’re quite expensive for the popular categories). Some folks are having luck with Freebooksy, Kindle Books and Tips, and Kindle Fire Department. A new one I’m trying that isn’t yet charging is The Fussy Librarian. They’re following a similar model to Bookbub (targeting their audience so mystery fans get mysteries and SF fans get SF). Many of these sites want to advertise “bargain books” anyway, so they work well with the price pulsing method.

Do you have to plunk down money to do promotions? No. It’s a popular tactic since some of these sites can reach many readers and because many authors would rather spend their time writing than coming up with clever promotional ideas, but if the money’s not there, you can still go the old-fashioned route of putting together Twitter and Facebook campaigns, sending out emails to that mailing list you should have started by now, running contests on your blog, giving away paperbacks on Goodreads, trying to get yourself interviewed on other people’s sites, and whatever other schemes you can come up with to build awareness of your books. I’ve heard of quite a few people having success running group promotions (i.e. a bunch of historical romance authors will get together, put together a sales page with all of their books listed, and go in together on promotions and buying advertisements). You’ll likely find that all of these promotional methods will be more effective when you’re running a sale on your book.

For myself, I’m plugging the ever-free EE1 right now (it would be interesting to try the price-pulsing technique with going back and forth between free and paid, but I’ve had it for free for two years and figure I might as well keep it that way — I know that’s a lot of what’s helped me increase sales in non-Amazon marketplaces), but I intend to run some sales on my EE1-3 omnibus before the holidays. I had good luck with it at Bookbub in May (I dropped it from $8 to 99 cents for a couple of days, and sold 1500 copies at Amazon), but this time I’m going to rework the blurb and do one of those 3D covers, where it’s super obvious to a reader that they’re getting three novels. I’m also going to (finally) upload a version to Smashwords, so it’ll be available there and at iTunes and Sony as well. We’ll see how that does to get some new folks into the series.

How about you guys? Have you played around with advertising and running sales? What were your results?

Posted in Book Marketing | Tagged , , , , | 59 Comments

A New Novel for NaNoWriMo and Other Upcoming Projects

I’m back from my European vacation (my celebration for finishing up the Emperor’s Edge series this summer, and the first time I’ve taken more than a few days away from writing in the last three years!), and I’m excited to get rolling again. I might have even started something new during the bus and plane rides of the last week….

So, for those who are curious, here’s what the writing schedule is looking like for the next few months:

  • Finish a contemporary romance/mystery/adventure story set on the Olympic Peninsula (it may very well be the first love story involving a nefarious mushroom plot :D).
  • Write 3 or 4 short story/novellas set in Nuria (I wrote most of the first one on my trip). I’m planning to do a trilogy that takes place over there, and I’m thinking of these as prequels. I’m testing the water with some new characters (we’ll have cameos from familiar EE-verse figures, and someone’s relative will be a major character in the trilogy — nobody you’ve seen yet, but you’re welcome to make guesses!)
  • Finish the half-written Claimed, the fourth Flash Gold novella.
  • On November 1st, for National Novel Writing Month, start Republic. This one should (I hope!) make EE fans happy. I’ve plotted most of it out, and it’ll be set in the capital, a few months after the events of the Forged in Blood books. I’m going to break the mold here and have several point-of-view characters. I don’t think Akstyr and Basilard will be in town for this one (though I’ll figure out a way to work in updates for them) but Amaranthe, Sicarius, Maldynado, Sespian, and Mahliki (the eldest Starcrest daughter) will all have stories to tell. I’m still deciding whether the last POV slot will go to Tikaya or Yara. I’m not sure how long the novel will end up being, because there’s going to be quite a bit going on, so I’m not going to throw out a publication month yet, but I’ll keep you updated.

Future projects (later in 2014) will include a second R&R book and the aforementioned Nurian trilogy.

Also, for those who enjoy writing and are thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo this year, stick around, because I’m going to give away some prizes to help encourage people to stick with it!

Posted in News | Tagged | 17 Comments

Why Self-Published Author Kendra Highley Chose a Publisher for Her New Book

I’m still out of the country, but I’ve scheduled an interview to post for you guys.

Kendra Highley visited the blog last year when she discussed why she chose to walk away from her agent and self-publish her Matt Archer: Monster Hunter series. Since then she’s published three novels on her own and has a new one coming out. The new one isn’t self-published, however; it’s coming out via Entangled Publishing.

I thought I’d ask her back to the blog to see why she went with a publisher for this one and what Entangled was able to bring to the table. For those thinking of going the “hybrid” route (publishing some titles on your own and some with a press), you should be interested in this interview.

Hybrid Publishing with Kendra Highley

Kendra Highley SidelinedWelcome back to the blog, Kendra. Let’s just right in here! Your new novel, Sidelined, is out now, through Entangled Press. What made you decide to go with a publisher for this one?

The book in question, Sidelined, is in a different genre than Matt Archer. Instead of urban fantasy/adventure, it’s contemporary YA, dealing with some pretty hefty themes. I felt that it would be better served to have the benefit of an editorial staff known for YA and romance, along with the marketing and exposure they could provide.

Did you approach Entangled or did they see that your MA books were doing well and contact you?

My cousin Kary Rader, also an author, follows the Entangled blog and saw a call for contemporary YA sports romance. She knew about Sidelined and thought it would a great fit.  I hadn’t read through the book for a few months, but decided to give it a shot and submitted it. Entangled contacted me with interest two days later. When I got the initial email from my editor, I put my phone on the counter and backed away with my hand over my mouth, unable to tell my family why I was so freaked out.  It was an amazing feeling.

