Three Amazon Marketing Tactics to Increase Book Visibility

If your books are languishing in obscurity at Amazon, and you’re sure folks would love them if only they could find them, there are a few marketing tactics you can try on the Amazon site itself.

I’ve done some of these things, and my sales-per-day average has been increasing, but I’m not sure how much, if any, credit to give these tactics. The reviewers who mentioned how they came across my books cited other sites — reviews, Twitter, guest posts, Goodreads advertising, etc., so I’m not sure if anybody stumbles across my work while browsing Amazon or not.

Either way, these little tricks are easy to implement, so there’s not much to lose. And who knows? Maybe they’ll help a smidgen.

Using Keywords in Your Title Space

Amazon Title with Keywords

Out of everything I’ll mention here, my guess is this could do the most for you. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords all currently let you add words to the title that aren’t necessarily on the cover of the book. Some authors are sticking their genre, or keywords related to their book, into the title space, so their piece will come up if people search for those things on the site.


The books in these examples are by indie ebook authors, and they’re selling a lot of copies. The books have also been out a while, they have good reviews, and they’re priced low ($0.99 for the top two and $2.99 for the last), so I’m sure it’s not just the use of keywords in the title that’s moving these titles, but this is something that probably won’t hurt and could help, especially if you write in a popular genre.

My books don’t fall into neat genres or sub-genres, but I decided to give this a try anyway. You can see the picture for Encrypted up there, and my other novel is listed as The Emperor’s Edge (a high fantasy mystery in an era of steam) on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. “High Fantasy” was the keyword I wanted in there, and I used the rest to describe the novel briefly. Someone finding your book via the search results will only see the title, your name, the price, and a thumbnail of the cover, so sneaking in a mini blurb might help them decide to click yours over another that’s more vague.

My ebook does actually come up on the first page results (as I’m typing this anyway) for “high fantasy,” but I doubt that’s something many people type into the search box. I’m skeptical that many people look for books by searching by genre (though it’d sure be interesting to get a copy of Amazon’s web statistics to find out!), but, again, it probably can’t hurt to do this.

Do you need to? Obviously not, since there are tons of bestsellers who don’t. Indie phenom Amanda Hocking’s first book is simply My Blood Approves.

Getting Tagged on Amazon

Tagging on Amazon

If you’ve done reviews, or you’ve memorized every pixel on your book’s Amazon page, you’ve probably noticed the “tags” or keywords that people can plug in to help categorize a book. As with using keywords in the title, these tags help the internal search engine find relevant results to display when someone types in “paranormal romance” or “urban fantasy” or what have you.

I’ve seen numerous tag-me-and-I’ll-tag-you threads on discussion boards, and I’m not sure how I feel about asking people who haven’t read the book to do this, as it seems like gaming the system. But you could probably argue that is true for everything in this blog post. Ultimately, you’ll have to decide which of these tactics you’re comfortable with. I’ve noticed some authors ethics tend to become a little more pure after they’ve established themselves and can count on regular sales. *innocent whistle*

You can tag your own books once, so make sure to do that. It’ll give reviewers some guidelines when it’s their turn to tag.

As to how effective book tagging is, I don’t know. Based on my Google SEO knowledge, I’d guess there’s more weight to having your preferred term in the title, but the tags might help you show up across a number of sub-genres. The Emperor’s Edge has been tagged most often with “steampunk,” and the novel does show up on the forth page of results for that term. Of course, not many people are going to click through four pages of results to find a new book to read, but since I don’t use steampunk anywhere in the book description or title, it suggests tagging does help (note, a number of reviewers used the word steampunk, and that may have some weight in the Amazon search engine as well).

Note: Tag your book on Amazon UK as well as the regular Amazon site (the tags don’t automatically carry over).

Get Listed (Amazon Listmania Lists)

Amazon listmania

You’ve no doubt seen Amazon’s “listmania” lineups; these reader-created lists of books show up all over the site, usually for a certain genre or about a specific topic. They show up on specific book pages if that particular book is in the list.

Fans create lists for fun; you can create them for marketing purposes (it’s okay if you have fun doing it).

The idea is to list your book with other popular titles that are similar in genre/style/theme. If you have a YA fantasy, for example, you might want to include your offering and other related ones on a list that mentioned Harry Potter and other bigwigs in the field.

I did a list for one of my books when I first published it, and then I promptly forgot about it. I imagine it helps if you plug your list various places and routinely add to it. I must admit, it did feel a tad…lame (yes, that’s the big, impressive vocabulary word I’ll use) to make a list and put my book at the top. Once we’re popular and well-loved by more than three people, maybe folks will create lists for us.

Here’s a nice writeup with some tips for creating Amazon lists for book promotion purposes.

So, there you are: three marketing gimmicks to try at Amazon. Keywords in titles, tagging, and listmania lists.

