New Books!

I’ve been so busy writing that I haven’t updated the site with new releases this spring (we’ll pretend that is a rare thing).

Here’s what came out recently:

Tangled Truths (Death Before Dragons, Book 3) is out on Amazon:

Home Front (Star Kingdom, Book 7) is out on Amazon:

My complete Heritage of Power fantasy series is now available outside of Amazon.

The first book, Dragon Storm, is free everywhere this month (the Books2Read link will take you to a page with the links to all the stores):

What’s next? Elven Doom (Death Before Dragons Book 4) is coming to Amazon on May 16th.

Thanks for reading. I hope you’re staying safe!

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Death Before Dragons Bonus Scene: “Yeah, Relaxingly”

Book 3 in my Death Before Dragons series comes out tomorrow! I wrote a little bonus scene that takes place between Books 2 and 3. Val does some yoga while Sindari offers commentary. Magical tigers are super helpful!

If you haven’t tried this series yet, Book 1 (Sinister Magic) is available on Amazon for $2.99. The series is also currently in Kindle Unlimited.

Thanks for reading!

Bonus Scene

“We’re going to unwind from Garudasana and flow into Utkatasana,” the smiling leotard-wearing instructor in the yoga video announced.

“The what from the what?” As I crouched awkwardly with one leg hooked around the other and my arms twisted in a pretzel, I looked at the magical silver tiger lounging on my couch, as if Sindari could explain this better than the instructor.

But Sindari was watching the door to my apartment instead of the video. I’d brought him forth from his magical realm to stand guard while I contorted my body into vulnerable positions. It would be just like a werewolf or troll to break down my door while I was propped on my shoulders with my legs pointed at the ceiling.

“Eagle pose to chair pose,” the instructor clarified as she flowed into the new position.

“Why didn’t she call them that to start with?”

Sindari gazed at me, his green eyes bland. Is the video designed to instruct you in a foreign language as well as exercises?

“Oh, I’m sure. I can’t tell you how often I’ve traveled and wished I could whip out some Sanskrit.”

Your knees are not in alignment, Sindari observed. The instructor would not approve.

“You’re supposed to be listening for threats in the hallway, not critiquing my form.” I scowled at him, but I did adjust my knees. Continue reading

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Genesis of Death Before Dragons (and a few reader questions answered)

I don’t know about you, but when I’m into a new TV show or book series, I love to hunt down extras and behind-the-scenes stuff online. Remember the good old days when we got DVDs that had director and actor commentaries included? Maybe they still do, but it’s been a while since I’ve had a computer that even has a DVD player so I’ve wandered into the streaming world like everyone else.

Anyway, I thought I’d answer a few questions and share some thoughts about my new series in case you also like extra tidbits.

Genesis of Death Before Dragons

If you’ve read my space opera or my heroic fantasy, you’ve probably guessed that I’m a fan of stories that take place in made-up worlds far, far away. It’s what I grew up reading (Eddings, Brooks, Feist, Tolkien, about a thousand Forgotten Realms and Star Trek novels…), and it’s always seemed fun to make up all new worlds for my stories.

But here with Death Before Dragons, we’re in the Pacific Northwest where I grew up and still visit. The main reason is because Val, the heroine of the story, popped into my mind as someone from my own time. I first came up with the character when I was rewatching Gross Pointe Blanke. The dialogue is fantastic in that movie and I always liked the idea of the hitman main-character Martin trying to figure out why he’s not satisfied with his life… through visits with a therapist who is totally not into him. I thought something like this would be fun to do in a fantasy story.

Since it would be hard for my heroine to call and text a therapist in a steam-age or medieval setting, I came around to the idea of having Val live in our world. I also wanted to give her a health challenge or two to work through (she doesn’t have it as bad as poor seizure-prone Casmir in my Star Kingdom series, but she’s otherwise a badass, so she needed an Achilles heel), and as someone who keeps an inhaler in my purse, it seemed like it was time to do a character with some lung issues. We’ll find out more about the why on that (for her) later.