I seem to remember quite a few tweets where you mentioned going back and forth on edits. Can you tell us what that process was involved and if you preferred it to hiring your own editor?

I really enjoyed working with the editors at Entangled. They are super knowledgeable and brought out elements of the book I’d never even considered. It was an intensive process, with quick deadlines and multiple levels of review, but I learned so much that I can bring into my other work, both self-published and traditionally published. It’s fun to craft my own destiny with the self-pubbed books, and my editor for Matt Archer, Cassandra Mitchell, is awesome to work with, too. Still, I think I gained a lot by working with the editorial staff at Entangled. Plus, they are a really progressive publisher. Their royalty structure is closer to self-publishing and they allow unagented authors to submit manuscripts. They just want to find great stories and are willing to be a little unconventional.

As far as marketing and promotion goes, what is Entangled bringing to the table?

The biggest piece is wide reach. Most of the editors and publicists at Entangled have thousands of Twitter followers, and the Entangled blog is very widely read. Plus, they have a cadre of extremely loyal readers. Despite my own success with Matt Archer, this was a completely new area for me, so the built in audience was very appealing.  Still, the elements of this book launch and one of the Matt Archer launches are pretty similar: Cover reveal, blog tour, release announcements, giveaways.  And, working with a publisher, most of those costs are paid for, versus having to fund them myself. Sure, my cut per book is less, but they assume the risk, which allows me to focus on writing and reaching out to readers.

You’re answering these questions for me before the book has been released, but at this point, do you think you’d do another book with a publisher?

Absolutely. In fact, I have two projects I hope to submit to Entangled over the next year or so. It’s been a great experience.  For me, I think it helps to have separate approaches for my two different genres. For my more UF/mystery focused YA, I’ll probably continue to self-publish, but for my contemporary YA, traditional publishing seems like a better fit.

Before you go, why don’t you tell us a bit about the book and where folks can grab it?

Sidelined is the story of Genna Pierce, a basketball star who desperately wants to leave home to play for a college team. Now a senior, her years of hard work are finally paying off. University scouts are interested, and the guy she’s been drooling over for years is suddenly interested, too. However, when her team goes to the state tourney, tragedy strikes and Genna’s dreams come crashing down.  In a tailspin, she turns to the only thing that eases her pain: Vicodin.

You can check out the full description on my website and it’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and iTunes.

Thanks so much for having me on your blog!

Posted in Interviews / Success Stories | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Lindsay is out of the country ;)

Just a quick note to let you know that I’m heading off to Europe for a couple of weeks and won’t be moderating blog comments and might not be responding to email either (I’m doing a Rick Steves tour, and I’m not sure how many of those quirky hotels will have wifi — either way, I’ll just have my iPad instead of my laptop, so no major work is planned!)

I hope you guys all find some great books to read, and I’ll see you again in mid-October!

Posted in News | 8 Comments

New Urban Fantasy Available — “Torrent” (Rust & Relics, 1) Blurb and Excerpt

New Urban Fantasy -- TorrentI’ve been chatting it up on Twitter and Facebook, but here’s the official announcement: Torrent, the first book in a contemporary urban fantasy series, is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo (Apple to follow in about a week).

Here’s the blurb and the first couple of chapters in case you’d like a preview:

When Delia chose to major in archaeology, she imagined herself as the female Indiana Jones of the Southwest. She didn’t imagine herself crawling through abandoned mine shafts, scrounging for rusty pickaxes and gold pans to sell on auction sites, but Indiana Jones didn’t have to make student loan payments.

Scouring the mountains of Arizona with Simon, her best friend and computer geek extraordinaire, Delia dreams of turning their scavenging enterprise into a legitimate business. More, she longs to earn the respect of peers who shun her for turning into a treasure hunter. What she doesn’t dream of is stumbling across a decapitated body in an old mine near Prescott.

Something dangerous has come to the mountains, and a pair of Harley-riding strangers are the only ones who seem to have a clue. They speak a language Delia has never heard and carry mysterious artifacts she’s never seen. Investigating these strangers might lead her to discoveries that change the face of archaeology forever… or it might lead her and her best friend into a deadly monster’s lair.

Chapter 1

You get yourself into strange places when you’re broke, jobless, and trying to figure out how to pay back sixty thousand dollars in college loans. Such as dark, musty mine shafts that have been abandoned for a hundred years.

“Not to sound like a belligerent seven year old in the back of the car, but how much farther?” I asked and wiped my nose.

You wouldn’t think anyone’s nose could run in Arizona’s 1.37% humidity, but my nostrils were coated with dust, microscopic shards of stone, and the remains of that bug I inhaled on the off-off-road drive up here. Somehow, when I’d been studying archaeology at ASU and picturing myself as the female Indiana Jones of the Southwest, I hadn’t made allowances for the bug guts.

“We’re close,” Simon said, “I promise.”

He was leading the crawl through the doddering old mine, and there wasn’t enough room for me to scoot up beside him. That made him fortunate, because if I could see his smartphone and the app that was supposedly leading us to this treasure, I’d probably discover there was no reception down here and that he was making “educated guesses” again. At that point, I’d be obligated to punch him, Yaiyai’s lectures about proper ladylike behavior notwithstanding.

“Close as in just around the next bend?” I asked. “Or close as in the it-can’t-be-that-far-to-the-Winslow-rest-stop incident?”

Simon grinned back at me, his bronze face grimy, his short black hair full of dust, and his headlamp blinding me. “Delia, I promise we are much closer to our destination than we are to Winslow, Arizona.”

“How comforting.”

He winked, reminding me for all the world of Coyote from the Navajo legends, though, as he’s quick to point out, the Makah are about as closely related to the Navajo as Norwegians are to Greeks.