In the end, it’s hard for me to conclude whether these tactics have more than minimal impact (I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below), since I’m doing a number of things for promotion and no one has yet said, “Hey, I found your novel by typing in steampunk on Amazon,” or “I saw you in a science fantasy romance list,” but none of them take a lot of time to implement, so if something sounds appealing, you can give it a try.

Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Book Trailers for Promotion, Yay or Nay?

If you haven’t heard of book trailers, they’re just what they sound like: short videos, similar to movie trailers, that are designed to generate interest in your book. If there’s a film producer inside you, waiting to get out, you could create one yourself. If not, there are numerous companies willing to make one for you (for a fee, of course).

The question is…

Are book trailers worth the time and/or expense?

Judging by the view count of most of the ones I’ve seen on YouTube and the prevailing opinions on the KindleBoards forum…

Probably not.

Most of them just don’t get watched often enough to do any good.

YouTube, the biggest site you’ll likely upload your book trailer to, is similar to Amazon: it gets a lot of traffic, yes, but that doesn’t mean any of it is going to come to your page.

If you start a YouTube channel, you have to promote it, just like your blog and your books and everything else. Most people who become popular on YouTube post new videos regularly, much like running a podcast. If you’re just planning to post the one book trailer, then it’s unlikely you’ll get many page views or build an audience.

That doesn’t mean you can’t create a promotional video for your books. If it sounds like a fun project, give it a shot. In addition to Youtube, there are other sites where you can upload it (Veoh and Blazing Trailers are a couple, and Smashwords allows you to upload a trailer to your author page as well). That said, if you’re already feeling bogged down by all the online book marketing you’re trying to do, you can give this one a pass.

My videos

I tried creating a couple videos this week, mostly for kicks. They’re more about book promotion, with a little humor sprinkled in, than a trailer for my novels (though I did plug Encrypted). I used Xtranormal, a free program that does everything except write the script for you. Xtranormal may not be enough for creating a book trailer, but if you want to try something similar to what I did, you might find the site fun to play with.

Here’s my YouTube channel and the videos I did this week. Feel free to subscribe, comment, or send me a note on there, and I’ll be happy to come give a thumb’s up to your book trailer or whatever other videos you’ve posted.

Posted in Book Marketing, Videos & Podcasts | Tagged , , , , | 13 Comments

Interview with Successful Indie Fantasy Author Jason Letts

Jason Letts Fantasy Indie Ebook AuthorWe’ve got an interview with indie fantasy author Jason Letts for you today. He’s been e-publishing for less than a year, but he’s already sold thousands of ebooks. As you can see from his official author picture, he’s a bit of a character who doesn’t take himself too seriously!

Here’s a quick intro, and then we’ll jump into the questions:

Jason is an author and editor of young-adult and paranormal fiction. The books in his young-adult fantasy series, Powerless, are available. The first book in his new paranormal trilogy, Inevitable, has just been released on Amazon and You can find out more about Jason and his books by visiting

Welcome, Jason!

Thanks so much for having me, Lindsay!

What made you choose the life of an indie author?

I’ve always loved writing, and I was an English major in college, so I always felt like I would end up writing novels eventually, but becoming an indie author and selling books on my own was something I couldn’t have imagined. It just wasn’t possible even a few years ago. But things have changed, and now I write my stories the way I want them to be, produce them just how I like, and hope that readers find them just as enjoyable as I do. It’s great when it works out that way, and that’s what makes it worthwhile.

Your main body of work is the Powerless series. Can you tell us a bit about it and how well it’s doing for you?

Powerless is a young-adult fantasy series about a girl who has to bring her family together despite being the only one in the world without a unique, magical ability. The first book was published in June 2010 with the next two books following after that. After selling thousands of copies, I’m very happy with the series and the response that it’s getting, but there are things you can only learn after you’ve put the book out. So like every other author, I’ve got to take what worked, leave behind what didn’t, and try my best to create the most entertaining work possible as I continue to write.

Jason Letts Powerless Book 1 Cover

Congratulations on all those book sales. Pretty impressive considering you just started last summer! Is Amazon your biggest seller, or do you do better elsewhere?

I sell about 60% on Amazon and 40% on, which is actually hugely surprising to me because for the first few months I didn’t sell much at all on BN. I think there are different strategies to have success on each site. For Amazon, you’ve got to get in touch with readers and work on getting good reviews. For BN, you’ve got to be extremely lucky and hope your book magically gets a good search result for a few keywords. I’ve heard creating a shrine in your bedroom can help with that.

As I’m learning, the biggest challenge for us indies is being found. What kind of promotional tactics have you pursued?

Yes, obscurity is one of the most difficult things to overcome. Of course, blogging like this and being active on kindleboards is a good start, but it helps to be outspoken too. While a lot of people might tell you that it’s important to be ultra-professional all the time, which is so often true, I also take joking around very seriously and try to bring that spirit with whatever I’m doing. At the end of the day, we’re entertainers and we’re people, and we’re naturally drawn to people with which we can share an easy laugh.

