Star Kingdom Extras: Character Interview with Kim Sato

To go along with the launch of my new series (preview chapters for Shockwave here if you haven’t checked it out yet), I’m taking the role of helpful journalist and interviewing one of the unlikely heroes, Kim Sato, bacteriologist, kendo practitioner, and space adventurer. (The latter being more by accident than the former.)

Journalist: Hello, Scholar Sato. May I have a moment of your time? Our readers would like to know more about your recent activities.

Kim: Do you wish me to break down my work on radiation-consuming bacteria in laymen’s terms? I’ve published several peer-reviewed articles about our successful movement from the second to third stage of our human trials, but I’ve witnessed that newspaper journalists tend to cherry pick sentences out of context and give the public the wrong idea about advancements in science. It’s good that you’ve come to me.

Journalist: Actually, I meant your activities in space. When you and Professor Casmir Dabrowski left the planet to avoid robot assassins. That’s so exciting! Our readers want to hear all about it.

Kim: You’re… not here about my academic work?

Journalist: No, sorry. I understand that you and the professor barely escaped with your lives and had to hitch a ride with a dubious smuggler and an evil genetically engineered freak of a warrior woman. Is that true?

Kim: Technically, Captain Lopez is a bounty hunter down on her luck, and Qin is neither evil nor a freak. Please don’t call her that around Casmir. She was designed by pirates who wanted a super killer, but she has a surprisingly amenable soul. And she likes to read fairy tales and romances. While I have no data to back me up, I would hypothesize that such are not the typical entertainment preferences of an “evil” being.

Journalist: Is it true that you and Professor Dabrowski met the heinous, evil, and dastardly pirate Captain Rache? Surely he doesn’t read romances. What was he like?

Kim: You used three adjectives to describe him. What else could I add?

Journalist: Did you see under the mask he wears? They say his men don’t even know what he looks like.

Kim: I did not. Did you by chance see that I have a new article out in Microbiology Monthly? I would be quite pleased to speak about my work and help educate the public on scientific advancements.

Journalist: Do you think Captain Rache is horribly maimed or half cyborg? Maybe that’s why he wears a mask.

Kim: I believe he has cybernetic enhancements. I gather that’s not atypical for people who fight for a living. But I would prefer not to speak about Captain Rache.

Journalist: Oh, really? Let’s go back to Professor Dabrowski then, shall we? I understand he was able to thwart some troublemakers, despite his… He has a few medical issues, doesn’t he? Not the best genes, eh? You’d think in this modern world that we’d be able to fix seizures and the like.

Kim: He gets by. He’s relatively normal. Medically speaking, anyway. I don’t think his genes can explain his inability to use a coaster when he puts his condensation-dripping beverages on the coffee table.

Journalist: You’re kind of stiff, aren’t you, Scholar Sato?

Kim: I would rather discuss science than human beings.

Journalist: But our readers find it much more exciting to get the stories of real people!

Kim: That’s disheartening.

Journalist: I understand the professor’s knowledge of robotics came in handy against some mercenaries. Could you tell me about how that went?

Kim: If you’re interested in Casmir’s exploits, you should probably talk to Casmir. He likes talking. Even if nobody is around. I once caught him discussing the merits of loosely coupled particle robots with decentralized control algorithms… with the coat rack.

Journalist: Oh? That sounds impressively intellectual.

Kim: The next time I passed through, the discussion had shifted to how well balanced superhero powers are in modern comics. Like I said, he’s chatty. He’ll give you enough for a whole book, if you want it.

Journalist: A book?

Kim: Yes, those things with pages and bindings. Admittedly those features are usually virtual these days.

Journalist: I know what books are, thank you. I was just considering if anyone would read a book about a roboticist in space. The bestselling thrillers at the launch-loop book shop always feature strapping Fleet captains, warrior knights, and cunning police detectives. I don’t know if anyone would buy a book about a roboticist.

Kim: And a bacteriologist.

Journalist: Pardon?

Kim: I was there too.

