Cover Art Reveal & Book Giveaway for New Contemporary/Urban Fantasy Novel

Torrent, Book 1 of Rust & Relics -- Contemporary Urban Fantasy

Update: The giveaway contest is now closed. Winners are listed at the end of this post.

If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know I’ve been busy at work on some new projects. A fourth Flash Gold novella is in the works, but I’ll have the first book in a contemporary urban fantasy series ready to go before then. In fact, I just got the cover art back from Glendon over at Streetlight Graphics, and I thought it’d be fun to share.

Even more fun to have a little contest and give away some ebooks. 🙂

It’ll be a couple of weeks before the novel is ready to publish, but if you’d like to win a free copy, all you have to do is leave a comment below and say you’re interested. Make sure to use an email address you check on occasion. I’ll select a few people at random and send mobi and epub files a couple of days before I upload the ebook to Amazon, Kobo, etc.

Here’s the blurb-in-progress:

When Delia chose to major in archaeology, she imagined herself as the female Indiana Jones of the Southwest. She didn’t imagine herself crawling through abandoned mine shafts, scrounging for rusty pickaxes and gold pans to sell on auction sites, but Indiana Jones didn’t have to make student loan payments every month.

 Scouring the mountains of Arizona with Simon, her best friend and computer geek extraordinaire, Delia dreams of turning their scavenging enterprise into a legitimate business. More, she longs to earn the respect of peers who shun her for turning into a treasure hunter—little more than a grave robber in an archaeologist’s eyes. What she doesn’t dream of is stumbling across a decapitated body in an old mine near Prescott.

But something supernatural and dangerous has come to the mountains, and a pair of Harley-riding strangers are the only ones who seem to have a clue. They speak a language Delia has never heard and carry mysterious artifacts she’s never seen. Investigating these strangers might lead her to discoveries that change the face of her field forever… or it might lead her and her best friend into a deadly monster’s lair.

If you want to enter to win a free copy, just leave a comment below. Thanks!

Update: Thank you, all, for entering. I picked more than 50 winners since there was so much interest. I’m uploading the ebook to Amazon, Kobo, B&N, Smashwords, etc. this weekend, so look for it soon!


  1. Virginia
  2. Christian D
  3. 2ManyCars
  4. Sue F
  5. Aurora Drake Nelson
  6. Alison
  7. Trish b
  8. Betty
  9. Annemarie
  10. Roshani Hingorani
  11. Louise Hewison
  12. Maggy
  13. Alexea
  14. Cheryl Loudon
  15. Kessin
  16. Dishauna Hydes
  17. Peter white
  18. Mrs DM
  19. RG Sanders
  20. Terri
  21. Daniel
  22. Brogdon
  23. Carl Schierhorn
  24. Amy Talbot
  25. Kayla Keppel
  27. Tina
  28. Kathy McPherson
  29. Shelby
  30. Steve Pollard
  31. Victoria
  32. Eugene
  33. John M. Portley
  34. Kimberly Sparks
  35. Carol Skowronek
  36. Christy
  37. Steven Pritikin
  38. Racine
  39. sue
  40. Sue Tyler
  41. James J Parsons
  42. Sylvia
  43. KristyAnnBene
  44. Tina Batson
  45. Lucile
  46. Tonya Alexander
  47. Deborah Salas
  48. Raymond
  49. asdhara
  50. Aimee
  51. Mandy McNalis
  52. Courtney
  53. Christine
  54. L.M. Sherwin
  55. Jamie
  56. Jean
  57. JoAnna
  58. Andrew43
  59. Kait Nolan
  60. Talia
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621 Responses to Cover Art Reveal & Book Giveaway for New Contemporary/Urban Fantasy Novel

  1. Andrea Lewis says:

    Sooo excited to see something new and different from my favorite author. I always love the strong spirited main ladies! Can’t wait for this new adventure!