Simon glanced at the display on his smartphone, then shuffled forward again. I gave the splintered supports above our heads a wary glance, then followed after him.

“There’s an open area ahead,” he said. “This might be what we’re looking for.”

Despite my grousing, anticipation flowed into my limbs, and I crawled faster, ignoring the dirt and gravel slipping past my belt to fill my jeans and underwear with gritty souvenirs to discover later. Simon scrambled down a slope into a relatively flat space where he could stand.

His head rotated, his lamp beam sweeping across the area. “Hm.”

That hm didn’t sound particularly exultant. When I scrambled down the slope and came to my feet beside him, I was underwhelmed.

“Lo, a broken shovel haft,” I said, raising an arm in triumph. “Finally, the rare relic that will make our business famous, bring in clients with lots of money, and earn me the respect of peers who’ve shunned me since I embarked on this dubious career.” My sarcasm grew a little raw there at the end, and I reminded myself that I’d chosen to give up the legitimate job, so complaining wasn’t seemly.

“Did you say lo?” Simon asked.

“Not in any sort of seriousness.”

“Oh, good. I was afraid I’d have to tease you relentlessly for the rest of the day.” He picked up the shovel haft and knocked dust off it. It might be a hundred years old, but even in pristine condition, it wouldn’t be an item that collectors sought.

“There’s no iron on it,” Simon said. “This isn’t what the metal detector picked up.”

I eyed the dirt ceiling again. Not for the first time, I wondered if he’d simply chanced across bottle caps buried in the rocky hillside above, but he’d assured me on multiple occasions that the Dirt Viper was accurate to fifty feet, not only at finding metal, but at displaying its depth. It ought to be. We’d paid thousands for the thing. Add that to the subterranean explorers app he’d made, and we ought to be the premier treasure hunters of the Southwest. Thus far, though, he’d made more money for the business by selling copies of the software, and I’d made more by bargaining for arrowheads and antiques at estate sales.

“Let’s see what’s over the next rubble pile,” I said, continuing forward. At least, I tried to continue. Something tugged at my waist, and I stumbled.

The bullwhip I wore on my belt had unraveled, the tip catching in the rocks. It was probably a silly accoutrement for a treasure hunter who rarely crossed pits of snakes or fled from giant boulders, but it came in handy often enough that I endured the mocking I got from friends, family, and airport security. I grumbled and returned to extricate it while Simon laughed.

“You’re supposed to assist a woman in trouble, not snicker at her.” I pointed a finger at his nose. “This is why you have a hard time getting girls.”

“Really? I thought it had more to do with my scrawny limbs, passion for all-weekend RealmSaga sessions, and pathological inability to speak to women without stuttering.”

“No, it’s definitely the inappropriate snickering.” I freed the bullwhip and looped it again on my belt opposite the multi-tool that completed my adventuring ensemble. “A girl likes to know that you support her and—”

A shriek rang out of the darkness. I jumped so high I nearly cracked my head on the tunnel support.

“What the—?” Simon asked.

I would have asked something similar, but I was too busy clutching my chest and wondering if one’s heart really could leap into one’s throat. It’d been so silent since we entered the passage that I was surprised to learn anyone else was on the same mountain, much less in the same mine. And apparently in distress. Or pain. Male? Female? I couldn’t tell. The scream rang out again.

I jogged for the rock pile and climbed a couple of feet, shining my headlamp into the darkness ahead. “Do you think we can get there from here?”

“Er.” Simon hadn’t moved. The whites of his eyes were visible around his irises.

I frowned back at him. “What’s the hold up? Someone’s in pain.”

“It sounds like someone’s being attacked. The closest thing to a weapon I have is an app that makes machine gun noises.”

“Don’t be silly. Attacked by what? Someone must have fallen into a pit or something and needs help.”

The scream came again, much weaker this time, almost a whimper.

I crawled higher up on the rubble pile until my head almost bumped against the ceiling. On hands and knees, I advanced atop the gravel and boulders, not certain if the tunnel continued or if I’d run into a dead-end. I was relieved when rocks shifted behind me, announcing that Simon was following. Despite my certain words, I didn’t truly want to crawl deeper into the mine alone.

We shuffled across the top of the rubble-filled tunnel in silence for a few minutes. The scream didn’t come again. I wondered if we were going in the wrong direction, but there’d been no other alternative routes, at least not from the mine shaft we’d entered through. It’d been so hidden behind tall grass and manzanita that I wouldn’t have thought anyone had traipsed through it for years if not decades. But we couldn’t be the only… explorers—my mind shied away from labeling us as scavengers—out here.

“Stop,” Simon whispered.

“What is it?” I halted, turning my face left and right to probe the darkness ahead with my headlamp.

“Do you smell… I swear I caught a whiff of blood.”

At first, I thought he might be joking—what did he think he was, a bloodhound?—but the dusty air did have a different scent. Blood? I wasn’t sure, but the memory of elk hunting with my grandfather came to mind, so maybe so.

“He could have gotten some cuts…” I said, though I’d grown less certain of my fall-in-a-pit theory. What kind of pits would there be in mine shafts, anyway?

“I’m glad you’re leading the way,” Simon muttered.

I continued forward, keeping my eyes trained on the darkness ahead. “You’re not living up to all those stories about Native Americans being brave warriors.”

“You’re thinking of the Comanche. My people have always been peaceful fishermen. We rocked at throwing parties and giving gifts too. You’ve heard of potlatches, right? If you want me to make a gift for whatever is attacking that person, I’ll be happy to do so.”