Journalist: Yes… that should give it much more commercial appeal.

Kim: *flat cool stare*

Journalist: I’ll just see myself out.

Kim: Do.


If you’re ready to meet Casmir in person (and the ever warm and friendly Kim), check out the first book:

Shockwave (Star Kingdom, Book 1)

Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AUS | Amazon DE

Thanks for stopping by!

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Star Kingdom Launches! Read Preview Chapters from Book 1, Shockwave

Yes, it’s true. I’ve set the dragons aside (temporarily, mind you) and am back writing science fiction.

This week, my new Star Kingdom series kicks off with Book 1, Shockwave. If you’re excited about a geeky roboticist, a socially awkward microbiologist, a genetically engineered cat woman, a jaded 70-year-old bounty hunter, and a sentient spaceship starring in a book, you can head over to Amazon right now and check it out.

Shockwave (Star Kingdom, Book 1)

Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AUS | Amazon DE

If you’re on the fence, here’s the prologue and first chapter for you to try. Thanks for taking a look!


“When can I eat normal food again?”

“Normal?” Dr. Yas Peshlakai looked toward the vat lamb and rice dish on the bedside table. It was bland, as he’d ordered, but ought to pass for normal on Tiamat Station.

“Yes.” President Sophia Bakas smiled and folded her hands atop the blanket, the silver light of a faux moon streaming in the window and highlighting a surprisingly girlish expression on her timeworn face. “Deep-fried, ice-creamed, and alcohol-filled.” Continue reading

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Reminder: Get My Books Early on Patreon

Just a reminder that I’ll be publishing my new sci-fi series (Star Kingdom) exclusively through Amazon this first year. If you are not an Amazon fan and/or want to get the books EARLY, you can get them through my Patreon campaign, where I release advanced reader copies before publishing them to Amazon.

It’s $5 per release (though anything that will be 99 cents I give to the Patreon folks for free, such as Star Kingdom, Book 1 — which is available over there until tomorrow), so you don’t end up paying more than if you bought it at the bookstore.

I share the books through a Bookfunnel link, and Bookfunnel has instructions to help you get it onto your preferred e-reader.

You’re very welcome to buy my books elsewhere. I just offer this for the non-Amazon readers or anyone who wants to get the books early and doesn’t mind downloading them from Bookfunnel.

Thanks, guys! I’m looking forward to sharing this new series with you. 

Posted in Writing | 5 Comments

The Amazon Conundrum (AKA Why Some of My Books Are in Kindle Unlimited and Most Are Not)

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while, because I get these questions a lot:

  • Why isn’t X book available in Kindle Unlimited?
  • Why isn’t X book available on Kobo/Barnes & Noble/Apple/etc.?

I wanted a place to send folks where I can explain. It’s hard to get all the points across in a response to someone’s Facebook comment. Especially since I always forget how to do the darned hard returns (SHIFT + ENTER, in case you also didn’t know or keep forgetting) there.

So, here’s the scoop: 

Amazon requires authors to make their books EXCLUSIVE to their store in order for them to be enrolled in “KDP Select.”

Among other things, checking the KDP Select box puts your book into the Kindle Unlimited subscription program. For as long as it’s enrolled there, you are forbidden (yes, they enforce it) from selling the books on other stores or even your own website.

So, why do some authors go along with this?

As I write this in May of 2019, each borrow through Kindle Unlimited counts as a sale in regard to determining sales ranking and overall visibility in the Amazon Kindle store.

I’ll pause for a moment so you can debate whether that actually makes sense. When you’re a KU subscriber, you essentially get any books in the program for free with your subscription. Yes, you pay $10 a month for the service, but that money gets automatically sucked out of your account every month before you even notice. It feels like those books are free.

And yet Amazon weighs borrows the same as sales in determining sales rank.

And sales rank determines how visible your book is in the store, i.e. how many people (potential new readers) have a chance of seeing it when they’re browsing the Top 100 lists in their favorite genres.

