Today’s guest post isn’t from an author; it’s from a reviewer. My Twitter buddy, Frida Fantastic (it’s possible that’s not the name on her birth certificate, but we won’t pry) has agreed to give some tips on what reviewers want (and what will have them deleting your submission faster than spam emails promising body part enhancements).
Without further parenthetical comments, here’s Frida:
I’m a book blogger and I blog at Frida Fantastic: indie speculative fiction reviews. I review indie ebooks in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, pulp, and horror. Today I would like to share a few tips on the best ways for authors to approach book bloggers.
I define a book blogger as a reader who volunteers to blog about books on a regular basis. Book blogs come in all shapes and sizes. Some are more flexible in what they review, whereas others have a more defined focus like “indie ebooks” or “science fiction and fantasy books”.
Book blogs in all their forms are helpful in promoting books. If a popular book blogger reviews your book, their readers are far more likely to check it out. Many book bloggers cross-post their reviews to Amazon, Smashwords, and Goodreads. Positive reviews are best, but at minimum, a well-written book review will provide some useful information about a book and help other readers determine if the book is for them. Some book blogs also participate in blog tours, which can also help generate interest in a book. The tips here are more specific to requesting book reviews as that’s what book bloggers are most known for, but the same principles apply to requesting other services from book bloggers such as participating in a blog tour or hosting a guest post.
I started book blogging in early April so I’m still fairly new to this, but I have a good idea about what constitutes as good netiquette between authors and book bloggers. So listen up if you’re interested in getting a review from a book blogger 🙂
Tip #1: Before you ask a book blogger to review your book, check the book submission (or review policies) page on their website, and respect those guidelines.
Most of the blogs that accept review requests have a page like that, and some may have very detailed and specific requirements. Even if some of it seems idiosyncratic or unnecessary, follow it to the letter, because the blogger has their system set up to handle the flood of submissions. Many of us can’t review all the books we receive because there are so many books and we only have so much time. But we love books, and we review the ones that capture our interest.
Tip #2: Don’t request book reviews via Twitter, Facebook, forums, etc. Generally, book bloggers want you to send an email.
Just like you, we have six or more accounts at different places, and it’s too time-consuming to check them all. Follow our submission policies. Most of us want you to send your review request by email, so we have all our submissions in one place. Asking for a review through a non-standard route like Goodreads is akin to jumping the queue—that’s not fair, and many of us ignore these messages. Sending unsolicited Amazon gifts is also no-no, and book bloggers can’t reply to those messages as they are sent from an Amazon no-reply email address.
Tip #3: Book bloggers are on social media, but don’t spam them.
I like books, but if you message me and give me a link to your books, I generally will ignore them. I can’t speak for all book bloggers, but the way I see it, if you wanted to request a review, you would have sent me an email. If you’re trying to be a salesman, that doesn’t work on social media. Be friendly and personable without constantly plugging your book, and people will eventually get to know you.
Tip #4: When you email book bloggers your review request, make sure your book is ready.
I’ve received some review requests for books that had serious formatting problems in the first five pages, which probably doesn’t help sales either. I notified the authors about the issues I saw, but really, having an unfinished book is the quickest way to getting a review request rejected.
Tip #5: Don’t write emails that will get trapped in the spam folder.
If the book submission page specifies a subject line, follow that. If not, use a simple subject line like “Review request for (Title of Book)”. Weird subject lines get trapped in the spam folder.
Address book bloggers by name. If the name is not available, address the blogger by his or her online blogging pseudonym. Emails with generic greetings like “Hello sir/ma’am” look like the beginning of unsolicited spam mail, and my Gmail tends to trap those in the spam folder too.
Tip #6: Write short and clear review requests.
Book bloggers don’t want to know your life story, or all the business models you’ve tried, or which publisher we’ve never heard of has print rights to what. It depends on the blogger’s focus, but being published by an unknown small press means absolutely nothing to me. Being previously published by more well-known publisher like DAW or Tor Books could get the attention of a science fiction/fantasy blogger, but really, we just want to see if we’d be interested in reviewing your book. So tell us about your book, and don’t bore us with your experiments in publishing. We’re readers—we care about your book, not your business model.
Other book bloggers may be different, but my eyes glaze over whenever I see an email over a thousand words long and I don’t finish reading it. I choose which books to review on the basis of the description on Smashwords or Amazon, and whether I liked the sample or not. I don’t read press releases attached to a review request email, and I doubt other book bloggers do either, because well… we’d rather spend that time reading books.
Tip #7: Be patient. If you don’t hear from a book blogger for a while, depending on the book submission policy, you can still send a review request for another book.
We receive a lot of review requests. As I’m writing this, I have 40 unread emails requesting book reviews. Other bloggers receive 10-20 requests per day. We consider every request, but please understand that it could take us a while to get to your request. Many bloggers have long to-review queues, some as long as six months or a year. I keep mine relatively short at about a month long, and I add a new book to my review queue every week.
If you haven’t heard from us in a while, it doesn’t mean that we have ignored your request. It means that either we haven’t gotten to it yet, or that that particular book isn’t up our alley. Email correspondence is time-consuming so sometimes we can’t respond to everyone. While you should focus on book bloggers that tend to accept your review requests, perhaps the others that didn’t accept the request for this one will be interested in your next book.
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I hope these tips are helpful. If you have any thoughts about approaching book bloggers or about book blogging in general, feel free to leave a comment. I’m happy to answer questions! 🙂