I see you sell the first book in the series for $0.99 cents and the latter ones for $2.99. How is that working for you? Does the low-priced introductory ebook draw in a lot of readers who go on to purchase the others? Have you experimented with higher prices?

Ebook pricing is always a touchy issue, and people base their decisions on countless factors. The second month my book was out I tried to raise the price to $2.99. This didn’t work for me, and it severely squelched my sales beyond what the revenue increase would provide. For new authors, you want to create the lowest barrier possible for people to try your work. After that, it really depends on what the market will bear. Especially for a series, starting the books out at .99 is a good idea to cast the widest possible net for your other books.

I see you have an omnibus edition of the Powerless trilogy on Amazon. What a great idea, and it’s a deal for the readers, too. How well does that sell compared to the individual ebooks?

The omnibus sells surprisingly well, and it’s something I recommend all authors with a series think about doing. It’s sort of like building a sale into your pricing structure, and a lot of readers have jumped on it. It sells probably twice as well as the 2nd and 3rd books do individually, and on some days it does just as well as the first book. Putting it together was a great move!

Would you like to talk about your new ebook? You wrote it with e-publishing superstar Amanda Hocking–how did that come about?

My new book is called Inevitable, and it’s sold about 100 copies in its first two days. Many of the things I learned from Powerless went directly into this. The biggest one is importance of including romance in books, and so the genre of this story is actually paranormal romance. Though PR isn’t that distant from young-adult fantasy, it was enough to make me feel a bit like a fish out of water. Enter Amanda. I am her editor, and when I told her about the book I was working on, she was very interested in helping out. I have to say the book was drastically improved because of her guidance, and I’m very confident that paranormal readers will enjoy it.

Inevitable Ebook Cover Jason Letts Amanda Hocking

Thanks, Jason!

Posted in Interviews / Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Goodreads Advertising Results and Tips on Creating Campaigns

Warning: this post is long and rambling. Read at your own discretion.

There are a lot of challenges as an indie ebook author, but perhaps the biggest is being found. As I’ve mentioned before, nobody is going to stumble across your work at the bookstore, and, with Amazon’s millions of books for sale, it’s unlikely on-site searches are going to lead people to your work either. That will change if you start selling enough for your ebook to show up in various bestseller categories, but getting to that point is a challenge.

I’ve written about my Kindle Nation Advertising Results, which helped me sell a bunch of ebooks in one day, and today I’m going to talk about Goodreads, which has led to a small trickle of continuing sales.

I’ve run pay-per-click advertising campaigns for my day job, and I was leery about getting anything except a high credit card bill out of Goodreads, but they’ve proven more effective than I expected. Amazon and Barnes & Noble don’t tell you where sales originate, so it’s hard to say anything with 100% certainty, but I believe I’m spending less on advertising there than I’m making from books purchased through the ad campaigns.

In other words, it’s profitable.

Let me give you a breakdown of how Goodreads works and what I’m doing to achieve my results. (Just to be clear, these are not staggering results. Right now, I’m spending in the neighborhood of $4-$5 a day there and making $10-$14 in royalties–selling 5-7 ebooks a day at $2.99 each. Not all my book sales are from Goodreads, since I still sell some on days when GR clicks are low, but I’ve definitely noticed a correlation between higher click days and higher sales days. Because I’m very new as an ebook author–you can read my recent Indie Ebook Publishing Results After Six Weeks–and my books aren’t being mentioned left and right all over the web, I suspect this isn’t a coincidence.)

How Goodreads Advertising Works

As I mentioned, Goodreads is a pay-per-click advertising system, meaning you pay every time someone clicks your ad. If nobody clicks, you get charged nothing, but Goodreads also won’t show your ads much. Here’s a blurb from their FAQ:

We use a complex algorithm to determine which ads are shown on the site. A major factor in this algorithm is initial click-through rate– that’s the click-through rate for the ad in its first few hundred impressions for the day. The ads that generate more clicks in those first few hundred impressions are shown more frequently throughout the day, while those that don’t generate as many clicks early are given a lower priority. This is how we make sure that the most relevant ads are shown most frequently. How the ad was performing the day before has no bearing on this, as each ad gets a fresh chance each day.

You can choose how much you want to bid per ad, with the minimum being ten cents. Here’s another blurb to explain how the bidding works (sort of):

All self-serve ads are sold at a default rate of $0.50 per click, but you can bid anywhere from $0.10 to $300.00 per click. While higher bid amounts are given higher priority, the initial click-through rate is still more important in determining which ads are shown the most frequently.

In my experience 10 cents doesn’t end up getting you many page views a day, whereas 50 cents gets you plenty, so I don’t think there’s a need to go higher than that. If you’re an indie ebook author like me, and you’re only charging $2.99 per ebook ($2 royalty, give or take a few pennies, depending on the retailer), you need to be careful about how much you bid. At 50 cents a click, you’d only break even if one in four people bought your novel, and that’s asking a lot from an ad.

