Story Updates and Why My Ebooks Aren’t in the Amazon Prime Lending Library

Hi, folks. Just a quick “news” update today. The first half of this post is for the Kindle folks, and then there are a few story teasers at the end.

Why my ebooks aren’t in the Amazon Prime Lending Library

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you’ve probably already heard about the new “lending library” where you can check out an ebook a month for free. I believe just about every author and publisher is getting the option to put their ebooks into the library, and, while they won’t make as much as they do on book sales, they’re supposed to get a little compensation (there’s a set pot and participating authors get to share it).

I’ve opted not to participate because Amazon requires 90 days of exclusivity for titles enlisted in the program, meaning I wouldn’t be able to continue to sell my ebooks at Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, iTunes, etc.

I also wouldn’t be able to sell them on my own site, and I’m hoping to add a little store here in the not-too-distant future. I’ll have all of the ebooks for sale, of course, and I also plan to make it so you can order signed paperbacks. I know that’s something a few folks are interested in. Since author copies are cheaper than typical copies, I should be able to offer the signed paperbacks here for the same price as if you were to buy unsigned paperbacks through Amazon or B&N.

Anyway, I’ll be keeping an eye on the Lending Library, and if Amazon gets rid of the exclusivity clause, I’ll enroll my books.

Other places to borrow a copy…

In the meantime, if you’re looking to borrow rather than buy, I know the Flash Gold stories and Emperor’s Edge books come up from time to time on, and I imagine they are on other lending sites too. (If anyone has one to recommend, please let us know in the comments below!)

Story updates

For those who wonder how future stories are coming along, I’m working on the rough draft of EE4 now and am about a third of the way into the novel. Some teasers?

Emperor Sespian, as you probably guessed from the way 3 ended, will be coming back in this one. Yes, he, Sicarius, and Amaranthe will get a chance to “chat” (well, you know, Amaranthe will chat and Sicarius will try not to loom as menacingly as usual), though I haven’t yet decided if all the details of certain relationships will come out in that conversation.

Sergeant Yara, from Book 2, will also have a role, and we’ll finally get to meet someone from Maldynado’s family (though his story won’t be the focus until Book 5). Akstyr is the secondary point-of-view character in this one, and he’s already scheming up trouble.

For the steampunk fans out there, I finished the fist draft of the next Flash Gold story (Peacemaker) during NaNoWriMo, and, though I’ll probably wait until I finish the rough of EE4 to start editing it, a few teasers…

There’s a murderer killing native women in Dawson, leaving Cedar worried that Kali will be targeted. To make things worse, his past is coming back to haunt him. Or, perhaps hunt him is the better word. Also…there will be airship pirates, up close and personal this time. Kali will have to build herself a new weapon to escape their clutches.

(More blog posts should end with the word clutches, don’t you think?)

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13 Responses to Story Updates and Why My Ebooks Aren’t in the Amazon Prime Lending Library

  1. Anke says:

    I’m really looking forward to seeing Sespian again. 🙂

  2. Margaret Y. says:

    I read my books on a Nook. Thank you for not making your books exclusive to kindle. I am an appreciative reader.

  3. ceae says:

    I’m very much looking forward to both!

  4. Deanna says:

    Thanks for posting this – I found it interesting. I think you are smart for not agreeing to let you books appear in the Amazon Lending Library. It’s important to keep control of your titles so you are able to promote them as you like. Even giving exclusive rights to Amazon for 3 months is too much. If you want to share your ebooks for free – you can choose do it yourself. 🙂

  5. Cathy B says:

    Thanks for the story updates!

    Question: Do you have a plan for how many books will be in the Emperor’s Edge series or how the overall story arc will resolve, or are you writing it one book at a time?

    • Lindsay says:

      Cathy, I’m planning to wrap things up, one way or another, by the end of Book 6. That way all of the team members will get a turn at being a POV character. Even better, that gives me three more books to figure out how I’m going to end everything! 😉

  6. Cathy Keaton says:

    Peacemaker sounds like it’s going to be really good! Can’t wait to read that.

  7. AAAAH TEASERS ARE LIKE CLIFFHANGERS. So good and yet…and yet…and yet… must wait.


  8. Mary says:

    I decided not to opt into the new Amazon thing, too. The exclusivity thing bothers me, and I don’t want to see Smashwords go away. I’d like to see some competition stick around. I think we’re in trouble if Amazon becomes the only outlet.

    Great going on the writing!

    • Lindsay says:

      For sure, Mary. As much as Smashwords could use some work, I’m glad they’re there and an option for readers who don’t want to use Amazon (or can’t afford to pay Amazon’s taxes on international purchases).

  9. Stephanie says:

    I read The Emperor’s Edge on my nook, so thank you for not going exclusive with Amazon. On a side note, I was very excited to see that you are doing print on demand books. I do fantasy collection development in the library where I work. I have added you to our collection. I hope this makes you happy. It makes me happy to be able to share your stories with our patrons.

    • Lindsay says:

      Thanks, Stephanie! I’m not even in my own town’s library, so that will be very cool. And, I must say, that sounds like an awesome job. 🙂

  10. Keri says:

    Yay! Thanks for the story update! I’ve been looking forward to Akstyr’s book. He’s my fave on the team besides Amaranthe & Sicarius. Can’t wait 🙂

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