Thus, it’s a clear benefit to authors to have their books in Kindle Unlimited. Putting aside how much they make from borrows of books (payment is on a per-page-read calculation and, for all but very long and very inexpensive books, is less than an author would make from a sale), the authors are more likely to have their books seen by readers in their target audience.

What may be less obvious is that it’s now a huge disadvantage on Amazon if you launch a new book and it’s NOT enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. You have to get let’s say 200 sales a day to rank in the Top 20 for your genre whereas the author who is enrolled can get 100 sales and 100 borrows, or no sales and all borrows, and achieve the same position–gain the same visibility.

If you’re curious, go take a look at those Top 100 lists and see how many books have that “Kindle Unlimited” tag on them. In the genres I write in, it’s almost all of them. All of the independent books. Sometimes there are some traditionally published juggernauts by authors we all know and buy. Those guys are big enough that they can overcome this disadvantage and still sell well on Amazon. Most indie authors struggle to do that.

It’s why you get situations like the one I find myself in.

I don’t WANT to be exclusive to Amazon, and I resisted that for a long time, but it became clear that I was releasing new books, and it was mostly only my regular readers picking them up. They promptly dropped off the genre lists because they couldn’t compete in sales with books that were being checked out (essentially) for free.

Yes, you can decide to just accept that you’ll only sell to your existing fans, but that’s tough for new authors without many fans yet. And even for those more established authors, there’s always attrition. Some readers won’t follow you into a new series or a new genre. Some readers just fade away with time. If you want to be a career author, you have to continuously work at getting new readers to try your books.

This is not to say that it’s hopeless and you can’t sell books if you’re “wide” in all the stores and not exclusive to Amazon. It’s to say that it’s easier to sell a lot more books on Amazon if you’re in Kindle Unlimited.

But, you may ask, don’t you lose out on a lot of sales by not being in the other stores?

In my case, I definitely lose some sales. Or at least delay them.

My current strategy is to launch new series into Amazon and then, once they’ve stopped selling as well, take them out of exclusivity and publish them in the other stores. To somewhat get around the fact that this means readers on other stores may not get the books for a year, I run a Patreon campaign where I release my books in mobi, epub, and pdf there first (before I launch on Amazon and click the exclusive box).

It’s not ideal, as most people would prefer to buy from their favorite store and have the books automatically appear on their devices, but it’s at least an option that sort of works for now. For those who are on my mailing list and know about it. The rest of the readers have to scratch their heads in puzzlement (or irritation) when they can’t find my new releases in their stores.

So, yes, even with workarounds, I lose out on some sales to readers on Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc., But I’ve always made at least 80% of my income from Amazon (sometimes that creeps closer to 90%). Amazon is the largest store by far and has the most potential book buyers by far. My numbers have been like that since the beginning (eight years now), even before Kindle Unlimited and KDP Select existed.

I don’t honestly know how long I’ll play the exclusivity game. As you can imagine, it’s tough seeing your income take a huge hit by opting out, but I may get fed up at some point and just make do. Even if that means making less money and getting my books into the hands of fewer readers.

My point with this post is not to bash Amazon (though I won’t try to hide my ongoing frustration with the exclusivity setup) but to explain the situation to readers.

If X book is not in Kindle Unlimited, it’s because the author wanted to sell their books in other stores, or because they wanted to be paid a 70% royalty rather than accepting a smaller cut from a subscription service. If X book is not available on your store, it’s because the author is staying exclusive to Amazon for now because they feel they have to for the sake of their career. Amazon moves more ebooks than all the other stores combined, and, for the most part, ebooks are how indie authors make money.

I hope you found the answer you were looking for here, even if it wasn’t a satisfying one. As always, thanks for stopping by!

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Chains of Honor Wraps up with Book 4, Great Chief

The fourth and final installment in my Chains of Honor series (set in my Emperor’s Edge world) is now available everywhere. Follow Yanko, Lakeo, Dak, Aaryevo, Kei (the very important racist parrot!), and the rest of the gang as they do their best to bring peace to their people… or die trying.