You can do some things in the ad copy and with the targeting to make it very likely only people who read your genre and have an ebook reader will click (any other clicks are a waste of time), and I’ll talk about that in a minute.

On slow days, I tinker with my campaign, and I’ve found I get a reasonable return on my investment coupled with a reasonable number of clicks per day when I bid around 30 cents. I’ve got a $15 daily cap on my campaigns, but I’ve never come close to spending that much (because I do target my ads very precisely). I’d be happy to spend more if it resulted in more sales, but, as big as Goodreads is, there’s a limited number of people who fall into the target audience for my science fantasy romance novel (someday I’m going to write a book in a popular genre just for kicks!).

Before I move on, I want to say that I believe paying for Goodreads advertising on a novel you’ve priced at $0.99 is going to be a waste of money. Since ebooks in this price range only earn the author $0.35-$0.40, you’d have to bid very low and have a ridiculously high conversion rate to break even. If you want to throw money around to increase visibility and get your name out there, that’s your call, but, like I said, it’s easy to waste a lot of money quickly with pay-per-click ads. I’d probably choose banner advertising where you’re paying a flat monthly fee for exposure if that was the goal.

Creating an Ad Campaign

Okay, you’ve read this far, and you’ve decided to try Goodreads yourself. What’s Step #1, you ask?

First, sign up here: Goodreads Advertising.

You’ll fill in all your personal information and give them a credit card number and say how much you want to spend. I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I’d get billed right away or after I’d burned through some clicks (right away is the answer), so dumped $300 in. In retrospect, that was pretty high, but if you write in a popular genre, you may go through money (and sell more ebooks!) more quickly than I.

Next it’s time to set up ads. It’s a bit like Twitter in that you don’t get much space to woo people. I’ve never liked selling, and I’ve never studied copywriting, so I won’t presume to advise you here. Nothing is permanent, however, so you can experiment to your heart’s desire.

I do recommend creating a campaign for each book and trying several ads within each campaign. There are a couple reasons for this:

Split Testing to See Which Ad Copy Works Best


If you create two ads where all other factors are equal (destination URL, book price, audience targeted, etc.), then, after a while, you’ll be able to tell which book blurb is drawing more interest. Eventually you can eliminate the poor performer and swap in a new ad and start the comparison process over again.

I’ve definitely had instances where the ad copy I thought was best didn’t turn out to be the best performer. I’ve got one running now that’s, in my opinion, a little cheesy, but it gets a lot of clicks, so it stays.

Using Different Destination URLS

Goodreads recommends you make the destination URL (or web address) your book’s Goodreads page. I have mixed feelings about this. I was on Goodreads two months before I even noticed book pages had buy links on them. Even if other Goodreads members are swifter than I, you’re putting extra steps between the buyer and the purchase if you send them to the GR page and hope to earn a sale from there.

I’m not saying you should never do this (I have an ad in each of my campaigns that delivers the clicker to the GR page), but you may want to pay less per click, as you’re probably going to see fewer direct sales. That said, there are some less tangible benefits. Goodreads members can add your book to their shelves, which are seen by their friends, who might add your book to their shelves and so on and so forth.

Aside from using Goodreads as a destination URL, if you are an ebook author, you will probably want to set up an ad for each of the places your book is for sale. This is because people with different ebook readers shop at different stores. If they’ve got Nooks, they go to B&N. Kindle people go to Amazon. Etc. etc. etc.

Yes, you could send people to Smashwords, where all ebook formats are available, but a) not many people outside the biz are aware of Smashwords yet and b) you know people already have accounts at the store their e-reader is linked to so there’s only one single solitary click between that reader and a purchase of your ebook. Compare that to some store they’re visiting for the first time and where they have to set up an account and enter in credit card information. More steps means more places from them to bail out and decide they don’t want the book so badly after all.

So, long story short, consider setting up an ad for Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Apple if your ebooks are available in all these places. They can be the same ad (though it wouldn’t hurt to put the name of the e-reader in the title or the description) for each, just with a different destination.

Note: The least effective thing you could probably do is send people to your author website. I’ve seen a few ads that do this on Goodreads, and unless you’re snagging the person’s email address for your mailing list, this will likely lose you money. Internet marketers will give away free ebooks in exchange for email addresses (once you’re on their list, they can try to sell you other stuff), but this is beyond what most of us are doing with our marketing campaigns. In most cases, you’re just going to be putting extra roadblocks between the interested party and the actual act of purchasing your book. Simple is almost always better. Interested person clicks ad and interested person is delivered to place to purchase book with one click. Author success story!

Crafting Your Ad to Attract Your Target Audience (and nobody else!)

Still reading? Good, because this is the section that’s going to keep you from wasting money and make it possible to profit from running a Goodreads advertising campaign. The other stuff is important too (everything I say is important, duh!), but this is key:

If all you have available is an ebook make sure it says ebook somewhere in your ad.

