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Tag Archives: amazon
Are Facebook “Promoted Posts” Ever Worth It for Authors?
I’ve talked a lot about buying sponsorships on book blogs and mailing lists such as Bookbub, Ereader News Today, Pixel of Ink, and sites of that ilk, but I haven’t covered pay-per-click advertising much, not since a very early (three years old … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising
Tagged advertising, amazon, amazon sales ranking, Book Marketing, facebook, indie authors, marketing, self-publishing
Book Promotion When Time Is Limited — What’s Most Worth Doing?
A blog reader sent me a note asking what I would do to promote a series like my Emperor’s Edge if I was starting from scratch and had an hour a day to work on the marketing side of things. … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing, Social Media
Tagged amazon, book promotion, ebook sales, marketing, Social Media, twitter
Increasing Visibility on Amazon with the Big-Fish-Small-Pond Strategy
If you’re hand-selling your books by directing people to Amazon, one at a time (or perhaps in an occasional clump through buying a sponsorship on a blog/forum/mailing list), you might feel that you’re constantly pushing a boulder up a hill, … Continue reading
Posted in Amazon Kindle Sales
Tagged amazon, book sales, ebook sales, increasing visibility, marketing, marketing on amazon
The Art of the Amazon Sale: Improving Rankings, Selling More Books, and Gaining Exposure
I’m not a master marketer. I never hand someone a business card unless they ask, I rarely plug my titles on Twitter and Facebook, and if I had to sell my books face-to-face I doubt I’d have moved more than … Continue reading
Price Pulsing, Advertising, and Increasing Visibility on Amazon
As authors, we’re always looking for ways to sell more books. We’re sure everyone (or at least %0.01384 of the population) would adore our stories… if only they knew about them. Obscurity is the enemy, so it’s no wonder that … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing
Tagged amazon, book selling, ebook advertising, kindle, selling books on amazon
New Author Series: How Do You Build a Fan Base, Anyway?
It’s a foregone conclusion that it’s a good thing for an author to have an established fan base, but I’ll share some numbers from my last release for those who like concrete examples. A couple of weeks ago, around May … Continue reading
Posted in New Author Series
Tagged amazon, book promotion, fan base, find readers, kdp select, make a living writing, readers, target audience