Kindle Nation Sponsorship Results

As I mentioned Sunday, I purchased a Kindle Nation sponsorship for The Emperor’s Edge, a full-length fantasy novel priced at $2.99.

Kindle Nation has several advertising options, and I went with #1: “free book alert sponsorship.” To qualify, your book must be a bargain compared to traditionally published ebooks (which are often $7.99 and up). The cost of the ad is currently $80, and this gets your ebook listed on the KN site with picture, blurb, reviews, etc. It also goes out to the subscribers that follow the blog on their kindles.

I didn’t sell enough books to earn back the cost of the ad (Sunday royalties will pay for about 75% of it), but it was easily my best sales day ever. My ebook climbed to 3,600ish in the bestseller rankings (read my post explaining Amazon Sales Rank if you’re curious how that all works) and briefly appeared in the Top 100 for epic fantasy (my novel isn’t really epic fantasy, but Amazon’s categories for fantasy are lacking… a rant for another time!).

Unfortunately, Amazon’s DTP page only shows you the number of books you’re selling, not where buyers are coming from, so it’s hard for me to tell which sales on later days may have been the result of the advertisement. I know I download samples of ebooks before buying and often go back days or weeks later for the rest. My sales have been a little better than the two weeks before this week, and I believe some of that is from the KN ad.

Beyond direct sales, it’s likely there are less tangible benefits of a sponsorship. For example, more people have found my blog this week by searching for my name (people know my name, wow!). Also, just having more people read the book means more chance for reviews online and recommendations to friends.

Some things which may have hindered my sales:

  • Cover and blurb — maybe not to everyone’s tastes?
  • It’s fantasy, heh. SF is worse, but traditional fantasy is definitely a niche genre.
  • Sunday of a holiday weekend — I have no basis for comparison yet, but blog traffic is always higher for me during the week (yes, everyone surfs during work hours), so it’s possible more people shop for ebooks M-F too.
  • Price point — while $2.99 is a bargain next to a $9.99 ebook, there are a lot of $0.99 ebooks posted at Kindle Nation.

Other People’s Kindle Nation Results:

Curious how other people do with their books? Here’s a spreadsheet of the site’s results for January sponsorships thus far. And the December 2010 results are up too.

The $0.99 ebooks are the biggest hits (surprise!). I remember seeing someone who had sold 150+ books as a result of the KN sponsorship, and I was quite envious until I realized they’d actually made less than I had with my 30-odd sales. (Thanks to the quirkiness of the Amazon pricing system, you get a 35% royalty at $0.99 and a 70% royalty at anything from $2.99 to $9.99. Essentially, you have to sell six times as many copies at $0.99 to make what you do at $2.99.)

That said, I may try initially releasing Encrypted at $0.99 and seeing if the cheaper price encourages significantly more purchases. That could make it easier to get onto the various Top 100 fantasy charts at Amazon, which is the way to be seen over there. It’s easy to raise the price later. Or maybe leaving it low could act as a gateway into my other novels. The fun thing about being an indie author is you have all the control and can experiment at will with these things!

All in all, I’m happy with the results of my sponsorship, and I am planning to sign up again for future ebooks.

Posted in Advertising, Amazon Kindle Sales | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

Cover Art for Encrypted, My Next Fantasy Novel

Encrypted is the last of the novels/story collections I had finished before I discovered the world of e-publishing, and it’s probably my favorite project thus far. It’s a science-fantasy mystery/adventure/love story (my inability to neatly categorize my stories is why I don’t bother trying to woo agents!) with two geeks for heroes, a cryptographer leading lady and a hunky engineer. They’d be meant for each other if not for the fact that they’re from enemy nations. Oops.

I just got the cover art from Elena Dudina, a lady with beautiful work up on DeviantArt. I found her through Daniel Arenson, who is also an indie fantasy author.

Anyway, it’s definitely the prettiest of my covers thus far, so I wanted to show it off. Back to talk of search engine optimization, blogging, and selling books tomorrow!

Posted in My Ebooks | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

Authors, What Should You Blog About?