Usually his chatter made me smile, but I found myself licking my lips and wondering if we should leave. I hadn’t heard a peep in several minutes. Maybe it was too late. Or maybe we could pretend we’d never heard anything to start with. Despite the cowardly thoughts, I kept going. If we ended up injured or in trouble on one of our excursions, I sure hoped someone would come help us.

The rubble pile sloped downward until I could stand again. Ore cart tracks came into view, as well as our first branch in the tunnel system. Three options stretched before us, all dark. I thought we might spot some footprints, but rocks and gravel dominated the ground, nothing that held tracks.

“Got an app that can tell us which way?” I asked.

But Simon had tucked away his smartphone. He sniffed the air a couple of times, then pointed to the leftmost passage. I tried a few experimental sniffs myself. That faint taint of blood or meat still hung in the air, along with… It almost smelled like the ocean. Salt? Seaweed? Odd. We were a six-hour drive from the Pacific.

I was tempted to make Simon go first since he’d picked the route, but he truly was unarmed. At least I had sharp, pointy things on my multi-tool. And I’d taken those three years of Tae Kwon Do during college. Both of which were sure to be useful against a pack of rabid wolves.

Ahead a support beam had broken and lay diagonally across the tunnel. Before clambering over, I peered under it, half expecting the person who’d screamed to be crumpled there, but the passage beyond was empty.

His eyes on the tunnel ahead, Simon climbed past the timber and continued into the darkness. I caught up with him when he stopped. The shaft had ended, opening up into a natural cavern. My headlamp beam played across stalactites and mounds of rock. It reminded me of the Colossal Cave near Tucson, if a smaller version. But there weren’t supposed to be any caves in the mountains around Prescott, at least not that I’d learned about when researching the area online. We weren’t on private property—this was part of the national forest—so it was hard to imagine something like this not having been turned into a tourist trap. Maybe, like the rubble-filled mine shaft, it wasn’t structurally sound enough. I grimaced at the ceiling.

Simon must have had something besides tourist traps on his mind, for he wandered into the cavern, climbing over mounds and slipping past stalagmites. He stopped, his back rigid.

“Find something?” I asked casually, though my heart rate had quickened.

“Yeah.” His voice came out choked.

I summoned some fortitude and climbed over the rocks to join him. The scent of blood—of freshly butchered meat—grew stronger, and so did the smell of the ocean. Before I could remark on the weirdness of the seaweed odor, I saw what had made Simon halt.

It was a young man’s head. Just a head.

It’d been removed from his body, the severing gory and uneven, as if it’d ripped off with one’s bare hands, if anyone’s hands were strong enough for that.

Mutely, Simon pointed to the side. A few meters away, crumpled between two mounds of rock, lay the rest of the body, a khaki shirt torn and saturated with crimson. Blood pooled beneath the torso, blood that hadn’t yet had time to dry.

Chapter 2

I stared at the body for a long stunned moment, then stumbled backward, my stomach roiling. I closed my eyes and pressed a fist to my mouth, struggling to tame my gag reflex. I needed to figure out what was going on—and if we were in danger—not throw up all over a crime scene.

“You don’t know it’s a crime,” I muttered to myself. It was hard to believe someone could have accidentally been decapitated, but maybe there was some kind of… natural explanation.

But what if whatever had done this was still in here? We’d heard the man scream not ten minutes ago. I peered about the dark cavern, my headlamp doing a pitiful job of illuminating its recesses. Nothing stirred in the depths of the chamber, and I didn’t hear anything except my own breathing. Odd how loud that can sound in utter silence.

Simon was staring at the body, his headlamp unmoving. He wasn’t in shock, I didn’t think, but horrified. He started eyeing our surroundings too.

The dead man—what was left of him—wore a backpack with a coil of rope strapped to it, though neither item had been removed. I pointed my lamp upward. Maybe if he’d dropped from above and onto a sharp cave protrusion… but there was nothing to fall from, nor were there any gore-covered rock features. Besides, people’s heads didn’t get torn off when they fell. I rubbed my face with a shaking hand.

A flash of light assaulted my eyes, and I lurched sideways into a stalagmite. Simon was snapping pictures.

“What are you doing?” I whispered harshly. All right, that was obvious. What I meant was… “Why are you doing it?”

“There’s a smudge here, like part of a bloody footprint. Or paw print.” He shrugged.

“You shouldn’t be standing that close. Your foot is in blood, that guy’s blood.” That disturbed me almost as much as the presence of the body for some reason. I’m sure it was the only reason there was a hysterical edge to my voice. “Don’t touch anything. We’ll go tell the rangers.”

Simon lowered his phone to frown at me. “The rangers? You think they’re up for murder investigations?”

“This isn’t a murder. This is a… a… mauling. By… a… bear.” I didn’t believe that—I’d seen bear work before, and tearing heads off people wasn’t their style—but I wanted to believe it. Bears were normal. Normal was good. Or at least—I glanced at the body again—less disturbing.

“A bear? You… believe that?”

“You tell me,” I said. “Didn’t you spend your youth close to nature, learning to hunt and track and identify what bodies mauled by bears look like?”

“If by close to nature you mean living in a trailer, playing computer games, and making spaghetti and meatballs for my addled grandmother, absolutely. As to the rest, the only thing bears in the Pacific Northwest maul are salmon, so I wouldn’t really know. These”— he waved at the cave, or maybe at the mountain or the entire state, “—are your stomping grounds.”