This is common sense, but easy to overlook (I see people overlooking it on Goodreads right now). A lot of people don’t have e-readers, and they’ll only read paper books. That means it’s pointless to have them click your ad, because they’re not in your target audience.

Consider mentioning the price.

Ad space is finite, but you may also want to list the price of your ebook in your ad. I do this because, at $2.99, Emperor’s Edge and Encrypted are both low compared to traditionally published ebooks. A low price tag alone may make a book more appealing to a Goodreads member.

If your ebook is higher priced, it may still be worth mentioning, because you don’t want bargain-seekers clicking your ad if they’re never going to pony up $10 for an ebook.

Only target people who read in your genre.

After you’ve inputted your title, ad, url, and uploaded a little picture of your book, it’s time to select your audience. This is pretty easy. Click unselect all, and then check the boxes that match your ebook (i.e. science fiction and fantasy or young adult and romance). This means your ads will only be shown to people who’ve indicated they read in your genre.

The downside of precise targeting:

A possible downside to being this precise is that your click-through-rate may be so low that Goodreads won’t display your ad every day. I included the blurb above about how they choose which ads to display (if yours doesn’t get a click early on, it’ll get shelved for the day), and I never have all my ads running full throttle, because some days they just don’t get those early clicks. I do always end up with at least one or two ads from a given campaign running, but this is a big reason as to why my Goodreads bill isn’t very high each day.

From our point of view it’s good not to waste money, but from GR’s point of view, they only want to show ads that are making them money. It’s admittedly a balancing act.

The nice thing is that every day starts anew with Goodreads, and it’s easy to tweak ads and keep trying to see what works. Once you’ve got things down, this system is very “set it and forget it.” Compare that to all the other promotional stuff we try as indie authors, and I think you’ll see the benefits of having a campaign running quietly 24/7 without you having to do anything.

What if I’m a dead-tree-book author and don’t sell ebooks?

Ah, who let you onto this blog? Sorry, kidding. Everything above can apply to you as well, but it’s probably going to be harder to track your results. With the digital publishing platforms, you see sales the same hour they’re made, so you can more easily see the correlation between a bunch of clicks one afternoon and a few sales that afternoon. You can certainly give things a try though.

If you’re published through a traditional press and getting a much smaller royalty than indie ebook authors get, then Goodreads may not be cost-effective for you. Success really depends on you being able to make a profit, and you have to assume it’s going to take multiple clicks to sell a book.

Good luck to you with Goodreads!

Posted in Advertising, Book Marketing | Tagged , , , | 58 Comments

Take Your Ebook on a Blog Tour

You’ve heard of book tours, right? Where you travel all over the country, promoting your book in various  locales?

Well, book tours are expensive, and it’s especially hard to do a signing if you’re an ebook author. Fortunately, the book blog tour was invented as a less expensive way for authors to get the word out. There are some willing to feature indie ebook authors as well.

What is a blog tour?

It’s just what it sounds like: your book appears on various book-related blogs, preferably blogs that have a good-sized audience of regular followers who read in your genre. This gets the word out (creating buzz as the marketing gurus say) about you and your work.

You may not generate a pile of sales at every “stop” on the tour, but you’ll make more folks aware of your books. Sometimes people need to see things a few times before deciding to give them a try, so the more places your name and your book appear around the web the better.

Typically, “tour dates” are staggered over a week or a few weeks, and you may appear on 6-12 blogs over the course of the event (though there aren’t any rules here). A blogger may simply feature your work with the cover art and blurb, but some may wish to do interviews, book reviews, and giveaways as well.

How much does a book tour cost?

A book tour need not cost anything if you put it together yourself. This may be perfect for people who like networking online and already know quite a few bloggers who cover their genre.

If you prefer to leave the hard work to someone else and have your book featured on blogs outside your normal circle, you can pay a fee and have the tour arranged for you. I don’t have enough information yet to let you know the upper price range, but I’ve listed sites below that charge 0 to $50.

Where can you sign up for an ebook blog tour?

Here are a couple sites that run blog tours and accept (or prefer) ebooks:

  • Author AdvenTours — These guys only charge $10.50 (50 cents for the transaction fee and $10 to create gift-card giveaways for readers). Their blog isn’t updated very often, but it looks like they are arranging tours on a regular basis.
  • Book Lovin’ Bitches Ebook Tours — The gal who runs this site has a cadre of reviewers and book bloggers ready to look at ebooks, new or old, but your work must appeal to at least eight team members to get picked up. (I signed up with Emperor’s Edge and Encrypted and enough folks were interested that the tours were confirmed within a couple days.) There is a free option that runs for four weeks (eight stops) and a souped up “diva” version that costs $49 and runs for eight weeks with sixteen stops. You’ll also get book reviews from team members if you sign up for the paid version.
  • Indie Book Collective’s Blog Tour de Force — I have no idea how much this one costs or how to sign up (I’ve asked on Twitter and recently signed up for the newsletter, but no word yet), and I never got a response earlier in the month when I emailed about advertising, so I almost didn’t mention them here. But they’re very proactive on Twitter with promoting their authors, and if you’re not big on tooting your own horn, it can be useful to have someone who will do it for you. Their current tour is featuring twelve authors and a kindle giveaway. I think this is their first tour, and I hope they’ll put a how-to-sign-up page on their site soon.
  • Goddess Fish Promotions — These guys specialize in romance (genre romances OK). They do books and ebooks, and they throw in banner creation even for the super budget tours (buy one of the bigger tours, and they’ll do a book trailer video for you too). Prices start at $30.
  • Nuture Your Books — They don’t list their rates on their website, but I recognize at least one indie ebook author from their collage of covers, so I’m guessing they are affordable.

Do you know of any other ebook blog tours that should be listed here? Leave a comment, and let me know!

Posted in Blogging, Book Marketing | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Why I Self-Published AKA Reena Jacobs Does the Math [Guest Post]

You guys have heard enough about my experiences e-publishing thus far. Today Reena Jacobs, a lovely author I met on Twitter, is going to share her story with you. Her first ebook Shadow Cat is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. I hope you’ll enjoy listening to another voice!

Why I Self-Published


Reena Jacobs

Self-publishing wasn’t always a goal of mine. I had dreams of being a NY Times Bestselling author. I had a great story. I just needed to find out the workings of getting my fabulous work into the hands of publishers. Of course, that’s what just about every author thinks. J Then I learned about agents and good ole fashion querying.

Querying took an insane amount of time with all the researching, revising letters, and re-polishing Shadow Cat. I’d pretty much stopped writing any new material. Then in September I found this video called Zoe Who? and thought, if Zoe Winters can self-publish, why can’t I? I finally decided to bite the bullet and self-publish a short story (Control Freak: Brandon’s Story) in September.

I read about other authors who had self-published and were making a living at it… or at least making SOMETHING at it. I did the math. Most debut authors don’t earn out their advance, which tends to be $5k on average. And the advance is spread out: 1/3 upon signing the contract, 1/3 when the final draft is accepted, and 1/3 upon release. Authors wait 12-24 months for that novel to get released into the public.

So I asked myself, could I make $5k over the course of 24 months by publishing myself? Maybe… maybe not. But $5k really isn’t that much… only $208 a month. Surely I can take a $208 a month chance on myself, right? And if I continue to produce new work (which I hadn’t been doing while querying), I’d have more to offer at the end of 24 months… meaning my name would be out there. A $208/month investment into the future, I told myself.

Not only that, but there was a good chance I’d never see my work traditionally published. Did I want to spend years “doing the time” as many put it? My query results produced a few nibbles, but no biters. One agent said she was burnt out on shape shifters, so thanks but no thanks. From what I’d read, other agents felt the same. Shadow Cat will only ever be a shape shifter novel, and I had two sequels itching to be written. So getting it picked up was slim to none. Add that to the fact that most agents only offer representation to about 1% of the authors who query. Representation doesn’t even guarantee a publishing house will accept the work. Agents receive rejections all the time, just like authors.

Here’s the thing. If an agent wanted Shadow Cat, it would mean my work was marketable from their standpoint. I asked myself, why do I have to wait around for agents’ validation when I can go straight to the readers and find out? It’d certainly save me 12-24 months of worry and headache.

So that’s what I did. I took a chance on myself. I worked my butt off dotting the I’s, crossing the T’s, and working with others to make sure Shadow Cat was presentable to the world. Whether my little novel sinks or fails, we’ll find out. Regardless, the technological advances made in publishing provide wonderful opportunities for authors who are willing to put forth the effort and produce quality products.

So here’s wishing much success to writers working to make their dreams come true. Happy readings!

Author bio:

Reena Jacobs Shadow Cat

Reena Jacobs is just your typical writer who loves to see her words in print. As an avid reader, she’s known to hoard books and begs her husband regularly for “just one more purchase.” Her home life is filled with days chasing her preschooler and nights harassing her husband. Between it all, she squeezes in time for writing and growling at the dog. Her debut novel, Shadow Cat, is available in eFormat at Smashwords, Barnes & Nobles, and Amazon. You can find Reena on Ramblings of an Amateur Writer and Goodreads, rambling to whoever will listen.

Posted in Guest Posts, Interviews / Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

6 Reasons You’re Not Selling a Zillion Books with Twitter

Twitter Humor

Do you keep hearing how great Twitter is for book promotion? Have you tried and failed to become rich and famous (or at least occasionally paid and mid-list) with social media, but it’s just not working out? It could be you just haven’t found your Tweeting grove. Let’s look at a few reasons you might not be selling many books on Twitter…

Warning: It should be obvious once you start reading, but the following post is written with my tongue drilling a hole in my cheek. There may be some truth between the lines, or there may not be… I’ll leave it for you to decide!