  2. Florida girl says:

    I love reading this author’s work, so I’m hoping I get a free copy of her latest work. Pick me! Pick me! Thanks!

    • Taylor says:

      I cannot wait to read this! I have read all the novels and short stories in the Encypted and Emperors Edge series. I’m hoping to win a free copy. You rock, Linday! Thank you for writing!

    • KM Blair says:

      Hey i am a Fl girl- well,OK,female- too! Pick me!

  3. Maggy says:

    Eeeek! You Ms. Buroker are one of my favorite authors of all time so of course I’ll want to read any of your books. I am now and forever more a Burokonian for life and will squeak and do a little dancing jig if I win a copy of this book. Cannot wait!!!

  4. Linda Lehman says:

    I have read and thoroughly enjoyed all of your books. I swear I am going to have withdrawals from the Emperor’s Edge series! If you do go ahead with your plans for another series in the EE world, can you please touch on the lives of Amaranthe, Sicarius and the others? I’m sure I’m not the only fan that would love an update. Can’t wait for your new series and would love a free copy! LOL.

  5. Bob says:

    I look forward to reading your new book. I really loved reading your Emperors Edge series. It is one of my favorite series!

  6. Alix says:

    Lindsay, you are the best kind of author…one who writes fast! I’m super excited for this new series, the plot synopsis already has me anticipating the release day.

  7. Ann says:

    Really enjoyed the emporer’s edge series. Looking forward to an adventure set in my favorite part of the world!

  8. Elizabeth Doellman says:

    Aweseome cover art. I love reading all of Lindsay Burokers books (even the Goblin Brothers) but I suddenly find myself really excited to read the new one because, lets face it, this is awesome cover art.

  9. Ron McNerney says:

    Can’t wait! Ridin’ a motorcycle myself, I’m interested in knowing how they fit into the story line.
    Like the contemporary time frame of this new story.
    I have also enjoyed the “Flash Gold” series immensely, and am looking forward to the next book.

  10. Sonja Fung says:

    Urban fantasy from one of my favorite authors? Yes please! Would love to have a chance to win a free book. Very excited for more Flash Gold as well. I was wondering if there would be more story line for that. Can’t wait!

  11. Laurie says:

    L-O-V-E LOVE the EE world and wish it would go on forever! Come on … is there anyone groovier than Sicarius? Nuh-uh, tbere is not.
    I’ll read anything that Lindsay writes, so I can’t wait to get my paws on this series. Great cover art!

  12. Heather Nance says:

    I’m super excited about a new series from Buroker. I can’t wait. I would love to get a free book from her. I absolutely love her!

  13. Michelle Buker says:

    The cover is tantalizing and dynamic! I love it and can’t wait to read this book. I would love a free copy but will read it even if I have to buy myself! Thanks for the escapes. You are a captivating writer.

  14. Lori says:

    I’m totally excited there will be a new series….but I could always read more Emperor’s Edge!

  15. Tina says:

    If you turn this into a series, I’ll probably get hooked again….

  16. Rachel says:

    GIMMIE DAT COPY!!!!!!! As you can see, I’m stoked.

  17. Mary Pax says:

    Looks like a great series, Lindsay. Love the cover.

  18. Kate says:

    I’m delighted that you have a new book in production so soon! I would love a copy if I’m lucky enough to be picked

  19. Renette says:

    I’m very excited about all the upcoming books and would love a copy!

  20. Tad says:

    Look forward to reading this. So far you have not let me down with the Emporer’s Edge and Flash Gold Series. I would like to see more of Flash Gold.

  21. Louise Hewison says:

    Reading Emporers’ Edge was amazingly enjoyable, and my guilty little secret is that it also became the first time I have ever experienced a crush on a fictional character, but if I can’t have the muscled chisled personification of manliness that is Sicarius then the next best thing I can do is to keep feeding my Buroker habit with tasty little morsels of literary delights. I will wait eagerly to devour Torrent and will bounce on my toes impatiently whilst waiting for the next Flash Gold…and the idea of another EE fix is simply tantilising!!