I pushed my bangs out of my eyes. Technically, I was from New Mexico, not Arizona, but he was right. I’d grown up in a similar climate, and I was the one with the self-sufficient back-to-the-earth family, including a grandfather who’d taken my interest in shooting bows for a desire to learn how to hunt. I’d been so impressed that he’d been willing to take me out to do “boy” things that I hadn’t admitted to the amount of puking I’d done the first time we shot an elk. I’d been more relieved than chagrinned when Yaiyai insisted that young women who wanted to get married and make babies shouldn’t be running around in the desert like savages.

“I don’t think it was a bear,” I finally said, then crinkled my nose. The queasiness hadn’t left my stomach, and the longer we stayed in the confines of the cave, the more the smell of the body was getting to me, not to mention the terror forever burned into the man’s eyes. “Let’s argue about it elsewhere, all right? After we tell someone. If not the rangers, the sheriff’s department.” All I knew was that we weren’t investigating it.

“Whatever you say.” Simon’s phone ticked as he claimed a few more pictures.

I grabbed his arm and propelled him along with me. An uneasy sense of foreboding crept over me as we headed back for the mine shaft. “What are you planning to do with those pictures?”


“Why don’t I believe you?”

“You’re mistrustful by nature,” Simon said.

“Or I’ve known you too long. I’ve never seen you snap pictures unless it’s to gross out your brother or to post something for the company blog.” I scowled at him. “And this better not be about the latter.”

“I wouldn’t put pictures of bodies on our business site.”

“Good.” I climbed back up the slope of rubble, eager to see the sun again.

“But,” Simon said, “if we had evidence about the existence of some mutant animal or weird desert monster, it’d bring tons of traffic to the site.”

I nearly stumbled down the back side of the slope. “Simon.

No way was I going to let him put something that sensational up there.

“Well, it totally would,” he said.

“We don’t need prepubescent boys who want to gawk at dead people coming to our site. They’re not our demographic.”

“You never know. Besides, any links that we can get to the site from big bloggers and newspapers will help us out. The search engines will love us and send more traffic overall. Relevant traffic.”

I waved, trying to silence him before he started explaining search engine optimization to me. Again. It’d made my eyes glaze over the first time. Nor should we be discussing marketing strategies when some guy was dead back there.

A moan whispered through the tunnel.

I swallowed. “What was that?”

“The wind?”

“Underground wind?”

“It could be blowing over a hole leading to the outside somewhere,” Simon said.

“It sounded like it came from behind us.”

I wanted him to tell me I was wrong, to convince me of this wind theory of his, but he didn’t say anything else. His fingers brushed my boot though. He was crawling along the rubble more quickly now. I picked up my pace too.

We scrambled down from the rubble pile and into the chamber where we’d found the old shovel haft. A clunk, clunk, thud sounded somewhere behind us. A rock falling. One we’d shaken free in our passing? Or had something else shaken it free?

“Go,” Simon urged, giving me a push.

“Good idea.”

He passed me and surged up the next rubble pile.

I charged after him. “Oh, sure, now you’re willing to take the lead.”

He didn’t answer. We were too busy scrambling across the rocks, our breaths loud enough to hear. Another rock fell behind us, maybe twenty meters back. One rock might have been chance, a delayed shifting after our passing, but two?

I whispered a few curses at the noises and at the scrapes my elbows and knees were taking. I skidded down another slope, glancing back before dropping below the top of the rubble. The glance was too wild—too quick—causing the headlamp’s beam to blur about. There might have been a dark shadow back there, something moving, but I couldn’t be sure. I wasn’t about to stop for a longer look.

When we hit the ground, hard rock lined with ore cart tracks, our crawls turned into sprints. How far was the exit? A quarter mile? On the way in, we’d been going slowly and exploring, so I wasn’t sure. I urged my legs to greater speed, though, hoping to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I also hoped man-slaying tunnel monsters didn’t like light. Surely the harsh Arizona sun would melt such a creature or turn it to stone or—

Another moan, this more of a growl, emanated from the darkness behind us.

I cursed again. Not only was that not the wind, but it was closer this time.

“There,” Simon panted, flinging his arm out. He was a few feet ahead of me and had seen the light first.

As soon as the tunnel entrance came into view for me, I summoned all of my remaining strength for a last sprint. My thighs burned and the air rasping into my lungs didn’t seem to do any good, but I kept running nonetheless. My eyes focused on the mottled sunlight slanting through the grass and leaves and onto the dusty rocks by the entrance. I raced toward it… then through it, ignoring the branches clawing at my face and my hair.

The mine shaft opened onto a slope, and my momentum carried me down the mountainside with huge lunging steps. It was only luck that I didn’t trip and roll headfirst down the hill. I spotted a towering pine at the base of the slope, the nearest branch more than fifteen feet up. Without slowing, I tugged my bullwhip free. With an arm lift and wrist snap that I’d practiced countless times on bottles in the yard as a kid, the popper wrapped around the branch. I’d practiced using the whip as a rope far fewer times, but with adrenaline surging through my limbs, I scampered up it like a squirrel racing up a tree. I didn’t pause to look around until I stood on the branch with my arm clamped to the tree trunk.

The mountainside lay quiet, bathed in late afternoon sunlight. No birds chirped, no cicadas buzzed, and no bears, monsters, or other nefarious predators tore down the slope toward my tree. I didn’t know if the forest critters were being quiet because they’d sensed danger or if our rapid charge out of the mine shaft had startled them to silence.

Simon was leaning against a bolder, looking at my tree. When our eyes met, he arched his brows.

“Nice move with the whip,” he said. “If you give up antiquing as a job, maybe you could get a stunt double gig in Hollywood.”

“Har har, don’t tell me you weren’t scared. I was the one trying to keep up with you.”