You can pick up Great Chief in these stores:

Amazon | Smashwords | Kobo | Apple | Barnes & Noble

Haven’t checked out this series yet? The first novel, Warrior Mage, is also out everywhere:

For those who have been waiting for my triumphant return (or at least a return) to science fiction, I’ll soon post a preview chapter of Shockwave, the first book in my new Star Kingdom series. Thanks for reading!


Posted in Ebook News, My Ebooks | Tagged | 4 Comments

Science Fiction by Women: Some Freebies to Check out

If you’ve been dying to give more independent science-fiction-writing female authors a try, I’ve got a few buddies with free offerings right now. And my own Junkyard novella is finally free everywhere and will be for the foreseeable future. The Fallen Empire Collection (first three books) is temporarily free. Most of these are temporary freebies, so grab them while you can!

(Books2Read links will take you to a page that directs you to your preferred store, i.e. Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble.)


McCall Richter works as a skip tracer, tracking down criminals, con men, and people who stop making payments on their fancy new spaceships. 

Her job description says nothing about locating vast quantities of stolen maple syrup, but thanks to her helpful new android employee, she finds herself tramping through a “sugar house” on a frosty moon full of suspicious characters. The only witness to the crime? The junkyard dog next door.

The Fallen Empire Collection (Books 1-3 + prequel novella)

After the Alliance’s victorious last battle, Alisa is stranded on a planet far from home. Desperate to return to her daughter, her only hope is a broken old freighter. But a hostile cyborg has his own ideas for the ship…

The Legacy Human (Singularity Book 1)

What would you give to live forever?

Seventeen-year-old Elijah Brighton wants to become an ascender—a post-Singularity human/machine hybrid—after all, they’re smarter, more enlightened, more compassionate, and above all, achingly beautiful. But Eli is a legacy human, preserved and cherished for his unaltered genetic code, just like the rainforest he paints. When a fugue state possesses him and creates great art, Eli miraculously lands a sponsor for the creative Olympics. If he could just master the fugue, he could take the gold and win the right to ascend, bringing everything he’s yearned for within reach… including his beautiful ascender patron.

But once Eli arrives at the Games, he finds the ascenders are playing games of their own. Everything he knows about the ascenders and the legacies they keep starts to unravel… until he’s running for his life and wondering who he truly is.

Last Ship off Polaris-G

A bureaucrat and an interstellar trader must overcome treachery and their broken past to save the last inhabitants of a dying planet.

Frontier planet Polaris-Gamma is dying, afflicted by a suspiciously-timed blight that destroys all crops. Worse, the whole system is now under military quarantine by the Central Galactic Concordance to prevent the catastrophic blight from spreading. The settlers must escape—or perish.

Caught behind the blockade, independent trader Gavril Danilovich finds his interstellar trading ship commandeered in the desperate plan to escape. He tells himself that’s the only reason he stays, and not because he’s worried about the woman he walked out on two years ago—who still lives on Pol-G.

Supply depot manager Anitra Helden races to gather the last of Pol-G’s assets. Her plan to launch a mothballed freighter off Pol-G may be crazy—but it can work, if she can talk Gavril into helping. Their precious cargo? Four thousand stranded colonists.

Can Anitra and Gavril, and their ragtag crew get past the deadly military blockade?

The Sky Used to Be Blue

This is a novella based on Hugh Howey’s WOOL books.

Karma lives in a Silo deep beneath the earth. She isn’t sure of much else… only that the wallscreen shows an outside view that is barren and swirling with toxic clouds. Most of the other residents seem content. Except for the ones who jump to their deaths from the hundred-level spiral staircase. And the ones who are pushed.

After the doctor prescribes a special medicine and tells her to avoid tap water, Karma begins to remember a very different world. Despite the fog in her mind, she is convinced that something came before. Such memories are dangerous to talk about, or even to think about.

She must figure out who can be trusted. The doctor… her husband… or no one at all.

