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Balanced on the Blade's Edge
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Tag Archives: twitter
Book Promotion When Time Is Limited — What’s Most Worth Doing?
A blog reader sent me a note asking what I would do to promote a series like my Emperor’s Edge if I was starting from scratch and had an hour a day to work on the marketing side of things. … Continue reading
Posted in Book Marketing, Social Media
Tagged amazon, book promotion, ebook sales, marketing, Social Media, twitter
My Experience Advertising My Ebook on Twitter
Every now and then Twitter sends me an email to let me know about their advertising options. I ignored these for a while because the original site they directed me to didn’t seem very intuitive (I have the patience of … Continue reading
Posted in Advertising
Tagged advertising, advertising books, twitter, twitter ads, twitter advertising
Facebook or Twitter, Which Is Better for Book Promotion?
There are a lot of social media sites out there, but Facebook remains the big kahuna (estimates say it’ll hit 1 billion users by August), and Twitter is no slouch with 140 million users at the last tally. Twitter seems … Continue reading
Posted in Social Media, Writing
Tagged agents, book promotion, facebook, publishers, self-publishing, twitter
Using Twitter to Promote Your Blog
If you’re an author or a book reviewer, you’re probably interested in getting more people to visit your blog. Heck, even if you’re rambling without an agenda, you’d probably love more blog visitors. It’s fun seeing your traffic stats climb. … Continue reading
Authors: How to Track What Readers Are Saying About You
Today’s post is for you authors who are dying to know what people are saying about your work out in the blogosphere (and on Twitter). I must admit, I don’t do much of this because I’m a bit of a … Continue reading
Posted in Tips and Tricks
Tagged google alerts, seo, track author, track keywords, twitter
Twitter Basics for Authors
I’ve poked a bit of fun at Twitter in the past, but it’s actually my favorite social media site. The short messages don’t take long to write, and it doesn’t take long to check in on your “tweeps” each day. … Continue reading
Posted in Social Media
Tagged book promotion, twitter, twitter followers, twitter marketing
6 Reasons You’re Not Selling a Zillion Books with Twitter
Do you keep hearing how great Twitter is for book promotion? Have you tried and failed to become rich and famous (or at least occasionally paid and mid-list) with social media, but it’s just not working out? It could be … Continue reading
Posted in Social Media
Tagged book promotion, books, internet marketing, marketing, twitter, twitter humor
Invite Twitter Users to Buy Your Book with #SampleSunday
If you’re into Twitter and looking to promote your ebook, you’ll want to check out David Wiseheart’s new idea of #SampleSunday. Authors from all over are using Sundays to post links to samples of their writing. You check out their … Continue reading
Posted in Social Media
Tagged ebooks, samplesunday, twitter, twitter promotion, writing samples