  22. Dana O'Connor says:

    Very excited to read an urban fantasy by you. The first book I read from you was a flash gold story and I quickly graduated to the emperor’s edge stories. Can’t wait for new and interesting things! Thank you for your hard work.

  23. Suzanne Price says:

    Looking forward to reading your new book. So far you have not let me down with the Emporer’s Edge and other books. I really like your characters and style.

  24. Tilly says:

    Yaaaay!!! I’ve been mopey ever since EE ended. I could use a good new book. (specially if its free ;3) I’ll be moving soon, so it could be an amazingly awesome house warming gift? XD

  25. Danielle says:

    I love the sound of your new series, and I’m looking forward to the release date!

  26. Rebekah says:

    YES. This is exciting! A brand new adventure! I can hardly wait to read it. My younger sister and I LOVE all your books, Lindsay. I’d love to win a copy, so sign me up! 😀

  27. Lisa says:

    This series sounds like another winner, I can’t wait to read it!

    And even if you don’t pick me for a free copy (but I really hope you do) I’ll still be loyally searching your name on my kindle daily, waiting for that glorious moment when I see a new book pop up!

    That’s exactly what I did for every book in the EE series! Can’t wait for another in that world.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  28. Kaitlyn says:

    I can’t wait for the new book! I love both the Emperor’s Edge world and the Flashgold books. I always have a ‘book’ weekend when your new ones come out.


  29. Kristen says:

    I’m excited for this new story and I can’t wait to get it in my hands!! I have loved everything of yours that I have read and I have no doubt that I will love this new story as well. I really miss Amaranthe and Sicarius though, ah well, life goes on, right?

  30. Cat says:

    I love Flash Gold and Emperor’s Edge series both and can’t wait for anything more in either universe. I also read a lot of urban fantasy so I’m looking forward to this new series too! Keep up the wonderful writing!

  31. Ruby says:

    Can’t wait! I’m interested in the contest!

  32. Katharina says:

    Hey, a new book by Lindsay! I’m very much looking forward to any new book you write. 🙂

  33. =A says:

    just wanted to say – can’t wait!
    (but don’t pick me; pick someone who needs it or is new maybe)

  34. Chrystal says:

    The flash gold books are what got me hooked of the wonderful Ms. Buroker. I love the hidden humor and all the characters feel like family. I’m really excited for something new which I’m sure is going into my reread book case. Thanks for a wonderful place I can go to and leave all my worries behind. Keep up the writing it’s refreshing, funny, lovable, and unique.

  35. Dawn says:

    I enjoy the EE series which led me to the Flash Gold series. Cannot wait for the next book!

  36. Greg says:

    I loved your Emperor’s Edge Novels, you are a Great Storyteller.

    I will be buying the new series for my Kindle, unless I win a free one.


  37. Maya says:

    Sounds interesting! Excited for a new read! c:

  38. Suzanne says:

    I have loved every one of your books. My son and I have enjoyed rehashing them together. I was sad to see Emperor’s Edge end, but am looking forward to exploring these new characters with you. I would love to have a copy of your new book. It will immediately go to the top of my read list.

  39. Kim Childs says:

    Oh YAY! Very excited to hear the new book is so close and the blurb sounds super exciting. Can’t wait to get to know Delia, Simon and anyone else who pops up :). Just been re reading the Flash Gold series in preparation for the 4th book and enjoying them at least as much the second time around. Would love to be one of the privileged few who get to read the new one early. Keep writing, keep writing.

  40. Kim Childs says:

    By the way love the cover art.

  41. Dyanne Neoh says:

    Love your books and can’t wait for this next adventure. Please don’t ever stop writing. Your work has been the most exciting thing I’ve come across in such a long time that I am hooked, line and sinker and all. I look forward to owning all of your novels someday.