Ambassador 1: Seeing Red

Would you betray Earth to save it?

24 October 2114: the day that shocked the world.

Young diplomat Cory Wilson narrowly escapes death in the assassination of President Sirkonen. No one claims responsibility but there is no doubt that the attack is extraterrestrial.

Cory was meant to start work as a representative to gamra, the alien organisation that governs the FTL transport network, but now his new job may well be scrapped in anger.

Worse, as Earth uses military force to stop any extraterrestrials coming or leaving, as 200,000 extraterrestrial humans are trapped on Earth, as the largest army in the galaxy prepares to free them by force, only Cory has the experience, language skills and contacts to solve the crime.

But he’s broke, out of a job and a long way from Earth.

Archangel Down: Archangel Project. Book One

In the year 2432, humans think they are alone in the universe. They’re wrong.

Commander Noa Sato plans a peaceful leave on her home planet Luddeccea … but winds up interrogated and imprisoned for her involvement in the Archangel Project. A project she knows nothing about.

Professor James Sinclair wakes in the snow, not remembering the past twenty four hours, or knowing why he is being pursued. The only thing he knows is that he has to find Commander Sato, a woman he’s never met.

A military officer from the colonies and a civilian from Old Earth, they couldn’t have less in common. But they have to work together to save the lives of millions—and their own.

Every step of the way they are haunted by the final words of a secret transmission:

The archangel is down.

The Star Crossed boxed set — 7 novels by 7 authors

7 full-length novels that explore the future without forgetting that the most dangerous battles will always be within the human heart. Aliens, AI, cyborgs, galactic empires, space battles, and romance…you’ll find them all here, along with heroines and heroes you’ll cheer for.

This has my Star Nomad (Fallen Empire, Book 1) in it, which is also in the Fallen Empire bundle I linked above, but there are six other novels by other authors that you can check out:

That’s it for now. Grab these while you can!

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What’s Coming from Me in 2019!

Hey, all!

As I’ve been reminded, not everybody follows me on Facebook or Twitter or through my newsletter (sign up for my sci-fi one here and my fantasy one here), so I should make an effort to update the website with news more often. So, here’s what you can look forward to from me this year.

SFWA Fantasy Bundle

First off, I’m part of a big kickass-fantasy-heroines boxed set over at StoryBundle (available until Feb 14th) with a lot of other fun authors. If you’ve enjoyed my stories, I think you’ll like the offerings in this bundle.

For $5, you get the basic bundle of five ebooks in any format, and for $15, you unlock all the bonus books, including my Dragon Blood boxed set (I’ll let you decide whether Sardelle or Jaxi is the kickass heroine in that series… Jaxi is positive it’s her.)

New Fantasy Coming Soon!

As you may know, I finished off my Agents of the Crown series last fall. If you missed it, Book 1 is Eye of Truth (exclusive to Amazon until summer 2019, and then it will be available everywhere).

I’ve been itching to start a new science fiction universe, but I have some dangling series I need to finish up, so I’m going to work on those in between launching new things. I’ve been hard at work on my Chains of Honor series this winter. I’ve finished Book 3 (Assassin’s Bond), and you can pre-order it in all the major stores. It comes out February 20th.

If you’re one of my Patreon subscribers, you’ll get it this weekend:

If you haven’t tried these books yet (it’s a spinoff series set in my Emperor’s Edge world, and Akstyr, Rias, Sicarius, and Amaranthe all have cameos), you can grab Book 1, Warrior Mage, everywhere.

As long as I was back with Yanko, Dak, and the crew, I decided to finish off the series and write Book 4 too. I just completed the first draft and am editing that now. I should have it ready to publish in March or April.

A New Space Adventure Series

Once Chains of Honor is wrapped up, I’m going to jump into the sci-fi series I’ve been wanting to start since last summer. It will be something all new, series title: Star Kingdom. I’m not sure how many books there will be yet, but it’s going to be my main project of 2019.