I knew right away that if I was going to do an urban fantasy series set in a modern era, I would want to bring in some of my favorite creatures and beings from epic fantasy. Dragons for starters, but you’ll see some elves and maybe even some dwarves and gnomes as the series continues. Oh, and the goblins. You’ll meet the goblins in Book 2, and they’ll be back in 3. Who doesn’t love goblins? Continue reading

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Battle Bond (Death Before Dragons Book 2) Preview Chapters

I wrote the first three books in my new Death Before Dragons urban fantasy series before publishing the first, so the second novel (Battle Bond) is already ready to go. If you haven’t yet read the first book (Sinister Magic), you can try the first few chapters here.

If you want to check out the opening chapters of Battle Bond, scroll down. If you already know you want to grab a copy, here are the links for Amazon:

As always, thank you very much for reading and for your support!

Chapter 1

Battle Bond Cover“It’s a trap.”

The slender wire was barely visible under the mulch and fallen apple-blossom petals, but even if I hadn’t seen it, my half-elven blood would have allowed me to sense the faint hint of magic.

I’d taken three laps around the sprawling orchard, rows of trees stretching across dozens of acres, and it was my only proof that someone magical was in the area. Or had been in the area. Whoever it was hadn’t been considerate enough to leave footprints.

I stood up, flicked my long blonde braid over my shoulder, and contemplated my options. Then impulsively chose one that wasn’t that wise. I stepped into the trap.

Wire tightened around my ankle, then pulled at my leg hard enough to yank me off my feet. A second later, I dangled upside down, hands stretched toward the ground, like a cartoon hunter outsmarted by a clever rabbit.

My car keys, inhaler, and the stupid lavender-scented nose spray my doctor had recommended to calm my nerves tumbled out of my pocket. I hadn’t needed so many silly things along on missions before my previously excellent health had gone off the rails. I still wasn’t entirely sure what inflammatory markers did, but I was supposed to be de-stressing my life to improve them. Hard to do while dangling upside down from a tree.

Fortunately, Fezzik, my custom-made magical submachine pistol, stayed secure in its thigh holster, and Chopper, my even more magical longsword, remained in the scabbard strapped across my back. The hilt did clunk me in the back of the head as it shifted, but I deserved that. My leather thong strung with magical charms remained around my neck, but I had to tuck my chin to keep it there.

Val? Sindari’s voice spoke into my mind—Sindari’s amused voice.

I’d thought he was on the other side of the orchard, but when I twisted, I saw the great silver tiger padding toward me, his large paws barely stirring the grass between the rows of trees.

“Yes?” I answered aloud instead of in my mind. Continue reading

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Death Before Dragons Extras: Interview with Sindari

To celebrate the release of Sinister Magic, Book 1 in my new Death Before Dragons urban fantasy series, I decided to round up one of the characters for an interview.

When I asked who was willing, Val said she was busy avoiding dragons and doesn’t do interviews with the press, and Lord Zavryd glared at me in that frosty I-am-greatly-superior-to-mongrel-humans-like-you way of his.

I’m going to be honest: I also got something of A Look from Sindari, the powerful magical tiger who is Val’s ally, but I told him I’m very experienced with furry creatures and would be willing to rub his ears afterward. He scoffed and informed me that he is a mighty hunter, not a house pet. But he did stick around for a short interview. And here it is! (Note: It’s not very spoil-ery, but if you haven’t read Book 1 yet and care about such things, you may want to hold off.)

Interview with the Tiger Sindari

Greetings, Sindari. Thank you for answering some questions. I’m sure the readers are interested in learning more about you. 

They will not give this information to Val’s enemies or mundane humans, will they? Mundane humans do not understand magical beings from other realms, so they cannot be trusted.

They also tend to scream loudly when they see a large silver tiger, even though I am honorable and majestic and should be revered.

It’s possible they’re afraid you’ll eat them. But don’t worry. My readers aren’t mundane. 

They have the blood of elves or dwarves or other magical beings in their ancestry?

Of course. They’re also curious about why you’re silver instead of orange like most tigers here on Earth.