I admit it: I’m a snoop. When I see authors chatting on forums or on Twitter, I click the links in their profiles and check out their sites. I poke through people’s desk drawers when I visit their homes too!

Because of my…snoopiness, I’ve seen a lot of author blogs. That means I’ve learned a lot about people’s cats, writers’ block, and the weather across the country. These subjects haven’t done a lot to sell me on those authors’ books.

So, if not cats, writing, and weather, what should you be blogging about?

I’m glad you asked!

If the main purpose of your blog is to sell books, then the posts you write should be geared toward attracting your target audience.

It seems obvious, but we don’t do it! I’m not even doing it with this blog (which is why I started Kindle Geeks a couple weeks ago). Most of the bloggers I’ve seen who get this are non-fiction authors. They sell books on starting a home business, and by golly they blog about starting home businesses.

If you write science fiction or thrillers, then you should be trying to attract readers who buy books in those genres. This means writing cool or informative (or both!) posts on subjects those people are interested in.

Book Review Blogs

The most obvious choice for attracting book readers is a book review blog. You can post about books you’ve read (that just happen to be like yours, eh?), upcoming releases, and popular authors writing in your genre.

This is a chance to show off the unique way you rub words together, and, if you promote your blog well, it can draw in exactly the readers who are most likely to buy your books.

Hint: Don’t just review indie authors or up-and-comers you’ve met online. Write about popular authors/books in your genre (AKA cash in on someone else’s fame). More readers will be looking for information on their favorites.

What else ya got?

If you’re like me, and you just don’t have time to read as many books in your genre as you used to, the idea of a book-review blog may leave you with an “Enh” feeling. Thanks to the time spent writing and promoting my own stuff, I’d be lucky to get two reviews up a month right now.

I don’t have a pat answer for you here, other than to say, “Be creative.”

If you’re a fantasy fan who spends every weekend at a convention or renaissance fair, I bet you could make a fun blog out of covering events. And who’d be looking for information and cool stuff about those places? Your target fantasy-loving audience, right?

Do you have a sense of humor? Exploit it!

While many blogs have grown popular by informing and educating, some hot blogs simply entertain. People love to link to cool or funny things (this is why sites like Stuff White People Like and I Can Haz Cheezburger are a lot more popular than my e-publishing ramblings will ever be).

If you’re a fantasy or science fiction author, you’ve probably seen the Evil Overlord list. This isn’t on a blog, but imagine if you’d put it together and posted it on your author blog. You’d still be getting target traffic to your site ten years later!

Like I said, be creative. Figure out what resonates with you and will attract your target audience. Ideally, your author blog should be fun for you to maintain (at the least it shouldn’t be something you dread working on).

But what about my writing blog? Isn’t it good to attract other writers? They’re readers, too, right?

I’m guessing someone will ask, so I’ll go ahead and address this here. If you want to maintain a blog about writing, by all means, do so. (As I admitted above, my e-publishing blog falls into this category of being more for writers than readers.) But I urge you to consider another blog that’s geared more toward attracting readers than fellow wordsmiths commiserating with your writerly woes. Yes, writers are readers, but you’re limiting yourself if your blog is predominantly of interest to them. Also…

There are ten bazillion blogs on writing out there (really, I counted).

If you’re not already a somebody, it’s going to be hard to gain a lot of followers writing about writing. Sure, you’ll get your crit buddies and your family members reading, but we want thousands of people visiting our blogs each month with brand new folks discovering us all the time.

If you haven’t read it before, Seth Godin’s Purple Cow is a short but good read. (If you’re like me, you’ll say, “well, duh” as you’re reading it, but then you’ll realizing you’re not actually doing that which is so obvious.)

Now, my friends, go off and blog!

Posted in Blogging | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Amazon Sales Rank Explained

I know the Amazon Sales Ranking System (or Amazon Bestsellers Rank) is something a lot of authors wonder about. Since I’m not big on plotting points on graphs and crunching numbers myself, I’m bringing in Robin Sullivan for a guest post. She published “Demystifying the Amazon Sales Rank” on her own blog, Write 2 Publish, a couple years ago. It’s reprinted here with permission, and, at the bottom of this post, I’ve added some links to other explanations and articles as well. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for!


