The Emperor’s Edge up on Kindle Nation

When it comes to advertising your ebook, Kindle Nation is one of the biggies (if not the biggie) in the field. They’ve got an email mailing list, more than 6,000 subscribes who have the blog updates delivered to their kindles, and countless visitors who visit the blog on the web.

They have a number of sponsorship options, and I signed up for the first one, a Free Book Alert Sponsorship, which highlights free or bargain ebooks (The Emperor’s Edge is $2.99).

The cost for Option #1 is $80, and slots are usually booked months out (I was expecting an appearance in March), but Stephen had an opening for today and was kind enough to slip me in. My book only has two reviews at this point (it’s only been a week and a half since it went live on Amazon), but they are nice ones (thanks reviewers!).

I’ve already seen some sales, but I’ll post again tomorrow night or Tuesday and let you know how effective the sponsorship was.

In the meantime, check it the book’s Kindle Nation page.

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2 Responses to The Emperor’s Edge up on Kindle Nation

  1. JC Phelps says:

    Hi! I’ve got a KND sponsorship coming up on the 6th. I’ve heard that they really can affect sales for the better.

    My book is currently 99¢ and I have actually noticed a jump in sales since I lowered it from $2.99. My royalties are about the same but I’ve got two more books in the series that are both at $2.99 and I’ve seen a jump in those sales as well. But then again, it could have something to do with the recent holiday spike.

    I hope your sponsorship brings in a ton of sales!


  2. Lindsay says:

    Good luck, JC! I could see things working out well with the introductory 99 cent price and then more books in the series for readers to try out (buy!) if they like the first.

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