“My canteen was low, so it seemed like a good time to leave and replenish my supplies.” Simon smiled ruefully. “At top speed.”

“Uh huh.” I shifted my weight so I could sit on the branch. It wasn’t a comfortable perch, but I wasn’t ready to leave it yet. I might have imagined that something was following us—though I had heard those noises back there, I was sure of it—but either way, something ghastly had happened to that climber. I unwound my whip so I could coil it on my belt again.

“We should get off this mountain before dark,” Simon said. “Zelda barely made it up here in daylight.”

“Good idea,” I said, though I waited a couple more minutes before climbing down. By then, a few birds had started chattering again. Despite our jokes, we navigated through the dry brush at a quicker pace than usual. Neither of us would feel safe until we were back on a paved road close to civilization.

Our pace picked up even more when Zelda, our battered blue Volkswagen Vanagon came into view, our business name, “Rust & Relics” painted on the side in white with my cell phone number and our web address. I was relieved to see the van, but that relief disappeared when we rounded the back and found the side door wide open.

“Uh,” Simon said.

“Did you leave that open?” I asked.

“No. You?”

“Would I be asking you if I’d done it?”

“I thought it might be a trick question,” Simon said, considering the ponderosa pine trees around us.

Needles littered the dry forest floor, but there wasn’t much undergrowth where someone might be hiding. I peeked inside the camper to make sure nobody lurked in there either. The table was set up, as we’d left it, with Simon’s half-eaten carrot still sitting by the sink. I didn’t see anyone up front or under the seats, nor did anything significant appear to be missing. Outside, numerous footprints marked the dusty earth around the door. I knelt and probed one of the more complete prints. It’d been made by a boot. I was wearing beat-up trail-running shoes while Simon sported his typical socks with Birkenstock knock-offs. How he ran in sandals, I couldn’t guess. At that moment, all that mattered was that neither of us was wearing boots.

I pointed wordlessly at the prints. Was it possible a human being had killed that man? It was hard to imagine, but perhaps with a tool, one could rip off a head. An awful, awful tool…

“Two sets,” Simon whispered. Eyes toward the dirt, he started following them.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I asked.

“Find the asshats who were poking into our van? Yeah.”

“What if they’re the same asshats that did that?” I jerked my chin toward the mine and the body within.

Simon halted, one foot in the air. “Oh. I was imagining teenagers.” He set his foot down and considered the earth again. “The prints aren’t any bigger than mine. I wear a nine. Do you really think someone my size…?”

Simon was only a couple of inches taller than I am, maybe 5’8”, and with his slender build, weighed less than I did, a fact I didn’t advertise, though it’s hardly my fault that girls have extra curves that account for these discrepancies. The point was that Simon would be lucky to bench press his own weight—tearing heads off was out of the question. With his bare hands anyway.

“They might be just like you,” I said, “the sort of kids who got stuffed into their lockers repeatedly in school, thus giving them both the lust for revenge and the quiet time spent in confined solitude required to come up with megalomaniacal plots to take over the world with computers.”

Simon propped a hand on his hip.

“Before you try to tell me that you weren’t like that in school,” I said, “I’d like to remind you that you’re wearing an Apple T-shirt from the 80s.”

“I was just going to say that there’s nothing you could do with computers that would tear off someone’s head.” He lowered his hand. “Robotics maybe.”

“Right, let’s get out of here.”

Simon started to turn away from the slope where the prints were headed, but halted midway. “Wait, there’s something shiny up there.”

“Sure, and good things always happen when people wander off after shiny objects,” I muttered, but I followed him up the hill anyway. I had the keys to the van, but he had the detailed terrain maps on his phone, so I had better keep him out of trouble. I wasn’t positive I could find my way back through the maze of forest service roads we’d traveled on my own.

We didn’t need to go far before the shiny object came into view. Two shiny objects actually, though they were almost as dusty as the van, so it was surprising he’d spotted them. The black Harleys rested in the shade of a pine. The only sign of the owners were two black helmets hanging from the handlebars. The bikes had Montana license plates. Not the expected birthplace of megalomaniacal robotics geeks, but one never knew. I took out my smartphone and snapped a picture of the plates.

“Maybe we should do something to delay them,” Simon said. “Keep them from following us, you know? We could siphon the gas out of their tanks or do another… thing that would require them to make repairs.” His scrunched brow suggested he didn’t know what that thing might be.

“I’ll let you figure out how to do that if you don’t mind hiking back to town.” I wouldn’t leave him, and he knew I wouldn’t leave him, but I said, “I’m getting out of here.” Anything to hurry him along. I wanted to get off this mountain before… I shook my head and rubbed at the gooseflesh that had arisen—or perhaps never completely left—on my arms. It was a warm autumn day, but I wasn’t feeling it.

I jogged back to the van, threw the sliding door shut, and jammed the key into the ignition. Fortunately, Zelda was in a good mood and started on the first try. I performed something that should have been a three-point turn in about ten points, thanks to the copious boulders, logs, and stumps surrounding our parking spot, then leaned over and pushed the passenger door open for Simon.

He trotted out of the trees and hopped in. “How’d you know I’d be right down?”

As soon as he shut the door, I started down the hill. “Because when we got stranded in Allie’s new car before graduation, you asked if putting up the hood would void the warranty. I imagine we’d have to be in some crazy alternate reality for you to know how to effectively sabotage a motorcycle, car, truck, or skateboard.”

“Shows what you know.” Simon pulled out a Swiss Army Knife. “I jabbed a hole in the tires.”

I gaped at him. “Did you really?”

“I’m hoping they’ll still be stuck up here when the sheriffs and rangers arrive.”