I’ve been asked this many times, most notably today on a Shelfari Writer’s Group. How can I tell how many books I’ve sold on Amazon from my sales rank? The answer is simple – you can’t. The formula is a proprietary and a highly guarded secret of Amazon. There are many minds larger than mine who have spent months and sometimes years studying this subject and they can’t tell you either. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find out some good information from your sales rank.


The picture to the left was taken from my husband’s book “The Crown Conspiracy”. The arrow indicates the current sales rank is 57,194 which means quite simply that at this point in time there are 57,193 books that are “better” selling then his at this point in time. Sounds pretty bad huh? Not really when you consider the number of books on Amazon (The worst rank I have seen is 6,958,847 (and I’m sure there are larger ones) which means his book sells better than at least 6,901,653. Not too bad in that context. The number really has the most to do with how long it has been since your last sale.


It means that you have not sold a single book through Amazon yet. As soon as you buy one book you’ll get a rank.


Now keep in mind that the rank is “at that point in time” and the numbers are updated regularly (I did some experimentation and it seems to change once an hour). The best rank I’ve ever seen for him is 27,873 the worst is 527,890. The number can vary wildly even over the period of a single day for instance on Feb 8th the ranking varied from 70,891 – 321,204).


Remember to take seasons into account when assessing your sales rank. Students buying for the upcoming semester can clog the top spots with textbooks and paperback classics in the late summer and midwinter seasons. Likewise, books without gift appeal will probably see a significant drop in the holiday months.


As mentioned earlier, as soon as a single book is sold you get a ranking. Then the clock starts ticking. For each hour that goes by without a sale you climb a bit higher in the ranking (remember low rank = good, high rank = bad – you would rather be ranked 100 then 10,000). This change in ranking indicates that while you had no sales other people that were higher than you sold and they filled in the spots pushing you further up in the ranking. Then comes the time when you make a sale. When this happens there will be a dramatic change in the ranking. How far you fall depends on your past sales history and “rate” of sales. (How often you sell). Then the process begins again. This forms a series of peaks and valleys and it is the numbers on these extremes that really give you an idea of your sales. Any number “inbetween” is really just an indicator that it has been awhile since your last sale.


As mentioned earlier, when your rank falls dramatically a sale has been made. What is more difficult to determine is was that a single sale or multiple copies. Presumably if you sold multiple books you would fall lower than if you sold one but there are two many factors related to other books to look at a single drop and say – oh that was a 1 book drop and this was a two book drop. Just because you “fall far” does not mean that a bunch of books were sold.

So, by tracking your ranking often one thing you can do is see when a sales is made.


When your book is first published Amazon will, as a general rule, order 2 copies. When you look at your page it will show “In Stock” and below in red there will be a message” Only 2 left in stock–order soon (more on the way). If you watch your Amazon page frequently, as I do, every once in awhile you will see that message come back then go away which means Amazon just went to the distributor to buy more books. If that message comes back and does not go away…then your book is not selling well. Many “older” titles will have both this message and a high sales rank (say 1,000,000 or more) these books are probably selling only a few a year and Amazon will only be buying them in 1’s and 2’s as they sell.


While doing my research I ran across a fantastic site – Titlez (it is free) it shows the sales history for your book over time. From this I was able to determine for instance that I sold at least one book today (1/13/2009) and prior to that I sold at least one on (1/08/2009). I also can see there was a large period of time: 10/29/2008 – 11/20/2008 when I sold none ;-( I found this very interesting information. For comparison I tried this on a friend of mine book’s Griffen’s Daughter:

Again it is quite clear when her sales are being made. 12/26/2008, 1/5/2009, 1/10,2009, 1/11/2009. This site even has the capability to compare your books to others. It is a great site.