There will be pirates, robotics scientists, bacteriologists, genetically engineered badasses, archaeologists, and a ship’s snarky AI. In short, all the usual things you find in space opera. (Okay, okay, you don’t usually find many space adventure stories with bacteriologists for heroes, but I promise the usual humor, action, and adventure.) I hope to launch the first couple of novels by May.

And then…?

I’m not sure yet. If there’s something you’re dying to see, let me know in the comments. I may do a new installment in Rust & Relics or Sky Full of Stars, or I may write a sequel to Fractured Stars. That story is close to my heart, and I believe we need to find out where the dog Junkyard (who now has his own novella) really came from. I also haven’t forgotten that Basilard, in Diplomats & Fugitives, needs a follow-up.

Knowing me, I’ll be itching to start an all-new series by this fall (I was joking with my beta readers about “dragon cozy mysteries” not long ago), but I do want to get some of the older stuff wrapped up too.

Thanks for reading!



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Thoughts After Eight Years of Self-Publishing and About What’s Ahead

In the beginning… 

I published my first novel, The Emperor’s Edge, in December of 2010. I’d taken a short stab at querying agents, but at the same time that I was doing that, I got my first kindle, and I realized from a few blog posts (there weren’t that many at the time), that authors were not only publishing straight to Amazon but that they were making money doing it. More money, in some cases, than their traditionally published counterparts, who earned a smaller percentage of the pie and had to sell a lot more books in order to make a living wage.

I abandoned all attempts at querying and jumped in with the two novels I had been workshopping and considered complete. Encrypted was the second and remains one of my favorites, though it was The Emperor’s Edge that I turned into a series, eventually nine novels. (Encrypted did get a sequel, Decrypted.)

There weren’t any podcasts teaching book marketing or self-publishing techniques at the time, and the only sites where you could advertise were Kindle Nation Daily and G00dreads (pay-per-click ads). I didn’t have a lot of money for advertising or high quality covers, not that there was an industry of cover designers for indie authors back then. I commissioned some of my earliest art by contacting artists on Deviant Art.

For authors publishing in those days, there was a lot of stumbling around in the dark and figuring out what worked.

Fortunately, I found readers who enjoyed my work, and by the end of 2011, I was making about $3,000 a month with four books out (Encrypted and the first three Emperor’s Edge books). The income went up and down (making Book 1 free was what gave me my first big boost) when looking at it on a monthly basis, but as I published more books, the trend headed upward over time.

By 2013, I was making more than I ever had at my day job, and I’d long since transitioned to writing full-time. By 2015, I was making a lot more.

It was amazing to get to that point, especially since it had been drilled into my head as a kid that nobody makes a living writing fiction and that I should get a degree in business or computer science. It wasn’t until the kindle and other e-book readers came along, and we could upload books directly to the stores, that it became more viable.

Over the last eight or nine years, a lot of “mid-list” self-published authors have been making a full-time income and then some. Even though things have gotten more competitive, with countless titles now available in the ebook stores, there are still a lot of independent authors making six figures (and some seven).

From two novels to 50+ (becoming more prolific)

These days, I have more than fifty science fiction and fantasy novels out under my name and another dozen-odd under my pen name (Ruby Lionsdrake). “Ruby” publishes science fiction romance novels with more detailed sexy bits on the page.

(In case you’re curious, I started the pen name in part to see if I could anonymously start from scratch in late 2014 and still do well — you could and I did — and in part because a few readers complained when I published Balanced on the Blade’s Edge, which was a fantasy romance adventure with a more graphic sex scene than I’d done in my other series. After that, I decided to make LB a little more chaste and switch to RL if I was in the mood to write sex scenes. That waxes and wanes, I’ll admit, and Ruby’s fortunes along with it. The challenge of starting a pen name is that you need to keep publishing regularly to stay in people’s minds and keep selling books.

My first novel took seven years to finish. As you can see, I’ve learned to write more quickly, and I’ve published ten or more novels during each of the last three years.