“Then I’m hoping they weren’t bright enough to get our license plate number. Or our business name that’s printed on the side of the van. Or my cell number. Damn it, Simon, if any creepy mouth breathers call me, I’m making you talk to them.”

He had the grace to look sheepish at the possible ramifications to his impetuousness, but only said, “Fine. I’m going to see if anything’s missing.”

As he poked around in the back of the van, I began plotting escape routes out of Prescott. For a touristy mountain town, it was a decent size, but not so big that I thought we’d be safe from anyone cruising along the roads, looking for a blue Vanagon.

“Bastards,” Simon grumbled, his voice muffled. He had his head stuck into the storage area under the long seat that pulled out into a bed.

“What’d they take?”

“The Dirt Viper.”

I groaned. “The we-have-to-spend-thousands-of-dollars-that-we-can’t-really-spare-to-get-a-quality-metal-detector Dirt Viper?”


I almost complained that we were having the worst luck ever, but the memory of the dead man flashed into my mind, the image more sobering than a gunshot wound. Someone had experienced much, much worse luck that day….


If you’re a fan of urban fantasy, monsters, and snarky characters, you can grab the rest of the novel at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo. Thanks for reading!


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Weekend Reading: New Book + StoryBundle Special

I’ll wait until Torrent (Rust & Relics, Book 1) is available everywhere to make an official announcement, but I’ve given away the early contest copies (winners posted in the original entry), and I’m starting to upload the book to Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and the other stores, so it should be out this weekend in most spots (Apple always takes a week or two longer). So if you’re looking for something to read, please look for the new adventure. It’s on sale for 99 cents through Tuesday, and then it’ll be regular price ($3.99).

I’m also participating in a “fantasy bundle” with a couple of other authors at StoryBundle:

You get to choose how much you want to pay, with a portion of the proceeds going to charity, and you can get seven books (we have one standalone and two 3-book omnibuses, including mine) for what you feel is fair. If you’ve already read the books that are being offered, you can also send a gift bundle to a friend. All of the ebooks are DRM-free. There’s more information on the site if you’re interested.

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Pricing for Launch: Book 1 in a New Series, Go High or Low?

If you’ve been following my blog for a while (or since last Thursday), you know I’m releasing the first book in a new series next week. As an independent author, you get to choose your own price for your ebooks, and it’s no surprise that “how much is right?” is hotly debated.

Should you price low (i.e. free or 99 cents) so more people will give your work a chance (and perhaps be willing to pay more for subsequent books in a series)? Or should you price your book higher, perhaps as much as a traditionally published novel, so people might think your work is of a higher quality? Or maybe you should try something in the middle such as the $2.99 price point, which earns you a 70% royalty at Amazon (with similar setups at most other stores) and is still a deal for the reader?

I’ll tell you what I’m planning for my new book and why, but first I’d like to point out that I’ve interviewed two brand new self-published authors this year who had wonderful book launches with very different pricing strategies.

  • Last May, Sue London launched her historical romance, Trials of Artemis, and hit the Amazon Top 100 (that’s 100 overall, not just in a specific category) with a 99-cent price tag and not a ton of marketing (yes, she did some, and you can check out the interview to see what). Amazon invited her to pre-sell her second novel, which she priced at $2.99, and it’s out now and selling very well (#494 overall, several weeks after launch).
  • Last spring, I also interviewed Leeland Artra, who launched his first epic fantasy novel, Thread Slivers, at $5.99 and who also did very well, especially when you consider that fantasy isn’t nearly as popular as romance. He’s since sold many thousands of copies and recently had a great launch for the second book in his series. (I will note that Leeland used “price pulsing” and sometimes dropped his ebook to 99 cents for a short time for advertisements with Bookbub and the like.)

From these examples, you can see that it’s possible to go either way, high or low, and do well. A great story, great cover, and appealing blurb can get you a long ways at any reasonable price point if you’re willing to do the marketing to get your book noticed. It seems that the price pulsing concept (and David Gaughran talks more about that in his book Let’s Get Visible) is working well for a lot of people right now, in 2013.

So what am I planning to do for my book launch?

Good question! I’ve gone back and forth on this a bit. My new series is contemporary fantasy instead of my usual secondary-world swords-and-sorcery, and I’m sure some of my current readers will give it a try, but I wouldn’t be surprised if others thought, “Enh, not really my type of fantasy” so I’m treating this as if I’m starting from scratch.

As I’ve mentioned so often before, I love the idea of making a Book 1 free (my first Emperor’s Edge book has been free in many places for almost two years) and letting people try my work at no cost, but that’s generally a strategy people employ after they have a couple more books out in their series (if there’s nothing for people to go on to buy after they finish the free one, they had a tendency to forget about you!). I published the third EE book before I made Book 1 free. Also, as I pointed out during some earlier mulling (Is Using a Free Ebook Still a Viable Strategy for Increasing Overall Sales on Amazon?), Amazon has made it a little harder for folks to find the free ebooks. I’d definitely prefer people to see my book right alongside all the popular contemporary fantasy novels in the paid charts, rather than having to consciously click on the “Top 100 Free” and start browsing there.

So, how about 99 cents for a Book 1? This is what I’ve been contemplating, since it’s the next best thing to free and still an “impulse buy” to many folks, but it’s hard to sell enough at this price (remember, you’re only getting 35 cents per sale because of the lower royalty) to recoup your costs and keep the lights on if you’re not writing in a hot genre. Of course, once you have more books out, it can make sense to have the “loss leader” Book 1.