Like search engines, who change their algorithms used to find content on web, I’m sure the calculation of Amazon Sales Ranks is revised from time to time so it is difficult to say which of the information I’m about to tell you about is “applicable” at the time of this blog. For instance, I found some data that was obviously old (for instance one post mentioned that rankings for books in the 100,000 – 500,000 range were only updated once a day but I personally saw this not be the case. In a 2008 post from Foner Books they state:

On October 14th, 2004 Amazon made the first major change to their ranking system that I’d seen in five years. The new system is actually more transparent than the old system. The new rank is preceded by a # and appears right on the sales page for any book. There are two main differences between the old system and the new system. First, the new system includes sales of both Marketplace books (used and new) and e-books. Second, the new system is based almost entirely on “what have you done for me lately.” Historical sales only have a small impact on the decay rate.

The next few sections are taken not from my “personal” observations but from posts by others. I tried to indicate of the data when possible.


On August 10, 2006 the author of “Math You Can’t Use: Patents, Copyright, and Software” (one of those “bigger minds” that I mentioned) wrote an automated script to take sales ranks every 20 minutes. After some analysis here is what he concluded:

1-10 Oprah’s latest picks
10-100 The New York Times’s picks
100-1,000 topical rants by pundits/journalists,”classics”
1,000-500,000 everything else (still selling)
500,000+ everything else (technically in stock)


In a 2008 post from Foner Books they presented the author proposed a logrithmic chart that allows you to approximate the numbr of copies sold per week. If we use the sales rank of approximately 60,000 from the example above then this graph estimates about 10 copies per week are selling. He mentions: “I’ve seen ranks as low as the mid-three millions for books that have sold a single copy, the line would be completely vertical by around 4,000,000. I cannot stress enough that checking the rank twice and looking at this graph means nothing. You have to get an average rank for at least a week for it to have any meaning at all.”


Whether good reviews and number of page hits have a direct effect on the sales rank formula is unclear. I have heard that adding tags can “temporarily” effect the ranking, again I’m not sure if this is true or not. My guess is that any effect of “tagging” is short lived and the momentarily spike of good ranking corrects itself.


The most important thing to remember about your sales rank is its temporary and relative nature. The Amazon rating is more like a popularity contest than the litmus test for a book’s success. The number you see on the page is merely how you’re selling compared to other titles in a very brief period. Two or three purchases of the same book within an hour can send a title skyrocketing up the rankings. Sure it’s exciting to leave a few thousand of your competitors in the dust, but unless the buying continues at a good pace, you can slip from the higher rankings fairly quickly.

But in the end, the sales rank is meant to be, in’s words, merely “interesting.” Don’t sweat it if you can’t figure out why your number is exactly where it is. Instead, focus your energy on making your product page as informative and consumer-friendly as possible.

Links to further reading:

What You Need to Know about Amazon’s Sales Rank SystemRankings can spike due to large corporate purchases or heavy marketing promotions and are accurate only for the exact time they are calculated. ASR’s from 1 – 10,000 are recalculated hourly. ASR’s from 10,001 to 110,000 are recalculated daily. ASR’s above 110,001 are re calculated monthly. To get a more accurate ASR requires that the ranking be averaged over at least a six to eight week period with two to three ASR’s taken per week.

Amazon Sales Rank TrackingRosenthal also says that all items are assigned unique rankings. So if you’re listed at an Amazon Sales Rank of 34,385 (my book’s Amazon sales ranking for May 10, 2001), then there are only 34,384 books selling better than yours…

Amazon Sales RankChanges in your Amazon sales rank is a great measure of the success of your marketing efforts – hopefully a nice bump upwards in rank corresponds to a book promotion or event. These are usually temporary, as it is consistent an concerted effort to move the sales rank significantly. A general rule of thumb (first proposed by Morris Leventhal of FonerBooks) is to note your rank twice a week for four weeks, then divide by 8. This will show your “average” Amazon sales rank.