  42. Amy Pena says:

    I always look forward to receiving your emails. I’m very happy now that more books are on the way. I don’t think there’s anything you’ve written that I didn’t enjoy tremendously. I would love to receive a copy of your new book but if I don’t I’ll look forward to getting one as soon as it’s available. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I love them. I think of fiction as therapy. It just helps me unplug for a few hours every day.

  43. Roshani Hingorani says:

    Hi Lindsay,

    I hope you are doing great. It has been weeks since I finished the last EE book and was not finding anything as interesting to read but somehow I managed till now. The EE series were the first ever steampunk themed books that I had read and enjoyed thoroughly.

    My favourite genres have been adventures and thrillers. I just finished reading this blurb and cannot express how excited I am for this new book..!! Delia seems to be quite daring and adventurous. I am sure it is going to be another wonderful series extraordinaire. Needless to say, I am waiting IMPATIENTLY for this new book release.

    The only reason that I love and cherish reading your books so much is that you put in your heart and soul to bring out such great books. Your love and passion for writing reflects in these books. Thank you so very much for making my reading experience so lively and entertaining. And keep up the great work.

    With lots of love,
    Roshani Hingorani

  44. Vicki Chvatal says:

    Lindsay, I look forward to reading your new work (even more so if it’s free 🙂 ). I’m in the middle of re-reading the EE series, but a new book is even better. I look forward to the new Flash Gold novel as well.

    I’m always impressed by your ability to create so many different worlds to set your various series in. I also love the strong, smart heroines. On that note, kudos to the cover illustrators who drew the heroine in clothes that are practical rather than pointlessly ‘sexy’.


    Have greatly enjoyed the Emperor’s Edge Series along with the Tikaya and Rias side track. Am looking forward to reading other books you have written.

  46. Scott Helsel says:

    It sounds like an interesting premise with a number of possibilities. I like the fact that the main character is stuck paying back student loans.

    The two Harley riding, strange talking characters are intriguing as well. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of mischief Delia will get herself into!

  47. Rina van Aswegen says:

    Thank you, looking forward to another super reading time. Take care

  48. Donna McCulloch says:

    Very excited to see a new series! I have thoroughly enjoyed both the Emperor’s Edge and Flash Gold series. Keep it coming! 🙂

  49. Vinity says:

    I’m really excited! I can’t wait.

  50. Annemarie says:

    Yee haa! Another adventure. *Strides purposefully over to the library chair, plonks thoughtlessly down while flicking through her tablet to the Kindle app, pushes monocle into place and squints at the revered story teller.*

    “Ready when you are.”

  51. Ashley says:

    Ooh pick me, pick me! 🙂 Super pumped!

  52. Joan says:

    Hi Lindsay!

    I’m such a big fan of your Emperor’s Edge series! I’m even more excited that you’re in the progress of writing a fourth Flash Gold novella! I also love that series!
    It would be an honor to get a chance to read your new novel! Love the cover by the way!

  53. kelly6022 says:

    I can’t wait !!! Here comes more sleepless night of reading, anything from lindsay b is addictive

  54. Jayne says:

    Lindsay, you are one of the very few authors these days that I will actually BUY a book from on Amazon. You are THAT fantastic! It is not that I want to cheat an author out of income, but because mine is low.

    Love your strong woman characters that have just a touch of vulnerability. I am looking forward to the next Flash Gold stories!

  55. linda rhyno says:

    loved the emperors edge and just finished 5th in the flash gold series….loved everything about them and can’t wait for more…..would love a free copy of the new series….keep up the great work

  56. linda rhyno says:

    loved the emperors edge and just finished the flash gold series….loved everything about them and can’t wait for more…..would love a free copy of the new series….keep up the great work

  57. Betty says:

    What a engrossing way to spend some of my free time with a strong female in situations that require thought and action to prosper and survive. Makes me wish to be part of the adventure in spite of being a grey haired granny. Lindsay, keep up the good work that keeps us fans enthralled!

