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Balanced on the Blade's Edge
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Category Archives: Amazon Kindle Sales
Pen Name Launch: First Month Earnings $3043 (what worked and didn’t for marketing)
If you’ve been following the blog and Twitter, you may have heard me mention my pen name project. I haven’t shared the details with many people — mostly just my editor and beta readers — because I wanted to see if I … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon kindle, kindle unlimited, launching a book, marketing, pen name, publishing, self-publishing
KDP Select & Kindle Unlimited: Why Ebooks Not Enrolled Are at a Disadvantage
Until a week and a half ago, I had never enrolled any of my books in Kindle Select. The program came out after I started self-publishing, and I already had readers on the other platforms. That doesn’t mean I’ve never … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon borrows, amazon sales ranking, borrows, kdp select, kindle unlimited, sales ranking
Increasing Visibility on Amazon with the Big-Fish-Small-Pond Strategy
If you’re hand-selling your books by directing people to Amazon, one at a time (or perhaps in an occasional clump through buying a sponsorship on a blog/forum/mailing list), you might feel that you’re constantly pushing a boulder up a hill, … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon, book sales, ebook sales, increasing visibility, marketing, marketing on amazon
Boxed Set Bargains Rocking the Charts at Amazon
If you’re always looking for ways to boost sales at Amazon (hey, who isn’t?), you might spend a lot of time browsing the bestseller charts over there to see what other authors are doing. If it’s working for them, it … Continue reading
The Art of the Amazon Sale: Improving Rankings, Selling More Books, and Gaining Exposure
I’m not a master marketer. I never hand someone a business card unless they ask, I rarely plug my titles on Twitter and Facebook, and if I had to sell my books face-to-face I doubt I’d have moved more than … Continue reading
Is Using a Free Ebook Still a Viable Strategy for Increasing Overall Sales on Amazon?
Before Christmas of 2011, I made the first book in my Emperor’s Edge series free at Amazon (by setting it to free at Smashwords, Kobo, and other stores that allow the practice, which in turn can cause Amazon to “price … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon kindle, book promotions, free ebooks, freebies, kdp select, kindle
Book Promotion — What’s Working at Amazon in 2013?
Amazon isn’t the only place to sell your ebooks, and I’ve had some luck with Apple and Kobo of late, but it remains the big dog in the house, and most of the questions I get in regard to book … Continue reading
My Self-Publishing Thoughts After 50,000+ Ebook Sales
In September, I released Blood & Betrayal, the fifth novel in my Emperor’s Edge series. I sold about 2700 copies of it during the month (not including those who purchased through my eARC offering in August) and about 6,000 ebooks … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales, E-publishing