Secrets of the Amazon best-seller listThe list seems to be a series of weighted averages “I’m not sure the exact number,” Kessler says of the weightings, “but my guess is 40 percent hour, 30 percent day, 20 percent week, and 10 percent month. So if you have a huge spike in sales, you don’t completely dislodge books that have been in the top 10 or top 100 for months and months. Though you might pass them for a very fun hour.”

Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

The Emperor’s Edge up on Kindle Nation

When it comes to advertising your ebook, Kindle Nation is one of the biggies (if not the biggie) in the field. They’ve got an email mailing list, more than 6,000 subscribes who have the blog updates delivered to their kindles, and countless visitors who visit the blog on the web.

They have a number of sponsorship options, and I signed up for the first one, a Free Book Alert Sponsorship, which highlights free or bargain ebooks (The Emperor’s Edge is $2.99).

The cost for Option #1 is $80, and slots are usually booked months out (I was expecting an appearance in March), but Stephen had an opening for today and was kind enough to slip me in. My book only has two reviews at this point (it’s only been a week and a half since it went live on Amazon), but they are nice ones (thanks reviewers!).

I’ve already seen some sales, but I’ll post again tomorrow night or Tuesday and let you know how effective the sponsorship was.

In the meantime, check it the book’s Kindle Nation page.

Posted in Advertising | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

How to Include a “Kindle Preview” Sample of Your Ebook on Your Blog

Wouldn’t it be nice if visitors could sample your ebook without ever leaving your blog? By the time they clicked on your buy-this-at-Amazon link, they’d already be in love with the story and dying to plunk down dollars to read the rest (so we hope, anyway!).

Sure, you can copy the first couple chapters into a blog post, but wouldn’t it be more fun to have a special “Kindle Preview” right on your site?

Thanks to Stephen Windwalker, over at IndieKindle, this is easy to implement:

Here are the steps:

1. Go to this web page — HTML SCRIPT TO EMBED “KINDLE FOR THE WEB” SAMPLE ON YOUR BLOG OR WEBSITE — and copy the HTML script from that page into a blog post or onto your website. (Be sure set your blog post or other environment to “Edit HTML” rather than “Compose” mode before you paste the script.

2. Select the Kindle edition for which you would like to provide a free sample, and isolate and copy its 10-digit ASIN (this stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number, and you can think of it as Amazon’s version of an ISBN) to replace the ASIN in your script.

3. Add your own material or copy before and/or after the script to make the most of the sample feature.

Please read his entire post for more information.

Let’s see if I can get it working for The Emperor’s Edge

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Ebook Pricing Strategies for Fiction

When it’s time to publish your first ebook, you’ll have to decide how much you want to charge for it. Since I’m reading Stephen Windwalker’s How to Price eBooks for the Kindle right now, I thought I’d do a post or two on this. There are a lot of factors that might go into your decision. We’ll look at three main ones today: fluctuating royalty rates, what the market will pay, and promotional pricing meant to draw in readers.

Fluctuating Royalty Rates

Several retailers have an optimimal range where they’ll pay their maximum royalty percentage. For example, Amazon offers 70% on titles priced between $2.99 and $9.99. Ebooks offered at lower or higher amount earn only 35%.

To put that in perspective, you’d have to sell six copies of a $0.99 cent ebook to equal the earnings of one ebook with a $2.99 price tag. At the high end, if you sold a book for $20, you’d get the same cut as if you sold it at $9.99 (and good luck selling as many copies at the higher price point).

Amazon makes it something of a no-brainer to price your ebooks between $2.99 and $9.99, though there are a couple reasons (covered down below) you might want to sell one of your books at the store’s minimum price of $0.99, which is something I’ve chosen to do with my Goblin Brothers Adventures.

One retailer that offers a steady royalty, no matter what the price, is Smashwords. You’ll get 80+% of earnings, regardless of the price tag you put on your story. They’re also friendly to those who might promote your ebooks as affiliate marketers. Unfortunately, the Smashwords marketplace has a smaller audience than Amazon and the other household-name bookstores.