I am not from Earth. Much of the foliage on Del’noth is gray, silver, and pale green, and I blend in it with it nicely. It is more difficult to blend in here, but that is what magic is for. When I’m called by the ugnaknor charm to visit this world, I prefer to be inconspicuous until I pounce on my enemies and utterly destroy them.

Yes, I know about that charm. How did Val come to have it?

That is a long story, and she would be the one appropriate to tell it. I will say that the previous owner of that charm was unsavory and made me do ignoble things, so I am glad he is no more.

So you don’t mind working for Val as kind of a sidekick?

A what?!

Did I say sidekick? I meant honorable and majestic ally.

*his green eyes give me a suspicious squint*

I am Sindari Dargoth Chaser the Third, Son of the Chieftain Raul, Feared Stalker and Hunter of the Tangled Tundra Nation on Del’noth. I am not a sidekick.

Of course. I misspoke. Is that all part of an official title? I’m wondering about capitalization.

It is official.

How do you feel about your ally Val?

She is overly sarcastic and not always properly respectful, but she is a good warrior, and she does not use the magic of the charm to compel me to do ignoble things. Thus I prefer her to the one who held the charm previously. I have slain many vile enemies with Val, and we have protected helpless people from certain death.

And how do you feel about your new ally, the dragon Lord Zavryd?

I hardly think of him as an ally, and he barely acknowledges the existence of anyone who isn’t a dragon.

So he’s a touch arrogant?

He is a dragon. That is how they are. Do not speak badly of dragons. They can incinerate you with fire or use their magic to turn you into a slave. Val is unwise to use her sharp tongue on Lord Zavryd. Even a hunter as mighty as myself knows how foolish it is to irk a dragon.

You don’t think he might appreciate someone brave enough to stand up to him?

Standing up to a dragon just puts you in a better position for him to incinerate you.

So you think she should avoid him in the future?


Do you think she will?

*he sighs*


Well, we’ll follow along with your story to see how that all works out. Hopefully, it won’t end with incineration. It’s hard to keep a series moving along once the main characters are turned to ash.

I will not be incinerated. I am properly respectful of dragons.

Thank you for your time, Sindari! 

Readers, if you haven’t checked out Sinister Magic yet, you can read the sample chapters here and meet Sindari in the story. (Also Val and Zavryd.)

Posted in Cut Scenes and Fun Extras | Tagged , , , | 41 Comments

Sinister Magic (Death Before Dragons, Book 1): Preview Chapters for My New Urban Fantasy

Sinister Magic Urban Fantasy CoverWoo woo, who’s ready for some urban fantasy? (Don’t worry — nobody says “woo woo” in the book.)

With this first installment of my new series, Death Before Dragons, we’ve got a kickass half-elven heroine who can handle just about anything… except dragons. And wouldn’t you know it? The author threw one in her path. Quite rude. Quite enjoyable. 🙂

If you want to check out the first book, Sinister Magic, you can order it from Amazon:

The ebooks will be exclusive to Amazon for now, so I can participate in the Kindle Unlimited program, but the paperbacks and audiobooks are also coming and will be available everywhere. And as always, if you want to subscribe to my Patreon campaign, at the $5 level or above, you get all of my books early and in both formats (.mobi for the Kindle and .epub for all other e-readers).

Want to check out the first couple of chapters before you buy? Here they are:

Chapter 1

As I scooted a few more inches down the cliff, I came to the end of my rope. And swore. Vehemently and virulently, as appropriate for someone hanging from damp, gritty, vertical rock a hundred feet above crashing ocean waves.

Then I made the mistake of looking down and swore a little more. Heights don’t usually faze me. What gets me is the thought of falling from them, landing on sharp pointy rocks, being pulverized like flank steak in a meat grinder, and then being sucked out to sea, never to be seen again.

But the mouth of the cave was less than twenty feet below. I gritted my teeth in determination. I could do this.

“Besides,” I muttered to the rock, “you’re the idiot who chose not to drive an hour back to a town with a hardware store for more rope.”

