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Tag Archives: steampunk
New Emperor’s Edge Novella Available
Yes, after much talk on Twitter and Facebook, the novella is finally here. The 56,000-word “Beneath the Surface” takes place between Books 5 and 6, and I hope it’ll tide you over until the last book is ready to go. … Continue reading
Posted in My Ebooks
Tagged emperor's edge, fantasy, fantasy ebooks, lindsay buroker, steampunk
The Emperor’s Edge Book 5 (Blood and Betrayal) Is Now Available
Blood and Betrayal, the fifth Emperor’s Edge book, is officially out. It’s currently available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. It should be up at Kobo within a couple of days and Apple soon after. Here’s the blurb: The … Continue reading
How Jordan Stratford Raised $91,751 for His Steampunk Novel and Earned Interest from Every Big 6 Publisher
As many of you know, I ran a Kickstarter campaign a few months ago, hoping to raise the funds to pay for the creation of the third Emperor’s Edge audiobook. With the help of many generous folks, I raised about … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged big 6, kickstarter, kickstarter success, kickstarter tips, literary agents, publishing, steampunk, steampunk books
Emperor’s Edge 4 (Conspiracy) Update and FAQ
I’ve had quite a few people asking when EE4 (Conspiracy) will be out, so I thought I’d do a quick post to answer that and other common questions (and, by the way, thank you for caring enough to email and … Continue reading
Dark Currents Audiobook Released at Podiobooks
At long last, the Dark Currents audiobook is up and running over at Podiobooks (you should be able to find it soon on iTunes too). Due to a misunderstanding on my part, and something to do with getting independent books … Continue reading
Posted in Fantasy / Science Fiction, Videos & Podcasts
Tagged audiobooks, emperor's edge, fantasy, free, podiobooks, steampunk
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Steampunk Fans: Flash Gold Is Free & Peacemaker Is out!
For those awaiting the third installment in the Flash Gold Chronicles, Peacemaker is officially out at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords (it’ll be available in other e-bookstores in a couple of weeks, but you can download any ebook format … Continue reading
Posted in My Ebooks
Tagged flash gold, flash gold 3, flash gold chronicles, free ebooks, free steampunk, peacemaker, steampunk
Peacemaker (Flash Gold 3) News and Preview Chapter
Peacemaker is now out and available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. Excerpt from the first part of the first section: Part I In a cave on a hillside above Dawson, whale-oil lamps spat and guttered, creating dancing shadows … Continue reading