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Sinister Magic
Balanced on the Blade's Edge
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Tag Archives: publishing
Pen Names for Different Genres, Yea or Nay?
Let’s talk about pen names today. Not the type of pen name you adopt because you need to hide your writing career from employers, stalkers, mob bosses, or grannies who don’t approve of your “active romance” novels (all valid reasons … Continue reading
How To Win Followers and Influence Readers on Wattpad
I’ve had a few folks write guests posts about Wattpad in the last year and I keep running across news stories on Wattpad authors getting picked up by publishers, so it must be the place to be right now. At … Continue reading
A Full-time Indie Author Answers Your Questions: Part 1
I’ve gotten a lot of nice email since Forged in Blood II came out, but I’m woefully behind in my responses. A lot of them are related to my books, but because of this blog, I often get questions related … Continue reading
How Do You Establish a Fan Base *Before* You Launch Your Book?
I get a lot of variations of this question from writers who are working on their first book and are planning to self-publish (or seek an agent and a traditional deal) in a few months. Since I didn’t have much … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing, New Author Series
Tagged agents, book launch, book promotion, ebooks, first book, marketing, publishers, publishing, self-publishing, selling your first book
How to Connect with Readers Using Wattpad
As some of you know, I started posting The Emperor’s Edge on Wattpad, figuring it was one more place I could have that first book out there for free (I may post Book 2 as well). I’ve heard from other … Continue reading
Is Becoming a Best-Selling Author a Matter of Luck?
A couple of days ago, I saw a video review of The Click Moment: Seizing Opportunity in an Unpredictable World on The Creative Penn. I needed something to listen to on a road trip anyway, so I picked up the … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged bestsellers, bestselling books, Book Marketing, books, indie authors, publishing
How Jordan Stratford Raised $91,751 for His Steampunk Novel and Earned Interest from Every Big 6 Publisher
As many of you know, I ran a Kickstarter campaign a few months ago, hoping to raise the funds to pay for the creation of the third Emperor’s Edge audiobook. With the help of many generous folks, I raised about … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged big 6, kickstarter, kickstarter success, kickstarter tips, literary agents, publishing, steampunk, steampunk books