After finding a suitable handhold, I scooted lower. Climbing back up would be easier, assuming I wasn’t injured then. I had to trust that my magical weapons, my magical charms, and the agility that my half-elven blood granted me would see me through this.

Halfway to the cave entrance, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I ignored it, like any sane person would, and continued carefully downward.

But then I paused. It was Friday and almost closing time for people who worked office jobs. If this was the call I was expecting and I ignored it, I’d have to wait until Monday to get the test results.

Making sure I had three points of contact, and one foot wedged so far into a crevice that falling would be impossible, I eased my phone out of my pocket. Yes, it was the doctor’s office. I had one bar of reception and the roar of the surf behind me.

“This is Val,” I answered, waiting to impress the receptionist with my connection.

“Hello, this is Mandy in Dr. Brightman’s office. Is this… Val… mey… jar?”

“Just Val.” I didn’t correct the pronunciation or explain that my Norwegian mother had thought it would be fun to name me after a Valkyrie.

“We got your test results back, and ev—”

Continue reading

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Updates and What’s Coming in 2020!

I haven’t posted since last year, so happy 2020!

I’ve been dealing with some hacks and security issues with this website, so if you came by this winter and had trouble, I apologize. I hope everything is fixed now. After getting everything professionally cleaned up, I enabled some extra security measures with the log-in, so now I feel like I’m trying to get into the missile silo under Cheyenne Mountain (which would totally be worth it if I could then go through the Stargate!).

I do have a new website theme and a shiny new banner that will be up soon. I had to get rid of my 10-year-old theme, which had nothing to do with fantasy or sci-fi anyway, since it was no longer being updated and had some security issues of its own.

One of the things I’m going to do coming up is combine my two newsletters (I currently have a science fiction one and a fantasy one) into one. I originally made two so that readers who are only interested in hearing about my fantasy wouldn’t get updates and bonuses related to the sci-fi and vice versa, but it’s just been too confusing. People sign up for the wrong one and then send me angry emails because they didn’t get the right bonuses. Yes, angry! I’ve been accused of swindling people to get them onto my newsletters. Okay, only one person has done that (you know who you are!), but as I said, there’s been confusion among many. It’s about to become much easier to figure out how and where to sign up.

I’m looking into how to merge the two lists now, hopefully without anyone having to re-sign-up for anything, and then everyone will get all of the emails and all of the bonuses. I only manage to email about once a month, so I don’t think this will be too onerous, but you always have the option to unsubscribe.

But you won’t want to because I have a new series and new bonuses coming this year!

In addition to publishing the last two novels in my Star Kingdom series (I’m working on Book 7 now), I have a new contemporary urban fantasy series coming. Soon! I already have the first three novels written (and the audiobook for Book 1 recorded). As soon as the cover art is ready, I’ll put Book 1 out there. (I’m hoping to release it by the end of February, with Books 2 and 3 to follow soon after.)

I’ve already written a fun bonus story for you newsletter peeps, and I think there will be extra scenes from the PoV of the sexy but aloof dragon shifter who shows up in Book 1. Yes, yes, I’m bringing dragons to Earth. It had to happen sooner or later.

Star Kingdom fans, I’ve just put the pre-order up on Amazon for Book 7: Home Front.

I’m playing it safe by doing an April date, but if I get it together earlier, I can move the release to an earlier date. I’ll keep you posted!

I also have tentative plans to finish the Rust & Relics series later in this year or early in 2021. I’ve been gradually finishing off older series that I set aside (usually because they didn’t sell that well) in between working on the new stuff that pays the bills. The R&R readers have been waiting for a long time, so that’ll be the next incomplete series that I complete!

That’s it for now. Lots of new fiction coming soon! 🙂

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The Star Kingdom Audiobooks Are Here!

If you’re an audiobook fan, you can now listen to the Star Kingdom series. The first three novels are out today in one big omnibus edition (one credit for Audible subscribers), and the rest of the series will be following.



For readers, Book 6 is coming soon. You can pre-order it here (releases November 21st).

Also, for fun bonus stuff, don’t forget to check out the Zee interview. 🙂

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