  58. Michelle Wetzel says:

    This looks amazing! I can’t wait to read it and I’m very much looking forward to more EE and Flash Gold!


  59. Debra Waddick says:

    Can I just say that I love this because I am an anthropology major in school and when you first began releasing information about the story I was on an excavation myself?

    I think this universe is trying to point out that this will be a great book.

  60. Love the cover and the book sounds great love the conscept look forward to reading it.

  61. Tom says:

    Sounds like a great ride. Stories like this can get really exciting real fast! Can’t wait. Keep up the good work

  62. shirley griffiths says:

    can not wait to read your new series keep up the brill work

  63. Mana says:

    Sign me up to read anything you write. 😉

  64. Kristen Otte says:

    The cover looks great!! I’d love a copy and would be happy to post an honest review on my monthly book reviews along with Amazon.

  65. Trish b says:

    Just cannot get enough of your writing! I am pending surgery and am elated that I will have more of your works to read, whilst I mend:)

  66. Cara Seger says:

    I can’t wait to read your new stuff! I a huge fun!

  67. Karen J says:

    Can’t wait for the new series, or more of the old series’ for that matter. Lindsay’s books are the best. She takes me out of my world and into hers each time I begin to read. What more could one ask for, other than free books 🙂

  68. Rene Tang says:

    Here a little greeting from the cold north, approaching designated Denmark. I started reading the first in the series The Emperor’s Edge, when it was free. And it did not disappoint. Since I have read number two, and then I came also to read some of your other books. So to give the first one in a series away for free is a great way to get new readers. It got me to buy more of your books and I think you are a really great writing. And this new book with a female Indiana Jones, what can you expect more. Keep writing more of these books and series. The cover is fantastic , great cover design.

  69. Amber says:

    Sign me up! I am a fan – I’ve read them all as well and have even considered dusting off some of my own unpubbed manuscripts with your inspiration. Love your stuff!

  70. Bob W says:

    Looking forward to this new series set in my own backyard.

  71. Alison says:

    I’m just going to echo all the other comments in that I have thoroughly enjoyed your books so far, and am excited to hear about the next one, particularly as I studied archaeology at university for a while.

    I also think I DESERVE a free copy of your next book as compensation for the rest of the people on the train I catch thinking I’m a little insane as I read your books on my daily commute. 😛
    This means I serenely read through delays, giggling intermittently at the antics of your amazing and endearing characters, leaving fellow passengers surreptitiously craning their necks trying to see what it is I’m reading.

    Keep up the fantastic work!

  72. Deb says:

    I only just discovered you because Kobo had the 1 st addition in The Emporer’s Edge series in the free download section. Now the 2 nd book has been purchased and is my current read! Your new series seems very intriguing. I look forward to winning the draw. Cheers!

  73. sara says:

    i’m not a big fan of contemporary set novels but i’ve read all of your other books and this one sounds just as interesting. really looking forward to it.

  74. Karen says:

    I was sad to see the end of “The Emperor’s Edge” series, but I’m looking forward to the new one. That series is by far the best indie work I’ve come across.

  75. Aurora Drake Nelson says:

    I would love to be able to read this a little bit early! I’ve loved everything you’ve written so far, and the cover looks *awesome*! 😀

  76. Vindya says:

    An outcast heroine faced with the opportunity to pursue her true passion and potentially change the paradigm that her world operates under… my kind of story!

    Also: the leather whip!

  77. Kara says:

    I’d love a copy!
    I really enjoyed the Emperors Edge series and the Encrypted novels 🙂

  78. Julie Dahl says:

    Love that you are on your fourth book of Flash Gold and that you are contemplating another Emperor’s Edge book! But new stories are always great too! Excited to see what you have in mind for your new book character Delia!!