  1. Not Tweeting About Books Enough — Posting links to your books (at every single location they are available) ten times a day is not enough. Bump it up to 20 immediately. 50 is better! Your followers won’t mind. Really.
  2. Not Messaging Enough — It’s great that you promptly assault each new follower with a direct-message plea to buy your book and/or visit your website, but, really, just once? Are you an underachiever or what? Message every follower daily!
  3. Blurbs for Links Not Enticing Enough — Under no circumstances should you save people time by saying exactly what the link you’re posting is about. Be creative. You’re a writer, aren’t you? Entice your followers with vagueness and obfuscation. They love it!
  4. Not Enough Hashtags — If you’re #using #less #than #two #hashtags #per #tweet it’s not enough. Everyone who types something remotely related to books should find your tweet. Bonus points if you get rid of your blurbs altogether and post just a link with ten hashtag keywords.
  5. Not Enough Followers — You may think you’re hot stuff because you have 5,000 followers, but there are people out there with 100,000! That kind of makes you look like an underachiever, now, doesn’t it? Go build up your army. It doesn’t matter if the people following you don’t speak your language, don’t read books, and are only following you because they want you to follow them back. Bodies, man, you need bodies!
  6. Not Enough Funky Symbols in Your Tweets — Seriously, people, if you write fantasy and aren’t tweeting ascii swords in every other post, you’re losing out on impressing the tweeples with your elite skillz. No, ascii art didn’t go out of style in the 90s. Really. oxx)=———-

Okay, because I feel the need to add something useful here, I’ll repeat what I’ve mentioned in other posts: Twitter isn’t a great place to sell books directly, though, of course, you can still talk yours up from time to time. You might get lucky, but, for the most part, people are there to chat, not whip out their credit cards. The best use of your Twitter time is probably to make friends with fellow authors and bloggers, people who might be willing to review your books, to allow you to host giveaways on their sites, or to let you guest post for them.


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Indie Ebook Publishing Results and What I’ve Learned [Six Weeks in]

Well, guys, I’m not famous yet, but I’m optimistic about the future of e-publishing and the future of my ebooks! If you’re popping in new, I published two novels and two collections of short stories in the last six weeks (the novels have only been up for four weeks for Emperor’s Edge and a week and a half for Encrypted). The novels are $2.99 and the story collections $0.99.

I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned and experimented with in just six weeks. Here are my results and some of what I’ve learned along the way….

Ebooks sold thus far:

The grand total is 216 with Emperor’s Edge the clear leader.

These sales are from Amazon and Smashwords (I know there have been a few from Barnes & Noble this month, but their up-to-the-minute stats have been flaky for me, with sales appearing, then disappearing, so I’ll wait until the end of the month to figure those in). My ebooks aren’t in the iTunes store yet (brain fart there: Apple won’t accept ebooks without ISBNs, and Smashwords will provide them, but apparently you have to go into the Smashwords dashboard and actually add the free ISBNs to your cart and “check out” to have them assigned — I only recently did this), but I hope that will change soon.

I haven’t counted freebies given away via email or with Smashwords coupons. I’m sure “friends and relatives” account for around 20 of these sales, but the rest belong to the good ebook-reading folks of the internet.

All in all, these sales stats aren’t going to blow anyone away, but I feel it’s a good start. I’ve always known I’m not the aggressive marketer type (I’m definitely that shy introvert who doesn’t want to annoy anyone), so I’m happy with things so far. I’m also tickled with the positive reviews my ebooks have gotten thus far from folks, some of whom aren’t in my crit group or related to me (shocking, I know!)

Where the sales have come from:

Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, etc. don’t show you any details about how people found your books and made their purchases (i.e. which site or advertising campaign sent them), so there’s a lot of guessing involved here. I’m fairly confident these are in the ballpark though.