What the Market Will Pay

While you can run calculations all day, figuring out which profits sound best, we need to take the market into account. What are people willing to pay for a self-published ebook from an indie author? If the Amazon forums are anything to go by, one of the reasons many kindle readers try indie authors is because our offerings are usually priced well below ebooks published by mainstream publishers. (Something we can afford to do because there are no middle men involved, and we take home a much bigger cut than an author going through a publisher.)

$2.99 is a common price for indie-published, novel-length fiction in the Kindle store, since it’s the lowest we can go and receive the 70% royalty. I published my first novel less than a week ago, so I haven’t done a lot of experimenting myself yet, but I priced it at $2.99. I’ve actually been surprised at the sales I’ve had, given the limited number of page views the book page at Amazon is likely seeing. I definitely have a Daffodil-Principle attitude toward marketing, so no major campaigns from me! In my limited experience, $2.99 doesn’t seem too high a price point for an e-novel from an unknown author. My assumption is that people download samples and make sure the writing is up to snuff before buying.

What about higher prices? I’ve seen folks stick with $2.99 across the board, since the $2 royalty is a very reasonable amount to earn per book, but I’ve also seen indies increase the price relative to their success. You might consider pricing your first book lower, then listing subsequent books at a higher point, especially in a series where readers are likely to want to continue on to see what happens next.

Promotional Pricing or When to Use the 99 Cent Price Tag

As I confessed earlier, my Goblin Brothers ebook is only $0.99. There are a lot of indie authors with 99-cent ebooks up at Amazon ($0.99 is the minimum you can list your book at there).

My choice had more to do with my collection of short stories being quite a bit shorter than a novel, though I’ve come across quite a few folks who have decided to sell Book 1 in a series for $0.99, thus providing little barrier to budget-conscious readers. Those authors then went on to list subsequent ebooks for $2.99 or more.

What are your thoughts on price? Is $0.99 too low? Is $2.99 too low? Have you noticed big differences in your own sales when you’ve lowered (or even increased) the price? Let us know!

Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales, E-publishing | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

7 Quick and Dirty Link Building Tips for Authors

I’m pretty new when it comes to ebook publishing, but I’ve been making a living from my websites for the last six years, and I’ve had to learn a thing or two about search engine optimization along the way (yeah, it’s about as scintillating a topic as it sounds). SEO is the art (or scheme, depending on who you talk to) of making your site rank more highly in the search engine results.

It works a lot like your sales ranking at Amazon. A high ranking means people find your site/book and check it out. Anything off the first few pages means you’re languishing in obscurity. If that’s the case when it comes to your author site or blog, you’re probably getting a small amount of visitors, either from your promotional efforts on social media sites such as Twitter or from somewhat random “long tail” keyword terms that a smattering of people type into Google.

Link building, AKA gradually getting more people to link to your site over time, is the tried and true way to improve your search engine rankings and get more traffic from Google, Yahoo, etc.

Here are seven things to keep in mind when you’re working to acquire links:

1. Get as many one-way links to your site as you can

I recently saw a post in one of the ebook forums where an author wanted to swap links with lots of other author buddies to increase… I’m not sure what he hoped to increase. Book sales, I guess. If you want to maintain a blogroll and link to related sites as a resource for your visitors, then by all means do so, but link exchanges don’t get you far with the search engines these days.

What you want is one-way links to your site, meaning someone links to you and you don’t have to link back. Two ways to achieve this are through guest blogging and article syndication. If you can get interviews or reviews from book bloggers, these can also be sources of links. There are others. Be creative.

2. Anchor text, anchor text, anchor text

This is huge in SEO, and I don’t see many authors using it. Anchor text is the clickable words in a link. One of the ways search engines know what your site is about is through the anchor text people use when linking to your site (back in the day, people used to write a whole bunch of spammy pages that repeated the keywords they wanted to rank for over and over, so these days it’s not just about what you write on your site but what others say you write).

Anchor text that sucks:

These “naked” links don’t tell the search engine much.

Anchor text that sucks less but still isn’t preferable:

Lindsay Buroker

The Goblin Brothers Adventures

Why? Because next to nobody is Googling my name or my book. If they were, I’d be making a living as an author by now.