  79. Michelle Rosa says:

    Love your Emperors Edge and Encryted series! Can’t wait to read the new book!

  80. Sue F says:

    Ooooh! Ooooh!
    *jumps up and down waving arms over head*
    Me please!

    Seriously, the new book sounds great, Lindsay! I love everything you’ve published to date, and this sounds even more “me” than the Emperor’s Edge and Flash Gold universes (I love Indiana Jones! :D). The cover art looks fantastic too!

  81. Shari T says:

    I recently discovered EE thru the free books on Kobo, great series! Think the new series sounds fun as well:) Can’t wait to read it! BTW, I truly love the way you add to the series with your short stories & novellas, great way to let us see a little more of your world!

  82. Miwa says:

    Yay! A new Buroker book! 🙂

  83. Trista says:

    This looks like fun! Can’t wait to read it… gotta be spectacular after the EE series! Simply excruciating, this waiting buisness! LOL

  84. Haily says:

    I’m still a little mad about the so-not-cool stunt in the last EE book… But I think you’re a wonderful author, regardless. Count me in for this one! Can’t wait!

  85. Jeanne says:

    I have been in love with your writing since I first picked up Emperor’s Edge. I can’t wait to start reading your new series!

  86. Louise says:

    If it is anywhere as good as your other books it will be a great read – exciting, humorous with exciting characters doing fantastic things. Can’t wait.

  87. 2ManyCars says:

    Yay! A new Flash Gold is great news and a whole new series is just icing on the cake! Just make sure your still having fun at what you do and don’t let anyone rush you to complete early. Your stories are worth waiting for.

  88. Brian M says:

    In the ocean of books, I am happy I came across EE. I love your character perspective and narration, hooked with the first book. I was very pleased with FG, and now I’m excited about a new series from you.

  89. Celine says:

    The story and the cover look amazing! Can’t wait to read this! 😀

  90. BD Crowell says:

    That sounds like an intriguing story. I’m a fan of the Indiana Jones movies and lived in Arizona for several years, so this sounds right up my alley. I look forward to reading it.

  91. galentrot says:

    Just the thing tomorrow build interest in a new book. I can’t wait to see how it comes out! (FYI,I also do proofreading …). Thanks for the offer.

  92. galentrot says:

    Of course the phone gets me once in a while… Keep smiling and keep writing too.

  93. Christian D says:

    Christian of the killer hat here. Would love to check out the new book ahead of time. I’ll even write you up a new accessory for a character :). Is someone a shoe-fiend? I feel I could really do justice to the description of beautiful shoes.

  94. Virginia says:

    You’re my new favourite author – I think I’d read anything you publish! But this new series sounds like something right up my alley. I loved the Emperor’s Edge series, but I also really like the Flash Gold series. Your characters are just great – that’s what keeps me reading, along with the adventure of course. I’m not necessarily a huge fantasy fan anyway, although I like a few authors in this genre. So changing to contemporary fantasy isn’t a big deal for me. I just chanced on your free Emperor’s Edge ebook – and I’m sure glad I did! I’m recommending your books to my friends.

  95. Karyn says:

    SOOO EXCITED For more from you!!!! Such a fan of ALL your books, I’m trying to get as many of my friends to read them so I have more people to talk to about these amazing books!

  96. Valerie Emerson says:

    This looks great, I can’t wait to read it!

  97. Elena says:

    I’m late but if you’re still giving the book away I would love a copy. I LOVE all of the books you’ve written so far.

  98. I am really excited about a new series AND a new flashgold story! You are one of my favorite authors. Thanks for the opportunity to win an autographed copy.

  99. Maddy says:

    Juhu, free books (to make it even better, from one of my favourite authors)!
    And, since it’s per email, it’s not even a problem I’m in Germany : )

  100. Daniel says:

    This new series sounds interesting, can’t wait to read it! I can see an ongoing theme with strong female leads! 😉

Comments are closed.