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Tag Archives: Book Marketing
How to Promote Your Books on Pinterest
If you’re an author, you’re probably already getting social (and trying to sell your books) on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn, not to mention leaving comments on blogs and writing posts of your own. I know what you’re thinking: it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Social Media
Tagged authors, Book Marketing, book promotion, books, marketing, pinterest, Social Media
Is Becoming a Best-Selling Author a Matter of Luck?
A couple of days ago, I saw a video review of The Click Moment: Seizing Opportunity in an Unpredictable World on The Creative Penn. I needed something to listen to on a road trip anyway, so I picked up the … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged bestsellers, bestselling books, Book Marketing, books, indie authors, publishing
Do Book Blog Tours Work (and how do you set one up?)?
This is my on-vacation week (where I’m supposedly not working on anything related to ebooks or writing — hah?), so I’m glad to have a guest post to share with you today. Middle grade and YA author, Michelle Isenhoff, is … Continue reading
Authorpreneurship 101: Shameless Self-Promotion vs. Shameful Self-Promotion
As I’ve mentioned before, selling your first 1,000 books or so is excruciating (unless you’re one of those rare authors who love marketing and think nothing of carrying a crate of your books around in the trunk of your car, … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged Book Marketing, book promotion, E-publishing, internet marketing, self-publishing
3 Selling Tactics Authors Can Borrow from the Internet Marketing Gurus
Between the new wave of self-published authors and the traditional authors who are e-publishing their backlists, we have a whole slew of folks selling ebooks on their own now. More than ever, you have to think like a business person … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged book launch, Book Marketing, internet marketing, mailing lists, marketing, newsletters, product launch, selling books
Book Promotion Basics — Useful Articles for New Authors
I promised myself I’d spend most of my computer time editing today, so I’m doing a “best of” type post for authors who haven’t been hanging around my blog, reading every single word for long (it’s okay…you didn’t know any … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged Book Marketing, book promotion, internet marketing, Social Media
What the Heck is Author Branding and How Do You Do It Anyway?
A few years ago, I watched a YouTube video from an internet marketing guru (yes, he did try to sell me something at the end) that talked about why Coca-Cola was such a good brand name. Among other things, it … Continue reading
Can Publishing a Podiobook Help You Sell More Books?
When this blog was only about three months old (and my self-publishing career was even younger), I interviewed science-fiction author Nathan Lowell, a man now making a living off of his ebook income, and a man who got his start … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing, Videos & Podcasts
Tagged Book Marketing, book promotion, ebooks, podiobooks, sell books