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Category Archives: Amazon Kindle Sales
Another Look at Amazon Advertising (with someone who is having success)
Last year, I did a blog post on Amazon’s then-new advertising program and whether it’s working for me. It wasn’t, and it still isn’t (I tried again recently with a couple of my pen name books, since they’re in KDP … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising, Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon, amazon ads, amazon advertising, ebook sales, ebooks, kindle
How to Appear in Popular Books’ Also-Bought Sections on Amazon
My January release, Shattered Past, has been getting a little extra advertising on Amazon. By that, I mean it appeared in the first slot of the also-bought section for several other fantasy books that were selling well because they were new … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged also-boughts, amazon advertising, Amazon tricks, marketing
Can Serials Still Be Profitable in Kindle Unlimited 2.0 (and elsewhere)?
I’ve interviewed authors about writing serials in the past, and it’s something I’ve been interested in trying for several years. The novel is my favorite medium, and I think novels are the easiest thing to sell in the long run, … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales, Pen Name Project
Tagged amazon, boxed sets, kdp select, kindle unlimited, pen names, serials, series
Pre-Orders, Sticking on Amazon, and Hitting Best Seller Lists
For a while now, you’ve been able to upload your ebook early on Amazon, Kobo, Apple, and some of the other sites, listing it for pre-order 90 days (Amazon) to a year (iBooks) ahead of time, as many of the … Continue reading
Increasing Sales on an Old or Flagging Series
Do you have a series that isn’t selling as well as you wish it would? Do you have a series that once sold well but has dropped into obscurity? Do you have a series that’s never made it out of … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising, Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged advertising, amazon, dragon blood, epic fantasy, fantasy, kindle sales, marketing series, publishing series, sales ranking, series
Amazon Advertising Services for Indie Authors, Yea or Nay?
If you’re in KDP Select (i.e. exclusive with Amazon), you now have the opportunity to sign your Select titles up for pay-per-click advertising campaigns. As you can see in the screenshot below, your book will appear on other books’ sales … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising, Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged advertising, amazon advertising, pay-per-click, PPC
Pen Name Update: 10 Weeks In (Earnings: $12,824)
I’m about ten weeks into my pen name experiment, which I first blogged about back in November: Pen Name Launch: First Month Earnings $3043 (what worked and didn’t for marketing). The first book launched around October 10th at 99 cents and … Continue reading