Increasing my writing speed started out mostly as a challenge to myself (other full-time authors were writing 6,000 to 10,000 words a day, so why couldn’t I?). Balanced on the Blade’s Edge was the first book I wrote quickly (from rough draft to a manuscript ready for my editor in less than a month). And I loved it.

I loved finishing a novel that quickly (the rough draft in about two weeks), because I really got into the zone or the flow state or whatever the latest term is, and I was able to remember everything that happened early in the novel when I was writing later stuff. (When it had taken me months or even years to finish something, I ended up wasting a lot of time going back to re-read and dither around with early stuff.)

I also enjoyed the characters and the story–you can tell since what was supposed to be a one-off stand-alone fantasy romance, but it eventually turned into an eight-book series (later dubbed Dragon Blood) with a side novel (Shattered Past) and a five-book spinoff series (Heritage of Power).

Even though I’ve published numerous series by now, and my oldest, The Emperor’s Edge, remains a fan favorite, the Dragon Blood series has earned me more over the years than any of my other series. About $900,000 from the ebooks in the original eight-book Dragon Blood series (and the side novel, Shattered Past) since the first book was published in March of 2014. (For those who are curious, this series has never been in KDP Select/Kindle Unlimited and exclusive with Amazon. I’ve spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000-$10,000 lifetime for advertising on it, usually pointing pointed toward the Books 1-3 bundle, which I often drop to 99 cents or free for sales.)

I share this as a nah-uh to those who say you can’t write quickly and produce good stories. I’ve written books that weren’t very good that took a long time to pen, and I’ve written books quickly that are favorites of mine (and of fans). This isn’t to say that everything I write quickly is wonderful (after 60-odd novels, I definitely have some favorites, and I have some duds), just that it doesn’t matter a whole lot if a book took a year or a week to write, at least for me.

To stay self-published or to try for a traditional publishing deal? 

This is a question I ask myself from time to time.

When I look back at my path, I’m so relieved I didn’t get a nibble from agents with that original handful of query letters, because traditional publishing is — let’s face it — a slow slog. Even if I’d been lucky enough to get a deal, I never would have replaced my day job income after two years (odds are, I wouldn’t have even seen my books published by then).

But many authors now hybrid publish, meaning they have some books traditionally published (you still get a lot more visibility overall that way), and they self-publish other works on the side, where they take home that 70% of the sales price. It’s a pretty good gig, if you can get it.

Despite modest successes over the years, I’ve never hit it really big and had a book or series stick at the top of the Amazon sales charts for months and months (though Dragon Blood and Fallen Empire had good runs!), but I’ve had a few series do well enough to be noticed, at least insofar as literary agents go.

I’ve talked to someone who had read my books and seemed like a genuine fan, and I’ve been contacted by someone who saw my books were selling well, read a couple of chapters, thought they seemed okay, and wanted to represent me. You can guess how fast I said no thanks on that one. I can’t say that a Big 5 publisher or Hollywood producer has ever come knocking, so I haven’t had to wrestle much with temptation.

Yes, there’s still some temptation. I know I’d never make as much with a traditional deal (and I know I’d bristle at how slow the process was, how much they’d want me to edit, and that my fans would have to pay $9.99 or $14.99 for an ebook instead of $5 or less), but I still have my imposter syndrome moments and admit it would be nice to have one trilogy out there available on the shelves at Barnes & Noble. Especially now that I’ve made enough money to buy my house outright and sock away some extra.

I’m pretty nonchalant about it, though, and have filed this in the “someday” category. It’s possible that something appealing will come my way, and I’ll say yes, but I’m not so enamored with the idea that I’m pursuing it.

I do have a publisher for a lot of my audiobooks. Since those cost a lot more to produce, I’m generally happy to foist the work off on someone else and just get a quarterly bank deposit. I’ve done some of my series on my own (hiring a narrator and producer through ACX), and it’s time-consuming and so far hasn’t paid off in a big way for me.

Concerns about the future?

