Book Updates: Emperor’s Edge Novella, Decrypted, and Beyond

I’ve had a few email questions of late about when things are coming out (and thank you for caring enough to ask!), so I thought I’d do a public update for curious readers. “When is EE6 coming out?” is the most common question, but, as some of you already know, I’m working on the sequel to Encrypted before starting in on Book 6.

However I did decide to write an Emperor’s Edge novella during NaNoWriMo (November), and that ended up being a bigger story than I expected. It’s over 55,000 words (almost half the length of one of my novels) and called “Beneath the Surface.” It takes place after the events in Book 5 and before 6 starts up. I’d originally intended to write a story that wasn’t crucial to read (i.e. people wouldn’t be lost if they went from EE5 to EE6 without picking up the novella), but it really did end up being a part of the continuing adventure, so I hope you guys will check it out.

I’ll post some teasers here soon, and I’m hoping to get the long-awaited (by at least three people) second half of the Sergeant Yara interview up by Christmas since she’s the second point-of-view character in the novella. Here’s the first half of the interview if you haven’t seen that yet.

As for release dates, it shouldn’t be long now for the novella. I received the comments from my beta readers this weekend (thanks, ladies!), and I’m doing final edits this week. I plan to send the manuscript to my editor this weekend. The holidays will probably slow things down a bit, but I’m hoping to have the novella online around the 1st.

I’ve started editing Decrypted (the Encrypted sequel) too and hope to have that one ready to go in February. It’s too early to set a date for EE6 yet, but I’ll definitely start in on the writing for that one after I’m done with my Decrypted edits. I hope the novella will tide you over in the meantime. I promise explosions, brawls, and possibly… spelunking.

Also, for those who have asked about the next Flash Gold story, I’m sure I’ll need a break from the novel-length projects at some point this spring, and I have been thinking about a new adventure for Kali and Cedar.

Thanks for reading!


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22 Responses to Book Updates: Emperor’s Edge Novella, Decrypted, and Beyond

  1. Kitty says:

    So does this officially mean i can start running around the room screaming like a hyperventilating toddler in excitement?! 😀

  2. Maria says:

    Did you say…. spelunking? Woohoo!

  3. L.M. Sherwin says:

    WOOHOO! Can’t wait to dive into your new stories~

  4. Carradee says:

    *snickers* I love how you can say something like “spelunking”, and it gives a completely different image to fans who are up on the latest EE stories than it does to anyone else…

  5. Anke Wehner says:

    Thanks for the update 🙂

  6. Deanna says:

    Who is willing to help me tie Lindsay up in front of her computer (with NO twitter!) until she’s done with EE6?

    Oh, okay, maybe we’ll allow twitter….

  7. LRV says:

    In case you were wondering if there is interest in buying an unproofed copy before the official release date for extra $$ (à la EE5), I would be interested.

  8. louise says:

    Yay maybe even a new Flash gold book as well. I lurve your books.

  9. Gwen says:

    It all sounds wonderful, I can’t wait! Have a Merry Christmas Lindsay, hopefully there will be some time for writing.

  10. Truidie says:

    I want to be a beta reader…

  11. Pingback: Wednesday Wanderment | Unearthing Words

  12. L.M. Sherwin says:

    Ahhh…it is so lovely to see such support for such a fabulous author! I truly hope you have a Merry Christmas, Ms. Buroker!

  13. Kitty says:

    I’m sorry but my british brain automatically changes spelunking to pot holing. which really does not sound any better….

  14. Sara Alongi says:

    Believe me when I say I’m first in line for EE6 and later EE7, I love the series… BUT the adventures with Kali and Cedar were the first I read of your books, and I can’t wait to take part in another one, so; will there be any Kali and Cedar stories this summer? 🙂
    I actually started reading the EE series while waiting for another Flashgold story… (that EE got me hooked is not relevant here!)

    • Lindsay says:

      Hi Sara,

      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the Kali & Cedar stories. I do want to write another one soon. I’m planning to finish up with the EE story arc, but then I’ll do another Flash Gold adventure before starting something new. 🙂

      Thanks for reading!

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