The problem we all have starting out is that nobody knows who we are. They’re not finding our books, and they’re not finding our blogs, because they’re not looking us up by name. We want our pages to appear for things people are looking for.

Anchor text that wouldn’t suck for my sites:

Ebook publishing

Kids ebooks

Why? Because that’s what these sites are about, and those are terms people actually type into the search engines. (We’ll talk later about how to find out what people are typing in that’s related to your genre or niche.)

I know that when it comes to getting a book review, you may not have much say in the anchor text department (hey, you’re just tickled someone is reading your book and writing it up!), but with guest blogging and especially article syndication, you can usually write your own links into the content and make sure the anchor text says something good.

3. Not all links are created equal

We all have limited amounts of time in the day for marketing our books and our blogs. If it’s possible to guest blog at a popular site, it’s going to do more for you than posting on another author’s site that’s just as obscure as yours. The search engines give more weight to links from “authority sites” (older, established sites with lots of incoming links).

Check the Alexa ranking of a site and compare it to your own to get a feel for the amount of traffic its getting. If it’s a blog, look at how many months of archives are over in the side. See how many people are commenting on posts.

If you go through the effort of writing a guest post, you want to make sure someone’s going to see it!

4. Get deep links (links to the back pages of your site)

Most people only worry about getting links to their front page and maybe the page where they highlight their books. But if you have a blog, you have lots of pages, and some of them might be filled with great informative content that you want people to find.

For example, one of my more popular pages is the Ebook Publishing Primer, and people find it via terms such as “kindle ebook publishing.” (If you don’t know which of your pages are popular and how people are finding them, sign up for Google Analytics.) Since the page has become relatively popular without me doing anything, think how much traffic it might get if I worked on getting keyword-rich links to it.

5. Don’t waste your time commenting on people’s blogs for “link building purposes”

While it’s absolutely fine to comment on blogs (please comment on mine if you like this post!) as a way to build relationships with other authors and industry people, don’t make this your link-building strategy. Links in blog comments are usually “no-follow,” meaning the search engines won’t pay attention to them. (There is an exception: some WordPress bloggers install a plug-in called KeywordLuv, which makes those links count, but generally you’ll be better off spending your time on other tactics.)

6. Don’t waste much time on directory submissions either

Back in the day, you used to have it made if you could get a link from the DMOZ Directory because it was used by Google and syndicated on a zillion other sites. Times have changed though.

Links from directories and “link farms” don’t count for much. Links in the content of the page are best (i.e. smack in the middle of someone’s blog post), and, all other factors being equal, the fewer other links sharing the page with yours the better.

That said, it only takes a few seconds to submit your site to the major directories (i.e. Yahoo, DMOZ), and it can’t hurt to get a link from them (these links tend to be slow coming these days though). You can also look for niche directories related to your site and submit to those. Don’t spend a lot of time on this though. Also it is not worth paying for someone to do this for you.

7. Write content that people want to link to

This last one is easier said than done. Like… write a good book, right?

But some posts are more likely to attract other people’s attention than others (we all like to share good finds, so we tend to link to those posts from our own sites).

Here are a few “linkable” types of blog posts/articles:

  • Guides and helpful information
  • Things that are cool and/or funny
  • Posts that have an answer to the eternal “what’s in it for me?” question (i.e. Contests/Giveaways)
  • Inspirational posts (one of my other popular posts is the “Thriller Author Makes $620 a Day Selling Kindle Ebooks” one)

Whew, that’s seven! This ought to be enough to keep you busy for a while.

Just remember that link building isn’t like buying a sponsorship on Kindle Nation. It’s not going to shoot your blog to the #1 position for “romance books” in a week. It’s something that will gradually increase the amount of traffic coming to your site. The great thing about it is that links are usually permanent, so the efforts you put in over the coming months will keep paying off for years to come (less true of something like Twitter where your “tweet” is off people’s radars within hours or maybe even minutes).

Good luck!

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