I’ve always had a bit of a glass half-full outlook and expected things to get harder for self-publishers, basically since the day I started. Believe it or not, when I published at the end of 2010, I thought I’d missed the boat. Amanda Hocking and a lot of huge success stories had already come and gone, and the secret was out. Self-publishing had become viable, and hungry authors were flocking to upload their trunk novels.

But I believed then, as I believe now, that it’s possible to gain enough fans that you can make a living as a creator. So long as you’re willing to work on your craft and also be a bit of an entrepreneur. This doesn’t necessarily mean writing to market (though it’s certainly OK if you enjoy what the market is craving), just learning a little about marketing and writing books with enough commercial appeal to find an audience.

I’m not a write-to-market person, mostly because I’ve never enjoyed what’s popular. One of the reasons I started writing was because I struggled to find the kinds of stories that I enjoy. What I do try to do is mesh what I want to write with what has a chance at selling.

It’s possible to make a living selling to fans of a niche, but if that niche gets too small… well, you’re only making a few dollars per sale. So, doing the math suggests your fans need to be in the thousands, not the hundreds or dozens, at least if you want to make a living.

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen more and more ebooks coming into the market (traditional publishing has gotten more backlist stuff out there, self-publishers have gotten very efficient and are publishing more and more novels, and then you’ve also got people hiring ghost writers to publish books by the dozens), and we’ve seen a rise in the cost to advertise and “gain visibility.”

On Facebook and Amazon, we’re bidding against each other and being encouraged to spend a dollar or more for a click (which may or may not turn into a sale). Some folks are speculating that we’ve entered a pay-to-play market where it’s not going to be possible to get seen and find a readership if you don’t have money to invest.

I agree that there is more competition. The books available have increased exponentially, but most of the English-reading markets are considered mature, meaning there probably won’t be more ebook buyers this year than last.

But do you have to come into this with piles to spend on advertising? Enh, I think there are still ways to be seen and find readers without dropping thousands a month on Amazon ads. Ads give you a brute force option to get your book seen. Which can be great. I’ve certainly started spending more on launches in the hope of gaining new readers with new series.

But when I started, there was barely anyplace to advertise. If you were writing in a smaller genre and didn’t know what you were doing with cover art (this was me), you probably struggled just as much to be seen back then as you do now.

I believe that you can still make a Book 1 in a series free and use social media, group promos, and small inexpensive ads to get readers to find and download your book. After that, it’s really up to you and the job you did with the story as to whether those readers will want to continue on (and are willing to pay to do so).

I do think it’s getting tougher for new authors to jump in with a full price book and find readers (if they don’t have much money for advertising). For the last few years, KDP Select and Kindle Unlimited (and Amazon exclusivity) has been a place where new authors can launch a full-price book and gain some traction (since people could borrow unlimited books with their monthly fee), but we’ll see if that continues indefinitely.

As a new author today, I would expect to have to write a series and make the first book free or 99 cents in order to (one hopes) suck people in. And then I’d expect to write another series. And another. If lightning strikes, and you get some massive hit, that’s awesome, but expect to work (write) year in and year out to make a living at this, and you won’t be disappointed if that’s what the future has in store.

The good thing is that you don’t have to sell piles of your first book or rank in the Top 20 for your category on Amazon to be a successful author.

I usually have a more recently published series that’s selling well enough to be on a chart somewhere, but I make good money every month from books that aren’t charting anywhere. Readers find my free Book 1s (I usually have at least three free series starters at any given time, which I pay to run promos on now and then, or put into inexpensive boxed sets with other authors, so we can take advantage of everybody’s reach), and enough of them go on to buy subsequent books in this series for me to continue to make up stories for a living.

Which is amazing.

The pessimistic part of me doesn’t think self-publishers will always be able to make as much as they can now, but I do believe that creators will always be able to find a way to reach their fans and earn an income from doing it. I’ve seen a lot of marketing tactics come and go over the last eight years, but the free sample continues to work. The free sample just has to be exactly what at least some readers are looking for.

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