Something else to consider is if your regular price is 99 cents, you lose the ability to put the book on sale (unless you’re exclusive with Amazon and able to make your book free for a two or three day stint). The problem? A lot of the advertising sites are only interested in plugging “bargain books.” Considering how many copies of a book you can move with a Bookbub ad right now, it’s worth thinking about sites like that as part of your market strategy.

So, start high and run sales?

Not a bad plan, but one thing that always bugs me about starting high and running sales is that the people who support you early on and buy the book right away end up paying more than others who simply see it on sale and grab it. It seems like your loyal readers should be offered the best price from the get go.

In the past, I’ve occasionally put a book up on Amazon for $X and then sent a Smashwords coupon to the folks on my mailing list so they can pick it up at a discount. The problem with this is that it encourages readers to buy from another retailer and doesn’t help with your Amazon sales ranking (more sales and reviews there increase visibility, thus helping new readers find your books),. I have enough folks on my list now that their purchases can really make a different insofar as visibility at Amazon goes.

The final decision…

So, after much debating, I’m planning to launch the book at 99 cents for the first few days, send out word to let everyone know they can grab it at that price so long as they get it soon, then raise the price to $3.99, the price point I’ve decided on for the rest of the books in the series. I’ll keep Book 1 at that price for the first year or so, and experiment with running sales when I have new releases ready, before rethinking 99 cents as a permanent price.

For those wondering why $3.99 is the magic number, it’s based on the word count and prices of my other work. The EE and Encrypted books are $4.95, but they’re all over 100,000 words (most over 120,000). My Peacemaker novella is 45,000 words and is $2.99. The first Rust & Relics novel is 83,000 words, so it’s right in the middle. I like to find the happy middle ground where the books are affordable even to voracious readers but where the royalties can pay the bills. 😀

For those who are wondering if there will ever be a free option, I’ll be running the first book through Wattpad and posting a chapter a week. You can follow me over there if you’re not already.

That’s enough from me for today. Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share on pricing for a series or a launch? Please leave them in the comments section, below!

Posted in E-publishing | Tagged , , , , , , , | 33 Comments

Cover Art Reveal & Book Giveaway for New Contemporary/Urban Fantasy Novel

Torrent, Book 1 of Rust & Relics -- Contemporary Urban Fantasy

Update: The giveaway contest is now closed. Winners are listed at the end of this post.

If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know I’ve been busy at work on some new projects. A fourth Flash Gold novella is in the works, but I’ll have the first book in a contemporary urban fantasy series ready to go before then. In fact, I just got the cover art back from Glendon over at Streetlight Graphics, and I thought it’d be fun to share.

Even more fun to have a little contest and give away some ebooks. 🙂

It’ll be a couple of weeks before the novel is ready to publish, but if you’d like to win a free copy, all you have to do is leave a comment below and say you’re interested. Make sure to use an email address you check on occasion. I’ll select a few people at random and send mobi and epub files a couple of days before I upload the ebook to Amazon, Kobo, etc.

Here’s the blurb-in-progress:

When Delia chose to major in archaeology, she imagined herself as the female Indiana Jones of the Southwest. She didn’t imagine herself crawling through abandoned mine shafts, scrounging for rusty pickaxes and gold pans to sell on auction sites, but Indiana Jones didn’t have to make student loan payments every month.

 Scouring the mountains of Arizona with Simon, her best friend and computer geek extraordinaire, Delia dreams of turning their scavenging enterprise into a legitimate business. More, she longs to earn the respect of peers who shun her for turning into a treasure hunter—little more than a grave robber in an archaeologist’s eyes. What she doesn’t dream of is stumbling across a decapitated body in an old mine near Prescott.

But something supernatural and dangerous has come to the mountains, and a pair of Harley-riding strangers are the only ones who seem to have a clue. They speak a language Delia has never heard and carry mysterious artifacts she’s never seen. Investigating these strangers might lead her to discoveries that change the face of her field forever… or it might lead her and her best friend into a deadly monster’s lair.

If you want to enter to win a free copy, just leave a comment below. Thanks!

Update: Thank you, all, for entering. I picked more than 50 winners since there was so much interest. I’m uploading the ebook to Amazon, Kobo, B&N, Smashwords, etc. this weekend, so look for it soon!


  1. Virginia
  2. Christian D
  3. 2ManyCars
  4. Sue F
  5. Aurora Drake Nelson
  6. Alison
  7. Trish b
  8. Betty
  9. Annemarie
  10. Roshani Hingorani
  11. Louise Hewison
  12. Maggy
  13. Alexea
  14. Cheryl Loudon
  15. Kessin
  16. Dishauna Hydes
  17. Peter white
  18. Mrs DM
  19. RG Sanders
  20. Terri
  21. Daniel
  22. Brogdon
  23. Carl Schierhorn
  24. Amy Talbot
  25. Kayla Keppel
  27. Tina
  28. Kathy McPherson
  29. Shelby
  30. Steve Pollard
  31. Victoria
  32. Eugene
  33. John M. Portley
  34. Kimberly Sparks
  35. Carol Skowronek
  36. Christy
  37. Steven Pritikin
  38. Racine
  39. sue
  40. Sue Tyler
  41. James J Parsons
  42. Sylvia
  43. KristyAnnBene
  44. Tina Batson
  45. Lucile
  46. Tonya Alexander
  47. Deborah Salas
  48. Raymond
  49. asdhara
  50. Aimee
  51. Mandy McNalis
  52. Courtney
  53. Christine
  54. L.M. Sherwin
  55. Jamie
  56. Jean
  57. JoAnna
  58. Andrew43
  59. Kait Nolan
  60. Talia
Posted in My Ebooks, News | Tagged , , , , , | 621 Comments