  • My blogs (this one and Kindle Geeks) — In another brain fart, I didn’t add affiliate links until recently, so I don’t know how many sales originated from my blogs, but there have been a few since I started tracking. If I’d been smart and started these blogs long ago, they’d likely be more popular now and account for many more sales, but I wasn’t even thinking about e-publishing until early November.
  • Advertising — I’ve written about my Kindle Nation Sponsorship Results, and I’ve also been running Goodreads campaigns for the last three weeks or so. That’s when I started going from 1 or less sales a day to 3 or more most days. I’ll do a post on running a Goodreads campaign, because you pay per click so it’d be easy to waste a lot of money if you weren’t careful. I make it clear in the actual ad that it’s an ebook so as to discourage people from clicking if they’re not ebook-reading peeps. Thus far I’ve spent less on advertising than I’ll make in royalties from these books, but it’ll be months before I make back the costs of cover art, editing, etc. That’s to be expected, though, and even if my sales just remain at the rate they’re at now, I’ll make back those initial expenses before summer is here.
  • My free ebook, Ice Cracker II, which I uploaded to Smashwords and Feedbooks and which recently got listed as a freebie at B&N (via Smashwords distribution)  — I haven’t spent any time promoting my novels at Smashwords, since it’s relatively unknown compared to the mainstream booksellers, so I believe all my sales (about 25) there are a result of this ebook. Unlike the $0.99 collection, it’s a single short story that stars the characters from The Emperor’s Edge. I included an excerpt from the novel at the end with links to encourage folks to go on and purchase the novel if they enjoyed the short story. I’m hoping it will continue to to be found in the months to come and will help introduce people to the series.
  • Amazon — I’m sure some people have found my books by clicking “people who bought this bought this” or whatever that section is, but I don’t sell enough to appear in any bestsellers lists, so I doubt many of the sales are coming from internal searches yet.
  • Honorable mention to guest blogging and article syndication — I don’t think these activities have directly sold many ebooks, but they build links to my blog, which increases my blog’s authority in the eyes of the search engines, which should bring me more traffic as the months and years go on, and which should increase the number of sales that originate here. (Don’t worry — I don’t use the word “which” that often when I write fiction.)

Where these sales haven’t come from:

The following are things that may help a little and may sell an ebook here and there, but I believe they are, given the time investment, relatively ineffective forms of marketing (though they may have benefits outside of book sales):

  • Posting in forums — I’ve been on the Kindleboards, Nookboards, and MobileReads, and I know I’ve created some interest (in my free ebook in particular) from posting there, but it’s a huge time sink. As far as marketing goes, I believe that time would be better spent building up our blogs, writing articles and guest posts to increase links to said blogs, and writing more ebooks. If you like posting in forums and enjoy the social element, then by all means do so (I like to pop in from time to time, for sure!), but, in my opinion, this is a pretty poor marketing plan, especially when the forums are saturated with indie authors trying to sell books. Generally speaking, the easier something is, the more people will do it, and the less effective it will be as a method to stand out and get noticed.
  • Twitter — Twitter isn’t a bad tool, but it’s more about networking than selling books. Now and then I’ll mention my books, but I’ve primarily used it to promote blog posts and meet fellow writers and bloggers, some of whom have allowed me to guest post on their sites. What Twitter isn’t is a Barnes & Noble store where people log in, looking to buy things. It’s more like a Starbucks. People are there to hang out and be social. I’ve not seen much evidence that people tweeting about their books ten times a day make many sales that way (I’m nosy, so I’ve checked the sales rankings of folks with 8,000 follows who tweet about their books day in and day out).
  • Facebook — I don’t do much here, but it seems to be similar to Twitter. Useful for networking and building up blog popularity, but not really a platform for selling ebooks directly. (Feel free to disagree with me and leave comments if you’ve had other experiences — my “six weeks” of being an indie author certainly doesn’t make me an expert.)

My goals going forward:

  • Write Book 2 (and 3 and 4 and more!) in the Emperor’s Edge series — My ebooks are all over the map right now. They don’t star the same characters, nor are they even in the same sub-genres of fantasy. In some ways this is good, because it lets me see which series has more potential to be popular and which I might want to focus on developing first, but if you make a fan of someone on a Book 1, they’ll likely go on to grab the following books in that series. It might be more up in the air with unrelated books.
  • Get some reviews from review bloggers willing to look at indie ebook authors — I have submitted my ebooks to some of the sites out there, but it seems to be a months-long wait in many cases. That’s perfectly understandable, as I’m sure these reviewers are backlogged with requests.
  • Participate in blog tours — I’ll write more about this later, but Encrypted and Emperor’s Edge are both going to appear on several blogs over the next two months. It’s kind of like getting the benefits of a guest post (links to your site/books) without having to write the post. The bloggers usually feature your book, and some may ask interview questions or even volunteer to review your book.
  • Fix up this blog — This is a free theme I grabbed, and it could use some work. I finally added a contact form, but I need to add social media tags (so people can just click a button at the bottom of the post to Facebook/Tweet/Digg something) and fix some quirks.
  • Start a newsletter — It’s sad that I haven’t gotten around to this yet. Having a mailing list means you can easily let your fans know about your new releases. Otherwise they just might forget about you in the time that passes between books. As the marketing pros say, it’s easier to sell again to an existing customer than acquire a new customer!
  • Experiment with more advertising options — I’m going to purchase a banner ad on the Nookboards and a sponsored post on two fairly popular kindle-book-review blogs. My gut instinct is that I won’t earn back what I spend, because none of those sites are genre-specific, but I might be pleasantly surprised (I wasn’t expecting Goodreads to work at all, and it has; even if it’s just a small trickle, it’s earning more more than it costs for that trickle).

I’ve rambled on here more than I expected to, so I hope you’ve found something useful. At the least, thanks for your interest in my progress.

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